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http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)1顾问咨询指南顾问咨询指南Consulting Guide本企业发展顾问咨询指南适用于顾问咨询公司。它为顾问咨询公本企业发展顾问咨询指南适用于顾问咨询公司。它为顾问咨询公司实施咨询项目提供了详尽的指导。司实施咨询项目提供了详尽的指导。This Business Planreport is the Business Development Consulting guide to be used by the BSPs. It sets out the Modules for BSPs to implement the consulting programa proposed package of assistance for SMEs the Eastern Indonesian regions to be .http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)2目录目录TABLE OF CONTENTS背 景 BACKGROUND.4了解本指南了解本指南 UNDERSTANDING THIS GUIDE .6八模块企业发展阶梯八模块企业发展阶梯 THE 8 MODULE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LADDER .9模块一:了解你的企业模块一:了解你的企业 MODULE 1: UNDERSTANDING WHAT BUSINESS YOU ARE IN.10概述 OVERVIEW.10主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.11工具 TOOLS.12典型的模块一程序 TYPICAL MODULE 1 PROGRAM.13需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.14模块二模块二:了解顾客、市场和产品了解顾客、市场和产品 MODULE 2: UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMERS, MARKETS AND PRODUCTS .29概述 OVERVIEW.29主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.30工具 TOOLS.31典型模块二程序 TYPICAL MODULE 2 PROGRAM.33需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.34模块三模块三:确定商业模式确定商业模式 MODULE 3: DEFINING THE BUSINESS MODEL.50概述 OVERVIEW.50主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.51工具 TOOLS.52典型的模块三程序 TYPICAL MODULE 3 PROGRAM.54需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.54需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.55模块四模块四:员工授权员工授权 MODULE 4: TEAM EMPOWERMENT .71对企业业绩进行管理 MANAGING ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE.72主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.73工具 TOOLS.74需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.77模块五模块五:市场营销战略计划市场营销战略计划 MODULE 5: STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN.93概述 OVERVIEW.93主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.94工具 TOOLS.95典型的模块五程序 TYPICAL MODULE 5 PROGRAM.97http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)3需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.98模块六模块六:企业系统化企业系统化 MODULE 6: BUSINESS INDEPENDENCE .114概述 OVERVIEW.114主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.116工具 TOOLS.117典型的模块六程序 TYPICAL MODULE 6 PROGRAM.119需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.120模块七模块七:组织结构,组织结构, 知识,环境管理和技术应用战略知识,环境管理和技术应用战略 MODULE 7: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE, KNOWLEDGE, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES.136概述 OVERVIEW.136主要学习目标 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES.138工具 TOOLS.139典型的模块七程序 TYPICAL MODULE 7 PROGRAM.141需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.142模块八模块八:反馈和持续改善反馈和持续改善 MODULE 8: FEEDBACK AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.158概述 OVERVIEW.158学习目标 LEARNING OBJECTIVES.159工具 TOOLS.160典型的模块八程序 TYPICAL MODULE 8 PROGRAM.162需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.162需完成的任务 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED.163注注 NOTES.179注注 NOTES.180注注 NOTES.181注注 NOTES.182http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)4背背 景景Background本指南旨在为咨询顾问公司和其它商业服务机构提供技术和方法,使他们能够成功地为中小企业提供咨询服务。This guide is designed to provide consultants and other service providers with techniques and methodologies that will enable them to embark on successful consulting engagements with small/medium size enterprises (SMEs).这里提供的资料旨在帮助咨询顾问公司能够与中小企业建立互惠的关系。 这些方法不仅可以获得 “快速取胜”的效果, 还能够促进咨询顾问与客户之间建立长期的关系-这是一种让咨询顾问获得 “受信任的顾问”的地位的关系, 是一种使双方的知识和资源汇集成一个 “知识和资源库”的关系。 The materials provided, aim to enable the consultant to engage with SMEs in a mutually beneficial relationship. While the methodologies used will provide “quick wins, ” the materials are designed to facilitate a long-term relationship between consultant and client a relationship where the consultant earns the status of “trusted advisor” and where the knowledge and resources of both parties are used to create a “pool of knowledge and resources.”