followership追随者的角色 英语论文

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followership追随者的角色 英语论文_第3页
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The Role of FollowersIntroductionAny team is made up of followers and leaders. Leaders play the basic role of commanders and guides in the process of team development. So what role do followers play in this process and what roles do they play? In fact, the task of any organization is done on the basis of classification and is closely related to the basic environment that produces this classification(Rosch, 1978). After studying the literature of the relevant leaders, it can be found that everyone has a tendency to classify others in life(Fiske & Taylor, 1991). Especially in the organizational environment, the researchers found that everyone can judge the identity of others, including leaders and followers of the two components(Lord, Fortie, & Phillips, 1982; Lord & Mach, 1993).In the traditional sense, there is a close correlation between the leader's success or failure and their organizational performance, if the organizational task is successfully completed, then the leader will encounter the corresponding honor; if the organization fails, the leader will be blamed and punished accordingly. In fact, the focus of the work of leaders is how to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the organization. In the process of actual work, the leader takes his professional performance as the focus of attention, which also leads to a lot of leaders overemphasize the correlation(Fairhurst, 2007)between their own behavior and the consequences(Meindl, 1995), in fact, it ignores the various influences that the follower may have on the leader. It should be noted that the followers are not exactly the same as the recipients, and they also have a strong subjectivity and active acceptance of the initiative, and play an important role in practice, it will also have an impact on the behavior of the leader. This also determines the followers in this process, we must define the self, strengthen understanding, only in this way can lead to interaction, and not only the result of the behavior factors that are external to the environment. Follower-centered approach The relationship between leaders is the central issue of leadership research at this stage, and on this basis to promote the effective and scientific leadership behavior, the focus of research on leading cadres of the relevant leadership in terms of ability. It should be noted that the traditional leadership research(Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995), to a certain extent, separates the relationship between the leader and the follower, and in fact ignores the important work that the follower plays in this process it is also one of the main ideas of the traditional leadership concept. It is the passive recipient of the leadership directive, which is only responsible for the implementation of the relevant instructions, and ignores the possible behavior of the followers to the leader and the impact of this. With the development of society and the progress of the times, the changing situation has created the conditions for the proposition of the theory of leadership effectiveness, which fully recognizes that the followers may produce various kinds of leadership behaviors species influence.(Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995).After analyzing the Fiddler contingency theory; there is a close correlation between leadership style and its effectiveness. Only by achieving the matching between leaders and members can the value of leadership be truly brought into play, in many cases, the degree of respect and trust of the followers to the leader is closely related to the exertion of the leadership role ( 1967 ). On the basis of the emergence of this theory, various contingency theories have been developed, and Blanchard ( 1969 ) creatively put forward the situation leadership theory, in his opinion, leaders must adhere to the basic idea of thinking that only in this way can they gain the trust of the followers, in contrast, the path goal theory proposed by House, House & Mitchell, 1974 the characteristics of the followers are emphasized, and the close relationship between the followers and the leadership is recognized to some extent. It should be noted that all of the above theories embody the basic characteristics of the method, and of course, the role of any one method must be based on the leader's ability to hoe and quality (Achua & Lussier, 2007; Yukl, 2013).Relevant leading postgraduates are still developing, but they fail to implement the proposed method of the followers. Until the appearance of the implicit leadership theory (Lord etal., 1984, Offermann, Kennedy, and Wirtz, 1994), the position of the followers is affirmed. After analyzing the existing leadership research, we can see that it believes that the effectiveness of leadership includes the following aspects: first, there is a close correlation between leaders and followers. Followers have strong self consciousness and initiative in this process. Therefore, we must strengthen the emphasis on employee relations, and promote the healthy development of relations between leaders and followers on this basis. Although the study did not follow certain positive effects may be brought to the leadership of this behavior, but its emphasis on the behavior and character of followers to a certain extent will have inhibitory effect on the behavior of leadership, which is the negative effects of performance (e.g., Ehrhart & Klein, 2001; Grant, Gino, & Hofmann, 2011). In specific practice, Grant studies the relationship between staff and team performance. The results show that if the followers present the basic state of aggression, the behavior of leaders is negative, and it will have certain influence on team performance. After appearing in the center of followers method, theory and empirical tests of the development, confirms the followers have a certain effect on shaping the leadership behavior, this also means that there is a close correlation between leadership and social system, some factors such as the followers will have an impact on leadership behavior.Leaders dependence on followersIt should be noted that there are differences between the followers. Therefore, the whole followers are not the simple additivity of individual differences, but also the synthesis of social influence (Emerson, 1962; French & Raven, 1959). Of course, leaders need to pay more attention to their individual differences and understand their preferences and ideas in a timely manner. Only in this way can they expand their influence. It should be noted that if leaders are dependent on Shakespeare's pursuit of their close friends, these people's behaviors will have a serious impact on leadership, which means that leaders must pay more attention to the behaviors of following close friends. In the process of development, the group must realize