分类讲解 完形填空5

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完形填空突破(五)语境化选择题1利用褒贬语境,判断是非曲直几乎每篇完形填空的语境都有一定的褒贬性,这种褒贬性反映了主人公的特定心理、情绪状态和作者的写作意图,因此利用好文章的语境褒贬性就能对文章进行准确的逻辑判断,从而在吃透文意并准确传递文意的基础上推断出每一空的准确信息,找出能反映语境褒贬性的标志性词语或句子,大胆预测下文。典例When I took the first exam,I was 38 (shocked) to find a 77,Cplus,on my test paper, 39 (for) English was my best subject.I went to Professor Jayne,who listened to my arguments but remained 40 .(2008北京)40A.unchanged BunpleasantCunfriendly Dunmoved答案D解析本题属于根据语境判断是非曲直题。考生需要根据语境和上下文的关系来确定答案。Jayne教授听了我的理由,但通过but的转折可知,他并未被我打动,而是显得无动于衷。unmoved无动于衷的,符合语境。2避免只重语意,忽略习惯搭配高考完形填空题中有相当一部分试题属此类情况。该题目难度系数在0.50.6之间,是广大考生丢分最严重的题目。其原因是考生只注重语境,而忽视了词汇的习惯搭配。所以考生在准确掌握语境的同时,更要注意所要填入的名词、形容词、动词与空格前面或后面某个词汇的习惯搭配,尤其要注意其与介词或副词的连用特点等。典例On a warm Monday,Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees.Rolling down the windows to 41 in fresh air,she settled back to enjoy her lunch.(2008湖北)41A.bring Blet Cgather Dsend答案B解析本题考查固定搭配。let in放进,允许进入,符合句意。bring in赚得;吸引; gather in收获,收割;send in寄去(处理)。此处文意是“她摇下车窗放一些新鲜空气进来”,而不是为了收集空气,显然只有B项恰当。3巧妙利用平行结构,准确判断逻辑关系平行结构指的是结构相同或相似、意思密切关联、语气一致的句子或词组成串排列的语言现象。平行结构形式上整齐匀称,内容上联系紧密。命题者常从平行结构的句式相同或相似这一角度,利用其意义的关联或对比这一特点来设空。高考完形填空常常会出现这样一些平行结构,掌握与这些结构极为相似的句子可大大提高解题效率。典例Not all of these 21 (fairies) are the friendly,peopleloving characters that appear in Disney films,and in some folktales they are 22 (cruel) and cause much human suffering.This is true in the tales about the Changeling.These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows 23 and pale and has changed so much that it is almost 24 to the parents. (2008广东)23A.sick Bslim Cshort Dsmall24A.uncomfortable Bunbelievable Cunacceptable Dunrecognizable答案23.A24.D解析23题是典型的平行结构试题。根据and可知,其前后为并列关系,pale意思是“苍白的”,与之并列的应是sick,表示“有病的,生病的”。而根据前面的“changed so much”可知,后面的结果应是“对父母来说几乎是难以辨认的”,故24题答案为D。1(2010吴忠二次统考)She had been shopping with her Mom in WalMart.She must have been 6 years old.It was1outside.We all stood just2the door of the WalMart.Her voice was so sweet for the3waiting.“Mom,lets run through the rain,” she said.“What?” Mom asked.“Lets run through the rain!” She4.“No,honey.Well wait until it5down a bit,” Mom replied.This young child waited about6minute and repeated,“Mom,lets run through the rain.”“Well get soaked if we do,” Mom said.“No,we wont,Mom.Thats not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she7her Moms arm.“This morning?When did I say we could run through the rain and not get8?”“Dont you remember?When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,you said,If God can get us9this,he can get us through anything!”The entire crowd became dead silent.I 10 you couldnt hear anything but the rain.We all stood silently.Mom 11 and thought for a moment about what she would say.“Honey,you are absolutely right.Lets run through the rain.If we get wet,maybe we just need 12 ,” Mom said.Then off they ran.We all stood watching,smiling and laughing as they 13 past the cars.They held their shopping 14 over their heads just in case.They got soaked.But they were 15 by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the 16 to their cars.And yes,I did.I ran.I got wet.I needed washing.Circumstances or people can take away your 17 possessions,they can take away your money,and they can take away your 18 .But no one can ever take away your precious 19 .So,dont forget to 20 time and take the opportunities to make memories every day!1A.quarrelling BpouringCsnowing Dtrembling答案B解析考查语境和动词。