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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 1. Bus NO.26 was_ Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man _26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边2. I was just _ when the telephone rang.我正要冲澡,就在这个时候电话响了起来3. When they went in ,they saw some children _ in the garden.他们进去的时候,看到一些孩子正在花园里高兴地玩耍4. We saw him standing there alone, _.我们看见他独自站在那里,不知做什么是好5. We must _ before we _在我们做出这个决定之前,必须认真考虑!6. _ about it .Maybe youll _好好想想,也许你会改变主意的 7. Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers ,the doctors _. 多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命8. Today, _ the Internet, you can _ from home 如今多亏了互联网,你在家里就能买到你所要买的的东西了9. Thanks to your program , we _因为你们的节目,我们方能相互认识10. There were many times when Aron _ because of accidents有好多次,阿伦差点因为意外丢掉性命11.I _ the happy days when I _ in Beijing.我想起待在北京的那些快乐的日子12.He still remembers the time_.他依然记得你把这书当作礼物送给他的时候13. After losing his arm ,he wrote a book called_ 失去手臂之后,他写了一本名为生死两难的书14.Who will you gave when your mother and wife both fall into the water ? For many people , its _. 当你的母亲和妻子同时落水,你会救谁?对许多人来说,这是一个进退两难的抉择。15. This means _ situation that you cannot seem to get out of 它的意思是“处于一个你似乎无法摆脱的困境之中”16. They told me stories _ and how things_. 他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的17. She used to be a very_ 她曾是我十分贴心的一位朋友18. I used to live in that city _ of my life 我一生最初的20年都在那座城市19. He _ late last year, but now he doesnt 他去年常常迟到,但现在不了20. Did you used to sing when you _ ? 你以前经常在洗澡时唱歌吗?21. I get _when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces 当我看到动物们的病情渐好,看到它们主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来22. Do you get the feeling that _ here ? 你有这里不欢迎我们的感觉吗?23. How did you_ ? 你怎么会产生这样一个想法24. He got _ me after that 那之后他生起了我的气25. Its getting hotter now 现在天气变得热起来了26. She could _ at the age of four 她在四岁时就能够独自看书了27. Children should read learn to do things _ 孩子们应当学习独立做事28. Volunteering here is _ for me 在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真29. I got _ as a birthday present yesterday. It was just a dream come true 昨天我收到了一份生日礼物,是那种最新的CD播放器,真是梦想成真30. Ive always wanted to visit New York, so _next month will be a dream come true for me 我一直都想去纽约,所以下个月到那儿度假对我来说将是梦想成真31. You helped to _ for me to have Lucky 有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”32. Mr.Green makes it possible for us to learn English easily and _ in his class 格林先生,使我们能够在他的课堂上通过有趣的方式轻松地学习英语33. _ makes it possible for many people to work at home 电脑技术使得许多人在家便可办公34. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me _ 她与“动物帮手”组织联系,试图给我找一只经过特殊训练的狗35. In my life, I see different animals used as animals helpers. We have , for example , dog helps, monkey helps , elephant helpers and _. 在我的一生中,见到过不同的动物用作动物帮手。例如,我们有狗狗帮手、猴子帮手、大象帮手等等。36. Tony , could you please help_ a few things ? 托尼,你能帮我忙做几件事吗?37. You watch TV all the time and never _ the house 你老是看电视,从不帮忙干家务38. Can you_ ? 你能帮我一把吗?39. They helped out with_ 他们帮助我们做大扫除40. The guests are arriving_ but were still not ready 客人们即刻就到,但我们还没有准备好41. Were expecting them _. 我们期待他们的随时到来42. “What happened ?”she asked _ 她惊讶地问道:“发生了什么事儿?”43. She looked at me in great surprise and asked after along while, “Didnt you just_ Australia this morning ?” 她极其惊讶地看着我,好长一会儿才问道:“你不是今早才离开去澳大利亚了吗?”44. It is the parentsjob to _a clean and comfortable environment at home_ their children 在家中给他们的孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的事情45. Its _ to explain things clearly to the students 把东西给学生讲明白是每一位老师应做的事情46. And anyway , I think _is not so difficult 反正我觉得干点家务也不太难47. Sam didnt get the job ,but hes not unhappy because it didnt_ anyway 萨姆没有得到那份工作,但他并没有闷闷不乐,反正薪酬也不算高48. Its just a cold . But anyway , you should still _ 这只不过是感冒,但不管怎样,你还是应该看看医生49._ kids learn to be independent , _ it is for their future 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好50. The more _, the better _ 他解释得越多,我们就理解得越透彻51. Many people believe that the more a person _ , the wiser he will _ 很多人相信一个人书读得越多就会变得越聪明52. Although shes wrong , its not _. 