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Unit 8 语 言 知 识类别内 容课次要求词汇silk, plastic, cotton, scarf, jeans, handbag, hat1A掌握size, natural, afford1Bdepend, depend on, northern, Australian, according to, nearly, catch ones eye, silver, iron1Csociety1Dallow, interview, policewoman, officer, carry out, tie2Abusiness2Bpoliceman, soldier, pilot, ceiling, hide, airport2Cadvise2Dpocket3Atraditional3Bstand for, Asian, personal3Cchoice, hardly, except, marriage, outside, cheap3Dcostume, fashion, sportswear1A理解clothing, windbreaker, material, woolen, leather1Bdislike, boot, generally, style, type, dry-clean1Cuniform, kimono, easy-going, saying1Ddesign, suitable, discipline, casual, slipper2Asuit, occasion, gatekeeper, correctly, customer, server, partner2Bfirefighter2Cslim, tight, well-known2Dcatwalk, cheongsam, minority, Mongolian, Korean3Bdynasty, knot, decoration, wearer, attractive, western-style, feature3Cwidely, item, traditionally, celebration3D语言知识类别内 容语法1. so., sothat, so that句型I like it a lot, so my father bought it for me.My old coat are so short that I want to buy some new ones.I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome. 2. It is+adj.+that clauseIt is important that you wear suitable clothes on every occasion.It is necessary that people wear suitable clothes. 3. Object clauses()She asks what materials they should choose.Can you tell me what I should wear here?Could you tell me where the special shoes are? 4. Object clauses()He said the fashion show was wonderful.Kangkang said he was doing his homework. 功能用语与话题1.服装的类型。Id like these cotton pants and this T-shirt.Id like to buy a silk hat and a woolen dress. 2.不同场合的着装及不同体形的穿着。You should wear a suit.If a slim girl enters your shop, youd better advise her to wear clothes in warm colors. 3.中国传统服装文化和异国传统服装文化。4.不同职业,不同服装。语言技能听1.能听懂接近正常语速、涉及服装的语段,回答教师提出的问题。2.能在听的过程中,找出材料中所涉及的服装名称。3.能针对所听语段的内容,填入相关语段所缺的词。说1.能根据话题进行情景对话。2.能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论。3.能有效地询问信息和请求帮助。读1.能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意。2.能理解并解释图表提供的信息,如读懂衣服的标签。3.能读懂简单的个人信件。4.能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系。写1.能根据写作要求和素材,整理出符合逻辑的短文。2.能就简单的事件表达自己的见解。情感态度1.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。2.对祖国服装文化能有更深刻的了解。3.乐于接触并了解异国服装文化。学习策略1.在学习中善于利用图片等非语言信息理解主题。2.积极参与课内外英语学习活动。3.在交际中注意到中外交际习俗的差异。Topic 1 Section A The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words: silk, plastic, cotton, scarf, jeans, handbag, hat2. Learn the structures of “so, sothat” : (1) I liked it a lot, so my father bought it for me.(2) My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones. 3. Understand how to ask for help: (1) Could you tell me where to buy a scarf ?(2) Thanks. And what about hats?. Teaching aids 教具教学用的服装卡片/安排学生自带的衣服/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)1. (用卡片复习以前学过的服装词汇。)T:Boys and girls, today we will have a lesson about clothes. I think it is useful for you. You must be interested in them. Look at here, whats in my hand? Oh, yes, there are many cards about clothes in my hand. You should speak out the names of these clothes quickly as soon as I take them out. Are you ready?Ss:Yes.(教师一张张抽出画有衣服的卡片,让学生一起大声说出服装名称,复习已学过的衣服名称。)coat , blouse , pants , shirt , raincoat , dress , sunglasses , sweater , jacket T:Good! You have remembered many names of clothes. Are you happy?Ss:Of course.2. (教师用手中的卡片,学习有关询问服装质地的表达。并板书句型。)T:We have learnt so many words about clothes. Today we will learn the expressions about what is your clothes made of.(板书并学习这一句型与新单词。)What is it made of ?它是由什么制成的?Its made of它是由做的。cotton n. 棉布;棉花 adj. 棉花的silk n. 丝,丝制的plastic adj. 塑料的 n. 塑料wood n. 木,木料,木材(教师指着自己的眼镜告诉学生是塑料制成的。)T:Look at my glasses. They are made of plastic.