由下文可知,外面下着雨,故用pour。pour有“(雨)倾泻,滂沱”之意。quarrel争吵,争辩;snow下雪;tremble发抖,均不符合语境。2A.beside Bbehind Cinside Doutside答案C解析考查语境。根据常识,下了大雨,当然应躲在门的里面。beside在旁边;behind在后面;inside在里面;outside在外边。故选C项。3A.annoying Binteresting Cappreciating Dexpecting答案A解析考查语境。躲雨等待的感受应该不是很舒服的,故选用annoying,意思是“使烦恼的”。interesting有趣的;appreciating欣赏的;expecting期望的,均与语境不符。4A.answeredBdeclaredCrepeated Dannounced答案C解析考查语境。由上下文可知,此处女儿又重复了一遍,故用repeated。answer为单纯地回答,没有重复之意,不是最佳答案。declare断言;宣布;announce宣布,这两个词的使用环境与此处不符,故排除。5A.bringsBcomes Ccuts Dslows答案D解析考查语境。根据语境可知,妈妈的意思是等到雨小一些再走,故用slows。slow down慢下来;bring down击落;降低;come down下降,下落;cut down砍倒;削减。根据短语的意思可知,D项正确。6A.a more BotherCan another Danother答案D解析考查词语辨析。此处意为“小女孩又等了一分钟。”another加单数名词或加数词和复数名词,表示“再,又”之意。another minute同one more minute,但不能用a more minute。7A.pulled Bhit Cpushed Ddragged答案A解析考查语境。小女孩应是“拉住”妈妈的胳膊。hit表示“击,打”之意;push推;drag拖,拖曳;缓慢而费力地行动;pull为一般意义的“拖,拉”。故选A项。8A.hurt Bwet Cwounded Dslipped答案B解析考查语境。结合语境,上文提到妈妈说如果冒雨走的话会淋湿的,此处是妈妈表示自己的困惑“我什么时候说过冒雨走而不会淋湿?”hurt使受伤;wound使受伤;slip滑倒,均不符合句意。9A.off Bover Cthrough Din答案C解析考查介词搭配和照应。get through表示“通过,使成功”,符合句意“如果上帝让我们渡过这一关,他就能让我们克服一切!”主句和从句均用get through。get off下车;动身;get over克服,战胜(困难等);get in到达;收获。10A.recalledBswore Cpromised Dobserved答案B解析考查动词。作者在表达那时的感受,强调除了雨声之外一片寂静。swear意思是“宣誓保证”,强调作者对当时情景的印象之深。recall回忆起,回想;promise允诺,答应;observe观察,观测,均与语境不符。11A.suffered Bwalked Cwept Dpaused答案D解析考查语境。女儿的话出乎意料,所以妈妈“暂停”下来,思考该说些什么。妈妈不是受到伤害,排除suffer;也不是走来走去,排除walk;文中未提到女儿的话让她哭了,故weep也不正确。选pause,意为“暂停”。12A.washing Bbathing Cshowering Dwatering答案A解析考查上下文照应。此处与下文的“I needed washing.”照应。bathe洗澡;shower洗淋浴;water浇水,都属于特定情况下的行为,此处应是一般的临时之意。13A.rushed Bflew Cwalked Ddrove答案A解析考查语境和常识。依据常理,她们在大雨中应该是跑得很快。四个选项中只有rush有“快速行走,冲,奔”之意。walk为一般行走;fly飞翔;drive驾驶,开车,均不符合常理。14A.goods Bsupplies Cbags Dpackages答案C解析考查行文逻辑。她们在沃尔玛超市购物,故此处应是她们将“购物袋”顶在头顶。goods商品;supply补给品,日用品;package包裹。把商品放在头顶,不符合逻辑,supplies与packages与语境不符,所以shopping bags最为合理。15A.suspected Bchallenged Cordered Dfollowed答案D解析考查语境。从下文可以看出,许多人跟着她们冲进了雨中,故选用followed。suspect怀疑;challenge向挑战;order命令,均与语境不符。16A.route Bway Cpath Ddirection答案B解析考查名词。人们一路跑向自己的汽车,故用way。all the way意思是“一路”。route的含义是“路线”,通常是迂回的,可以包括数条道路或街道,有时甚至包括小路、小巷;path一般指“小道,小径”,特别是林间或田间小径,而且通常是由人走出来的,而不是修筑的;direction指“方向”。17A.physical Bmental Cspiritual Dmaterial答案D解析考查语境和逻辑关系。根据语境可知,此处表示的是一种对比关系。作者讲的是“环境或人可以夺去你的物质财富,抢走你的金钱,带走你的健康,但没有人可以带走你珍贵的回忆”。physical身体的;mental心理的;智力的;spiritual精神的;material物质的。18A.health Brelative Cfriendship Dhappiness答案A解析考查并列关系。结合第17小题的解析和本题选项可知,health符合语境。relative亲戚;friendship友谊;happiness幸福。19A.presents Bprizes Cmemories Dchances答案C解析考查上下文照应。结合选项和文章最后一句话中提到的memories可以得出答案。present礼物;prize奖赏,奖品;chance机会,运气;memory回忆。20A.make Bgain Ckill Dkeep答案A解析考查动词。句意为:因此,记得要抓紧时间,抓住机会争取每天都给自己留下一些回忆吧。make time腾出时间,符合句意。kill time消磨时间;keep time合拍子;gain time走得快;赢得时间。2“But what if I break my arm again?”My fiveyearold daughter asked,looking very1.I knew she2very much to learn to ride,but ever since shed fallen off her bike and broken her arm,shed been afraid.“Oh,honey,”I said.“I dont think youll break another arm.”“3I could,couldnt I?”“You know,honey,”I said,“4everything you do comes with risks.You could get a broken arm in a car5and then be afraid to6ride in a car again.You could break your arm jumping a rope.You could break your arm at gym.Do you want to7going to gym?”