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M3U2(Word Study)1、 be made up of (1)构成,占-比例 由-组成 Girls make up 45of the students Many small islands make up this country. =This country_ _ _ _many small islands= This country _ _ many small islands 一个由5个男孩组成的队伍:a team made up of 5 boys = a team consisting of 5 boys Its said that the team                  twelve top European players won the game Aconsists of     Bconsisted of Care made up of  Dmade up of (2)(拓展整理) be made into-被做成了- 被拍成了-(make-into-)be made of-(原材料看得出) =be made out of-由-做成be made from-由-做成(看不出原材料) (make-from-)make it规定时间、成功、做到 赶到 make ones way to sp.前往某地 到某地去=leave for sp.make yourself at home请不必客气 make out(1)辨别出 辨认出(2)填写 写出(3)理解make up for 弥补,补偿 make the most/best of 充分;利用2. occupy n. occupation (1)占领 占据 The enemy soon occupied the town. (2) 占用(时间, 空间) Reading occupies most of my free time. (3) 担任(职务), 居(某种地位) My father occupies an important position in the club. (4)忙于某事 occupy sb/oneself in doing sth / with sth (=devote sb/oneself to doing sth) be occupied in doing sth /with sth (=be devoted to doing sth ) 1._ reading history books, he even didnt notice me coming. A. Occupied with B. Occupying withC. Occupied in D. Occupying in 2._ himself _ the project, he had no time to go back home.A. Occupied; withB. Occupying; with C. Occupied; inD. Occupying; in3、mixture v. mix (1)mix(v.)混合/混淆 弄混/配制 调制-mixture(n.) -mixed(adj.) (2)mix up 拌合/混淆 搞糊涂 I was all mixed up. (3)have a mixture of good luck and bad luck喜忧参半4. 、nameafter 以-给-命名 name(1)n.名字(2)n.名声(3)v.给-取名 name him Tom 5. aside from 除-之外=apart from Aside from them, I have no one to talk with. (=except) Aside from English, he can speak German. (=besides)6. 、contribution (1)make a contribution/contributions to (doing) sth.为-作出贡献We should do whatever we can to make a contribution to protecting our environment. As young people, we have to work hard and try to make contributions to our country.(2) v. contribute contribute to-(1)有助于, 促进(2)导致-(3)捐助(4)为-作贡献(5)为-写稿Exercise contributes to good health. He contributed two stories to the magazine. We contributed food and clothing to the poor. 7、take control of-控制- lose control of-失去对-的控制 sth be under control被控制住 keep-under control控制 exercise control over-对-施加控制推荐精选 beyond one's control out of control 8、 lead to (1)导致 lead to (sb) doing sth.导致干某事 result in sb _(do)/ cause sb _(do).Hard work results in(leads to/causes) success./ Success results from hard work.He was caught in the rain, resulting in him being ill.(结果状语)(2)通向 通往 lead to sp. All roads lead to Rome. _(翻译)9.replace replace Jim=take Jims place=take the place of Jim replace A with B 用B来代替A10.、entire (adj.)完全的 整个的 all day/the whole day/the entire day 一整天,全天 Im in entire agreement with you.我完全同意你(修饰抽象名词只能用entire)11. raise (1)养育 饲养 种植(2)举起 抬起(3)增加 提高 提升(4)筹集 筹募(5)提出 发出(6)引起 唤起 扬起(7)竖起 建起 养家raise a family 养鸡raise chickens 举手raise ones hand 提高价格raise price 抬高声音raise ones voice 筹钱 raise money 升旗 raise the flag 提出观点 raise ones view注意:raise是vt. 而rise是vi. 无被动 (rose,risen) 这两个单词都不能和up连用 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起12、 therefore (1)因此 所以:therefore/so/thus They told her to water the flowers every morning, and thus(therefore) she did it. therefore还可放在句中:They therefore can learn English well. therefore还可作插入语:Many fast food restaurant, therefore, have red furniture or walls. (2)thus doing可作结果状语,thus可省,表示自然而然的结果, 而therefore,so没有这样的用法 He didnt come today, (thus) making it necessary for us to find someone to do the job. (only) to do 也可作结果状语,表示出其不意的结果。 I hurried to the station only to be told the bus had been away for 2 minutes.13. distinction What is the distinction between A and B? A和B的区别是什么? without distinction. (毫无区别 一视同仁)make a distinction between A and B 对A和B加以区分make no distinction 没有区别 ,一样 (=make no difference)14、 concern (1)n.关心 忧虑(=worry) show concern for(about)-/ raise concern about(for) -   关心- (2) v.涉及 关系到 be concerned with(in)- 和-有关(3)v.使担忧 使挂念 be concerned (=worried) about(for)-关心- 担忧(4)as far asbe concerned 就-而言 as far as I am concerned _(翻译)(5)concerning介词(=about),意为“关于 涉及" Here is a letter concerning your complaint. (6)concerned adj.担心的 忧虑的 一位忧心忡忡的母亲a concerned mother15、ban(v./n.)-banned-banned禁止 取缔 推荐精选 ban sth. ban doing sth. ban sb. from doing sth.(类似forbid/prevent/stop)sb be banned from doing sth推荐精选 Smoking is banned in the school.学校禁止吸烟=There is a ban on smoking in the school.推荐精选16、 access (un.):有办法、通道、使用、进入、权利等多种意义, 常接介词to (v.)进入 使用 have access to-有机会(权利)进入/使用 (have no access to-) The government should provide access to jobs for peasants who have no land. 20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water. accessible(adj.)