(教师走到一名学生身旁,引导其他学生说这名学生的衣服是什么质地的。)T:He is wearing a coat. Its made of cotton. Now, please answer my question. What is his coat made of ?Ss:Its made of cotton.(让学生之间互相练习这一句型。)T:Now, work in pairs to practice the expressions.S1:What is your skirt made of?S2:Its made of silk.T:Then I have more beautiful clothes here. Do you want to say them in English?Ss:Yes.3. (教师拿出已准备好的服装展示给学生,并教新词,巩固有关服装质地的表达。)T: Look here. What are they?(帮助学生回答。)Ss: They are jeans.(板书划线部分, 并让学生跟读。)T: What are they made of ?(让学生触摸,感觉质地,引导学生回答。)Ss:They are made of cotton.T:Then what is it?(拿另一件衣服,比如围巾,展示给学生。)(学生会用汉语回答: 围巾。)T: Yes, its a scarf.(板书单词教学生大声跟读。)(让学生触摸,感觉质地。)T: Whats it made of ?(学生可能会回答: 真丝,丝绸。)T: OK, its made of silk.(以此类推,学习其余生词handbag, hat, )(板书)jeans /dVi:nz / What are they made of ?They are made of cotton.They are cotton jeans.scarf /skB: f / Whats it made of ?Its made of silk.Its a silk scarf.handbag /hændbæg/ n. 女用皮包,手提包hat / hæt / n. 帽子;礼帽T:Can you remember these new words? If you cant, Ill give you several minutes to remember them. OK?Ss:OK!(几分钟后,教师可用手势表示停下来。)T: Time is up. Lets have a words competition. Say the names of these clothes one by one when I show them. Ill see which group is the quickest and best. Group A, go!(在这组活动结束后,可适当对获胜者进行表扬,同时不忘鼓励落后者,希望他们下次表现更好。)T: OK, stop here. Group A is good. Group B is better. Group C is the best. Group D, dont lose your heart, I believe you will do better next time.(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)1. (让学生听1a录音,设置听力任务,并让学生带着问题听。)T: Well done. Now lets come to 1a. First look at your classmates. What did you find? Oh, you can find they are wearing different kinds of clothes. What nice clothes! Can you guess what Maria is wearing today? If you want to know it, please listen to the tape carefully. (板书)What is Maria wearing?Whats it made of ?What does Jane want to buy?(听完后,叫学生回答上面的问题。)T:Who wants to answer the first question?S1:She is wearing a Chinese Tang costume.T:OK. Next question?S2:Its made of silk.T:Good! The last question?S3:She wants to buy some new clothes.2. (让学生看短文听对话,然后跟录音模仿。) T: Look at 1a, and listen to the dialog again, then follow the tape to imitate it. (学生跟读完之后,师生共同找出关键词句并列于黑板上,同时讲解一些重难点。) (板书)look great What a nice coat! a Chinese Tang costume feel soft so that buy some new clothes have a fashion showStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 7分钟)1. (让学生根据黑板上的关键词句,总结对话的主要内容。)T: Please sum up the dialog according to the key words on the blackboard.(让学生再读一遍课文,然后两人一组根据黑板上的重点词句表演对话。)T: Please read the dialog again and act it out in pairs according to the key words and sentences on the blackboard.(学生读完之后。)T:Are there any volunteers? Please come to the front and act out the dialog.S1:S2:(教师让学生参与评价,选出最佳的一组,给予表扬。)T: Well, I agree with you. S1 and S2 are No.1. Congratulations!2. (让学生独立完成1b,巩固“sothat”或“so”的用法。)T: Now, finish 1b by yourselves.T: Have you finished? Now, lets check the answers.Answers: 1. so cool 2. so beautiful 3. so (教师可适当补充一些语法练习,再巩固sothat和so的用法。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)1. (教师带领学生完成2。)(1) T: Are you happy that you can say so much about clothes? OK! Its time for you to write something about them. Please fill in the blanks carefully, then well check them together.(2) T:Well. You know the clothes that people are wearing, but do you know who they are?OK, lets listen to 2 and find out who they are. Please number the pictures.(让学生根据所听句子的顺序相应标出人物的顺序。等学生听完做完之后,核对答案。)2. (学生完成2后,教师可领学生做个小游戏,既放松心情,又巩固所学知识。) T:I think you must be tired. Lets play a game, OK? Ss:OK. (此活动具体操作如下: 教师先作示范,用英语描述某个学生的衣着,然后让大家猜描述的是谁。猜对的学生,教师给予表扬。