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第1页(共7页)湖北省部分重点中学 2018 届高三第一次联考命题学校:武汉一中命题教师:刘志辉审题教师:洪戈亮考试时间:2017年11月10日下午14:00-16:00试卷满分:150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分 3030 分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What was the woma nbirthday gift?A. A pho ne.B. A book.2. Where will the woma n have the party?A. At the manhouse.B. At a restaura nt.3. When did the man buy the shoes?A. Three weeks ago.B. Two weeks ago.4. How did the man get injured?A. By play ing basketball.B. By play ing tennis.5. What does the woma n think of her pia no play ing?A. She is very professi on al.B. She is still a begi nner.C. She does ntk now how to play at all.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. When will the woma n go to the library?A. On Thursday.B. On Friday.7. What does the man want to borrow?A. Books.B. Videos.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。C. On Saturday.C. Magaz in es.8. What does the woman like to do the most?A. Go to the coun tryside for walks.B. Read a book in the sunshin e.C. Watch TV at home.9. In which seas on does the man ofte n play sports outdoors?A. Spring.B. Summer.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What did the woma n do while in Los An geles?A. She went hik ing.B. She went shopp ing.11.Who did the woma n see in San Diego?A. Her cous in.B. Her aunt.12.What did the woma n think of San Fran cisco?A. It was bori ng.B. It had good weather.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What do we know about the boy?C. Win ter.C. She went to a zoo.C. Her friend.C. It was a beautiful city.A. He is worried about his new classmates.B. He recently started a new school.C. He has got used to his teachers.14.When will the boyfather return?A. In two days.B. In three days.15.Who is Mrs. Jon es?A. The boyteacher.B. The boymother.16.Where does the con versatio n take place?A. In Toro nto.B. In Mon treal.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。C. In four days.C. The boyheadmaster.C. In London.17. How many adve ntures are men ti on ed?A. Three.B. Four.18.Where will people see the sun rise?C. Five.C. A coat.C. At her house.C. Three days ago.C. By running.A. Beside the Amazon River. B. On Mou nt Fuji. C. Near Niagara Falls.19. What will people do in Thaila nd?A. See many kinds of animals. B. Take a boat down a river. C. Go to some temples.20. What is the talk mai nly about?A. Travel pla ns.B. Cultural differe nces.C. Tips for adve ntures.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 4040 分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。AIta clear April morning in Olympia, Wash ington, whe n Ala n Ericks on, 63, spots an eyesore on the sideof the road. These un pleasa nt marks of black spray pain t ruin a sig n ide ntify ing a local forest, and Ericks on wants the graffiti gone.It dishearte ned me that you could barely read it,”he says of the sig n. Fort unatelyall the supplies he n eeded in the bed of his truck to clea n the mess: paper towels, steel wool, rubber gloves, spray bottles of water,and graffiti remover. After 15 minutes of spraying, rubbing and cleaning, the sign was fresh and clean, as if new again. by thetegeverynow and then and am so proud because it stands out in such a beautiful way,”he says.As youve probably guessed, that purify ing pit stop wasnta on e-off for Ericks on, a semiretired real estatebus in ess owner. He has made it his missi on to wipe out graffiti for the past 30 years. He started in El Paso, Texas, where he wouldpaint over graffiti that would show up on properties he owned through his bus in ess, and he continued whe n he and his wife movedto Olympia in 2011. Ericks on deals with roughly two graffiti sites a week on his own in addition to assisting city organizations withtheir efforts.“Anytimel can stop and spend a few minu tes getti ng rid of someth in g, I do it,”he says.One project Ericks on has pla nned to deal with is the con sta nt van dalism, the crime of damagi ng public property deliberately,of a home (which was once a grocery store) on a busy Olympia road.d paint I told them Ithe house all one color for free, and if they get any graffiti, Ill have it covered by the end of the day,”he s,“Fightinggraffiti is a small price to pay to live here. I go home content that I ve changed the look of a beautifultown.”21. Whatthe passage mainly about?A. A man sin gle-ha ndedly keep ing his tow n beautiful.B. A pain ter fighti ng aga inst crimes in his tow n.C. An artist who paints his tow n beautiful.D. A bus in essma n owning a real estate.22. What can be inferred about the man from the passage?A. The man is out of work.B. The man has a bed in his truck.C. The man has pla nned to paint a house on a busy Olympia road.D. The man is well-prepared to wipe out graffiti.23. What does the underlined word graffiti ” according to the text?A. Beautiful pictures on the wall.B. Unpleasant marks like drawings or writing on a wall in a public place.C. A kind of fierce in sects which can ruin buildi ngs. D. A new form of art to beautify the streets.BWome nsfest 2017Wome nsfest is back and better