可接近的 可达到的 可进入的 17、 character (1)文字 符号(2) (人的)品质;性格 (事物的)性质;特性(3) (小说、戏剧等的)人物、角色They are the two main characters in the play.     他们是该剧中的两个主角。He has a changeable character. 他性格多变。Chinese character汉字 character表示“人物”时是可数n.;表示“性格”时,是不可数n.。18、 embarrass(v.)使尴尬 使难堪 sth embarrass sb; sb be/feel embarrassed about sth embarrassed尴尬的embarrassing令人尴尬的 (n.) embarrassment be embarrassed about19、conclusion(n.)结论 推论 conclude(v.)结束 推断出 reach(draw/come to) a conclusion得出结论/ in conclusion=in a word总之20、 interrupt (1) 打断,插嘴 Its not polite to interrupt a speaker. 打断别人说话是不礼貌的。(2) 暂停,中断 I interrupt my work to watch TV. 我停下手里的活去看电视。disturb: 打扰 扰乱 妨碍(平静正常的秩序、他人学习工作休息睡眠)21、differ (vi)相异 有区别 A differ from B-=A be fifferent from- B-和-不同 differ in-在-方面不同 differ from-in-在-方面和-不同22、stand for代表 象征 A pigeon stands for freedom and peace./What does the letter stand for?23、deed(cn.)行为 行动 事迹 do good deeds做好事24、represent(1)代表 象征 (2)展示 描绘 represent as 把-描绘成-represent既能代表某个意思或某个标记,又能代表某个人或某个团体;stand for只能代表某个意思或某个标记。25. simplify(vt.)简化 精简 simplified(adj.)简化了的 simplified character简体字. simple adj 简单的,朴素的26、as a whole(1)作为整体(2)总体上 on the whole总体上27、combine (vt./vi.): combine A with B把A和B相结合 (被动:A be combined with B)28、distinguish (1)区分 辨别 把A和B区分开来(3种):distinguish A from B/distinguish between A and B/tell A from Bbe distinguished from/be different from/differ from 和-不同(2)使具有某种特征 be distinguished by - 以.为特征 be distinguished for 以.而著名 (=be famous/ well-known for)29、convenient方便的 inconvenient不方便的 convenience(n.)方便 便利 (1) be convenient for/to, 主语不能为人, 常用it 作主语 Its convenient for sb. to do sth.某人干某事很方便It will be convenient for me to see you (2) think it convenient to do sth.认为干某事是方便的I think it convenient to leave at once. (3) If convenient 假如方便的话 =if (it is )convenient,推荐精选 (4) at your convenience 在你方便的时 (5) for the convenience of sb 为了方便某人; 为了某人的方便30. drag(dragged-dragged-dragging): 表费力缓慢而艰难地“拉、拖”较重的物体。且包含着被拖者进行着积极或消极的阻抗或阻力。Exercise一、词形变化推荐精选1.occupy adj._ n._ 2. mix n._ adj._ 3. name v._4. contribute n._5. raise pt._ppt._ 6. rise pt._ppt._7. distinguish n._ 8. ban pt._ppt._9. access adj._10. embarrass adj._ _ n. _11. conclude n._ 12. drag pt_ ppt._ 13. combine n._ 14. convenient n._反a._15. simplify adj._ 16. differ adj._ n._推荐精选二、词组1. 由-组成(两种)_ 2. 忙于做某事_3. -以-给-命名 _ 4. 除-之外_5. 为-作出贡献_ 6.有助于, 导致_7. 控制_ 8. 导致 _9. 用B来代替A_ 10. 整整一天_11. 养家_ 12. 筹钱 _13.自然而然的结果_ 14. 出其不意的结果_15. 关心_ 16.和-有关_17.一位忧心忡忡的母亲_18.有机会(权利)进入_19. 汉字_ 20.得出结论_21.在-方面和-不同_ 22. 做好事_23.对.感到尴尬_ 24.代表 象征_25把A和B相结合_ 26把A和B区分开来_27某人干某事很方便_ 28简体字._ 29.作为整体_ 30总体上_三、单词拼写1. A large v          is a must if you want to learn a language well.2. Both English and French are o       _ languages of Canada.3. Overwork, little rest and poor food all c       _ to his illness.4. Our school is a non-smoking one. So smoking is b     _ in our school. 5. She smiled to me, i      _ that she had seen me.6. The blacks are fighting against r      _ discrimination(歧视).7. Taiwan is separated from m      _ of China by Taiwan Strait.8. Chinese words are often formed by _ (结合) different characters.9. Everyone thinks that it _ (不同于) from many Western languages. 10. It is easy for us to understand the _ (简化的) Chinese characters.推荐精选11. The Japanese were d_ in World War II.12. Becoming a true adult is a p_ that can sometimes take years.13. This drink is a m_ of milk, chocolate, strawberries and ice.14. With the development of technology, new equipment is r_ the old machines.15. I dont know the password, so I cant have a_ to his computer and get the information.16. Will it be c_ for you to start work tomorrow?17. Dont i_ our teacher. Cant you see that he is very busy at present?18. His teaching methods is _(独特的). So he is popular among his student四、动词填空19. The soup _ (consist) of tomatoes, meat, and peas.20. The soup _ (make) up of tomatoes, meat, and peas.21. The group of eight _ (make) up of eight richest countries in the world is really powerful.22. The bell _ (indicate) the end of the close rang and we had to stop our discussion.23. You can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had _ (find) your house.24. Mrs Green said that she _ (raise) 10 more sheep the next year.25. He has rich experience to be in charge of the exploration, so there is no need _ (worry) about him.26. _ (occupy) in reading history books, he even didn't notice me coming.27. He asked some questions _ (concern) the future of the company.28. I like the paintings _(represent) the artist's early style.