该项目的目的是改善企业在财务和运营这两方面的业绩业绩。 这是通过在企业中实施许许多多小的措施后达到的结果。 普通和优秀优秀企业的区别总是体现在这些小事情之中!The purpose of the program is to improve the performance of the business both financially and operationally. This will be achieved as a result of the many, many little things that you implement in your business. The difference between and ordinary and extra-ordinary business always lies in these little things!本项目分为八个模块The program is split into 8 Modules;1. 了解你的企业Understanding What Business You Are In;2. 了解你的客户,产品和市场Understanding Your Customers, Products and Markets;http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)53. 商业模式The Business Model;4. 员工授权Team Empowerment;5. 市场营销战略计划The Strategic Marketing Plan;6. 企业系统化Business Independence;7. 组织结构,知识, 环境管理和技术应用战略Organizational Structure, Knowledge, Environment Management and Technology Strategies; and8. 反馈与持续改善Feedback and Continuous Improvement.我们建议你在按月收取客户咨询费的前提上, 全面实施本项目。 但是, 在某些情况下, 先提供本项目的部分内容可能更合适, 例如, “客户咨询会”, 或 “优质服务争创第一”的客户服务培训。We recommend that you implement the program in its entirety based on the client paying a fixed monthly fee for your services. However in some instances it may be more appropriate to offer just a few aspects of the program, for example, the Customer Advisory Session or the “Exceptional Service Leading The Pack” customer service training.本项目旨在了解企业, 提出和实施改进措施, 提供对企业所有者和员工都有实际意义的培训。 本项目旨在使企业业绩得到长期, 显著的改善。The program is based on exploring the business, generating and implementing improvements and providing practical meaningful training to both the business owners and the team members. It is based on achieving significant long-term business performance improvements.http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)6了解本指南Understanding This Guide本指南旨在概述经营业绩改善项目的八个模块。This guide aims to provide an overview of the 8 Module Business Performance Improvement Program.经营业绩改善项目共分为八个模块:The Business Performance Improvement Program has been split into 8 distinct Modules:1. 了解你的企业Understanding What Business You Are In;2. 了解你的客户,产品和市场Understanding Your Customers, Products and Markets;3. 商业模式The Business Model;4. 员工授权Team Empowerment;5. 市场营销战略计划The Strategic Marketing Plan;6. 企业系统化Business Independence;7. 组织结构,知识, 环境管理和技术应用战略Organisational Structure, Knowledge, Environment Management and Technology Strategies; and8. 反馈与持续改善Feedback and Continuous Improvement本指南接下来的部分对每个模块进行了概述。 每个模块都由 8 个步骤组成。 本指南中还提供有图表, 以帮助咨询顾问学习和理解这一流程。此外, 有工具提供的步骤也标注有专门的符号。针对每个模块, 我们都已提供了以下的内容:The following sections of this guide will provide an overview of each of these Modules. Each Module is broken down into an eight stage process. Where possible, throughout the guide, diagrams have been used to facilitate the learning and understanding process. In addition, symbols have been used to identify the tools used in each stage of the process. For each Module of the process, we have provided:http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)7该模块的概述 An overview of the Module;主要学习目标(以表示) Key Learning Objectives (denoted by );该模块中提供的工具(以表示) A list of the available tools for that Module (denoted by ); 以图示方法列出八个步骤 A diagrammatic representation of the 8 stages involved; and“需完成的工作” 清单, 与工具相互参照 ( 以表示) A list of “Things to Do, ” cross-referenced to the tools (denoted by )http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)8战略性经营业绩改善模式The Strategic Business Performance Improvement Model了解你的客户,市场和产品了解你的客户,市场和产品Understanding your customers, markets and products了解你的企业了解你的企业企业宗旨和目标企业宗旨和目标Understanding what business you are in Your Mission and Goals商业模式商业模式The Business Model员工授权员工授权-建立标建立标准和文化准和文化Team Empowerment -Developing standards and culture组织结构,组织结构, 知识,知识, 环境管环境管理和技术应用战略理和技术应用战略Organisational Structure, Knowledge, Environmental Management and Technology Strategies市场营销战略计划市场营销战略计划The Strategic Marketing Plan企业系统化企业系统化-建立建立制度和规则制度和规则Business Independence Creating systems and manuals反馈和不断改进反馈和不断改进Feedback and Continuous