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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 八年级上册 第五节一、 单词1. sitcom=situation comedy情景喜剧2. news新闻(不可数名词,a piece of news , two pieces of news.)这有一条有趣的新闻。There is .你有什么新闻吗?Do you have any ?3. soap 肥皂 ,soap opera泡沫剧;我需要一块肥皂。 I need a .我喜欢看肥皂剧。 I like .4. educational教育的,有教育意义的。 我们学校有很多教育性的规定。Our school has many rules.Educate 动词,教育。教育好这么多的学生是一个大任务。It is a big issue to such many students well.Education 名词,教育,学业。我去年就完成了我的学业。I finished my last year.Educated受过教育的,有教养的。她是个有教养的女孩子。She is a girl.5. plan 计划,打算。名词词性:你有什么计划吗?Do you have ?动词词性:我正计划着休个长假。I have a long holiday.固定用法:plan to do sth.计划做某事 我计划去野餐。(使用过去时)I have a picnic.6. hope 动词,名词,希望 我希望能休息一下。 I have a rest. 我们那对他的康复不抱有任何的希望。We hold out of his recovery.7. find out查明,弄清。请查清合同的细节。Please the details of the contract.还有找出来,发现的意思。我找不到我的钥匙了。I cannot my key.你已经知道了我的秘密。You have my secret.8. discussion 讨论,商量。我们的讨论和你没有任何关系。Our is none of your business.名词短语:under discussion正在讨论中.When to hold the party is . Discuss动词,商量,讨论。动词短语:discuss with sb.和某人讨论。让我们和老师一起讨论一下作业。let us our homework our teacher.9. stand 站立,忍受 请站在我旁边 besides me please.忍受不了这样的压力I cannot such pressure.常用短语:stand for代表;“P”代表停车。“P” park.Stand up站起来;请起立, please.stand by忠于,支持,我会一直支持你的。I will you forever.10. happen发生,出现,碰巧,偶遇。常见搭配:发生了什么事?What happened?happen to 某事发生在某人身上 然后他怎么样了?What him?happen on 偶遇;我在马路上遇到了汤姆。I Tom on street .11. may 也许,可能,可以;(等同于might) 例:我可以问你一个问题吗? ask you a question? 你也许错了。You wrong.& Can 也为“也许,可以”的意思,但情绪更为强烈。对比练习: A. can B. may你可以走了。You go.(有命令的意思)你也许可以让我帮忙。You ask me for help.(有委婉的建议性)12. expect 期望,预料。expect + to do 期望做某事 我想进修。I further my education. expect + that从句我希望你能戒烟。I you can give up smoking.练习: A. to do B. that I expect read this book. I expect you can come here on time. Mary expect it could be fine tomorrow. Tom is hungry , he expects have dinner now.13. joke 名词,笑话,玩笑;这不是开玩笑。It is no joke.动词,开玩笑;我在开玩笑。I am joking.14. comedy 喜剧 (sitcome= situation comedy情景喜剧)15. meaningless 毫无意义的 反义词,有意义的 名词, 意思 动词,意思是,意味着 选择题: Just sit here do not study is . What is the of this word? Weekend you can have a rest. To play basketball is a way to kill time.16. action 名词,行动;常用搭配:take action采取行动 政府应该采取行动解决一下环境问题。 The government should to solve the environment problem.17. action movie 动作片 扩展:爱情电影:love film 恐怖电影:scary movie 科普片: science film 18. cartoon 卡通片卡通片是孩子们的最好。Cartoon is childrens favorite.19. culture 名词,文化 ,文明他是个素质很低的人。He is a man of little .cultural 形容词,文明的。这是个文明的社会。This is a society.20. famous 著名的,出名的。知名演员:famous actor知名城市:famous citybe famous for 因.而文明,因.被熟知中国因它的人口众多而文明。China its great population.法国因它浪漫的环境而被熟知。France its romantic environment.be famous as 作为有名,作为.被熟知她作为一名电影演员而被大家熟知。She a movie star.鲁迅作为一名伟大的作家被大家熟知。Lu Xun a great writer.21. appear 出现 常用短语:appear at 在某处或某时出现 月亮在晚上出现The moon night. 医生在很恰当的时候出现了 。The doctor opportune moment. 我们老师出现在了门口。Our teacher the door.22. become 变成 变得 大量的徒弟已经变成了沙漠。 Vast areas of land desert.天正在变暖。It warm.当我还是个小女孩的时候,我就想成为一名歌手。When I was a little girl,I wanted to a singer.23. rich 富有的 例句:他是个有钱人。He is a man. & 在.方面很富有,富含. be rich in 中国人很多。China the number of people. 维生素富含维生素C. Lemon vitamin C.24. successful 成功的 鲁豫是个成功的主持人 Lu Yu is a emcee.be successful in 在.方面成功我成功的找到了工作。I in finding a new job.他们是很成功的商人。