“No,”she said.And with a determined spirit,she stood up and8to try again.I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very9little girl overcome a fear,and10myself on being a useful single parent after a painful divorce(离婚)As we walked home,she asked me about a conversation shed overheard me having with my11the night before.“Grandma wanted you to find someone to12.”“What grandma wants is for someone to13my heart again.”“But Mom.”“Youre too young to14it,”I told her.“So I guess love isnt like a broken arm.”she said. 15to answer,we walked the rest of the way in16.When I got home,I called my mother and17her for talking about this to my daughter.Then I did what Id seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon.I agreed to18Steve.Steve was the man for me.We19less than a year later.It turned out my mother and daughter were20.1A.surprised BdisappointedCsad Dpuzzled答案C解析由上下文语境可知,小女孩想骑自行车又不敢骑,由此可以推断其心情是很悲哀的,因此该空应填sad。2A.wanted Bhated Clost Dgained答案A解析该空表示“想要”,因此应填wanted。3A.And BOr CInstead DBut答案D解析母亲认为小女孩不会再摔断胳膊,而女儿认为自己有可能再摔断胳膊,因此该空含转折性逻辑关系,应填but。4A.Almost BHardly CNearly DMostly答案A解析该空表示“几乎”,强调程度,因此应填almost。5A.trade Bsale Caccident Dshow答案C解析由常识可知,在汽车事故中人们的胳膊有可能受伤,因此该空应填accident。6A.ever Bnever Ceven Dyet答案A解析ever用于此句中有“总是,始终”的含义,相当于always,它起着一种加强语气的作用。7A.start Bregret Cfinish Dstop答案D解析难道你不想去体育馆了吗?8A.offered Bagreed Chad Dchose答案B解析在母亲的解释与劝说下,女儿答应再试一次。9A.shy Bweak Cbrave Dgentle答案C解析小女孩敢于克服自己的恐惧是一种勇敢的行为。10A.congratulating BpraisingCencouraging Dcelebrating答案A解析我祝贺自己在痛苦的离婚之后能够做一个有用的单亲家长。11A.father Bmother Csister Dbrother答案B解析由下文Grandma可以推出该空表示“母亲”,因此应填mother。12A.like Bknow Clove Dteach答案C解析下文“I guess love isnt like a broken arm” 可以推出该空应填love。13A.warm Bfeel Cbuy Dbreak答案D解析由上文第10空所在句的a painful divorce可以推出该空表示“使破碎”,因此应填break。 14A.understand BbelieveCaccept Dreceive答案A解析你太小了无法理解大人感情方面的事。15A.Unable BUnwillingCUncertain DUnhappy答案A16A.excitement BsorrowCsilence Dsurprise答案C解析无法回答女儿的话,我们在沉默中行走。17A.punished BscoldedCthanked Dappreciated答案B解析由上文可知,作者不满意她母亲给她女儿讲自己感情方面的事,因此该空表示“责怪”,应填scolded。18A.hire Bmeet Cfire Dinvite答案B解析我答应去见Steve。19A.left BmarriedCmoved Dquarrelled答案B解析上文the man for me暗示该空表示“结婚”。20A.wrong BrightCclear Dclever答案B解析由上文可知,作者的母亲和女儿都赞成作者重新获得爱,而作者现在获得了爱,因此母亲和女儿的观点是对的。强化训练 (1)第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my _36_, it was the same score. Later that evening, I _37_ told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agree that we knew our _38_ much better than an IQ(智商) test. We _39_ that Michaels score must have been a _40_ and we should treat him _41_ as usual. We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year. He got _42 _ grades in the school, especially _43_ biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort. Michael _44_ Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student, soon afterwards, his teachers permitted him to take more courses than _45_. In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University. On graduation day in 1972, Frank and I _46_ the ceremony (典礼) at Yale. After the ceremony, we told Michael about the _47_ IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say _48_, “My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldnt be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!” It is his special way of thanking us for the _49_ we had in him. Interestingly, Michael then _50_ another IQ test. We went to the same clinic where he had _51_ the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be _52_. Children often do as _53_ as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, _54_ of them. That is, tell a child he is “ _55_”, and he may play the role of a foolish child. 