Improvementhttp:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)9八模块企业发展阶梯The 8 Module Business Development Ladder 结构,结构, 知识,知识, 技术和环境管理战略技术和环境管理战略Structure, Knowledge, Technology and Environmental Management Strategies3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 了解你的客户,市场和产品了解你的客户,市场和产品-制定竞争力性战略Understanding Customers, Markets & Products defining the competitive strategy商业模式商业模式-结构, 业务和财务计划The Business Model structure, business & financial plan员工授权员工授权-建立标准,文化和人力资源建立标准,文化和人力资源Team Empowerment developing standards, culture & Human Resource strategies监督和持续改进监督和持续改进-保持该过程持续进行Monitoring & Continuous Improvement 企业系统化企业系统化-建立制度和规则Business Independence creating systems and manuals市场营销战略计划市场营销战略计划-制定和实施 The Strategic Marketing Plan documentation and execution了解你的企业了解你的企业Understanding what business you are inhttp:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)10模块一:了解你的企业Module 1: Understanding What Business You Are In概述Overview任何咨询业务的开始阶段都是非常重要的。 作为咨询顾问, 你所负责的是过程过程-这是需要特别引起你注意的,你几乎不太可能控制结果。 你和你的客户一起开始了一个令人兴奋的旅程。 在这个旅程中, 客户和咨询顾问之间要进行双方向互动的知识交流。 这种信息的交流过程本身同信息一样有价值。The initial stage of any consulting assignment is particularly important. As the consultant you are responsible for the process it is important to note, that it is almost impossible for you to control the outcome. You and your client are embarking on an exciting journey together. During this journey, knowledge will be transferred between both parties - the client and the consultant. The process of this information transfer is as valuable as the information itself. 各方都要了解自己在这一关系中所扮演的角色-你只是咨询项目的推动人, 而不是客户业务的专家! All parties must understand your role in the relationship you are the facilitator of the program, you are not an expert in your clients business! 一般来讲, 在项目的第一阶段, 你要收集关于客户及其业务的信息。 你还要召开你的第一次战略计划会议。 第一阶段的目的是建立客户和咨询顾问之间的关系, 并开始经营业绩改善项目的 “计划” 阶段。 Typically, during this first stage of the program you will gather information regarding your client and their business. You will also hold your 1st Strategic Planning Session. This first stage of the program is designed to develop the relationship between client and consultant and begin the “planning” stage of the Business Performance Improvement Program.http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)11主要学习目标Key Learning Objectives下面的清单详细列举了模块一- “了解你的企业”主要学习目标的一些内容:The following list details some of the Key Learning Objectives of Module 1 Understanding What Business You Are In:了解企业所有者 (或主要股东)的个人和企业目标, 并开始以所有者的个人目标为基础制定企业宗旨和/或远景;To understand the personal and professional goals of the business owners (or key stakeholders), and begin to develop the Mission and/ or Vision for the business based on the personal objectives of the owners;了解企业当前财务和非财务方面的业绩情况概况;To obtain an overview of the current financial and non-financial performance of the business;了解企业所服务的市场,及其产品在各自生命周期中所处的位置;To understand where the business and each market is in its product life cycle;了解如何评估企业的价值和系统化会给企业价值带来的影响;To understand how businesses are valued and the impact that systematisation can have on the value of the business;确认企业的战略优势,劣势,以及当前所面临的机会和威胁;To identify the strategic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats currently facing the business;明确改善企业表现的立即行动点(IAPs);To identify Immediate Action Points (IAPs) to improve the performance of the business;明确企业面临的困境和通过实施 BPIP 来解决这些问题的方法;To identify the frustrations of the business and ways in which the BPIP can assist to resolve those issues; and建立咨询顾问和客户合作的基础一种持续的关系To establish the basis on which the consultant and client will work together the on-going relationship.http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)12工具Tools下列工具为你提供工作帮助。 这些工具与” 需完成的任务” 部分相互参照( 用表示)。 The following Tools have been provided to assist you. These Tools arecross-referenced throughout the “Tasks to Be Completed” section (denoted by ).