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2019中考英语练习专练:初一上册注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解!I重难点L人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、介词.2. (have buy sell. for, have 食物 for at a pnce. in the morning. On the rainy mcimin 序数 ML 口练习) L The bus usuallyhim to work at 19:15 Inst year.A.takesB broughtC.fetchesD tookWVWirtiiWVvWVWWJWWvwwwwvw wwwvwv()2. After supper he somjetimes playsguitar, sometimes he plays chess号兀1: Ji_A J QF A x, the B.the, x C.the, the Dx 笈()3 We have sweaters very good price only 25!A. for for B.fbrwi C with, fhr D.at, for()4 How much this pair of pants?35.Ajs, Ifs Rare, theyYe C.is Is D.is, They?re(55.His mother is always stricthimlus study.A in, with B.witli, inC,at. withD.with, on( )fi.Pleasecotneherethe maming of June20 .A.at B in C.on D.wiih yfvVVvVwVSs*WwVMVyVh*( J? 一 Can youit in English?A. speak BteU C.say D.lalk()8.You can the sweater for25.A.buy B.pay C.take D.cost()9.He is a friend of . The book belongs to . A.her, her B.hers, hers C.hers, her D.her, hers()10.He is a quiet boy with words.A.a few B.few C.little D.a little【二】用所给词的适当形式填空。15分1.I like (comedy), but he likes Beijing Opera.2 .Today I got a gift on my (twelve) birthday.3 .What are your (hobby)? I like playing football, swimming and so on.4 .We (tell) not to be late again.5 .He has a great . He stamps for two years.(collect)6 .Children, help to fish.(you) ,1,7 .This is a very film. succeed8 .To keep (health), we exercise every day.9 .Here are many things we can learn from studies.(science)10 .Sometimes I m too busy (brush) my (tooth).11 .After taking (photo). We are very (tire). 12 .We can spend time and money doing more.(little)【三】完形填空。15分I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes into bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally realizing that I was there, Rocky turned towards me 1 a sad smile.I m 2 tomorrow, he said.“I know. My 3 was almost a whisper. I was angry at 4 for being so weak, but I wasn t about to cry.“My 5 is early, so there is still enough time to come to the airport, “ he said. Seeing the sad look on my face, he quickly added,“I 6 I won tleave without saying goodbye. ”I tried to say 7 , but didn t. It s always better to 8 if you re about to cry. You promised you wouldn t cry, “ he said to me, thinking that I was close to tears.I remembered the day he 9 me how to ride a bike. At first I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from 10 .I was happywith this, but he knew he 11 hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to leave.His coughing stopped my 12 .What was left to say? 13 could I say goodbye to the person who taught me everything?The next morning I 14 , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left 15 before. We never even said goodbye.Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me,even if it only an answer in his heart.注:1whisper彳氐音,耳语2about to将要(3)hold up 扶持()1.A.inB.ofC.byD.with()3.A.wordB.noiseC.voiceD.sound()4.A.meB.himC.myselfD.sound()5.A.busB.shipC.trainD.flight()6.A.hopeB.promiseC.wishD.agree()7.A.something B.anythingC.everythingD.nothing()8.A.cheerupB.keepquiet C.enjoyyourself D.keepaway()9.A.teachesB.taughtC.isteachingD.hadtaught()10.A.ridingB.runningC.walkingD.falling()11.A.couldB.couldnt C.hadtoD.didn thaveto()12.A.dreaming B.imagingC.thinkingD.realizing()13.A.HowB.WhyC.WhatD.When()14.A.gaveupB.lookedupC.wokeupD.stayedup()15.A.hoursB.daysC.weeksD.minutes【四】短文填空。15分Rainforestscoversixpercentoftheearth,ssurface.Therearerainforestsinmany1oftheworld,butthebiggestforestsareinSouthAme rica,AfricaandSoutheastAsia.Therearen tanyrainforestsinEuropeorNorthAmerica.About75%ofallthetypesofanimals2formrainforests.Thousandsandthousandsofanima lsliveinrainforests.Therearemanybeautifulbirds,insectsandreptiles.Manyofthemliv einthetrees,over30metersformthe3.Therearealsothousandsofdifferentplants andlotsofthemaretalltrees!Itisalwayshotinarainforestandthegroundisalwayswet.Iti s4verydarkthere.Therainforestsareveryimportantforus.We5them!Thetreesandotherplantsinthefore sthelptomaketheairthatwebreathe.Theyalsohelptocontrolthe6.Theygiveuswood,rubber ,fruitsandmanyofourmedicines.Unfortunately,inmanyplaces,therainforestsareindanger.Forexample,many7agothe rewasalargerainforestinJava.Therewerethousandsofdifferentplantsandanimalsinthef orest,butnowthereisnothing.Peoplecutdownthetrees8theywantedtogrowrice.Theyalsow antedtogrowrubbertrees9rubber.Manyanimalslivedintherainforest.Manyanimalslivedi ntherainforest.SomeofthemwenttootherpartsofJava,butmanyofthemdisappeared forever.Thesamething10nowinmanyotherpartsoftheworld.Therainforestsareindanger!【五】阅读简答。10分Historyisthestoryofus,humanbeings.EveryO3i ewhohaslivedandeverythingthathasha ppenedarepartofhistory.Buthistoryisnotonlywhathappenedinthepast.Thewordalsomean sthestudyofthepast,througholdwrittenrecordsandotherkindsoffacts.Whydowestudyhistory?Onereasonisthatweenjoyit.Agoodstoryisevenbetterifitistr ue,andhistoryisfullofgoodstories,thoughtheycanbeterribletoo.Amoreseriousreasoni stounderstandourselvesandtheworldwelivein.Tounderstandeventshappeningnow,weneed toknowtheircauses.Wecannotunderstandthepresentifweknownothingaboutthepast.Histo ryhelpstoexplainwhythingsarethewaytheyare.Ofcourse,historybookscannottelluseverythingaboutthepast,noteveneverythingth atisrecorded.Ahistoryoftheworldhastopickoutthepeopleandeventsthatchangedtheworl d.Sinceancienttimes,greatcivilizationshaveappearedindifferentcountriesandregi ons.Usually,onlythreeorfourexistedatthesametime.Whiletheylasted,theychangedthel ivesnotonlyoftheirownpeople,butoftheirneighborstoo.注:1civilizations 文明2exist 存在3region 地区1.Whatishistory?2.Howdowestudyhistory?3.Whydowestudyhistory?Pleasegivetworeasons.4.Whathaveappearedindifferentcountriesandregionssinceancienttimes?5.Whattitlecanyougivetothepassage?


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