然后找几名学生来描述某个学生的衣着,其他学生猜。) T:She is wearing a pair of glasses. She is wearing a bright yellow skirt. She has long hair. Can you guess who she is? Ss: T:Right. Well done! (此活动的目的是: 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,既锻炼了学生的听力,又提高了他们的口语表达能力,让学生在轻松愉快中掌握所学知识。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)1. (教师让学生两人一组完成3。首先进行小组讨论,说出图中每层楼所售服装名称, 然后模仿对话,编一个新的对话。) T:Well, boys and girls, today you have learnt a lot of names about clothes. I think you canlook at the pictures in 3 and find out whats on each floor in pairs. Do you understand? Ss:Yes. (学生在讨论过程中,教师可到学生当中帮助学习有困难的小组。) T: Time is up. Be quiet, please. Lets check your answers together. Ill ask one group of you to tell the answers. Who will try? (看学生反应情况,选一组向大家汇报讨论结果。) T:S1, please. S1: You can buy shoes and hats in the Shoes & Hats Section on the first floor. You can buy (如果代表这组汇报的学生在讲述过程中有遗漏的地方,可叫其他学生补充。) T: OK, please stop here. Is that all? Anything else? Please look carefully. (这部分结束之后,让刚才两人一组的同学还是按原组进行角色表演,其中一位扮演顾客,向另外一位扮演售货员的学生询问有关各种服装所在位置。) T: OK. Lets look at the pictures to make similar dialogs in the same pairs, and you can imitatethe dialog in 3. Go!2. Homework: (请学生回家准备一张家人的照片,运用本节课所学内容,介绍相片里的家人所穿服装类别以及服装质地。) Prepare a family photo and describe their clothes.Section B The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:size, natural, afford2. Master some useful expressions about choosing clothes:What would you like to buy?Id like these cotton pants and this T-shirt.What size do you wear?Size M.Its made of natural materials.What do you want to buy?Id like to buy a silk hat and a woolen dress.3. Master the usage of adverbial clauses of result.4. Improve the students listening skills. Teaching aids 教具实物/学生从家里带来的照片/图片/多媒体课件/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)1. (复习上节课内容,叫学生描述所带家庭相片中家人所穿的服饰以及服饰的质地。) T:How time flies! Its time to check your homework. Have you brought your family photos? Ss:Yes. T:Can you introduce your family to our classmates? Ss:Yes. T:Who will be volunteer? OK, please come to the front, and face the classmates. (示意学生举手。) (该学生手拿相片,面对全班学生。) S1: This is my father. Hes wearing a gray sweater and the sweater is made of wool. His shoes are made of leather. This is my mother. She is wearing a beautiful pink dress and the dress is made of cotton. Her scarf is made of silk (再叫几名学生做相似的介绍。)2. (从上台介绍家人服装的学生手中留下几张适合本课教学的相片,抽出一张进行介绍。) T:Boys and girls, please look at the photo. Can you remember whose mother she is? Ss:Yes. She is ××s mother. T:What is she wearing? Ss:She is wearing a sweater. (教师手指着毛衣,示意学生用英语齐声说出,不至于说到其他服装。) T:Whats it made of? Ss:Its made of wool. T:Yes, its made of wool. You can also say its a woolen sweater. (板书划线部分。并在woolen下用彩笔划线,并标出音标,注释,让学生跟读。) T:Please look at the blackboard and read after me. (学完woolen之后,教师手拿一个皮制手提包。) T:Whats it? Ss:Its a handbag. T:Yes, its a handbag. Whats it made of ? (帮助学生回答。) T:Its made of leather. Its a leather handbag. (板书划线部分并标出音标,注释,让学生跟读。)(以此类推,呈现size, silk windbreaker和natural materials。)(板书)Its a woolen sweater. /wJln/羊毛制的Its made of natural materials.in a clothing shopIts a leather handbag. /le T/皮制的What size do you wear /saIz/?Its a silk windbreaker. /wIndbreIk/(教师在写黑板上的句子时,可悄悄地加上一句未操练的句子,并且句子里含有生词,这样不仅可以灵活地引入新词,还可以培养学生的观察力,活跃课堂气氛。)T:Well done! Now we have learnt so many new words on the blackboard. Please look at the blackboard carefully. Can you find something different? Ss:There is a new word in these key words. T:Yes, follow me, clothing. (学生跟读几遍,掌握它的拼写。) (教师把clothing, clothes, cloth写在黑板上,让学生说出它们之间的区别,然后教师归纳总结。)T:Who can tell me the differences among clothing, clothes and cloth? Ss:Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)1. (引入1a。)T: Great! We know that the clothes on the blackboard are made of different natural materials. T: Follow me, please.