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华侨中学2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试高二英语试卷本试卷共8页,满分150分。考试用时150分钟。注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、试室号、考生号、班级、班级座号等填写在答题卡上。2选择题用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填在答题卷相应的表格上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题纸上各题目指定区域内相应位置上,如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷带回,将答题卡缴交。.单项填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)1. His experiments ended in _, in other words, he was _.A. failure ; failure B. a failure ; failure C. failure; a failure D. a failure ; fail2.He sat back on the chair, listening to Mp4 and _ at ease.A. looking B. looked C. being looked D. to look 3. As a critic, his writing is far too _.A. attractive B. active C. ridiculous D. subjective4.He was _ with the long and _ speech ,but he tried no to show it .A.boring; bored B. bored; boring C. boring ; boring D. bored; bored 5._ many times, he finally understood it .A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told 6. It was raining heavily. The girl felt cold and so she stood _ to her mother.A. close ; B. closely C. closed D. closing 7.Tom is famous _ a writer _ his popular books.A. for;as B. for; for C. as ; as D. as ; for 8.The man dressed in black is standing there with his arms _ his chest.A . across B over C on D. through 9.-You were brave enough to say those remarks that _ to offend some scholars. - Now , I have regret having said them .A. are lovely B. is lovely C. is likely D. are likely 10.-I heard he failed again. -yes, he is very discouraged, so we all encourage him to _ all the difficulties he might meet and believe in himself.A. hug B. overcome C. function D. advance 11.Love is a major _ of Robert Brownings poetry.A. theme B. topic C. subject D. title 12. _ she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.A. Where B. wherever C. which D. Whichever13. She is such a kind-hearted girl as to often help her mother to_ her little sister A. wear B. put on C. dress D. have on 14. At first, Im not sure about the answer to the question. However, _ I work it out at last.A. to my joy B. to my disappointment C. in a word D. in other words 15.The plane crashed in the forest, _ all the passengers abroad.A. killed B. killing C. being killed D. to kill16. The lovely flowers were _ for your mother for her seventieth birthday.A. devoted B. intended C. supplied D. produced 17._ plants and animals deep in the ocean , scientists may find a cure for some of our most serious human diseases.A.To study B.By studying C. Being studying D. Studied 18._ your timely help , otherwise we wouldnt have finished our work ahead of time. A. For B. Because C. Thanks for D. Thanks to 19.We shouldnt always observe the traditions _ to us from the past.A. handed on B. handed over C. handing in D. handed out20.Our workmen do work hard , but we live at _.A. first B. times C. that D. ease .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Many stories are told of the bravery and loyalty of dogs. There is 21 a village named after such a dog . According to the story , Celert was a hunting dog 22 to Lewellyn. One morning, when the master wanted to go 23 , he could not find Celert and set off without him. 24 his return from the hunt, Lewellyn found Celert 25 with blood. Lewellyns baby was not seen and the bed was 26 .Thinking that the dog had eaten the child, he _27_ Celert with sword. The noise awoke the baby, who had been _28_ under a heap of bed coverings. The father heard his childs cry, and found him there, _29_ and sound (安然无恙 ). Under the bed was _30_a great wolf, killed by Celert. The _31_ dog had saved the life of his masters child, _32_ lost his own because of misunderstanding.Dogs can hear sounds better than men. For this _33_ they make good watch dogs. Trained dogs lead blind people and _34_ as their eyes. Dogs are clever animals , so it is _35_ to train them. A dog named Barry saved 40 persons when they were _36_ in the snow about 150 years ago. Dogs have also _37_ in scientific research .The worlds first space traveler was a dog named Laika . Russian scientists _38_ it up in a man- made earth satellite in 1957. _39_ have been film stars too. A dog called Lassie was the _40_ in a number of American films. 21. A even B. seldom C. never D. ever22. A. turning B. referring C. belonging D. leading 23. A. shopping B. fishing C. hunting D. skating 24. A. As soon as B. on C. When D. After 25. A. lain B. covered C. filled D. tied 26. A. out order B. with order C. in order D. disorder 27. A. buried B. beat C. whipped D. killed 28. A. playing B. asleep C. crying D. laughing 29. A. safe B. danger C. silent D. calm 30.A.uncovered B. found C. discovered D. founded 31.A. loyal B. handsome C. wise D. stupid 32. A. although B. so C. but D. or 33. A. behavior B. reason C. thing D. cause 34.A. regard B. consider C. act D. keep 35.A. easy B. difficult C. important D. necessary 36.A. fallen B. lost C. walked D. played 37.A. helped B. lived C. played D. worked 38.A. made B. took C. brought D. sent 39. A. Cats B. Horses C. Goats D. Dogs 40. A. scientist B. star C. film D. space-traveler 。