36. A. joyB. surpriseC. dislikeD. disappointment37. A. tearfullyB. fearfullyC. cheerfullyD. hopefully38. A. studentB. sonC. friendD. doctor39. A. arguedB. realizedC. decidedD. understood40. A. jokeB. mistakeC. warningD wonder. 41. A. speciallyB. strictlyC. naturallyD. carefully42. A. poorB. goodC. averageD. standard43. A. in B. aboutC. ofD. for44. A. visitedB. choseC. passedD. entered45. A. allowedB. describedC. requiredD. offered46. A. missedB. heldC. delayedD. attended47. A. highB. sameC. lowD. different48. A. curiouslyB. eagerlyC. calmlyD. jokingly49. A. faithB. interestC. prideD. delight50. A. looked forB. asked forC. waited forD. prepared for51. A. receivedB. acceptedC. organizedD. discussed52. A. imperfectB. impossibleC. uncertainD. unsatisfactory53. A. honestlyB. muchC. well D. bravely54. A. hear B. learnC. expectD. speak55. A. wiseB. rudeC. shyD. stupid答案:36-40 DABCB41-45 CBADC46-50 DCDAB51-55 ABCCD (2). ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(A)Adults are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practised in the meantime. A man who has not had an opportunity to go swimming for years can 55 swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after several decades and still 56 away. A mother who has not 57 the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins “ Twinkle, twinkle, little star” or recite the story of Cinderella or Snow White.One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can be stated as follows: 58 we have learned something, additional learning increases the 59 of time we will remember it.In childhood, we usually continue to practise such skills as swimming, bicycle riding long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and 60 ourselves of poems such as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and childhood tales such as Cinderella or Snow White. We not only learn but 61 .The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination, 62 it may result in a passing grade, is not a 63 way to learn a school course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little overlearning; 64 , is usually a good investment toward the future.55. A. only B. hardly C. still D. even56. A. more B. drive C. travel D. ride57. A. thought about B. cared for C. showed up D. brought up 58. A. Before B. Once C. Until D. Unless59. A. accuracy B. unit C. limit D. length60. A. remind B. inform C. warm D. recall61. A. recite B. overlearn C. research D. improve62. A. though B. so C. if D. after63. A. convenient B. demanding C. satisfactory D. swift64. A. at most B. by the way C. on the other handD. in the end (B) The birthrate is Europe has been in a steady decrease since the 1960s. European countries, realizing crisis is at hand, are providing great encouragement for parents to create more babies in the 21st century. Affairs Ministry concluded last year that, 65 cash encouragement, some women just dont want to be 66 holding the baby. “What we know is that its good for the 67 if men and women share the burden of having children,” says Soren Kindlund, family policy adviser at the Swedish ministry. 