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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上7年级下Unit 1 单元检测 Name_ Class_ Score_一 单项选择(30分)( ) 1.Are you good at playing _ guitar or _ basketball? A. the, the B. the, a C. / , the D. the, /( ) 2.He can swim very well, _ he doesnt want to join the club. A.and B. but C. / D. or( ) 3.They need two _ for their music club. A. musicians B. dancers C. runners D. swimmers( ) 4.My mother is a nurse(护士) and is good _ kids. A. in B. for C. with D. at( ) 5. My teacher helps us _ swimming. A. on B.in C. for D. with( ) 6.We are playing football. Come and _ us. A. join B. join in C.play D. do( ) 7. Can you play the guitar? _. A. No,I can B.Sure, I cant C. No, you can D. Yes, a little( ) 8. Sam can sing English songs _, but I cant. A. a lot B. very good C. very well D. very much( ) 9. Can you speak English? Yes, but only _. A.a little B. a few C. not many D. little( ) 10.Its an English class. Please dont _ Chinese. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak( )11.Sam is a _ swimmer. He can swim very _. A. well, good B. good, well C. good, good D. good, fine ( ) 12.-What time does he _ basketball? -At 8 oclock A. plays B. playing C. play D. can play( )13.Jeffs sister cant swim _ dance. A. and B. but C. and not D. or ( ) 14.My father _ buy a new watch _ my birthday.A. want to, for B. wants , for C. wants to, with D. wants to, for( )15.I cant _ the trumpet. Where is it? A. play B. find C. look D. have( )16. _ are the drums on the floor? Sorry, I dont know. A. Where B. What C. What about D.How much( )17.Lily _ like to play chess with me. A.dont B. doesnt C. cant D. isnt( )18. Can the boy speak Japanese? _.A. I think dont B. I think he cant C. I dont think D. I dont think he can( )19. Let me _ you _ English. A. to help, learn B. to help, to learn C. help, learning D. help, learn( )20. Our school wants two good teachers _ the School Art Festival. A. with B. of C. for D. at( )21. Are you good _ math? A. with B. to C. for D. at( )22. Please call Tom _0811-65784 A. with B. to C. for D. at( )23. What can she do? - She can _ Chinese kung fu. A. plays B. do C. make D. help( )24. There is _ art teacher. _ name is Zhang Heng. A. a, His B. an, Her C. a, She D. an, He( )25. Can they play chess? No, _ A. they are B. they can C. they cant D. an, He( )26. She wants to_ a Beijing Opera artist. A. be B. is C. are D. /( )27. Please show _ your new bike. A. I B. my C. me D. mine( )28.The girl _ a red sweater is my sister. A.on B. of C. in D. at( )29. I can sing the song, but he _. A. doesnt B. does C. can D. cant( )30. Your book can _ on the desk. A. be B. is C. are D. do二 阅读理解(2*5=10)Name can do cant doBillplay the drums, sing,dance, swim play the piano, paint,speak English wellJenniferplay the piano, speak Chinese well, sing wellswim, play the drums, play chessVictorpaint well, play the guitar and drums,swimspeak Chinese, dance or sing, play computer games判断下列句子是否符合事实,符合的写“A”,否则写 “B”。( )1Bill and Jennifer can sing but they cant play the piano. ( )2. Jennifer can help Victor with his Chinese. ( )3. Bill isnt good at playing the piano but Victor can play it well.( )4. All of them can join the music club. ( )5. If (如果) Victor wants to dance and sing, Bill can help 三 完成对话(1*10=10)A: Hi! Can I _1_ you?B: Yes, please! I want to _2_ the Japanese club.A: Good! _3_ I know your name?B: Robert.A: Robert. Yes, I got it. And _4_ your family name?B: White.A: _5_ old are you?B: Thirteen.A: Can you _6_ Japanese?B: Yes, but I cant speak it very_7_. I want to learn more _8_ it.A: OK! Do you have an _9_ address?B: Yes, its robert.A: Great! Thanks a _10_.B: Thank you!1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_四 首字母填空(1*10=10)1 She likes to swim, so she can join the s_ club. 2 Can you play the d_?3 She can dance and sing well. So she wants to be a m_.4 S_ is the first day in a week. 5 I like China and I can s_ Chinese well.6 Do you like to play volleyball w_ Jack?7 Then you can b_ in our school festival. 