阅读理解(共21小题;每小题2分,满分42)A. Researchers presented a piece of advice to new mothers, saying that women who want to lose the extra weight gained in pregnancy should try to get more sleep . They found that mothers who slept five hours or less a day when their babies were six months old were three times more likely than more rested mothers to have kept on the extra weight at one year. “we ve known for some time that lacking sleep is associated with weight gain and obesity in the general population, but this study shows that getting enough sleep - even just two hours more - may be as important as a healthy diet and exercise for new mothers to return to their per-pregnancy weight, said Erica Gu nderson of Kaiser Permanente , which runs hospitals and clinics in California.Gunderson and colleagues studied 940 women taking part in a study of prenatal and postnatal health at Harvard Medical School in Boston.The women who slept five hours or less a night when their babies were six months old were likely to have kept on 11 pounds (5kg) of weight one years after giving birth, they found.Women who slept seven hours a night or more lost more weight, they reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology The researchers acknowledged this may make new mothers feel puzzled, given that their babies sleep so brokenly.“With the results of this study, new mothers must be wondering, “How can I get more sleep for both me and my baby? Our team is working on new studies to answer this important question, said Dr Matthew Gillman. 41. The writer intends to tell readers _ A. to lose extra weight new mothers should get more sleep.B. To lose extra weight new mothers should get less sleep C. How new mothers can get more sleep D. Why new mothers get the extra weight 42. We can know from the passage that _ A. how to make new mothers get more sleep remains to be solved B. for new mothers , seelp has nothing to do with being fat C. new mothers can get enough sleep with a baby to look afterD. a healthy diet doesnt help lose new mothers extra weight43. If a new mother wants to return to her pre-pregnancy weight , what should she do ?A. Get enough sleep B. Keep a healthy C. Do exercise D. All the above 44. What does the writer want to express by using the underlined sentence ?A. Kaiser had its hospitals and clinics in CaliforniaB. The study results were based on practice and experiments C. Kaiser Permanente was very famous in CaliforniaD. Eric Gunderson was very successful in his career B. It was a first day as a newcomer to Miss Hargroves seventh grade. Past “ newcomer” experiences had been difficult, so I was very anxious to fit in. It wasnt long before the class nerd (书呆子) was pointed out to me: Mary Lou. Actually she called herself Mary Louise. She had olive skin, dark hair and handsome features. The girls whispers got louder and louder. Mary Lou made eye contact with no one as she walked by our table , chin held high with iron determination.After school, the girls invited me to join them in front of the school. I was thrilled to be a member of the club. We waited for what I didnt yet know. Arms wrapped around her backpack, Mary Lou came. The laugh began from the girls. I joined in. My momentum ( 势头 ) began to pick up as I approached her. Bad remarks fell from my lips. The other girls stepped back and became my cheerleaders. Suddenly I caught the strap (背带 ) of her backpack and then pushed her . The trap broken, Mary Lou fell and I backed off. Everyone was laughing and patting me. I was not proud. Something inside me hurt. Mary Lou got up, gathered her books. She held her head high as blood ran down from her knee. I watched her limping away down the street. I turned to leave with my laughing friends and noticed a man standing beside his car. His olive skin, dark hair and handsome features told me this was her father .He remained still and watched the lonely girl walk toward him.Only his eyes at me in silence with burning tears that spoke to my shame and burned my heart.45. Why did the writer hit Mary Louise ?A. Because she looked down at her B. Because she had been hit by her C.She hated such a girl as her D. She wanted to please the girls46. The girls asked me to join them in front of the school probably _.A. give me a lesson B. give Mary Lou a lessonC. attend a party all together D. take me to an interesting place 47. Which of the following can best explain the underlined sentences in paragraph 1?A.I was eager for losing weight and getting slimmerB.I was eager for getting on well with my classmates C. I looked forward to improving my study scores D. I looked forward to become a top student 48.What can be said about Mary Lous father ?A.He was very rich B. He was a cold man C. He was a gentle man D. He didnt love Mary Lou C. In the United States Government, the Congress (国会) make the laws . The Congress has two parts, which are more or less equal in power. They are known as the House of Representatives(众议院) and Senate (参议院) . The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate whose 100 member (two from each state) serve for six years. The 435 members of the House are elected every two years, and the member from each state is determined by the population of the state. For example, California , which has a large population , has forty-three representatives. The state of Nevada (内华达 ) had only one. The House and the Senate are divided into small groups which take care of special matters such as education or foreign affairs. The most important task of the Congress is often done in these groups, which are called committees. According to the constitution of the United States, a senator must be at least thirty years old and he must have been a citizen of the United States for nine years at the time of his election. To be elected to the House a person must be twenty-five years old and must have been a citizen of the United States for seven years. At the present time, members of the Congress include businessmen, famers, teachers, and especially lawyers. In general, Senators are better known than Representatives because they are fewer in number and serve for a long time. Many American Presidents served in the Congress before they became presidents of the United States. President John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were all representative and then Senators becoming presidents. 