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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2014年7月贵州省普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷选择题 (共105分)第一部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分75分) 第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. “Mark, remember me to your brother, Jack!” “_ And I will.”A. No way!B. You are welcome.C. Pardon?D. Thank you.2. “What do you think of _ party last night?” “It was _ great success. I really enjoyed myself there.”A. the; aB. A; theC. the; /D. /; a3. “Were going to visit our old school, _ we studied for 20 years.A. whyB. whereC. whenD. that4. Its reported that the 2014 World Cup was successfully held in Brazil _ June 12, 2014.A. inB. atC. onD. during5. I tried on two T-shirts, but _ fit me.A. noeB. allC. neitherD. both6. “Have you ever been to Australia, Joan? “Yeah, I _ there for a month last year.”A. stayedB. stayC. will stayD. am staying7. Tom was so _ that he passed the driving test on his first try.A. sleepyB. sorryC. luckyD. careless8. Children _ take anything from strangers. Its a danger to them.A. shouldB. needC. shouldntD. must9. Hurry up, _ you will miss your flight.A. orB. andC. soD. but10. The 3-year-old boy doesnt need any of the nurses to wash him. He can wash _ now.A. himselfB. herC. themselvesD. them11. “What are you going to do tomorrow, Jenny?” “I am going to _ my parents at the train station.”A. put upB. pick upC. look upD. keep up12. “Jane was at home last Sunday, wasnt she?” “_ She was doing the housework all day.”A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, she was.D. No, she wasnt.13. “What do you think of the movie?” “Terrible! Its the _ one Ive ever watched.”A. badB. as badC. worseD. worst14. Listen! The birds _ cheerfully for us now.A. singB. sangC. are singingD. were singing15. WHy dont you _ me your QQ number, and Ill keep in touch with you.A. givingB. giveC. to giveD. gave第二节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was June 15, and in two days I would be turning thirty. I feared that my best years were now behind me.My daily routine (常规) included going to the gym for a physical exercise before going to work. Every morning I would see my 16 Nicholas, seventy-nine years old and in poor health there. 17 I greeted Nicholas on that day, he noticed I wasnt full of my usual vitality (活力) and asked if there was anything 18. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty. I wondered how I would 19 my life once 1 reached Nicholass age, so I asked him, “20 was the best time of your life?” Without hesitation, my friend, Nicholas replied, “Well, Joe, this is my philosophical (哲学的) answer to your philosophical 21: When I was a child and I was taken good care of by my 22, that was the best time of my life. When I got my first job and 23 for my efforts and hard work, that was the best time of my life. When I met my wife and fell in love, that was the best time of my life. When I was a young father, watching my children 24, that was the best time of my life. And now, Joe, 1 am seventy-nine years old. I have my health, l feel good and I am still in love with my wife just as I was when we first 25. This is the best time of my life.”16. A. friendB. coachC. grandpaD. uncle17. A. IfB. WhenC. BecauseD. Though18. A. goodB. wrongC. interestingD. exciting19. A. look up atB. look forC. look back onD. look after20. A. WhoB. WhyC. HowD. What21. A. researchB. ideaC. questionD. answer22. A. sonB. nephewC. daughterD. parents23. A. got paidB. got firedC. got employedD. got punished24. A. feed upB. grow upC. give upD. join up25. A. cheatedB. hurtC. quarreledD. met第二部分阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)Anthony Burgess was 40 when he learned that he had only one year to live. He had a brain tumor (肿瘤) that would kill him within a year. He knew he had to face a battle. He completely broke down at that time, and he didnt have anything to leave behind for his wife, Lynne.Burgess had never been a professional (职业的) novelist in the past, but he always knew the potential (潜能) was inside him to be a writer. So, for the only purpose of leaving something behind for his wife, he put a piece of paper into a typewriter and began writing. He wasnt sure that it would even be published, but he couldnt think of anything else to do.“It was January of 1960,” he said, “and according to the doctor, I had a writer and spring and summer to live through, and would die with the fall of the leaf.”In that time Burgess worked hard and wrote energetically, finishing five and a half novels before the year was through.But Burgess did not die. His cancer became under control and then disappeared. In his long and full as a novelist, he, who was best known for A Clock-work Orange, wrote more than 70 books, but without the death sentence from cancer, he may not have written at all.Many of us are like Anthony burgess, hiding greatness inside, waiting for some emergency to bring it out. Ask yourself what youd do if you suffered what Burgess once experienced.26. Why did Burgess begin writing?A. To please the doctor.B. To cure his tumor.C. To become a famous writer.D. To leave siomething behind for his wife.27. How many books did Burgess write in all his life?A. 5.B. Over 70.C. 40.D. About 6.28. What do we know about Anthony Burgess from the text?A. He was successful in writing.B. He had been very rich before writing.C. He was dead at the age of 41.D. He had been a full-time writer before.