尽管她做得不对,但也没什么了不起的53. Theres a soccer game on TV this evening but I dont _Its no big deal 今天晚上电视上有一场足球赛,但我不一定要看.没什么大不了的54. Its_, David , bigger than you know 这件事儿很重要,戴维,比你所执导的要重要55. Whats the big deal ? Its only a birthday ,not _ 有什么了不起的?这只不过是个生日,又不是世界末日56. Hope things _ 希望事情会好起来57._ .Things will work out 别担心,事情会慢慢解决的58. Do you want to _to see how things work out ? 你想和我们待在一起,看看事情如何得以解决吗?59. They _ ,and I really dont like it 他们经常争吵,我真的不喜欢这样 60. Although they just_, theyre fighting almost every day 虽然他们刚结婚,但几乎天天吵架61. My little brothers are _ 我的小弟弟们老是打架62. As kids, we always_ in the kindergarten ,but now were pretty good friends儿时我们在幼儿园里总是大家争抢玩具,可如今我们是相当好的朋友63. Dont cut your parents_ 不要把父母从你的生活中赶出去64. If you cut out the drinking, youd feel _ 如果你戒掉酒,就会觉得身体好很多65. People shouldnt _ their kids so hard 人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧66. Dont push this door, you have to _ 别推这扇门,你得把它拉开才行67. The math teacher really pushes his students . Thats _ him that much 那位数学老师确实对学生们鞭过多了,这就是他们不那么喜欢他的原因68. Lucy should _ a little harder 露西应该鞭策自己再加把劲儿了69. With no light outside ,it _ midnight 外面没有光亮,感觉像半夜一样70. _ , Im the king of the house 我爸妈不在,我可是家中的“王”了71. I cant work with all that noise_ 由于那嗓音响着,我无法工作72. Tom is active and outgoing _his sister Rosa is shy and quiet 汤姆活跃外向,而他的妹妹罗莎却羞怯腼腆73. Could you _ what time hes arriving ? I would like to go and _ him at the airport 你确认一下他几点到达好吗?我想去机场接他74. Make sure you turn off the TV _ you leave the house 在你离开屋子前确认关闭了电视75. My watch is waterproof that means it would _ even if its in water 我的手表是防水的-这就是说即便在水里它也会正常运转76. On this day ,Dr.Martin Luther King _ 这一天,马丁·路德·金博士遇害了77. My brain isnt _ now 这会儿我的脑子不好使78. Most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York _ by terrorists 绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么79. Theyre talking about how to _ 他们在讨论如何拆除那堵墙80. She remembers _ in her office near the two towers 她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办公室工作81. I dont remember seeing him _ 我不记得在什么地方见过他82. He _ her at a party once 他回想起曾在一次聚会上见过她83. I remember my father_ home a large Christmas tree 我记得父亲带回家一个很大的圣诞树84. But what could Yu Gong do_ the mountains ? 但是不把山移开,愚公还能做什么呢?85. Would you _ me the sugar instead of salt ? 你能把糖递给我吗?不要递给我盐6 / 686. Instead of _ , he seemed quite pleased 他没有生气,反而看起来还挺高兴87._, a bird gave a monkey a gift 很久很久以前,小鸟送给猴子一件礼物88. But unless he can hide his tail , he cannot _ a person 但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起来,他就不能把自己变成人89. The wife told her husband that unless he _the forest , the whole family would die 妻子告诉丈夫,如果他不把孩子们扔到森林里让他们自生自灭,整个家庭就会毁灭90._ , well be lost 如果我不这样做,我们就会迷路91. Unless we do , we wont find our way out 我们如果不这么做,就找不到出去的路92. One year , the weather was _ no food would grow 有一年,天气太干旱了,以至于粮食颗粒不长93. That birds song is so beautiful that we should _ it 那只鸟的歌声是如此的美妙,我们应当跟着它走94. Everything happened so quickly I didnt _ think 一切发生得是那么快,我连思考的时间都没有95. We thought you were never_ 我们以为你们再也不回来了96. I thought he _, but he didnt 我原想他会来的,但他却没有97._ you wake up , you must go to the forest with your father 你们一醒来就必须和爸爸去森林里98. Its leading us to that wonderful house _ bread , cake and candy 它在把我们引向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙房屋99. _ ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour 在今天的长城游中,大家尽管问我任何问题,不要拘束100. _ ,there are no man-made objects as big as this 据我所知,再没有像它这样的大的人造物体了101._, Jacks got twin sisters 就我所知,杰克有一对孪生姐妹103. Even more serious difficulties_. 