七年级英语人教版 课件

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重点词汇拓展重点词汇拓展备一备一:must,have to,have got to must表示必须,必要;表示必须,必要;have (got) to用来表示强烈的责任感和必要性,用来表示强烈的责任感和必要性,must可以可以与与have (got) to互换,但互换,但must语气比其更强烈语气比其更强烈,此外,此外,must和和have (got) to还有以下几点不同:还有以下几点不同: must表说话人的主观看法,而表说话人的主观看法,而have to往往强调客观需要。往往强调客观需要。We must work hard to make great progress(主观主观) 我们必须努力工作取得更大进步。我们必须努力工作取得更大进步。 Its getting dark;I have to go home now(客观客观) 天黑了,现在我得回家了。天黑了,现在我得回家了。must一般只有现在时,而一般只有现在时,而have to则随着则随着have的变化有更多的变化有更多的时态。的时态。二者的否定意义不同:二者的否定意义不同:dont have to“不必不必”, mustnt “不准,禁止,不可以不准,禁止,不可以”。You mustnt leave now! 你现在不得离开。你现在不得离开。You dont have to leave now 你现在不必要离开。你现在不必要离开。 询问对方的意愿时应用询问对方的意愿时应用must。 Must I tell him all about this? 我一定要将一切都告诉他吗我一定要将一切都告诉他吗? Must I wash the clothes at once? 我一定要马上洗衣吗我一定要马上洗衣吗?(5) must (发生于过去的发生于过去的) 不巧不巧;偏偏;偏偏Just when I was busyThe neighbor must come and chatter正当我忙碌的时候,邻居偏偏过来聊天正当我忙碌的时候,邻居偏偏过来聊天。1) l often see lights in that empty houseDo you think I _ report it to the police? (2004陕西陕西) AShould Bmay Cwill Dcan(2) Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow You _ her last week (2004福建福建) Aought to tell Bwould have told Cmust tell Dshould have told (3) Children under l2 years of age in that country _ be under adult supervision when in a public library (2004上海上海) Amust Bmay CCan Dneed ADA1What do you think his idea has _ ? Aagreed on Bbeen based on Cbased on Dagreed with2Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it Athe teacher himself is;all his students are Bthe teacher himself is;are all his students Cis the teacher himself;are all his students Dis the teacher himself;all his students are3These teenagers dont know much of the world yet;thats why they were so easily _ Ataken in Btaken up Ctaken off Dtaken on4Students should be encouraged to finish theirhomework _ Aof themselves Bof their own Cfor their own Don their own点击高考点击高考BDAD5 Be careful not to drop the Tang Dynasty vase Yes,we cant be _ Atoo careful Bvery careful Ctoo careless Dcareless enough6When the teacher asked the student why he had not come to class the day beforehe _an excuse Ainvented BCreate Cdiscovered Dsaid7In every years Spring Festivalthe CCTV will hold a great concert to _ the new year Awelcome Bkeep Ccelebrate Dmemorize8We have done as much as we can _ our classroom clean Amake Bto make Cmaking Dbe makingAACB


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