高考英语 貌似神异的选择题

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高考英语貌似神异的选择题1. It is five years _ we saw each other. It will be five years _ we see each other. It was five years ago _ we saw each other. A. that B. since C. after D. before2. They had the fire _ all night long because it was cold. They had their house _ last night. They had to have somebody _ the refuse.(垃圾) A .to burn B. burn C. burned D. burning3. He could hardly make himself _ because his English was poor. He could hardly make himself _ others because his English was poor. He could hardly be made _ us because his English was poor. A. understood B. understand C. understanding D. to understand4. a. _ is known to us all is that English is a useful language. b ._ is known to us all, English is a useful language. c._ is known to us all that English is a useful language. A. It B. What C. That D. As5.The teacher came into the classroom, _ some students. The teacher came into the classroom, _ by some students. A. to follow B following C. follow D. followed.6. a. The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. b. The weather turned out to be very good and _ was more than we could expect. A. what B. which C. that D. it 7.Wood is used _ into many useful things. Tom is used to _ a living by begging. Tom used to _ a living by begging. A. make B. to make C. making D. made8._ from Beijing to Paris! _ from Beijing to Paris? A. What a long way it is B. What a long way is it C How long it is D. How long is it 9 ._,and you will make progress _, you will make progress. A. Work hard B. Working hard C. To work hard D. Worked hard10.With a lot of work _, he was not allowed to go out to play. With a lot of work_, he was allowed to go out to play. A. to do B. done C. did D. doing11.He stood there , and his eyes _ upon Della. He stood there, his eyes _ upon Della. A. were fixing B. fixed C. were fixed D. fixing12.The weather _ hot, many people went swimming in the river. The weather _ hot, so many people went swimming in the river. A. being B .is C. was D. were13._ an orphan, so we treated him kindly. _ an orphan, he was treated kindly. _ an orphan, we treated him kindly. A. Being B. As he was C. He was D. As he being14.Its strange that _ little birds should have eaten _ many insects. We have had _ little rain this year that _ many trees have died. A. so, so B. such C. so, such D. such, so15.Tom suggested we _ the work at once. Tom suggested us _ the work at once. The look on his face suggested that he _ his work. A .to do B. do C. doing D. had done16. a. He is one of the students who _ praised yesterday. b. He is the only one of the students who _ praised yesterday. A. was B .is C. are D. were17. a. Its not right for you to believe people _ Tom and Mary. b. Its not right for you to believe such people _ Tom and Mary. A. as B. like C. that D. which18. a. She considered _ Beijing for Shanghai tomorrow. b. We considered him _ a middle school students. A. leaving B. to leave C. being D. to be19. a. Who can you imagine _? b. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sending for B. was sent for C. sail D. sailing20. a. Work hard, _ youll make great progress. b. Work hard, _ you wont make great progress. A .or B. but C. and D.不填21. a. Who do you know _ the company? b. Who do you know _ the children? A. is in charge of B. is in the charge of C. are in charge of D. Both A and B22. a. She went up to the girl, _ her on the shoulder and took her away. b. She went up to the girl, _ her on the shoulder and saying, “How old are you?” A. pat B. to pat C. patted D. patting23. a. He made some candles _ light. b. He made the boy _ his parents a note. .A .to give B. gave C. give D. giving24.1) The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction, _ that he enjoyed his staying here. 2) The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction, and _ that he enjoyed his stay here. A. added B. to add C. adding D. add25. 1) Mary was ill, _ made her mother worried. 2) Mary was ill and _ made her mother worried. A. it B. which C. these D. those26. 1) Only those _ knew well could be let in. 2) Only those _ he knew well could be let in. A. did he B. he did C. who D. he27.1) The boy was crying _ the cup broken. 2) The boy was crying _ the cup was broken. A. since B. for C. because D. with28. 1) Tom, _sure to be here on time. 2) Tom _sure to be here on time A .is B. are C. be D. am29. 1) I dont know _ you are getting on well with your work. 2) I dont know _ you are getting on with your work. A. how B. that C. which D. because30. 1)_ on the stone, you will see much farther. 2) _on the stone, and you will see much farther. A. To stand B. Standing C. Stand D. StoodKey. 1 BDA 2.DCB 3.ABD 4.BDA 5.BD 6.BD 7.BCA 8.AD 9. AB 10.AB 11CB 12.AC 13. CB(A)B 14.DA 15.BCD 16.DA 17.BA 18.AD 19.BD 20.CA 21.AD 22. CD 23.AC24.CA 25.BA 26.DC 27.DC 28.CA 29.BA 30. BC


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