第一次战略计划会议邀请函1st Strategic Planning Session Invitation第一次战略计划会议准备清单1st Strategic Planning Session Checklist战略需求分析问卷 (SNAQ)Strategic Needs Analysis Questionnaire (SNAQ)客户服务重点问卷Customer Service Focus Questionnaire利润潜力 (表格)Profit Possibilities (Spreadsheet)第一次战略计划会议议程1st Strategic Planning Session Agenda 第一次战略计划会议 PowerPoint 演示稿1st Strategic Planning Session PowerPoint Presentation第一次战略计划会议报告模本1st Strategic Planning Session Report Template合作意向书模本Engagement Letter Template小组计划会情况汇报议程Team Planning Session Debrief Agendahttp:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)13典型的模块一程序Typical Module 1 Program分析分析客户信息, 确定第一次计划会的日程明确 “热点” 和 “ E-DAY”Analyse client information and set your agenda for the 1st Planning Session identify the “hot spots” and “E-Day”3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 安排安排第一次(共两次)战略计划会议的后勤事宜Arrange logistics for 1st (of 2) Strategic Planning Session从客户处收集收集信息Collect information from client召开第一次战略性计划讨论会,召开第一次战略性计划讨论会, 确保自己明确 “立即行动点立即行动点(IAPs )Hold 1st Strategic Planning Session ensure you identify the “Immediate Action Points” (IAPs)准备准备提交给客户的包含 IAPs 的计划讨论会报告Prepare Planning Session Report for client with IAPs assigned建立建立持续的客户关系基础,并向客户提交合作意向书Establish basis of on-going relationship and send Engagement Letter to client information from client制定制定今后 12 个月的工作安排Schedule client program for 12 months与小组成员交流交流工作结果Communicate outcome to team members1 1 1 1 1 1 1 http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)14需完成的任务Tasks to Be Completed1.1安排第一次战略计划会议的后勤事宜安排第一次战略计划会议的后勤事宜Arrange logistics for 1ST Strategic Planning Session第一次战略计划会议大约进行 3-4 个小时。 在此期间, 你将教给企业的所有者如何分析他们所从事行业的性质和评估他们在每个市场上的竞争地位。 你们还要一起研究 SNAQ 和完成一份立立即行动点即行动点的清单。The 1st Strategic Planning Session will take approximately 3-4 hours. During this time you will teach the business owners how to analyse the nature of the industry in which they operate and evaluate their competitive positioning within each market. Together you will also review the SNAQ and compile a list of Immediate Action Points.这个会议还会给你提供更好地了解你的客户的机会。 你应当利用这次会议来获得他们的信任和建立你们之间的合作关系。The session also gives you the opportunity to get to know your clients better. You should use the session to gain their trust and build your working relationship.确定会议的日期和时间。Set the date and time for the session.邀请客户-用信函/传真/电子邮件的形式确认这些安排。 请参见 “第一次战略计划会议邀请函第一次战略计划会议邀请函”Invite the client use a letter/fax/email to confirm arrangements. Please refer to “1st Strategic Planning Session” Invitationhttp:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)15向客户发出 “ 战略需求分析问卷战略需求分析问卷”。Send the “Strategic Needs Analysis Questionnaire“ to the client.安排会议地点-尽量使用中立性的地点-会议场所必须确保无干扰。Arrange venue try to use a neutral venue there must to be no distractions.餐饮事项-应准备午餐和上下午茶。Refreshments lunch, morning and afternoon tea should be arranged.会议设施-白板, 白板笔, 电脑 (供PowerPoint 演示之用), 纸, 笔, 投影仪。 请参见 “第一次战略计划会议第一次战略计划会议” 准备清单。准备清单。Equipment whiteboard, marker pens, computer (for PowerPoint presentations), paper, pens, projector. Please refer to “1st Strategic Planning Session” Checklisthttp:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)161.2从客户处收集信息从客户处收集信息Collect information from client在第一次战略计划会议之前, 你需要从客户处收集大量信息。You will need to gather plenty of information on the client prior to the 1st Strategic Planning Session.如果客户有网站的话, 你应当浏揽其网站。If applicable you should view the business web-site.请客户提供给你他们所有的企业介绍和广告材料。Ask the clients to send you any brochures or advertising material that they have.你还需要客户的 3 年财务报表 (盈亏表, 资产负债表和现金流量表)。 还要请客户给你提供他们通常使用的管理报告.You will also need 3 years of financial statements (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash-Flow statements). Ask the client to also send you copies of any management reports that they routinely use.你需要客户填写 SNAQ 问卷,并在会议前的至少4-5 天把它交给你。 这样, 你才会有充足的时间来分析问卷,并为第一次战略计划会议作准备。You will need the client to complete the SNAQ and return the information to you at least 4 5 days prior to your meeting. This will give you enough time to analyse the completed questionnaires and make some notes for your 1st Strategic Planning Session.客户还应当完成并交给你 “客户服务要点客户服务要点” 问卷问卷。 