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1The Great Wall2The Great WallIt was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty3 Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province The west end of the Great Wall4“ The Old Dragon Head ”The east end of the Great Wall5老龙头老龙头 万里长城犹如一条巨龙,其龙头伸于渤海之中万里长城犹如一条巨龙,其龙头伸于渤海之中掀浪戏水,人们俗称此地为掀浪戏水,人们俗称此地为“老龙头老龙头”。老龙头位于。老龙头位于山海关城南约山海关城南约5公里处,是明万里长城军事防御体系公里处,是明万里长城军事防御体系的重要组成部分,也是山海关景区的重要景点。的重要组成部分,也是山海关景区的重要景点。 老龙头呈半岛状伸入海中,墙体沿海岸线自然老龙头呈半岛状伸入海中,墙体沿海岸线自然弯曲延伸,由石块垒砌而成,分为入海石城、海庙店、弯曲延伸,由石块垒砌而成,分为入海石城、海庙店、靖卤台、南海口、澄海楼、宁海城和滨海长城等七部靖卤台、南海口、澄海楼、宁海城和滨海长城等七部分。其中入海石城相传为明朝抗倭名将戚继光所筑;分。其中入海石城相传为明朝抗倭名将戚继光所筑;澄海楼则是老龙头的最高点,是观海胜地,清朝皇帝澄海楼则是老龙头的最高点,是观海胜地,清朝皇帝康熙、乾隆曾多次登临此楼。康熙、乾隆曾多次登临此楼。678Shanhaiguan Pass“ The First Pass under Heaven ”91011A beacon tower12The Great wallThe Great Wall is also called the “ Ten Thousand li Great Wall ”. It is one of the wonders of the world. It is the longest wall in the world and runs across north China like a huge dragon. It has a history of over 2,000 years. In old times, it was very difficult to build such a wall.13Mr. Henson, an American engineer, has come to Beijing on business for the first time. He is talking to Ma Li, a tour guide.Mr. Henson: Ma Li, I hope to visit the Great Wall first which Im here.Ma Li: OK. We can go to Badaling to see the Great Wall tomorrow. Its not far from this hotel. Heres a booklet with a brief introduction to the Great Wall. You can read it this evening and Ill pick you up at 8 tomorrow Morning.Mr. Henson: Great! Thanks.14Answer the following questions according to the text.1. Where is the Great Wall?2. When did the building of the Great Wall begin?The Great Wall is located in the north of China.Building of the Great Wall first began during the period of the Warring States.153. Why did several kingdoms build their walls during the Warring States Period?4. Who decided to have the walls linked and extended in 221BC?They built the Walls to protect their countries.The first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty decided to have the walls linked andextended. 165. How many people were forced to build the Great Wall by the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty?About one million people were made tobuild the Wall.6. How long did it take to build the Great Wall at that time?It took more than ten years to build it.177. When was the Great Wall which we can see today rebuilt?The Wall which we can see now wasrebuilt during the Ming Dynasty.8. What is the total length of the Great Wall?Its total length is more than 6,700 kilometers.189. When was the Great Wall listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage?In 1987 it was listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.191. The Great Wall is one of the worlds most famous wonders。 one of +名词复数 .之一2. be located. 位于 ; 坐落于.eg: (1) Our school is located in the center of the city. (2) The village is located an the foot of the mountain.203. the Warring States Period = the Period of the Warring States. 战国时期4. Protect 是“保护”“防御”的意思,常与from或 against连用。 protect.from / against “保护.以防.”eg: (1) You need warm clothes to protect you from the cold. (2) The girl is wearing the sun glasses to protect her eyes from the sunlight.215. BC “公元前”, before Christ 之略,通常写在数字之后。 AD “公元”,拉丁文anno Domini 之略,英国是将AD 写在年数之前,美国是将AD写在年数之前之后均可。 但没特殊要求一般来说,AD不必写出。eg:公元前256:in 256 BC 1983 :AD 1983 或1983 AD 6. the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty “秦朝第一个皇帝”,即“秦始皇”。227. have(使,让)+宾语+宾补(过去分词 done) 指别人做的事或别的情况造成的。eg: (1) I have my bike repaired. (2) When I was training in the gym, I had my leg hurt.8. It is said that .“据说.” It 是形式主语, that 是真正的主语,这是一个主语从句。eg:It is said that the bridge was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that he is good at operating computers.23类似的结构还有: It is believed that.“据信.” It is reported that.“据报道.” It is hoped that.“人们希望”9. 主动: force sb to do sth “强迫某人做某事” 被动: be forced to do sth “被迫做某事”eg: (1) They forced the little boy to clean the car. (2) The little boy was forced to clean the car.24 the amount of +不可数名词; the number of +可数名词复数. a large amount of +不可数名词; the large number of+可数名词复数. 12. be used to do “被用来做.”eg: Bricks and stones were used to build the Wall.13. be enough to do sth “足够做.”eg: Two hours is enough to finish my homework.的数量许多,大量2514.“数字+量词+形容词” = “数字+量词+in+名词” 表示某物的尺寸。eg:The box is 4 feet long. =The box is 4 feet in length.15. thousands of “成千上万的”, 另外还有: hundreds of “成百上千的” millions of “数以百万的” hundreds of thousands of “数十万的” tens of thousands of “数以万计的”2616. be listed “被列为.”,“被登录在.”eg:My name is not listed in the telephone directory.17. as “作为”,是介词.eg: (1) Hes got a job as an editor. (2) Please treat him as a friend.18. lead to . “通向,导致,引起”eg: (1) The road leads to the valley. (2) Too little rest often leads to illness.27Homework Do the “ Language Study”. Preview the Speaking and Grammar.28


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