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Unit4 Seeing the doctorUnit4 Seeing the doctorSound time, Cartoon timeI know the sound of the letter “ch”. I can understand cartoon time and act it well .I can talk freely when seeing the doctor.Listen carefully 认真倾听Show yourself actively 积极地自我展现 what to learn? what to learn? How to learn? How to learn?怎么学?怎么学?Lets watchLets watch超能陆战队超能陆战队 Lets watchLets watchHe is a very excellent(优秀的优秀的) doctor!Lets help him check patients.(让我们帮助他检查病人)(让我们帮助他检查病人) “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” “No, no, no!” Check timeCheck time( ( 根据实际情况,判断病历上内容是否准确根据实际情况,判断病历上内容是否准确) )Yeah, yeah, yeah!No, no, no!Check timeCheck time( ( 根据根据story timestory time内容,判断各自病历内容,判断各自病历) )病历单病历单Sympathy:(症状) Su Hai has a fever.Yeah, yeah, yeah!No, no, no!Check timeCheck time( ( 根据根据story timestory time内容,判断各自病历内容,判断各自病历) )病历单病历单Sympathy:(症状) Mike has a headache .Yeah, yeah, yeah!No, no, no!Check timeCheck time( ( 根据根据story timestory time内容,判断各自病历内容,判断各自病历) )病历单病历单Sympathy:(症状) Su Hais hand hurts.Yeah, yeah, yeah!No, no, no!Check timeCheck time( ( 根据根据story timestory time内容,判断各自病历内容,判断各自病历) )病历单病历单Sympathy:(症状) Mikes ear hurts.Yeah, yeah, yeah!No, no, no!Check timeCheck time( ( 根据根据story timestory time内容,判断各自病历内容,判断各自病历) )病历单病历单Sympathy:(症状) Su Hai shouldnt take medicine. .Check timeCheck time( ( 病历湿了,你能帮助完成它吗?病历湿了,你能帮助完成它吗?) )病历单病历单headachedrink some warm waterhave a resttoothacheeat anything eat too many sweetsbrush my teethtake some medicinefeverBay Max does a good job!He is invited to academic exchanges in China(Bay Max被邀请到中国参加学术被邀请到中国参加学术交流)交流)Bay Maxs tripBay Maxs tripWhats Charlie doing? (Tips:请尽量详细的描述图片,可以加上你们的丰富的想象哦)Charlie is sitting on a bench.Charlie is eating some chicken for lunch.Charlie is learning Chinese.Maybe he is going to China.Brain storm:看图片,描述看图片,描述What is Charlie doing?(正在做什么?正在做什么?)Charlie isBay Maxs tripBay Maxs trip -sound time-sound timeLets chantLets chant你能找到更多发音为你能找到更多发音为/ t/单词吗?单词吗?Groupwork:小组合作,比比看那组说的又快又好!小组合作,比比看那组说的又快又好!Bay Maxs tripBay Maxs trip Dr.BobbyDr.Bobby is is wokingwoking now. now.Watch and answerWatch and answer(看动画,完成问题)(看动画,完成问题)1.How many paitents(病人)(病人)?2.Who are they?1.How many paitents(病人)(病人)?Watch and answerWatch and answer(看动画,完成问题)(看动画,完成问题)2.Who are they?Watch and answerWatch and answer(看动画,完成问题)(看动画,完成问题)1.How many paitents(病人)(病人)?2.Who are they?FourThey are Monkey、 Rabbit 、Elephantand Giraffe.HurtsCantRead and underlineRead and underline(小组自读课文,从文中找出答案)(小组自读课文,从文中找出答案)3.Whats wrong with them?arm ear noseneck write wellhear welleat or drinkLet s learnLet s learnBobby helps in the hospital.Monkey 、Rabbit and Elephant come to see him.Let s learnLet s learnBobby is very happy to help them.Let s learnLet s learnLet s learnLet s learn Read together 齐读齐读Read in roles 分角色朗读分角色朗读小组选择一种喜欢的小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。方式读一读课文。Happy readingHappy readingCorrectly! Fluently! Emotionally!朗读正确、流利、有感情是你们的目标哦朗读正确、流利、有感情是你们的目标哦!Tips:1.带书表演得带书表演得2. 不带书表演得不带书表演得3. 不带书表演,并且表不带书表演,并且表演自然流畅得演自然流畅得Show timeShow time(小组选(小组选择一幅图片进行表演)择一幅图片进行表演)Bobby 向向 Bay Max求助求助,怎么诊怎么诊治长颈鹿。治长颈鹿。.You should use a ladderYou should stand on a chair!Brain storm小组讨论,还有哪些方法可以帮助小组讨论,还有哪些方法可以帮助Bobby呢?呢?Finish the storyFinish the storyYou should si t down,Mr Giraffe!Free clinicFree clinic( (义诊义诊) )很多人慕名而来,参很多人慕名而来,参加义诊,小组编对话,加义诊,小组编对话,一人扮演一人扮演Bay Max,其其他扮演病人。他扮演病人。句型:句型:whats wrong with you?I have a headachetoothache coldcough.What should I do?You should have a rest/drink some water/take medicine/brush yourteeth.You shouldnt The roses in her hands, the flavor in mine。 与人玫瑰,手有余香Sound time,Cartoon timeI know the sound of the letter “ch”. I can understand cartoon time and act it well .I can talk freely when see the doctor All together(合计合计):_Ticking timeTicking time试试看,完成学习单上的题目,根据要求评星。试试看,完成学习单上的题目,根据要求评星。看看最后一共能得几颗星星呢看看最后一共能得几颗星星呢.答案:一、答案:一、CBDAEF二、二、1AB 2AC1.Read what we learned today 3 times.2.Recite Cartoon time.3.Finish the exercise in workbook.HomeworkHomework


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