tha n ever! Get ready for some fun events celebrati ng wome n and highlight ing diverse experiences of wome n on campus.Mon day features the“This is what fem(i女权主义者)look like”photo exhibit, popp ing up every day in anew locati on on campus. Later at 7-9pm is the Wome nChoice Elect ion Forum in the Library Baseme nt, Room B28.Get ready to be active on Tuesday between 11:45 am and 1:30pm when Sport and Rechost lunchtime sports at the recreatio ncen ter! Register for this on the Wome nsfest movie ni ght! Come along to the Shadows back room to第2页(共7页)watch 10 Things I Hate About You!Wome nsfest con ti nues on Wedn esday with a Communi cati ng with Con fide nee Workshop from 12-1pm in the Science Building (303-310). For all you Epson stude nts out there, have fun at the Wome nsfest sausage sizzle (油 煎食物的咝咝声)hosted byESSA from 12:30pm at the Epson campus.On Thursday there will be a WomenExpo in the Campus Hall from 12pm to 3pm! Some pretty cool companions, charities andclubs who are all for women empowerment will be running stands. There will be free food and en terta inment from tale nted stude nts.In the evening, there will be a Wome nSelf-defe nee Class from6:15pm.Friday contains an awesome“Thisis what feminists look like poetry and tea with Campus Feminist Collective and Thursdayin Black! This will be tak ing place from 5-7pm in the Stude nt Com mon Room above the food court. Come along to see the full exhibitand hear awesome poetry. Straight after that is the Campus Fem inist Collective Fem inist Pub Quiz in Shadows at 7pm.24. On Thursday, what eve nt is there on campus?A. the Wome nChoice Electi on Forum at 7-9pm.B. a Wome nExpo in the Campus Hall betwee n 11:45 am and 1:30pmC. a Wome nSelf-defe nee Class from 6:15pmD. a Commun icat ing with Con fide nee Workshop from 12-1pm25. Who is the passage inten ded for?A. Femi nistsB. Girl Stude ntsC. Boy Stude ntsD. Office ladies26. This passage can be classified as_ .A. An exhibiti on guide B. An advertiseme nt C. A n ews reportD. An activity review27. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To promote the aware ness of self-defe nce.B. To advocate the equality betwee n men and wome n.C. To make a fun activity on campus known .D. To show off wome nale nts for food and en terta inment.CHave you ever bee n to the tiny Welsh village of Hay-on-Wye, situated on the River Wye on the Welsh-E nglish border. I n thedista nee, it looks like any other small Europea n tow n. But Hay-on-Wye has a delightful quirk that sets it apart from other small towns. Ithome to 1,400 people and hun dreds of thousa nds of books, making it the largest cen ter for sec on dha nd books in the entire world.You wont find a Barnes and Noble in Hay-on-Wye, but what you will find is over 30 charming, cozy sec on dha nd bookshopsrich with the smell of old books. (By the way, theres a scie ntific reas on you love that smell.) Therea bookstore specializing inout-of-printchildrens books. A shop called“Murder and Mayhemsells main ly crime and detective literature. And one outdoor bookshop, the Hay Castle Bookshop, is built around the walls ofyouguessed ita castle. How could a book lover possibly ask for anything more? (Though this is a Welsh tow n, it would be very easyto develop this Japa nese literary habit here.)One of the townmost unique features is its“honestookshops. These are basically just bookshelves fitting out in the Open,without a cashier or employee to speak of. A. sign announces the prices of the books (which are ofte n less tha n one U. S. dollar),and a collectio n box for money sits n earby. Customers are trusted to pay, on their honor. There are no security cameras or anything;just good old-fashioned trust.Apart from being a popular tourist destination for literary fanaticsthroughout the entire year, Hay-on-Wyealso throws a literary festival each year at the end of May. Bookworms from all over the world flock to this tiny village to hear famouswriters speak, atte nd book sig nin gs, and, of couurse, stock up on readi ng material. And there sple nty for the kids to do (and read)too! Here, your child grows up lov ing to read.28. What can be the best title of the passage?A. A small town with more books than people. B. Honest people in a British town.C. The most unique bookshops in the world.D. Bookshopsa good place for tired travelers.29. Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word quirkin the first paragraph?