“natural materials” (让学生多读几遍,熟练掌握这个词组。) T: You know so many natural materials, but can you tell me what size do you wear? First, let me tell you the size of my coat. I wear size small / medium / large. (板书划线部分并解释。)What size do you wear? 你穿多大号的?Size small /medium/ large? (小号/中号/大号?) S1: I wear size small. S2: I wear size medium. S3: I wear size large. (让学生自由起来说英语,培养说英语能力。过渡到下一步。) T: Thats fine. You know about your clothes well. But what about your friends Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria? Please listen to 1a and answer the following questions.(板书)What would Kangkang like to buy?What about Michael?What size does Michael wear?What does Jane want to buy?How about Maria?(上述问题可在课前准备好,板书在小黑板上或用幻灯片显示,以节省课堂时间。)(学生听完之后,如果回答有困难,可再播放一遍。)(让学生再听1a录音,看图片,独立完成1b。)T:Well, lets check the answers.SS:T:Very good. How clever you are!T:Now, open your books on Page 79. Read the dialog 1a aloud together. Ss:2. (让学生大声读两遍之后,提问几名学生,检查读音情况,予以及时纠正。) T:Please read the dialog again, then find out the key words. Ss:OK. T:Lets begin. (学生开始查找,大约两分钟后。) T:Are you OK? Ss:Yes. T:Lets go through the dialog and read the key words together. (师生共同合作,写出关键词。)fashion showKangkang cotton pants and T-shirtMichael windbreaker size M natural materialsJane silk hat and a woolen dressMaria a leather jacket Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8分钟)(读对话,然后放录音,逐句核对语音语调。)T: How great! Lets get a deeper understanding of the dialog. Please read the dialog together. After you read one sentence, Ill play the same sentence on the tape. You can check your pronunciation and intonation.(学生读完之后。)T: You have understood the dialog better. Please look at the key words to make up similar dialogs in pairs.(因为文章较长,在学生编对话过程中允许看一下书或中间有遗漏,只要他们能用上关键词并且语言流利即可。)T: Most of you can use the key words correctly. Thats good enough. You can go further.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)1. (让学生根据图片和提示语填空,完成1c,进一步巩固so, sothat和so that的用法。)T: Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria are trying on the new clothes. Do you know how they feel? Look at the four pictures in 1c, and fill in the blanks according to the pictures. (教师可补充适当练习,让学生更好地掌握结果状语从句的用法。) (1) We study English hard, our English teacher is very happy. (2) The price of the leather jacket is expensive I cant afford it. (3) Miss Wang planned very well her students enjoyed a good trip. (教师可把学生分成三组,做一个小游戏,寓教于乐,更好地理解结果状语从句的用法。 在左边列出Group 1造的句子,在右边列出Group 2造的句子。让学生用这三个结构把左边和右边连成一个句子,当然不是所有的句子都可以连接的,这样连接出来的句子有的就很搞笑,让学生在笑声中学会这三个结构的用法。)T: Now Group 1 and Group 2 make some sentences like these: (板书)Im a student.He can reach the apple on the tree.He is tall.I must learn English well. T: Group 3 use“so”,“sothat”,“ so that”to match them. For example: Im a student so he can reach the apple on the tree. 2. (教师先让学生把需要判断的句子读一遍,然后听录音时才有针对性,有利于培养学生捕捉细节的能力,促进听力水平的提高。) T: OK, lets come to 2. Listen to the tape and mark (T) for True or (F) for False. (听完2录音后。) T:Now, tell me your answers. Ss: (如果部分学生没听懂,教师应把听力原文用幻灯片显示出来,让学生朗读,熟读,培养语感。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)1. (让学生调查班级五名学生的最喜欢的服饰和服装的质地,填于下列表格中。)T: Make a survey about five of your classmates favorite clothes and the materials of clothes. Then fill out the form. NameClothesMaterial2. Homework: (用so, sothat和 so that造句。至少5句。) Use“so”,“sothat”and “ so that”to make sentences. At least five sentences.Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases: depend, northern, Australian, nearly, silver, iron, depend on, according to, catch ones eye2. Go on learning how to use“sothat”.The T-shirt is so bright that Kangkang looks lively.3. Understand the style and the way of dressing in western countries.4. Be able to read the instruction tag in the clothes: 100% cotton Made of 100% cotton. Teaching aids 教具一些准备好的服装/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)1. (教师在袋子里放上几件特殊的衣服,让学生猜,复习上节课的内容。)