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大学英语四级强化训练 Vocabulary and Structure 答案Directions: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to _ enterprises. A)movable B)changing C)flexible D)varying The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选cflexible adj“灵活的;易弯曲的,柔韧的” movable adj“活动的,可移动的;时间不固定的”。hanging adj“变化中的”varying adj“不同程度的” 2. My mother cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat. A)light B)render C)slight D)mild The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bTender adj“嫩的;温柔的;疼痛的,一触即痛的”(如 The meat is tender;Her skin is very tender,like a babys ; The leaves In spring are green and tender)light adj“轻的,少量的;淡色的,浅色的”slight adj“轻微的,微小的;纤细的,瘦弱的” mild adj“温和的;和缓的;温暖的,暖和的” 3. If I had more time, I should take _ golf as a hobby. A)to B)on C)over D)up The correct answer: d Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选D)。take up意为“开始(某种爱好),从事(某项活动)”,符合句意。take to“喜欢,养成(某种爱好)”;take on“承担(任务),呈现,接受”;take over“接受,接收”,均不符合句意。 4. If a person helps a criminal, he is also considered _ of the crime. A)conscious B)aware C)knowledgeable D)guilty The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选dguilty(of)adj“有罪的;内疚的”(如 The jury found him guilty of arson;Who is guilty of taking the last piece of cake?feel guilty forabout sthat-ing;have a guilty conscience)conscious of“意识到的,知道的” aware of“意识到的,知道的”knowledgeable (about) adj.“在行的,对有丰富知识的” 5. Dont _ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead. A)release B)relieve C)relate D)inform, The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选arelease vt公布,发布,公开,发表,发行;释放,解放;放开,松开relieve vt.“减轻,解除,缓解;救济,援救”relate v“与有关联(to);使相互关联;叙述,讲述”inform (sb of)vt“告诉,通知” 6. The island lies to _ south of Kwantung. A)the B)a C)/ D)an The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。表示地理位置、方向的名词前通常要加上定冠词。 7. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon _ it. A)got off B)got across C)got over D)got away The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.get over“从(疾病、失望、震惊、畏惧等)中恢复过来;克服(困难),解决(问题)” get off“下(车、船、飞机);逃脱惩罚” get across“使(讲话)被了解,把讲清楚(让人听明白)” get away“走开,离开; (携)逃脱(with)” 8. I asked him where my sister was, and he _ the store across the street. A)indicated B)displayed C)pointed D)showed The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选aindicate vt.(用手指或目光)标示,表示,指向;表明,显示(如 indicate the direction by pointing with a finger;Fever indicates illnessthat a person is ill)display vt.“陈列,展览;显不出”point(atto)vi.“指,指向;表明” show vt.“显示,出示;表明,证明” 9. Fortunately, the patient was out of _ . A)hazard B)peril C)danger D)risk The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选C)。out of danger是固定词组,意为“脱离危险”,符合句意。 10. A number of cars _ in front of the restaurant. A)is parking B)are parking C)has parked D)is to park The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B)。a number of(许多)作主语时,其谓语动词均用复数;但the number of (的数目)后的谓语动词均用单数。 11. Important people dont often have much free time as their work _ all their time. A)takes away B)takes over C)takes up D)takes in The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选C)。take up意为“占用”,符合题意,为正确答案,take away, take over, take in分别作“拿走”、“接收、接管”,“领会、接受”解。 12. Whats the _ distance youve ever walked? A)minimum B)maximum C)finite D)vast The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bmaximum adjn“最大的,最高的;最大限度,最大量”(如 He smokes a maximum of 10 cigarettes a day;The sound has reached its maximum; The maximum speed on this roads is 60 miles per hour)minimum nadj“最低限度,最少量;最低的,最小的”finite adj“有限的” vast adj“巨大的,广阔的;大量的,很多的” 13. I was a small country house, but it was large _urban standards. A)at B)for C)by D)form The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.bystandards“按照的标准来衡量”(不与其他三个介词搭配) 14. This year the farmers were just able to gather in the _ before the fine weather came to an end. A)collection B)seed C)yield D)harvest The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选dharvest n“u收获,收割;c收成”(如 The slimmer harvest is about to start; There was a large apple harvest this year.) collection n.“收集,采集;收藏品”(参见注830)seed n“种,种子” yield n“产量;收益” 15. It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline. A)must be sent B)would be sent C)be sent D)were sent The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 在一些以It is +形容词+that从句”表示愿望、建议、命令等的句型中,that列出的主语从句,其谓语动词须用虚拟语气,即:谓语须用should+原形,should可省略。所以C)为正确答案。 