Ch11Intelligenceppt第1节 intelligenceppt

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IntelligenceWhat is intelligence?nVaries by cultureWestern cultures focus on cognitive tasksIs “IQ” nature or nurture?nIQ and genetic effectsIs “IQ” nature or nurture?nIQ and birth parents One general ability or several specific abilities?nFactor analysisUsed to determine if intelligence is one or a cluster of traitsClusters: verbal, mathematical, spatial, reasoning abilitiesnGeneral intelligence “G” factorA general capacity that underlies all specific mental abilitiesSavant SyndromenIncredible ability in one areaNumbers, drawing, music, memoryEmotional intelligencenAbility to express, understand, and process emotionsnBeing very empathicBeginnings of intelligence testingnOriginally designed to measure cognitive aptitudenAlfred BenetPredicted school achievement with mental ageEg. A 9 year old child has a mental age of 9nLewis Terman (From Stanford University)Created the American revision of Binets original intelligence testDeveloped the “Stanford-Binet” IQ testIntelligence Quotent (IQ)nMental age divided by chronological age X 100nE.g. 15 divided by 15 X 100 = 100n 10 divided by 8 X 100 = 125nWorked well for children but not adultsnTodays IQ tests compare the persons performance to others of his own age (100 is average)Measuring intelligencenAptitude tests - Predicting abilityA test of your capacity to learnCollege entrance exams ( SAT & GRE exams)nAchievement tests - Measure what has been learnedCalculus testnSpecific intelligence testsWAISnWechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleWISC nWechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenCreating testsnStandardizationnValiditynReliabilityStandardizationnScores relative to a pretested groupnBased on a normal curveThe Bell shaped curvenAve. a score of intelligence test = 100ValiditynMeasuring what it is supposed to measureContent validitynCollege examsnDrivers license examCriterion validitynTest compared to criterion group (e.g. depressed patients)Predictive ValiditynSAT & GRE examsReliabilitynConsistent resultsnInternal consistencyOdd v.s. even questions


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