68 Swedish parents can take their paid leave as they wish, men use a mere 12% of it; 60% of fathers do not take even a(n) 69 day off work. Experts fear that the tendency for women to use most of the parental leave could make employers 70 go give young women the permanent jobs they need to qualify for paid maternity leave (产假)。In January. Sweden decided to allow new fathers two months paid leave, with a warning: use it or 71 it. Kindlund admits that men are under 72 to stay at work, even though parental pay comes out of the public purse. “Its not popular among bosses and perhaps with other men in the workplace,” he says. “But its good for the father and for the child if they can 73 a relationship.” In Norway, a(n) 74 policy has worked wonders. 70% of dads in Norway now take parental leave, and the birthrate of 1.85 children per woman is one of the highest in Europe.65. A. is spite ofB. at the cost of C. in addition to D. due to 66. A. sent B. left C. caught D. seen 67. A. birthrate B. income C. health D. spirit68. A. Just as B. Only if C. Even though D. Now that69. A. one B. mere C. only D. single 70. A. willing B. reluctant C. likely D. unable 71. A. reserve B. misuse C. ignore D. lose72. A. discussion B. attack C. control D. pressure73. A. make out B. add up C. build up D. set aside74. A. impersonal B. similar C. severe D. global 答案5559 CDABD 6064 ABACC 6569 ABACD7074 BDDCB (3)第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ban the Band(乐队)?Every year, our school has a dance for all the students. Its a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful 36 , instead of the usual school uniform.Most of us think the dance is great 37 even the teachers enjoy being there, 38 , two weeks ago someone said that there would be no 39 band this yearonly CDs.“I dont 40 it!” Amy cried out during the lunch break.“Someone said the school couldnt 41 a band, and they think its too noisy anyway,” added Daniel.“Well, I dont think its 42 enough without a band!” declared Angela, “and Im going to see what can be done.”Angela was as good as her 43 . In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the 44 some more thought. And he suggested that one 45 for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10. Angela had to 46 out whether the students would like to do that.“I need all of you to help me,” she 47 to your group before school the next day. “Mr. Berry gave me a list of all the names, and suggested we ask each one their 48 about the band and the extra cost.”49 the day we asked around as Angela suggested, and wrote down peoples feelings about the band and the cost. We were amazed how much 50 there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.“Im surprised, smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the 51 . “I reallythought that only a few people 52 their band and that the cost would be too high. OK. Angela, your next 53 is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”Angela was all smiles and 54 the news to Amy and Daniel. “Youre 55 ,” smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.36AshapesBdressesCflowersDpictures37AfunBworkCeffortDprogress38ABesidesBOtherwiseCHoweverDTherefore39AnewBliveCforeignDmarching40AmeanBneedCacceptDbelieve41AleadBserveCaffordDform42AgoodBclearCusefulDeasy43AlookBbehaviorCmindDword44AscheduleBsituationCviewDaction45ApossibilityBconcernCdecisionDchance46AcallBfindCcarryDpoint47AadmittedBrepliedCapologizedDannounced48Aknowledge


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