五句型转换1 The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.The English language _ _ the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.2 It is likely that they will become angry with him.They _ _ _ become angry with him.3 His good knowledge of computer enabled him to find a better job.His good knowledge of computer made _ possible for him _ _ a better job.4 The new machine is different from what I saw in the exhibition.The new machine _ _what I saw in the exhibition.5. Would you please tell me the story of Braille at your convenience?Would you please tell me the story of Braille when _ _ _ for you?6. Except for Lirans performance, the actors are ordinary._ _ Lirans performance, the actors are ordinary.7.Heart failure led to his fathers death.Heart failure _ _ his fathers death.Heart failure _ _ his fathers death.His fathers death _ _heart failure8.The Olympic flag is made up of five rings, which represent five continents.The Olympic flag _ _five rings _ _five continents.六完成句子:推荐精选1. 有些电影经常把教育和娱乐结合起来。 Some films often _ education _ recreation.2.晚会结果很成功。The party _ _ to be very successful.3. 这个队伍由18个成员组成。 The team _ _ _ _ 18 members. = The team _ _ 18 members.4. 资料可以在网络上使用。 The information can be _ _ the Internet.5.如果方便的话,请来我们的宴会。 Please come to our party if _ _ _ _ you tomorrow.6她取代丈夫成了当地的医生。 She _ her husband _ the local doctor七单选1. A: Nancy is not coming tonight. B: But she _!A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised2. The story of the group traveling in the desert was _ we had never heard before.A. that B. it C. one D. the one3. There are ten workers there, seven men workers _.A. including B. included C. containing D. contained4. The water of the river _ by two feet last night.A. raised B. was raised C. rose D. was risen5. The service industry _ two thirds of the income of the country.A. is made of B. is made up of C. makes of D. makes up6. Through their hard work, people of Atlanta finally _ their fear and doubt caused by the war _ hope and faith.A. replaced; with B. replaced; for C. overcame; with D. overcame; for7. Mary smiled _ her mother did when she was her age.A. whatB. thatC. the wayD. as though8. A: _ did you like his speech?B: Not bad, but I did not agree with _ he said.A. What; that B. How; everything C. Why; what D. How; anything9. -Are all telephone numbers_ in the directory? - Yes, all _ Janes.A. listed; including B. listed; included C. including; includes D. being listed; being included10. In Britain today, women _ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. give up 11. In the supermarket foreign names of the products got _, and I was confused about what to buy.A. picked up B. showed up C. mixed up D. fixed up 12. _ it is for the sky divers to jump from a plane 10,000 feet high.A. What unusual experienceB. How unusual experienceC. What an unusual experienceD. How an unusual experience13. I dont know what the signal “X” _ on the road. Could you tell me? A. stands outB. refers to C. means D. stands for 14. Ill give you an answer _Ive finished reading your file. A. immediately B. suddenly C. while D. on推荐精选15. _is no use arguing with him about that. A. He B. It C. That D. This16. It is five oclock. Its time I _ to pick up my daughter. A. go B. am going C. went D. will go17. You can't imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking18.If you keep practicing your son in football, he _ to be a famous player .A. wantsB. hopes C. wishesD. promises19. Peter is a person hard to _. A. get on B. get along C. get along with D. get with20. For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _ my own business someday.A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up八、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There are many _(similarity) between your car and mine. (differ)2. The employment agency is full of job _. (hunt)3. Use of the drug in _with diet changes will help you lose weight. (combine)4. Under the great _from the public, the minister finally agreed to resign from the post. (press)5. The procedure is too complicated. It needs to be_ . (simple)6. She felt a strange_ of excitement and fear. (mix)7. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his great _ to physics. (contribute)8. Your composition is good as a whole aside from a few _ mistakes. (spell)9. The police came to the _that the accident was caused by human error. (conclude)10. Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their own personal_ (appear)11. Some blacks in America suffer_discrimination. (race)12. I like the _of living near my work. (convenient)13. It cant have been my car. You must be _. (mistake)14. I stepped_to let the geese pass. (side)15. As a green hand, he lacks _experience. (practice) (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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