T:Boys and girls, Im very happy today, because I bring many special clothes here and they are in this bag. We can play guessing game. Do you like it? Ss:Yes. (教师拿着装衣服的袋子走到学生面前让学生感觉并做猜测。学生只许触摸不许看。教师可以看袋子里学生碰到的衣服,并做回答。)T:Let me tell you how to play the game. Ill ask some of you to put your hands into the bag, touch the clothes and tell me what it is and what its made of. You can ask“Is it a cotton coat?”and so on.S1:Is it a silk scarf ?T:No. You can take it out.S1:Oh, its a silk skirt.(教师可把袋子拿到下一名学生处。)T:You can also try it.(学生感觉质地并问。)S2:OK. Are they cotton pants?T: Yes. They are cotton pants. Thank you. Please sit down.(教师回答后,把这条裤子拿出来。)(继续下面的游戏,让学生自如地运用所学知识,并把拿出的衣服依次放于讲桌上。)2. (导入新词汇和新课。)T:Wow, there are so many beautiful clothes on the desk. Which of them do we wear on special days and which ones do we wear on common days? Do you know? Ss:Yes, of course. (请一学生上来划分,把在正式场合穿的衣服放左边,其余放右边。如果学生分好了可表扬,没分好可请其他人帮忙。) T: OK. Ill ask one student to come here and do it for us. But you must put the clothes which we wear on special days on the left and the clothes which we wear on common days on the right. (一分钟之后。) T: Is it right? Any other ideas? Anyone else? Good, you please. (学生把服装分类好了之后。) T: Thats right. Id like to tell you I prefer to dress formally. What about you? (板书)formal formallyinformal informally(对板书的四个词解释并让学生跟读。)For example:T:Do you prefer to dress formally or informally?S1:I prefer to dress formally.S2:I prefer to dress informally. (教师询问学生平时穿的衣服和特殊日子穿的衣服。) T:What do you usually wear at school?S1:I usually wear shirt.S2:I usually wear T-shirt. T:What do you wear on special days?S1:At Christmas, I wear Santa Claus hat.S2:In the Spring Festival, I wear new clothes. T:Oh, I see. What you wear depends on what you like.(板书划线部分,并注音标和释义,让学生跟读。)What you wear depends on what you like./dI5pend/ v. 依赖,依靠,取决于T: Can you make sentences using“depend on”?(让学生造句熟悉depend on的运用,为下面更好地理解文章内容做铺垫。让学生尽可能多地造句。既扩展了学生的思维,也活跃了课堂气氛。)T:You made so many sentences. Ill also make a sentence for you. Sometimes what the people wear depends on festivals. In some areas women must wear red coats during the Spring Festival. Its a custom. Would you like to know what North American people wear on special days? Ss:Yes, wed love to. T:OK, well learn it today. Please open your books on Page 81. (自然导入下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 15分钟)1. (让学生快速阅读1a, 找到下面两个问题的答案并根据课后词汇表, 自学生词: dislike, boot, northern, Australian, 培养学生自学能力。) T: Now read the whole passage as quickly as you can and try to find out the answers to the questions on the blackboard. You can look up the new words in your word list. (板书)What do North American people wear on special days?What do Chinese people wear in northern China in winter?(几分钟后,请找出答案的学生回答问题。)T:Oh, good, boys and girls. Please answer the first question.S1:There are very few formal days. What people wear depends on their likes and dislikes.T:Really smart. What about the next one? You, please.S2:Chinese people usually wear coats, gloves, boots, hats and so on in winter.T:Well done!(由于这是一篇阅读课文,一开始,教师让学生带着问题读,有利于培养学生快速阅读并摄取有效信息的能力。)2. (听1a录音并跟读,并完成1b。通过阅读、跟读以及练习可使学生进一步熟悉语言材料,强化感性认识。)T: Boys and girls, follow the tape and get more information about the passage and finish 1b.(学生做完1b后核对答案,可进行抢答。)T:Most of you have finished 1b. Lets check the answers. Now, Id like to divide the class into two parts, Group A and Group B. Lets go! The first one , is it right? S1, please.S1:No. Its wrong.T:How to correct it?S1:There are very few formal days in North America.T:Quite right. Please sit down. Next one? S2, please


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