They in business.25. might 也许,可能(是may的过去式)may 和 might 在表示也许,猜测时,might更委婉一些例句: He may know you. He might know you.两个句子同样翻译为“他可能认识你”,但是第二个更不确定。26. main主要的,主导的。请记录我演讲的主要内容。Please note the of my speech. 我们公司的主楼是蓝色的。The of our firm is blue. 主道上堵车呢。 There is a traffic jam on the .27. reason 原因 理由你为什么又迟到了?给我一个理由。Why are you late again? Give me a .reason for.的理由说说你做这件事的理由吧Give me the doing it.28. common 普通的 常见的。例句:这是很常见的情景。It is a situation. have in common有共同点 我们有很多的共同点We .24. film名词,电影 。动词,拍电影。同义词: movie固定搭配:看电影watch movies;see a filmfilm的动词用法:王晶很快就要拍新电影了。Wang Jing will a new film soon.25. unlucky 不幸的,不吉利的;反义词:幸运的 ,你的幸运数字是什么?What is your lucky number?lucky dog 幸运儿。(耳朵大有福的英文翻译)你真是个幸运儿!You are really a .26. lose 动词,失去,丢失,失败。我走丢了 。I my way.Loser,名词,失败者。You are .你是个失败者。Lost,形容词,迷路的,丢失的。我迷路了。I am . (常引申为我迷茫了)27. girlfriend女朋友情人:lover妻子,老婆:wife28. ready,愿意的,准备好了。你准备好了吗?Are you ?(地道的回答方式是go,不是yes.)常用短语:& be ready to do愿意迅速去做某事,随时可以去做什么。我愿意随时和你约会。I date with you.她愿意随时去玩电脑游戏。She computer games.他已经准备好了尽他最大的努力。His his best .& be ready for为做好准备 我一已经为下次考试做好了准备。I the exam next week.我随时可以离开。I leave.我马上就要结婚了。I get married.29character 人物,角色,个性。例句:这个男孩个性很强The boy has a .他在这部电影中饰演主角。He acts the in this film.我是个危险人物。I am a .30.simple简单的,容易的。 这是个简单的问题This is a .迈克过着简单的生活Mike lives a .翻译:简单的工作 简单的生活 &(simple, 有时也指头脑简单,大脑迟钝,在美剧中出现,根据语意,语境体会。)31.dress up装扮,乔装打扮。那天我哥哥假扮成了我的男朋友。That day my brother as my boyfriend. 舞会就在今晚了 ,请在来之前盛装打扮一下。The party is in the evening , for it before you come, please.& Make up 化妆。化了妆后她变得更漂亮了。After , she became .32.take sb.s place=take the place of sb.代替,替换。网络的使用代替了信。The use of Internet letter.萨拉代替了你在我心中的地位。Sarah in my mind.谁来代替格林先生的位置?Who Mr. Green?谁来代替你的位置?Who yours?33.do a good job 干得好(口语中经常省略“do a “, 直接使用good job 来表示一种肯定) 在这次任务中吉姆表现得很。Jim in this task.作业写完了吗? 写完了 。 很好-Have you finished your homework?Yes. !我相信你可以完成的很好。I believe that you can 。.34.Hollywood好莱坞;the Hollywood Walk of Fame好莱坞星光大道;Mickey Mouse 米老鼠二、短语1.脱口秀 2.泡沫剧 3.游戏竞赛节目 4.体育节目 5.才艺竞赛 6.从中学习 7.计划 8.发现,知道,找出9.全世界 10.期望做 11.希望做某事 12.动作片13.恐怖片 14.出现,出版 15.尝试 16.认为 17.例如 18.准备好了 19.尽最大的努力 20.代替21.看电影 22.盛装打扮 23.做得好 24.讨论(有一个讨论)三、语法 plan to do 计划做某事 我计划住在伦敦。I in London. 他们正计划着建个新房子。They a new house. 他计划着去野餐。He a picnic.plan for 为.安排、计划我们正在安排着一次郊游。We are planning for an outing.我妈妈已经为我安排好了去上大学。My mom me to go to college. 我们应该为我们的孩子安排好未来。We should to have a wonderful future.expect to 预期,期待 我并不想再遇到你。I dont expect to meet you again。 他想多赚点钱。He more money. 你不要指望着你能休息。You dont have a rest。 学生们指望着一个星期就能有大的进步。Students have a great progress within one week.learn from 向学习,从.中学习 你能从情景喜剧中学到什么?What can you sitcoms? 我们应该互相学习。We should each other. 我们从书本中学习知识。We books.like doing喜欢做某事(经常性的) & like to do喜欢做某事(一次性的)例句:I like having a walk after dinner. 我喜欢晚饭后散步。(经常散步,习惯性的) Do you like to go to the movie with me? 你想和我去看电影吗?(就这一次,邀请。)对比练习: A. like doing B. like to do1) Tom likes (fish) on weekends.2) Id like (have) dinner with you tonight.3) I like (swim) with you today.4) Mr. Wang is a good teacher, we all like (listen) his class.5) I like (sing).6) Id like you (meet) my parents. think of认为,考虑,想到1) 每当我听见这首歌的时候我总能想起她。Each time when I hear this song, I always her.2) 你是怎么看待这件事的?How do you this issue?3) 我想不起来他的名字了。I cannot his name.find out 发现,找出1) 请找出我的钥匙。 Please my key. 2) 我们应该尽快查出真相、We shall the truth as soon as possible.3) 事实上你可以在生活中发现很多的快乐。