第3页(共7页)第4页 (共7页)A. atmosphere B. situationC. viewD. feature30. The small town has the following features except _.A. Itsthe largest center for secondhand books.B. The bookshops there are in the Japanese style, with no security cameras.C. There is a literary festival each year for book-lovers throughout the world.D. Customers to the honesty bookshops help themselves buying books.31. In which column of a magazine can you probably find the passage?A. Finance B. Fashion C. Travel D. HealthDAccording to a latest research, shoppers in the UK are spending less money on toilet paper to save money. Penny pinching UKconsumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidi rather than luxury alternatives.This has wiped 6% off the value of the soft tissue paper market in the UK. It has shrunk from 1.19 billion in 2011 to 1A2billi on in2015, accord ing to a new report from market research compa nyMin tel. Furthermore, thefuture of the market looks far from rosy, with sales expected to fall further to 1.11 billio n in 2016.In the last year alone, despite an increase in the UK population and a subsequent rise in the number of households, sales oftoilet paper fell by 2%, with the average household reducing their toilet roll spending from 43 in 2014 to 41 in盘015.Overall, almost three in five people say they try to limit their usage of paper, including facial tissue and kitchen roll, to save money.“Strength, softness and thickness remain the leadingoifntdoicileatoprasper quality,with just a small part of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives, such as those with flower patterns or perfume,”saMidintel analyst Jack Duckett.“These extra features are considered unnecessary by the majority ofshoppers, which probably reflects how these types of products are typically more expensive than regular toilet paper, even when onspecial offer.”While consumers are spending less on toilet paper, they remain particular about this product, in theory at least, when it comes topaper quality. Top of Britonstoilet paper wish list is softness(57%) followed by strength(45%)and thickness(36%).One in 10 buyers rank toilet rolls made from recycled paper among their top considerations, highlighting how overall theenvironment is much less of a consideration for shoppers than product quality. In a challenge for. manufactures, 81% of paperproduct users said they would consider buying recycled toilet tissue if it were comparable in quality to standard paper.32. The market sales of toilet paper have decreased because _.A. Britons have cut their spending on it. B. its prices have gone up over the years.C. its quality has seen marked improvement.D. Britons have developed the habit of saving.33. What does the author think of the future of the tissue paper market in the UK?A. It will expand in time.B. It will continue the tendency of decrease.C. It will experience ups and downs. D. It will recover as population grows.34. What does Jack Duckett say about toilet paper?A. Special offers would promote its sales. B. Consumers are loyal to certain brands.C. Luxurious features add much to the price. D. Consumers have a variety to choose from.35. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. More and more Britons buy recycled toilet paper to protect the environment.B. Toilet paper producers are facing a great challenge in promoting its sales.C. Toilet paper producers compete with one another to improve product quality.D. Environmental protection is not much of a concern when Britons buy toilet paper.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to be a good con versatio nalist?According to a Pew Research study of 10,000 American adults, we are more divided and less likely to compromise tha n everbefore. 36 In todays educati on, con versati onal compete nee might be one of the most overlooked skills school fails to teach. Gen第5页(共7页)erally speak ing, a con versati on requires a bala nee betwee n talk ing and liste ning, and somewhere along, the way we lose thatbala nee. Then how to find the bala nee and have a better con versati on, here are some tips for you.Donmultitask. 37 Just be present. Be in that moment. Donthink about the argument you had with your partner. Don tthinkabout what you are going to have for dinner. If you get out of the conversation, donbe half in it and half out of it.Use open-ended conversations.38 If you put in a simple question,you are going to get a simplean swer out. In stead of ask ing“Wereyou terrified?y6u ,ask“whatwas that like?or“Howdid that feel?Because people the n might have to stop for a mome nt and think about it and you are going to get a much more in terest ing resp onse.Listen. Listening is perhaps the most, the number one most important skill that you could develop. _ 39and sometimes that means setting aside your personal opinion. But most people donlisten with the intent to un dersta nd but withthe intent to reply.40 A good con versatio n is like a mini skirt, short eno ugh to hold in terest, but l ong eno ugh to cover the subject.In con clusi on, to become a better con versati on alist, you n eed to en ter every con versati on, liste ning atte ntively and assuming that you have someth ing to lear n.A. Be brief.B. Look the pers on in the eye.C. You n eed to let them come and let them go.D. The true liste ning requires a sett ing aside of yourself.E. Start your questions with who, when, what, where, why, or how.F. Much of this is because we are no t liste ning to each other in our con versatio n.G. That does ntmea n you set dow n your cell phone or book or whatever in your hand.