16. As we are going to the market, we will _ call in at your fathers office. A)either B)as well C)also D)too The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选C)。四个选项都意为“也”,either只用于否定句中,as well,also,too用于肯定句。too和as well多用于句末,also放在动词之前。 17. The brutal bombing of Yugoslavia by the U.S. and its NATO allies, which was claimed to have been made for the protection of human rights, resulted as a matter of fact in hundreds. Of thousands of _ fleeing to neighbouring countries. A)exiles B)emigrants C)refugees D)victims The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选crefugee n“难民” exile n(因政治或宗教原因)“被流放者,流亡国外者,背井离乡者” emigrant n(移居国外的)“移民” victim n“牺牲品,受害者” 18. He is always giving _ his wife. A)in to B)in C)up D)off The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。give in to意为“向投降,对让步”,符合句意。give in,“让步,妥协”;give up,“放弃,戒掉”;give off,“散发出(光、气味等)”,均不符合句意。 19. When a society is polarized, the _ Left confronts the extreme Right and theres nobody in between. A)fundamental B)radical C)firm D)complete The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bRadical adj“激进的,激进派的”(如 His opinions are very radical; Hes fairly radical in his opinions.)fundamental (to) adj.“根本的,基本的”firm adj.“坚定的,坚决的”complete adj“完全的,完整的” 20. Prof. Beidler, who teaches English literature at the California State University, divides his time _ teaching, writing and lecturing. A)during B)among C)into D)between The correct answer: d Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选D)。动词divide可与介词between连用,between之后通常是几个单数名词,表示两两之间的关系。 21. I _ her not to walk on the thin ice but she wouldnt listen to me. A)warned B)suggested C)persuaded D)consulted The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选awarn vt.“警告,告诫”(句型:warn sb of/abut danger;warn sb against-ing/not t-V/warn sb that)suggest vt.“建议,提议”(句型:suggest sth-ing;suggest that sb do sth;不说 suggest sb to-V)persuade vt.“说服,劝服;使相信”(句型:persuade sb toV/into-ing;persuade sb not toVout of-ing;persuade sb ofthat“使相信”)consult vt.“向请教;查阅(资料)”;vi.“商议,交换意见”(不跟带不定式的复合结构) 22. The _ from hand-made to machine-made shoes was accomplished very slowly. A)changeover B)turnover C)takeover D)handover The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。changeover意为“改变,转换”,符合句意。turnover,“倒转,营业额”;takeover,“接收,接管”;handover,“移交的”,均不符合句意。 23. Prices continued to rise while wages remained low _ that the Government became increasingly unpopular. A)on condition B)with the result C)provided D)in order The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B)。with the result that.,“其结果是”,符合句意。on condition that.“如果,条件是”;provided that.,“只要”;in order that“为的是”,均不符合题意 24. The project is not _ a failure. It is a success in some respects. A)altogether B)nevertheless C)but D)therefore The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。not altogether意为“并非完全是”。 25. It was unwise of him to _ the unreliable data in his speech. A)turn to B)refer to C)keep to D)point to The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选brefer(to)vi“参考,查阅;提到,涉及”;vt“让去找”(如 refer to a dictionary;refer to a history book;The lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright lad;This rule refers to(适用于”)everyone;Dont refer to the matter again;This dispute will be referred to an arbitrator.)turn to(for)“找(寻求帮助)” keep to“坚持;遵守,信守”point to“指向” 26. Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to_ situations. A)similar B)alike C)same D)likely The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选a. similar (to) adj. “相似的,类似的”alike adj.(只作表语)“同样的,想像的”same adj“相同的,一样的”(必须与走冠词连用)likely adj(定语)“可能的,有希望的” 27. The automobile salesman gave us some _ on the latest models. A)message B)document C)literature D)paper The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选cliterature(onabout)nu“文献,图书资料”(go through the literature on the subject;an extensive literature dealing with the First World War)message n“信息,口信,便条,电文;启示,要旨” document nc(指正式的)“公文,文件,文献” paper n“报纸;文件,文章,论文” 28. _ , we didnt go out for a picnic. A)Being a hot day B)It a hot day C)The day being hot D)The day to be hot The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选C)。当分词短语的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致时,应用分词独立结构作状语。常见的分词独立结构表达如下:“名词(或代词)+分词短语”;“with (without)+名词+分词短语”。 