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考点跟踪突破31疑问句和倒装句1I don't think they can make everything good enough,_B_?(2014,龙东)Ado I Bcan they Ccan't they 2_C_ do you achieve your dream?By working hard,of course.(2014,遂宁)AWhen BWhy CHow3Jack went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday._B_(2014,安顺)ASo did he BSo he did CHe did so DDid so he4_C_ will your parents come back?In a month.(2014,黔东南)AHow long BWhen CHow soon DWhat time5They had a good time last night,_C_?(2014,毕节)Ahadn't they Bhaven't theyCdidn't they Dweren't they6We can invite our teachers to the farewell party next Saturday.(2014,南京)Yes,_C_?I'll call them at once.Awhat for Bwhat Cwhy not Dwhy7_B_ are you always staying up so late these days?To prepare for my final exam.(2014,济宁)AHow BWhy CWhen DWhere8Will you go to Peter's party this Saturday evening?I have't decided yet.If you don't go,_C_(2014,遂宁)Aso will I Bneither do ICneither will I9_B_ did it take you to finish the work?About three hours.(2014,巴中)AHow soon BHow long CHow often10_B_ is your new schoolbag?It's ¥30.(2014,永州)AHow many BHow much CHow long11_B_ do you write an English article for our school newspaper?Sometimes.(2014,绵阳)AHow long BHow often CHow much DHow far12_B_ do you go to the Danxia Mountain?Once a year.(2014,六盘水)AHow far BHow oftenCHow long DHow soon13_A_ do you like the film,American Captain 3?It's wonderful!I like it very much.(2014,衢州)AHow BWho CWhat DWhen14I'm not going swimming this afternoon._C_I have to help my mother do some cleaning.(2014,宜宾)ASo am I BSo I am CNeither am I DNeither I am15_C_ is it from Zunyi to Guiyang?Hope we can arrive in 2 hours.About 150 kilometers.(2014,遵义)AHow soon BHow long CHow far16How often do the children play sports?_A_(2014,孝感)ATwice a day BFor two hoursCSince last weekend DThree days ago17He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired,_D_?(2014,内江)Adoes he Bisn't he Ccan't he Dcan he18Mr Zhang hardly said a word because he was very angry yesterday,_B_?(2013,恩施)Adidn't he Bdid heCdoes he Ddoesn't he19You've just finished your listening exam.Please get yourself ready for the next part,_B_?Ashall we Bwill you Cdo you Dare you20You like listening to Sally's songs,don't you?_A_She has a sweet voice.AYes,I do BYes,she doesCNo,I don't DNo,she doesn't21_D_ T­shirt do you like better,the red one or the blue one?I prefer the red one.AHow much BHow manyCWhose DWhich22_B_do you usually go to school,Simon?By bike.(2013,淮安)AWhen BHow CWhat DWhere23Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning,_C_?_He got up too late.(2013,益阳)Ahad he;Yes Bhadn't he;YesCdid he;No24_D_apples do we need to make fruit salad?Let me think.We need three apples.AHow long BHow oftenCHow much DHow many25If you go to the theater this evening,so _A_I(2013,毕节)Awill Bshould Cdo Dam1


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