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分4545 分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I don tknow why I came to the decision to become a loser, but I know I made the choice at a young age. Sometime in the middleof the fourth grade, I stopped41. By the time I was in the seve nth grade, I was42_ , rebellious and disrespectful.It wasn tlong after that I43 school. Hard physical labor was the consequenee for the choices I madeas a(n) 44, At the age of 21, I was hopelessly 45 and using drugs as a way to deal with the fact thatI had no 46 and stuck in a dead-e nd job carry ing heavy con struct ion materials up a ladder all day.But now I believe in do-overs, in the cha nee to do it all over47. And I believe that do-overs can bemade at any 48 in your life, if you have the right motivation. Actually, my motivation as a man came from a surpris ing 49.It was September 21,2002, whe n my son Blake was born .It was funny that after a life of avoidi ng50,now I was in charge of something so fragile. Over the years, as I grew into the title of51, I began to learnsomething about myself. 52, Blake and I were both learning to walk, talk, work, and play for the first time.I bega n my do-over.It took me almost three years to learn how to 53. I started with my sons books. Over and over, I54_ reading books to him until I remembered all the 55 in every one of them. I began wonder if it waspossible for me to go back to 56. I knew I wan ted to be a good role 57, so after a year-a nd-a-halfand a lot of hard work, I 58 my GED test on my sonfourth birthday. This may not sound like much, butall things 59,it was one of the best days in ray life. Today, I m a full-time college student, studying tobecome a sociologist.Its funny that growing up I always heard these great turn-around stories of triumph over shortcomings.60_ , I never thought they applied to me. Now I believe it sa choice anyone can make: to do it all over again.41. A. tryi ngB. weep ingC. sufferi ngD. playi ng42. A. crazyB. lazyC. secureD. gen erous第6页(共7页)43. A. jumped out ofB. ran out ofC. dropped out ofD. took out of44. A. adultB. workerC. adolesce ntD. carrier45. A. dedicatedB. con fusedC. committedD. lost46. A. concernB. educati onC. choiceD. stre ngth47. A. viole ntlyB. in depe nden tlyC. graduallyD. aga in48. A. entranceB. caseC. poi ntD. altitude49. A.sourceB. en courageme ntC. assista neeD. award50. A. guiltB. laz in essC. comfortD. resp on sibility51. A. LaborB. FatherC. MotherD. Graduate52. A. I n a wayB. On the con traryC. On scheduleD. As usual53. A. barga inB. existC. readD. apologize54. A. practicedB. imagi nedC. suggestedD. con sidered55. A. impressi onsB. meaningsC. expla nati onsD. words56. A. collegeB. i nstituteC. schoolD. workplace57. A. modelB. volun teerC. competitorD. can didate58. A. atte ndedB. passedC. failedD.abandoned59. A. thought highly ofB. brought upC. put forwardD. take n into account60. A. Con seque ntlyB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Additio nally第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)October 15, 201761(wit ness) the 60th anni versary of the ope ning of the Wuhan Yan gtze River Bridge.Among the various ways of celebration, a book 62 (name) The Bridge was 63 (particular) eye-catching. It was co-authored by Liu Yu,64 Wuhan fine arts document research expert and his daughter. I n the past 3 years, Liu 65 (collect) more tha n 2,000 items relatedto the Wuha n Yan gtz RiverBridge 66 over 1,000 Daqiao trademarks featuri ng the image of the Wuha n Yangtz River Bridge. Liu said a Daqiao trademark wassomething both Wuhan and China took pride in and 67 even the advertising backgro und of many famous products had used thepatter n before. However, people 68(n ative) like Liu Yuand his daughter have realised this and take n effective measures.Liudaughter participated 69 the format design, and also inserted in the book the bridge-related n ews reports from 1957 to2017, in clud ing the bridge s ope ning, as well as the Wuha n marath on runners _70(pass) over it in 2017.第四部分写作(共两节;满分 3535 分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 错误,每句中最多有两处。每次错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。10处语言第7页(共7页)In todaysociety, the large number of people hold the view which 20% of onesuccess lies in his IQ, while 80% in his EQ.As far as I am concern, I fully agree with this opinion. First, with a high EQ, one will get along well with hiscompanions, which makes that possible for him to work in a harmonious atmosphere and improving the working efficie ncy.Furthermore, those who has a high EQ can discipli ne themselves and bravely overcome the difficult in their lives. Apart from these,if one has a high EQ, he will be likely to lead to a colorful and interesting life.In brief, it is oneEQ plays an important part in onelife. Therefore, EQ is equal important for one to be successful even if notmore vital tha n IQ.湖北省部分重点中学 2018 届高三第一次联考.高三英语参考答案听力1?ABABB改错In tcxiays socitty, large numbsr af people hold the vj ev u hich of ones success* g that+Jlies in his IQ while 80% intiis EQ “As far as I am grxeTti 1 fully agree with this opinion First, with a high EQ” one will getPwell with his comp3nion.sswhich makes that possible for him to wncrk in a harm&nious屮屮and impr


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