29. _ are better than words when people are in need of help. A)Behaviors B)Conducts C)Deeds D)Performances The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选cdeed n“(实际)行动,行为;功绩”(如 Deeds, not words,are needed;to support the revolution in deed as well as in word)behavior nc“行为,举止;(机器)运转情况”conduct n. c“举止,行为”performance n.“工作情况,表现;履行,执行;演出,表演”(参见注736) 30. His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another _ A)side by side B)hand in hand C)on the side D)on his side The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选con the side“作为兼职,作为副业,正事以外”(如 She takes in laundry on the side;He ordered a hamburger with onions and French fries on the side)side by side“肩并肩,一起” hand in hand“手拉手;同时并进地,密切关联地” on sbs side“在一边;支持” 1. The upright official urged himself to be _ to any possible bribery. A)alert B)watchful C)careful D)cautious The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选aAlert(tofor)adj“警觉的,警惕的;留神的,注意的”(to be alert to any possible error;be alert in answering questions;be alert for any sign of change in the critically ill patient)watchful(for/of)adj“注意;注意寻找;提防”careful(ofaboutin)adj.“小心的,仔细的”cautious(of)adj(由于恐怕出错而)“十分小心的,谨慎的” 2. He is so intelligent that he _ above all the others in his class. A)tops B)towers C)exceeds D)excels The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选btower vi.“(本义)高耸,屹立;(引申)(原义或比喻)高出,超出(overabove)(如 The mountain towered into the sky;The skyscraper towered above the other buildings;In ability he towers over the rest of them)top vt.“居之上,位之首;高过,超过”(不用 aboveover)exceed vt.“超过,胜过;越出”(参见注1108)excel vi.“(在智慧、技术、能力上)比强”;vi.“突出地好” 3. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in _ A)existence B)survival C)life D)reality The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选aexistence n“存在”(be in existence“存在”;come into existence开始存在;go out of existence不复存在)survival n.“幸存,继续生存;幸存者,残存物” in reality“实际上” 4. Myra showed no signs of emotion till she reached home, _ she broke down completely. A)as B)when C)after D)because The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B)。句中when相当于and then,意为“那时”,前面用逗号隔开。 5. The headmaster had a very _ manner when he spoke to the whole school. A)strict B)sincere C)stern D)solemn The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选dsolemn adj“严肃的;庄严的,隆重的”(a stiff solemn lookexpressionmanner/ceremony ; solemn music ; make a solemn decision)strict adj严格的,严厉的;严谨的,精确的;完全的,不折不扣的sincere adj“诚挚的,真诚的,诚恳的”(参见注580)stern adj“严厉的,严格的,严峻的;坚定的” 6. Any government that refuses to meet the needs of its people must be prepared to accept the _. A)results B)outcome C)consequences D)endings The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选cconsequence nc(多数情况下指不好的)“结果,后果”(如 Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences ; Nobody can tell what the consequences may be)result nc“(事情发展的)结果;成果,成绩”outcome(result)n“结果”ending n“结尾,结局” 7. Seeing the commander in the very frontline _ the fighting spirit of the soldiers. A)inspired B)hoisted C)boosted D)magnified The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c. boost vt. “推动,激励;提高,使增长;宣扬”( boost the morale of the fighters; boost the spring cultivation) inspire vt.“鼓舞,激起;给以灵感”(注:以人作宾语,如 inspire sb to-V; inspire sb to greater efforts) hoist vt.“举起;升起;(用吊车)吊起” magnify vt.“扩大,放大;夸大,夸张” 8. People were surprised to find that Mr. Johnson had the ability to _ everything he was involved in. A)prevail B)dominate C)preside D)instruct The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bdominate vt.“支配,统治,控制;在中居首要地位;(高山、高大建筑物)耸立于,俯视(周围较低的同类)”(如 The strong usually dominate over the weak;A great man can dominate over others by force of character ; The skyscraper dominates the city)prevail (over)vi.右上风;盛行,风行preside vi.主持,主管”instruct vt.“教育,指导;指不,命令,通知” 9. Clouds are gathering; I think wed better _ the Zoo in case it starts to rain. A)go for B)look for C)search for D)head for The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选dheadbe headed for“朝行进,走向”(如They headed for the mountains for their vacation;Where are you headingheaded for?)