49.In the United States, the Congress _.A. writes articles B. writes novels C. make documents D. makes rules of conduct action 50.The passage tells us the Congress consist of _ members A.1000 B. 435 C. 335 D. 53551.The 100 members of the Senate come from _A. 40states B.45states C. 50 states D.55 states 52.Those who are elected to the House must be _ and must have been a citizen of the United Stated for _ years A. 35; 9 B. 25; 7 C.35; 7 D. 25; 9 D. A gentle breeze blew through Jennys hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking up the ball. She was amazed by its color.The atmosphere relaxed her. After all she had been through, this is what she needed.” Its getting late, she thought,” I must go home, my parents will be wondering where I am .”She wondered how her parents would react , when she got home after the three days she was missing . It was getting dark now, the sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she had her favorite sweater on . She imagined having it with her. This thought dissipated when she finally saw her front door. It seemed different. Nobody had taken care of the outside garden for a few days. She was shocked: Her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now It all seemed deserted . She couldnt understand what was going on. She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen and saw a note by her father . It said;” Dear Ellen, there is some coffee ready, I went looking.” Entering her parents room she noticed het mother was lying on the bed, sleeping . Her face looked so tried, as if she hadnt slept for days. Jenny would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tried. So Jenny just fell asleep beside her. When Jenny woke up something was different she wasnt in her mother room and she wasnt wearing the old clothes she ran away in . She was in her bed in her parents. It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice. “Are you feeling better now, dear ? You know you got us ver , very scared .”53.What can be said about Jenny f father?A. He was too strict with her daughter. B. He was a careless man.C. He didnt love his wife in fact. D.He loved Jenny very much.54.What was the most probable reason why nobody took care of the garden for a few days?A. Hennys parents were too worried about her to do it .B. Jennys parents were too laze to do it .C. Jennys parent were too busy to do it .D. There was nobody at home during the time .55.The underlined word “dissipated” in paragraph 3 can be replaced be _ A. spread B. came true C. appeared D. disappeared 56.The best title for the passage can be “_”.A. Fleeing home B.A warm home C. Back home D. A cold home E. You should make thorough plans before you do a camping trip. Just follow these simple camping suggestions to make trip safe and rewarding. Selecting a suitable tent 56 When determining the size of your tent , you should take into account the number of campers as well as the camping equipment necessary for your trip. There should be enough room in the tent for the camping equipment 57 . Importance of food While camping, you will need enough food to give you enough energy for your outdoor work. 58 You should use a two burner stove to do all your cooking. Insist on simple cooking during your trip to reduce cooking time. Enough sleep 59 Nights are generally cooler than the days so you need to have enough warm clothed to feel comfortable enough to sleep during the night. When buying a sleeping bag, check that you feel comfortable in it. Extra air mattresses (气垫) may be included in your camping equipment to make your bed more comfortable 60 Keep these camping guidelines in mind and make sure you are fully prepared to enjoy your camping trip.A. All campers should have adequate sleep during the night.B. Thus you must have an efficient arrangement (安排 ) for your food preparation.C. The best camping trips are had by those people who prepare the best.D. Take healthy food with you to meet energy demands during your trip.E. The comfort level in a tent determines the success of a camping trip.F. The size is the most important thing you should carefully consider when choosing a tent.G.It will destroy the mood of the entire camping trip if you dont have a good sleeping bag.书面表达(共18分)请你根据以下要点谈谈自行车旅行的好处,不要逐字逐句翻译。词数100左右。标题已给,不得重复。1. 除步行外最廉价的旅行方式,不必去车站买票,也不用去买汽油,唯一就是买辆自行车;2. 骑自行车有益于健康,锻炼肌肉,保持健康。3. 骑自行车有益于环保,噪音小,不污染空气。参考词汇:1.优点 advantage 2.apart from 除 之外3.肌肉 muscle 华侨中学2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试高二英语试卷答案1-5CADBD 610ADADB 1115ABCAB 1620BBDAD21-25DCCBB 26-30DDBAB 31-35ACBCA 36-40BADDB41. wearing 42. Do 43. Which 44. luckier 45. choices46. or 47. to dress 48. actually 49. are sold 50. belief51-55AADBD 56-60BBCDD 61-65CBDADC 66-70FEBAC- 11 -


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