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七年级下学期英语单元测试题(一)Module 1一、单项选择(10分)( )1. As a student , you must be careful _your homework.A. of B. to C. with ( )2. Children should talk their parents.A. to B. of C. about ( )3. Look! So many people are getting _ the bus. A. up B. on C. of ( )4. Can I use _ book? isnt here.A. your; mine B. your; my C. you; mine ( ) 5. At the moment, my little sister _homework. She often homework at home. A. does; is doing B. is doing; do C. is doing; does( )6.-What are you doing? -Im my mobile phone, but I cant it. A. looking; find B. find; look for C. looking for; find ( )7. In the morning most people go to work _ a hurry. A. to B. in C. with ( ) 8.There are students in our school. A. thousands B. three thousand of C. thousands of ( ) 9.The boy often his homework at home.A. forgets B. is leaving C. leaves ( ) 10. He doesnt study hard. Thats he does badly at school.A. so B. because C. why 二、完形填空(10分) Bob and Mike are in the same school, 1 they are in different classes. Their favorite 2 is Chinese. They 3 Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They come to school 4 8:00 in the morning. Today is Tuesday. Bob and Mike are in their own classroom. Bob 5 an English class. Look! He 6 his English teacher in English. Mike is having a Chinese class. His teacher 7 Beijing Opera with them. The students are looking at their teachers. They 8 carefully. But one of Bobs classmates 9 a story book, because he isnt good at English and he 10 English. ( )1. A. but B. and C. or D. when ( )2. A. sport B. subject C. language D. music( )3. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell( )4. A. for B. about C. in D. at ( )5. A. has B. is having C. have D. are having ( )6. A. talks B. talk C. is talking D. is talking to ( )7. A. talk about B. talks about C. is talking about D. is talking with( )8. A. are listening B. listening to C. hearing D. are listening to请预览后下载!( )9. A. are reading B. is reading C. read D. reads( )10. A. likes B. isnt liking C. doesnt like D. dont like 三、阅读理解 (20分)AHappy birthday! Do you want to have a special birthday? Have a look at our websiteBirthday Party!We have two kinds of parties. The party will be in your room. Girls please visit www. g-birthday. com; boys please visit www. b-birthday com.Birthday dinnerWe have three kinds of set dinners at the cost of $10-30Set A $ 10 per personSet B $ 20 per personSet C $ 30 per personTel: 659-487( ) 1. If you are a boy, you can _.A. visit www.g- B.visitwww.b-. C. get a free meal on your birthday waiting for a train( ) 2. If you want to order Set B_ for ten persons, how much do you need to pay?A. $ 100 B.$ 200 C.$ 300( ) 3. We cant get information about according to the passage.A. the cost of set dinners B. the address of the website C. the name of the restaurant( ) 4. How many kinds of set dinners _do they have?A. two B. three C. four( ) 5. Which of the following is wrong?A. The party will be in the room. B. We dont know the telephone of the website C. There are 2 kinds of parties. BBirds can fly and so can bats. But is a bat a kind of bird? No, a bat is not a kind of bird. They are different animals. A bat has four legs .A bird has only two. Bats have teeth and birds have no. Bats have large ears but birds ears are small. All bats like to eat insects. They eat at night and sleep in the daytime. In the evening bats are busy flying and catching insects. Its legs help it fly. The piece of skin joins them together It is just like a wing.请预览后下载! Some people think bats cant see. In fact it is wrong .Bats have eyes , but they cant see well. Bats have better ears than men have. They can hear things which people cant. They can feel where a thing is. Thats why the bats can fly about in the evening.( )6. Birds ears are much _ than Bats. A. smaller B. longer C. wider D. larger( )7.A bird has _legs and has no_ . A. two, wings B. four, wings C. two, teeth D. four, teeth( )8.Why can bats fly about in the evening? A. Because they have many teeth. B. Because they can hear where a thing is. C. Because they can feel where a thing is. D. Both B and C.