In fact, you can many happiness in your life.4) 他想找出这个问题的答案。 He wants to the answer to this question.& find 强调的是“找”的过程,而find out 强调结果1) 我正在找我的钥匙I my key.2) 他们正在找什么?What are they now?3)我想我是走丢了,我在找路。I think I m lost, I am my way.around the world全世界五、单元测试.选择1. Do you mind my here?A. to smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. smoke2. He expects from his father again.A. to hear B. hear C. hearing D. to hearing3. The teacher is talking her students her school life.A. with;with B. about;about C. with;about D. about;with4. What does he want tonight?A. To watch B. watches C. watching D. watch5. I hope to the mountains this weekend?Good idea.A. Go B. going C. to go D. to going6. What do you think of the talk show hosted by Zhou Libo?- . I watch them every week.A. I love them B. I cant stand them C. I dont like them7. There is new in newspaper.A. anything ;today B. nothing; todays C. nothing; today D. anything ; todays8. Please ask him in class.A. not to talk B. not talking C. don; t talk D. not talk9.What do you think of the 3G mobile phone?I really love it. But I cannot it. A. stand B. afford C. spend D. refuse10.Would you mind my here? A. to park B. park C. to parking D. parking11. Lets for a walk, shall we? A. to go B. going C. go D. gone12. Look! What a beautiful hill!Yes, and its also famous its old trees. A. about B. with C. by D. for13. What time do you expect her ?A. arrive B. is arriving C. arriving D. to arrive28. We have decided to try best to raise more money for the local charity.A. Us B. our C. we D. ours29. Excuse me, would you mind your voice down, please?A. To keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept30. Jack ,could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet.?-I am sorry, my computer doesnt work.A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out17. - I borrow your history book?Sure. Here you are. A. Must B. May C. Need D. Will 18. In my family, everyone sitcoms.A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like19. Her father sports, but her mother . A. like; dont B. like; doesnt C. likes; doesnt D. likes; dont20. My brother likes playing ping-pang. And I .A. like it B. likes playing C. do , too D. like , too21. I hope you again.A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing22. Ive been there already, and dont want again.A. go B. went C. gone D. to go23. I dont expect longer holiday. A. have B. having C. to having D. to have24. You are born December 15th. 2000. A. in B. at C. on D. under25. They are made twenty hours a day. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked 26. Would you like a cup of coffee? A. to have B. have C. having D. had27. I am sorry to that. A. to hear B. hear C. hearing D. heart28.- “Can I leave this door open?”“You better not.” A. should B. would C. could D. had29. Please let me what are you doing?A. know B. knowing C. to know D. to knowing30. I am glad with you. A. to work B. working C. work D. to working二、用所给单词适当形式填空。1. He wants (go) to Hainan on vacation.2. Lets (watch) a talk show.3. Do you plan (watch) the news?4.He expects (see) me again.5.I hope (travel) all over the world one day.6. My father likes (watch) TV after dinner.7. I really enjoy (read) books.8. Do you plan (come) here before six24 / 24


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