(head for还可用于贬义,表示将会碰到不好的结果,如 If you go on with him,youre heading for disaster)go for“设法得到;袭击;适用于”(如Kens going for the tennis championship this year;He went for him with a knife;These remarks go for all of you.) look for“寻找”search for“寻,寻找” 10. Our journey was very slow because the train stopped _ at different villages. A)continually B)continuously C)gradually D)unceasingly The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选acontinually ady“不断地,频频地”continuously adv“连续不间断地”(注:continually可表示“不间断地”或者虽有间断但是老是频频发生地;continuously表示中间没有间断地,一直持续发生地)gradually adv“渐渐地,逐步地”unceasingly adv(continuously)“不停地” 11. She was resolved to show herself _ her good fortune. A)worthy B)worthy of C)worth of D)worthwhile The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bWorthy(of)adj值得的,配得上的,应得到(相当于deserving);有价值的,可尊敬的”(如 He is a teacher worthy of great respect;His behavior is worthy of praise;He has lived a worthy life;She helps the worthy poor;He is a worthy winner;He is worthy to take his place)(注:worthy可作表语或定语,作表语后面多跟of,也可以跟不定式,但不能跟-in)worth adj“值钱;值得(做)的”(即做了会得到好处的)(如 The toy is worth10;It is worth the price;His suggestion is worth consideration/considering; The book is worth publishing/publication.)(注:worth一般作表语,表示值多少钱或某事值得做,后面直接跟名词或动名词,动名词实际表示的是被动的意思,如The book is worth reading. Reading在这里表面看来是主动态,但实际是被动意思,等于 being read,但 worth后面又不能用现在分词被动态 being read)worthwhile adj(表语或定语)“值得(做)的,有价值的”(如 a worthwhile jobcause; The visit/The effort was worthwhile;It isnt worthwhile to ask him to join the club)(本题主要是区分这三个形容词的意义和用法) 12. He cant afford to _ meat every day. A)feed his children B)feed his children on C)provide his children D)supply his children The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B)。feed sb. on sth.是固定说法,意为“给吃”。 13. _ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. A)Except for B)Aside from C)But for D)Rather than The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.aside from(在肯定句中)“除外(尚有)”;(在否定句中)“除外别无”(如 Aside from this general consideration had several objections to the plan;Aside from his meager savings, he has no resources to fall back on.) except for“除外”(注:该短语所排除的与所谈的内容不属于同一类)(参见注 824)but for“倘没有,要不是” rather than“而不是;(宁)而不(做)” 14. The offence _ which he is going to be charged carries a heavy penalty. A)at B)with C)of D)on The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B),charge sb. with,“指控某人犯有某罪”,在本句中,介词with移至关系代词前。 15. He has very _ eyes; he catches sight of things quickly. A)positive B)sharp C)eager D)sensible The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bsharp adj“敏锐的,机警的;锋利的,锐利的;轮廓分明的”(a sharp knifeeyesnosesense of smellmindoutline)positive adj“确实的,明确的;积极的,肯定的”(of/about/that)eager adj“亲切的,渴望的”(eage for sth/to-Vfor sb to-V)sensible adj.“明智的,合情理的;(以人作主语)能察觉到的(of);可以觉察出的” 16. My golf is not very good just now. Ive been busy and Im out of _. A)condition B)place C)fashion D)practice The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选dbe out of practice“久不练习(技术已荒疏)”(如 The basketball team got out of practice during the Christmas holidays;He was out of practice at batting)(反义短语:be in practice)be out of condition“身体状况不好”be out of place“(本义)不在应该在的位置上;(引申)(话语)不合适,不恰当八人与环境)不协调,不相称,格格不入”be out of fashion“过时的,不时兴” 17. He _his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance. A)concealed B)retained C)kept D)shielded The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选aconceal vt“隐瞒,隐藏”retain vt“保持,保留” keep vt“保持,保有”shield vt“保护,防护(from)” 18. The government had _ them permission to leave the country. A)granted B)provided B)supplied D)presented The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选aGrant vt.“同意,准予,授予”(如 The firm granted him a pension;He requested that the Prime Minister grant him an interview;The government will grant land to anyone willing to farm it)provide vt.“供给,提供”(provide sb with sth ; provide sth for sb)supply vt.“供给,供应”(supply sb with sth; supply sth to sb) present vt.“赠(送),呈献;提出,呈交(present sb with sth; present sth to sb)(参见注 859525) 19. In addition to rice, we need to _ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable. A)replace B)supplement C)replenish D)mix The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选bsupplement vt.增补,补充replace vt“替换,取代;把放回原处”replenish vt“重新充实,补充(消耗掉的东西)”mix v“(使)混合” 20. Many crops suffered _ damage in the rainstorm. A)few B)many C)substantial D)sufficient The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选csubstantial adj“可观的,大量的;牢固的,结实的;实质的”(a substantial crop of tobacco;a substantial supply of food;a substantial house;substantial changes;in substantial agreement)few adj(修饰可数名词复数)“很少的,几乎没有的” many adj很多的sufficient adj“足够的,充分的” 21. The medical record shows that it was the drug, not the disease, _ killed him several years ago. A)the effects of which B)the effects of it C)finally D)that The correct answer: d Your


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