the clarification and standardization of the clue and direction of its own development (Moscovici& Faucheux, 1972). On this basis, promote contacts between leaders and society closely, this is also the information feedback has put forward higher requirements, in fact affirmed the leadership after the interaction between the followers of dependency relation between the two complement each other, only, can achieve organizational goals established (Achua & Lussier, 2007).Note that the leadership is the process of practice are often faced with lack of resources, thus to some extent dependent on natural followers (Tjosvold, 1986), for example, when leaders need to make certain decisions, must be on their own conduct basic assessment, prevent the increase policy risk, this time can be related to followers the information needed to provide zero leader, which also determines who has more abundant information of followers, it will become the most reliable source of information for the leader (Tjosvold, Andrews, & Struthers, 1991). Correspondingly, if leaders can enrich their resources in practice and provide necessary information guarantee for their decisions, the strength of followers will be weakened.Of course, the information on just one type of leader follower dependent, an important part of the effect is dependent on the dependence, only established a good relationship, to promote the overall improvement of team performance, we must strengthen the degree of attention of staff, establish the basic relationship of trust, which is an important aspect of self esteem maintenance (Aquino & Reed, 2002; Blasi, 1984). So if the leaders can achieve effective reliance on others, not only can meet the proposed requirements of enterprise development, can meet a variety of conditions of social competition, attracting more followers, is one of the basic ways to establish the leader's influence and prestige.Follower feedback and influenceStudies have shown that the feedback of followers is of great importance and significance to self correction of leadership behavior, which is also a supplement to self consciousness. The leadership is the practice process, can timely access to a variety of social information through the feedback mechanism of appropriate adjustments to their bad behavior, has created the value and significance of scientific and rational, which is the power of followers (Ashford & Cummings, 1983; Wei Karen, 1975).In the process of practice, in order to achieve effective communication between the leader and the subordinate workers, it is necessary to strengthen the degree of attention to rational persuasion, has important value and significance of the information communication timeliness, improve information persuasive by showing the logical truth, which is the Yukl and Tracey (1992) the main point of view. Can be found after the analysis of the related research, the collective behavior to a certain extent can influence the evaluation of leaders, but also affect the performance of the company's overall staff (Wayne & company, 1995), in addition, the leader pay more attention to their own image, build positive self but also to a certain extent play a positive role in shaping. Study on the effect of psychology shows that (C & Goldstein, 2004), image management method can meet the various needs of social communication is proposed, for the followers, through the methods of school management to a certain extent can enhance their ability to change into the leader's behavior, but also is of constructive Followers influences on groupAt the present stage, most leaders' theory shows that followers have the same basic characteristics, and there is no difference. This is also a manifestation of group behavior characteristics. But it should be noted that the number of individuals within a group will influence the formation of group consciousness to some extent, and also a part of strong impact. It will also have different effects on leaders' behavior and shaping effect.After the analysis of the relationship between the number of group followers and the impact, different scholars have formed different views. In Latane, 1981, the size and influence of the internal organization of followers are closely related, showing a positive relationship, with the increase of followers within groups, put forward higher requirements to the accuracy of social interaction in (Festinger, 1954).To some extent, social reality is formed on the basis of group opinions. Only with the support of most of the population can social phenomena be formed. It should be noted that the individuals within the group have certain differences, so they often have different opinions (for example, Novak et al., 1990; Latane, 1996; and l'herrou Latane, 1996). After the analysis of the historical situation, it can be found that many leaders related studies have ignored the possibility of internal group differences. In fact, effective communication between team members will have a certain impact on the overall team performance, will also affect only the leadership behavior modification, such as team in practice if there are differences, so leaders will feedback on followers of the attention, the main condition is actually one of the mechanisms of cooperation. In pescosolido (2002), the leader of a certain extent can set the emotional tone, it will feel and evaluation of internal groups of followers will have a certain impact, realize the promotion of group identity. In addition, the continuous development of followers can also take some methods to promote the group identity, has important value and significance to stimulate positive emotions, to prevent the adverse effects of negative emotions brought to the team (Haslam et al., 2001; Ashkanasy, serving, and mori, 2013).This is in fact the emphasis between followers and leaders are interaction and interdependent with each other, indivisible, leader's behavior will affect the mood and emotion of the followers, followers of set will also affect the behavior of the leader, there is an important reference for the development of group theory.ConclusionsThis paper makes a detailed study on the relationship between leader and follower, the research method of this paper presents the basic characteristics of diversification and differentiation, and the current followers theory and the leader theory analysis, comparison method between the focus and a relationship with, stressed that in the process of correcting mood followers the role of leadership behavior, including positive and negative two aspects, important function and key position actually emphasizes followers, has important value and significance of this potential seeker to promote mining, improve team performance and development. However, there are still many deficiencies in the relevant theories. We need to pay more attention to the development of the next stage and make further exploration and improvement.


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