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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小学六年级英语总复习词组归纳a : a little(一点) a lot(很,非常), a lot of(许多), lots of(许多,很多) , a bottle of(一盒), a piece of(一张/片) , a cup of (一杯), a glass of(一玻璃杯), all right(好,行,不错), most of(大部分), plenty of(很多,大量的) be: be good for(对于来说是好的), be bad for(对于来说是不好的), be going to(将要做), be good at(在方面出色), be late for(迟到) betweenand (在两者之间) , bothand (两者都). come: come from(来自), come in(进来). come on (过来呀!快来呀) ! Come with me(跟我来)! different from(与不同), of course(当然) do: do ones homework(做家庭作业), do housework(做家务), do some reading(读书), on duty (值日), do morning exercises(做早操).get: get down(下来), get up(起床), get on with(在方面进展), get home(到家) , get to school(到校)go: go boating(去划船) go swimming(去游泳) go running(去跑步) go walking(去散步), go shopping(去购物), go skating(去滑冰), go skiing(去滑雪), go fishing(去钓鱼), go sightseeing(去游览,去观光), go climbing(去爬山), go home(回家), go to school(去上学), go to work(去上班), go straight/down/on/along(一直走), go along(沿着一直走) have: have breakfast(吃早餐), have lunch(吃午饭), have supper(吃晚饭), have dinner(吃正餐), have a class(上课), have a look(看一看), have got(有) have a good appetite(有好胃口,食欲强), have a picnic(野餐) how: how many(多少), how much多少(用于不可数名词), how old(几岁), how often(多久一次)look: look at(看) look like(看起来象) very much(很,非常) in English(用英语)put: put into(把放到) put on(穿上), put away(把放好/收起来),take: take (good) care of(好好爱护,关心,照顾,保管), take photos(照相), take a bath(洗澡), take exercise(进行锻炼,进行练习).交通手段:on foot(走路), by bus/car/ship/plane/underground/bike(乘公共汽车/小轿车/轮船/飞机/地铁/自行车),地方建筑:post office(邮局), police station(警察局), train station(火车站), sports stadium(大型露天运动场), department store(百货商场), kinds of (不同种类), the Childrens Home(少年之家), primary school(小学), middle school(中学)动词短语 fly a kite(放风筝), ride a bike(骑自行车), play a game(做游戏), throw away(把扔掉), turn on(开) , stand up(站起来), sing a song(唱歌), ask a question(问问题), run away(流走,跑走), look forward to(盼望), try to(尝试做.), be angry with(对生气) divided by(除以), come to(合计) , collect coins(收集硬币), climb up to the mountain/hill(爬到山上) by the way(顺便问问),time短语:in the morning(在早上), in the afternoon(在下午), in the evening(在晚上), Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night(早上/下午/晚上好/晚安). for hours(持续小时) for an hour(持续一个小时) At this time of day(每天的这个时候),five minutes past nine(九点零五分), quarter past nine(九点十五分), quarter to nine(差十五分到九点), all day(整天), on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday(在星期天/星期一/星期二/星期三/星期四/星期五/星期六) Mid-autumn Festival(中秋节), Spring Festival(春节), National Day(国庆节), Childrens Day(儿童节), New Year(新年), Womens Day(妇女节), May Day(劳动节), Teachers Day(教师节), Partys Birthday(党生日) noun短语: family tree(家族谱), favourite food/ drinks/colour/subject (喜爱的食物) paint brush(画笔) an office worker(一个办公室文员) class teacher(班主任)an old(一个/件老的/旧的) years old(.岁) the high jump(跳高), the long jump(跳远), a map of China/the UK(一张中国/英国地图), e-mail address(电子邮箱地址), telephone number(电话号码)介词短语: at the beginning of(在的开始), at the end of(在.的结尾/结束), at the weekend(在周末), on the weekdays(在工作日), in front of (在.的前面), in the front of(在物品内的前面), in the middle of (在的中间), next to(在旁边), at the gate of(在的大门), on the floor(在地板上), on the ( ) floor(在第几层楼), on the ground floor(在一楼), at home(在家), at school(在学校), over there(那里,那边), in the sun(在阳光下), fromto(从到), turn right/left(向右/左转), on the left(在左边), on the right(在右边), to the east/west/northsouth of(在的东/西/北/南方)from the left/right(从左/右)kilometers/metres away(离千米/米远) in Class One(在一班) in Grade Six(在六年级)句子: Please say hello tofor me(宾格)/人名请代(我)向问好. Here it is(这不就是). Here they are(他们就在这儿). Here you are(给你). Nice to meet you(很高兴见到你)! Nothing much(没什么). Not at all(没关系). Shall we?(用于建议)我们好吗? Ill take it(我买了). Its time to (是做的时候了) Its time for.(是的时候了) Excuse me(对不起, 打扰了) See you(再见)! welcome to (欢迎到), Youre welcome(别客气) What about?(呢?) How do you do?你好吗? (用于初次见面,答句 相同) How do you like?(你觉得怎么样?) It doesnt matter.(没关系) Thats a pity.(真糟糕) Never mind!(不要紧) And you?(你呢?)Happy birthday!(生日快乐)专心-专注-专业


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