这一问卷是用来衡量企业提供优质客户服务方面http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)17的表现。 该问卷的结果在本项目的后面阶段会用到, 并将用来同客户和员工的反馈结果相比较。 The client should also complete and return to you the “Customer Service Focus” Questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to gauge the organisations commitment to exceptional customer service. The results will be used later in the program and compare to feedback gathered from both customers and team members.不要忘记询问客户,他们是否还有其它他们认为对你有用的信息。 如果有, 请他们提供给你。Dont forget to ask the client if there is any other information that they think would be useful to you. If possible get the client to send you this information.http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)181.3分析客户信息分析客户信息Analyse client information 第一次战略计划会议一定要做非常充分的准备-这是一次很重要的会议, 它将为你和客户的未来合作确定基调。 要用 3 个小时重新审阅已填写完成的 SNAQ 和你所收集的其它信息。You will need to prepare thoroughly for the 1st Strategic Planning Session it is a very important meeting that will set the tone for your future engagement with the client. Allow 3 hours to review the completed SNAQ and any other information you have gathered.在阅读 SNAQ 时, 应当注意的方面包括While going through the SNAQ you should look for problem areas for example 企业所有者与其他主要决策人在目标和观念之间的冲突Conflicts between the goals and ideals of the owners and other key decision-makers. 问卷中没有回答的部分(这也许反映了企业信息系统的弱点) Areas where no information has been provided (this may indicate weaknesses in the business information systems) 答卷人对问题的理解明显错误的地方Areas where the respondent clearly has misinterpreted the question在阅读 SNAQ 时, 把那些值得讨论的问题标出来, 并找机会把该项目所能提供的服务与客户所面临的困境及问题联系起来。As you go through the SNAQ, highlight areas http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)19for discussion and look for opportunities to relate the value of your products and services back to the clients frustrations and problems.用客户的财务数据填制 “利润潜力利润潜力”。Set up the “Profit Possibilities” using the clients financial data. 准备好会议的议程并发送给所有参加会议的人员-请参见 “第一次战略计划会议议程第一次战略计划会议议程” 模本模本。Prepare an agenda for the session and send it to all participants please refer to “1st Strategic Planning Session Agenda” template.http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)201.4召开第一次战略计划会议召开第一次战略计划会议Hold 1st Strategic Planning Session在第一次战略计划会议的开始部分, 你要回顾企业所有者的个人和企业目标。 你还要阐述企业价值评估的原则和系统化将如何提升企业的价值。 请参见 “第一次战略计划会议第一次战略计划会议” PowerPoint 演示。演示。During the first part of the 1st Strategic Planning Session you will be reviewing the business owners personal and business objectives. You will also be looking at the principles on which businesses are valued and how systematisation of the business can increase the value of the business. Please refer to “1st Strategic Planning Session” PowerPoint Presentation.要记住, 会议其间不要总是你一个人在讲话。 如果让客户有机会谈论他们的某些问题和困境, 他们会觉得收获更大。 你要鼓励进行问题讨论,以制定一系列的行动来解决问题Make sure that you do not do all the talking at the session. Clients will feel that they have received more value if they are able to express some of their problems and frustrations. Facilitate the discussion to generate a list of actions to address the frustrations. 在会议其间, 要逐一讨论你从 SNAQ 中发现的问题或弱点。 当客户表述这些问题时, 你可以将它们与你可以提供的用于解决这些问题的工具联系起来, 例如, 客户咨询会, 优质服务培训等。During the session work through the areas of the SNAQ where you have identified problems or weaknesses. As the client expresses problems relate back to them the different tools that you have to deal with those issues e.g. the Customer http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)顾问咨询指南IFC-CPDF“Delivering Solutions For Prosperity”Page of 184http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)21Advisory Session, Exceptional Service Training etc记住, 要确定一些 “立即行动点立即行动点” (IAPs)。 这是客户可以立即在企业内实施的行动。 有些 IAP 可以对企业的赢利能力产生立竿见影的作用, 例如, 提高价格。 要切记, 是客户在实施这些行动, 而不是你不是你。Make sure that you identify some “Immediate Action Points” (IAPs). These are items that the client should implement in their business as soon as possible. Some of the IAPs should have an immediate impact on the profitability of the business


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