(B)When you have a healthy skin, you look much younger and fresher. The foods you eat every day play a significant role in the health of your skin. Nowadays its hard to choose foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time. Hopefully, this list of 4 foods to eat will help keep your skin healthy and young.Purple and blue fruitsPurple and blue fruits such as blueberries, blackberries are among the best foods to eat for a great skin. Purple and blue fruits can also help keep your skin looking younger.ChocolateThe great news for all chocolate lovers, chocolate is good for your skin, despite the fact that it causes acne (粉刺). I love dark chocolate and eat it almost daily. Because chocolate has some calories, make sure you it eat in moderation.Sweet potatoesI was really happy to learn that sweet potatoes are good for skin. They are high in vitamins A and C, which are both necessary for healthy skin.YogurtOne of the best snacks that most of us like is yogurt. Did you know that its great for your skin? Yogurt contains protein (蛋白质) that keeps your skin firm and helps fight the appearance of wrinkles (皱纹). Stay away from fruity yogurt since they are packed with sugar.29. What does this text mainly talk about?A. The importance of eating sweet potatoes.B. Several foods making your skin healthier.C. Secrets of fighting the appearance of wrinkles.D. A nice way of keeping away from fruity yogurt.30. The underlined words “in moderation” mean _ .A. too muchB. too littleC. every dayD. in the right amount31. If your body is weakened by lack of vitamins A and C, youd better eat more _ .A. dark chocolateB. sweet potatoesC. fruity yogurtD. purple and blue fruits32. Where can we probably find the text?A. In a tour guide.B. In a letter.C. In a magazine.D. In a physics book.(C)Many thousands of years ago, Earth was experiencing an Ice Age. It may have formed an ice bridge betwee north America and Asia that people were able to walk across. Perhaps they were hunters following their food. Perhaps they were adventurous and wanted to explore. Their moving to North America, however, may make them the ancestors of the people called Native Americans.We do know that the earliest North Americans were nomads (游牧民). They traveled from place to place. Finally, they began to make permanent (永久的) homes. They had already learned to gather plants growing in the wild. After a time, they began to learn about agriculture. With more reliable food, they didnt need to move around so much. As they began to look for more permanent homes, they paid attention to the resources (资源) of specific areas. They wanted to live near streams, rivers or lakes. This helped ensure that they could water their crops and take care of the water needs of humans and animals.People moved around less often than before. However, they were still moving to other areas. Every time a group or tribe moved into a different natural environment they had to adapt to the climate and resources of that area. Over time, four major cultural regions developed in North America: the Eastern Woodlands, the Great Plains, the Pacific Northwest, and the Desert Southwest.33. The earliest Asians probably moved to North America _ .A. by walkingB. by planeC. by swimmingD. by ship34. Whats mainly discussed in paragraph 2?A. Adventure of ancestors living in Asia.B. Four cultural regions in North America.C. A bridge between North America and Asia.D. Life of the earliest Norht Americans, nomads.35. Why did the earliest North Americans want to live near rivers?A. To water the crops.B. To go boating.C. To travel around.D. To go hunting.非选择题 (共45分)第三部分初级写作 (共两节,满分45分) 第一节短文改错 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 以下短文标有题号的每一行中都有一处错误,每处错误军已标出。请按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:多词处已经划了横线,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并用斜线()划掉; 该行缺一个词:缺词处已经加了漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词; 该行错一个词:错词处已经划了横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 Dear Jack,How are you doing?Im writing to telling you how tea was discovered. It was36._discovered about three thousand year ago all by accident.37._ According to a ancient Chinese story, the emperor Shen Nong38._discovered tea while he is boiling water in the open air over a fire39._Some leaves from the nearby bushes were fell into the water. After40._some time, Shen Nong noticed that the water produced a pleasantly41._smell with the leaves in it. She tested the mixture and found it was42._delicious. He asked otherstaste the water and they all enjoyed the43._smell. So in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks the tea44._was discovered but brought to other parts of the world later.45._第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)每年6月5日是“世界环境保护日”。假如你是李华,光明中学的一名高中生。你校在这天开展了相关的志愿者活动。请根据下表所提供的信息,给你的美国笔友Mike写一封信,介绍此次活动情况。时间下午点半地点人民广场活动内容 表演与环保相关的节目 (以吸引市民的注意) 给市民做与环保相关的宣传并发放小册子 (介绍当前的环保状况、介绍环保措施:节约水电、垃圾分类与回收等)个人感受激动、受益与提高注意: 词数100左右; 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 开头已和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇: 在人民广场 on the Peoples Square 表演节目 perform 吸引市民的注意 draw the citizens attention 发放宣传小册子 give out the brochures 保护环境 protect the environment 节约水电 save water and electricity 垃圾分类 classify the rubbish 回收 recycle 受益 benefit 提高 improve*Dear Mike,Our school held an activity on June 5 to celebrate the International Environment Day. Im writing to tell you what we did and felt in this volunteering activity._Expecting you to join us next time.With best regards.Yours. 参考答案15 DABCC610 ACCAA1115 BCDCB1620 ABBCD2125 CDABD2630 DBABD3135 BCADA第三部分第一节36telling tell 37.year years 38. a an 39. is was 40.删掉were 41.pleasantly pleasant 42. She He 43.to 44.删掉 the 45. but and第二节Dear Mike,Our school held an activity on June 5 to celebrate the International Environment Day. Im writing to tell you what we did and felt in this volunteering activity.We held the activity on the Peoples Square. It began at half past two in the afternoon. First of all we performed some programs which were connected with the environmental protection in order to draw the citizens attention. And then we made some dissemination on how to protect the environment. We told them that we should save water and electricity and classify the rubbish and then recycle them. We gave out the brochures used for disseminating the environmental protection. We benefited a lot from the activity. We improved ourselves through the activity. All of us felt excited. Expecting you to join us next time.With best regards.Yours,Li Hua专心-专注-专业


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