( ) 9.Which of the following is true? A.A bat is a kind of bird. B.A bird has four legs and teeth C. All bats eat in the daytime and sleep at night. D. Bats can not see well.( ) 10. Bats have no _. A. eyes B. ears C. wings D. feathers 四、阅读表达(10分) Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown work in the same office. One day Mr. Jones says to Mr. Brown, “I want to have a small party at our house on Monday evening . Would you and your wife like to come?”Mr. Brown says, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr. Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried. “Whats the matter?” asks Mr. Jones. “Is your wife there at home?”“No,” answers Mr. Brown. “She isnt there. My small son answers the telephone. I say to him, Is your mother there, David ? and he answers No , she isnt in the house . Where is she? I ask , She is somewhere outside(在外面) . Whats she doing? 她在找我.”1 Who wants to have a party? 2判断正(T)误(F) ( ) Mrs. Brown doesnt want to go to the party.3.把文中划线部分译为汉语。 4将文中划线部分译为英语。 5 is looking for her son.五、拼写和语音考查(10分) (一)根据下面的音标写出单词。(5分)1. / kren / 2./rez/ 3. /wlt / 4. /请预览后下载!p:pl / 5. /keful/ 6. / kmr/ 7. /hndrd / 8. /aznd/ 9. /strend / 10. /ssd/(二)选出划线部分在该词中的发音(5分)( ) 1. glove A. / B. / C. /a/ D. /:/( ) 2. lose A. / B. /:/ C. /:/ D. /( ) 3. find A. /e/ B. / C. /a/ D. /:/( ) 4. boat A. / B. / C. /:/ D. /( ) 5. leave A. / B. /i:/ C. /e/ D. /e/六、词汇应用(10分)1. This is _ (I) bag. That one is (she).2. -Is this _ (you) football? -No, its (he).3. Look at the two pens. The red one is _ (you) and the green one is (I). 4. -What you _ (look) for?-I (look) for my book. 5. There are about five _ (hundred) people in the hall. 6. -Is this book _ (you)? -No, it isnt.7. At the moment, we (travel) in Hainan.8. Can you help me (look) after my pet dog?9. There (be) a lot of people in the supermarket on weekends.10. Look! The boys (play) football on the playground. 11. Let me (see). 12. Please (look) at the picture.13. That football over there is (we). 14. Ive got a good friend. (she) mother is a doctor.15. -Whats the name of your pet cat? - (it) name is Dingding.16. This is our school. (they) school is over there.七、句型转换(5分)1. Is this your pen? (变为同义句) 2. These are her gloves. (变为一般疑问句并否定回答) 3. This is his watch. (就划线部分提问) 4. There are many things in the box. (变为同义句) 5. We usually have two thousand mobile phones. (就划线部分提问)请预览后下载! 八、翻译考查(10分)用括号中所给的单词或短语将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 这是谁的手套? 是她的。(whose) 2. 首先,过来看看失物招领箱吧! (lost and found box) 3.从现在开始,请每个人小心保管好自己的物品。(be careful) 4. 这儿有个紫色的钱包。(Here) 5. 欢迎大家回到学校。 (welcome ) 6. 人们在旅行中或匆匆忙忙时经常丢东西。 (lose things)_ 7. 每天成百上千人到这里来。 (every day)_ 8.他们把东西落在飞机、火车、公交车和出租车上。 (on planes)_ 9. 他们在找电话、照相机、手表和其它许多东西。 (look for)_ 10. 这就是机场和火车站都有失物招领处的原因。(lost and found office)_ 九、书面表达(15分)1. Tom丢了一只黑色的手表。你能帮他写一则寻物启事吗?电话:15677889452 2. 李敏捡到一个相机。不知道怎样写招领启事。你能帮帮她吗?请试试吧!电话:13567987534七年级下学期英语单元测试题(一)Module 1一、1-5 CABAC 610 CBCCC二、1-5 ABBDB 610 DCABC三、1-5BBCBB 610 ACDDD 四、1. Mr. Jones 2. F 3. 后来他回来了,看上去很担心。 4. Shes looking for me.5. Mrs. Brown请预览后下载!五、(一)略 (二)BCCAB六、1. my; hers 2.your; his 3.yousr; mine 4. are looking, am looking 5. Hundred 6. yours 7.are travelling 8. ( to) look 9. are 10.are playing 11. see 12.look 13. ours 14. Her 15. Its 16. Their七、1.Is this pen yours? 2. Are these her gloves? No, they arent. 3. Whose watch is this? 4. There are a lot of/ lots of things in the box. 5.How many mobile phones do you usually have? 八、1. Whose gloves are these? Theyre hers.2. First of all, come and look in the lost and found box!3. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.4. Heres a purple wallet.5. Welcome back to school, everyone!6. People often lose things when theyre travelling or when theyre in a hurry. 7. Hundreds of people come here every day.8. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 9. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things.10. Thats why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. 九、One possible version:Lost FoundMy watch. A camera. Its black. Call Li Min at 13567987534.Call Tom at 15677889452. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 请预览后下载!


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