更加严峻的困难包括极冷的天气状况和巨大的风暴104. People _ may face some difficulties 人们学习一门新的语言时可能会遇到一些困难105. If you have any difficulties , you can _. 如果你遇到任何困难,给我打电话求助好了106. He _ finding a new job 他找新的工作费了很大的劲107. We found the house _ 我们轻而易举地找到了那座房子108. Does your _bike include this light ? 你们的车价包含这盏车灯吗?109. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never _ 你们绝不应该放弃实现自己梦想的尝试110. He_ after he got the job 他找到工作之后,就放弃了对第三门语言的学习111. He achieve great success _ 他用很短的时间取得了极大的成功112. Lin Tao_ very good exam_. 林涛考试取得了很好的成绩113. They run over _and some of them even _their friends and_. 它们兴奋地跑过去,其中一些甚至撞上了自己的伙伴而跌倒114. She_ to say hello , but I didnt _ her 她跑过来打招呼,但我没有认出她来115. Dont run too fast , or you _ fall over 别跑的太快,要不你会摔跤的116. As _ and not paying attention to where he was going , he _ a tree 由于他陷入沉思,没有注意看路,径直撞到了一棵树上117. Many trees_ after the storm 暴风雨后许多树木都倒了118. Tommy _ the dog and _ his front teech 汤米被那只狗绊了一跤,磕断了门牙119. Scientists say there are now _ 2000 pandas_ the remaining forests 科学家们说:“如今生活在现存森林里的熊猫不足2000只”120. Have you at least read the back of the book to see_? 至少你已经读过书的背面,了解它的大致内容了吧?121. He agreed to go with me to see _ 他同意跟我去了解一下毛病出在哪里122. First of all , we need to take some time to see _ 首先,我们需要花些时间了解一下他是如何运作的123. Our plane _- at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 12:30 我们的飞机预计于12:30降落在上海虹桥国际机场124. Rose _start school in January 罗丝 一月份就要开始上学了125. You are due for_ next mouth 你的身体检查预定在下个月必须完成126. The Toms_ 汤姆乐队一定很受欢迎127. They must be there _ 他们现在准到那儿了128. I wish my grandma would stop talking about _ 我真希望我奶奶能停止唠叨那过去的好时光129. In the good old days , going to a movie _5 cents 在当初的好日子里,去看一场电影只要5分钱就够了130. I hope to see him_ one day 我希望有一天看到他现场演唱131. I watched them get on the bus _, and then we _ to each other 我看着他们一个个上了公共汽车,然后我们相互挥手道别 132. Lang Lang is _ in our city tonight 朗朗今晚在我们城市举办现场演奏133. I _ the inventions that _ color movies , too 我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影134. The children _to learn of death of their headmaster 得知校长去世,孩子们都十分震惊135. I only learned about the accident_ 我只是后来才得知了事故的情况136. Ive never _ 我从未野营过137. Hes _ TV all afternoon 他一下午都在看电视138. Were been living like this ever_ my little brother 自打我小弟弟出生,我们就一直这样生活139. I wonder _ more computer will be able to do in the future 不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事儿呢140. I wonder how theyre_ 我想知道他们现在过得怎样?141. I just _-_ theyve arrived safely 我就想知道他们是否安全抵达了142. _ is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself 看沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人愉快143. _ has a Night Safari 新加坡有一个夜间野生动物园144. Because I dont read it _ 因为我不想再看它了145. You can have it , _ I dont need it anymore 你可以把它拿走,因为我不再需要它了146. The doctor told me _ computer games anymore 大夫叫我别再玩电脑游戏了147. Because Ive had it_ 因为我还是个婴儿的时候就拥有它了148. Ive had these _ since I was a child 我还是个孩子的时候就有这些毛绒玩具了149. Since that unfortunate accident last week , I _ all well 自从上次发生了那次不幸的事故之后,我一直睡得很不好150. Ive had this magazine for_ months 这本杂志我买了好几个月了151. You have to wait for_ for the clothes to dry completely 你得等上一两个小事让这些衣服完全干燥152. Look ! There are _ waiting for you at the door 瞧!门口有两三个男孩正在等你153. Jeff has his bike for_ 10 years 杰夫已经拥有它的自行车超过10年了154. We have decided to each sell five things that we_ use 我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品155. My sister and I each have_ dictionary 我和姐姐各有一本英汉词典156. But , to be honest , I have not played_ now 但是,说实在的,现在我已经有一段时间没玩了157._ , I dont like him very much 老实说,我不太喜欢他158. _, I think thats a crazy idea 坦白相告,我认为那是个荒唐的主意159._ cover this beautiful table with a tablecloth 把这张漂亮的桌子用桌布盖起来真是可惜160. Its a shame that you have to leave _ 真遗憾你这么快就要走了


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