人教PEP版英语六下Recycle 2PPT课件之一

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Consentration, consentration is a game.Game for- How do you feel today? - I feel happy / . / I feel sick (不舒服不舒服).- Whats the matter?- I have a sore throat/- Im sorry to hear that. (听到这件事我很难过听到这件事我很难过.) .- Thank you.Take some medicine.Dont eat too many candies.Dont drink Coke.Brush your teeth every day.You will feel better soon.Take some medicine.Stay in bed. Drink hot water.Dont play sports.You will feel better soon.coldplaying the pianoplaying the pianoplay the piano playingswim swimmingwash clothes washingread a book reading swimming washing clothesreading a bookeat noodlesplay footballwalkread a bookrow a boatanswer the phoneclimb mountains eating playing walking reading rowing answering climbing I often I am一般现在时一般现在时 正在进行时正在进行时use a computerride a bikedancetake picturesmake kiteshave a picnicwrite an e-mailusing riding dancing taking making having writing swim runswimming running ee e e e e eI often I ameat noodlesride a bikedancetake picturesclimb mountainsmake kiteswatch TVwrite an e-mailswimeating riding dancing taking climbingmaking watchingwriting swimmingI often I amA: What is doing?B: He/she isAmy is hungry.She is in the kitchen.She is very helpful.cooking dinnerHe is in the village. He can see the blue sky and green mountains.He is an artist.drawing picturesHe is opening a present. (拆礼物拆礼物)What is he doing?He is very happy today.Because its his birthday.Look at the rabbits/. They are A: What are they doing? B: They are answering the phone.How does Liu Yun feel?Whats the matter?_She feels sick.She has a cold.He is playing the piano.Yes, he is.No, they arent.He is opening a present.They are playing games.1. 1.读熟读熟P P6767 对话。对话。2.2.听写听写Unit3Unit3。3.3.熟记熟记资料资料P P3 3 动词或动词词组。动词或动词词组。


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