8 Can you sing o_ dance?9 Do you have an e-mail a_?10 W_ do you like comedies? Because they are funny.五 用所给词的正确形式填空(10)。(1*10=10)1 Does she want _(join) the club? 2 Lets join the _(paint) club.3 Jack _( not like) the school show.4 There are two great _(piano) in the music room.5 Bob likes _(play) the piano. 6 Come and join _(we).7 Can you play it _(good)? 8 Can you help me with _(dance)?9 Every week he helps me _(learn) math. 10 What can Li Xin _(do)?六选词填空。5请阅读下面的招聘广告,根据广告内容用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。soccer, draw, guitar, dance, sports, sing, musician, basketballStudents Wanted for All Kinds of ClubsAre you a 1)_? Can you 2)_ and 3)_? Can you play the 4)_? If you arent interested in music, how about 5)_? Can you play 6)_ or 7)_? Can you play them well? Or you maybe can 8)_ well. We have some interesting games. Come and join us!1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 七 句型转换。(1*10=10)1. We want to join the chess club. (划线提问) _ _ do you want _ _?2. David can play the guitar. (改成一般疑问句) _ David _ the guitar? 3. Wu Dong can play football. (就划线部分提问) _ can Wu Dong _?4. I can sing and dance. (改成否定句) I _ sing _dance.八、连词组句。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. want, join, the, do, club, to, music, you _? 2. chess, but, I, play, the, can, guitar, cant, play _. 3. club, you, do, want, join, to, what _? 4. to, want, learn, we, art, about _. 5. computers, kids, help, they, with, can _?九 作文(10) 先阅读下面的学校一个乐队的启事。 假设你叫王林,你符合启事中的所有要求并希望加入乐队,请写一封自我推荐信。词数不少于50。Musician wanted for the band “Fly”Our band is called “Fly”. Now there are four people in our band, and we need another boy. Do you like English songs? Can you dance? Can you play the drums? If you can, please write to Jack._Keys:I. 110 DBACD ADCAD 1120 BCDDA DBDDC 2130 DDBBB ACCDA II. BABAAIII. help join May Whats How speak well about e-mail lotIV. 1. swimming 2. drums 3. musicians 4. Sunday 5. speak 6. with 7. be 8. or 9. address 10. WhyV. 1. to join 2. painting 3. doesnt like 4. pianos 5. playing 6. us 7. well 8. dancing 9. learn/to learn 10. doVI. 1. plays the violin well 2. need/want musicians for 3. be in 4. What, want to 5. to learn about 6. Are, good with 7. drums, them wellVII. 1. What club, to join 2. Can, play 3. What, do 4. cant, orVIII. Wrting We need 4 musicians for our school band. Can you play the piano? Can you play the guitar? Can you play the trumpt? Can you play the drums? Come and join us. Please call .Oure e-mail address is butterfly.七、书面表达。先阅读下面的学校一个乐队的启事。 假设你叫王林,你符合启事中的所有要求并希望加入乐队,请写一封自我推荐信。词数不少于50。Musician wanted for the band “Fly”Our band is called “Fly”. Now there are four people in our band, and we need another boy. Do you like English songs? Can you dance? Can you play the drums? If you can, please write to Jack.七上Unit 10测试题(一)参考答案及解析一、根据句子内容,将图片与其相匹配。1-5 ECABD 二、单项填空。 1-5 CBACA 6-10 ABCDB 单项填空解析: 1表示弹奏乐器,在乐器名称前要用定冠词the。 4表示“想要做某事”用句型want to do sth. 5根据句意说话人感到弹吉他太难,应选择cant,表示“不会做某事”。 6提问和回答要使用一致的情态动词,故选A。 8根据答语“是的,孩子们喜欢和我一起玩。” 可知问句是“你是否擅长和小孩打交道?”用be good with sb.故选C。9在情态动词can后,跟动词原形,当接两个动词时需要用一个连词连接,连词and通常用于肯定句中,否定句中通常用or。三、选词填空。1. musician 2. sing / dance 3. dance / sing 4. guitar 5. sports 6. basketball/soccer 7. soccer / basketball 8. draw 四、单词拼写。1. dance 2. swimming 3. draws 4. be 5. sings 6. skate 7. to buy 8. clean 9. teaches 10. are五、补全对话。1. help 2. please 3. your 4. first 5. How 6. is 7. Can 8. about 9. Here 10. out六、完成句子。1. play the guitar 2. school concert 3. want to join 4. with me 5. speak a little七、书面表达。One possible version: Dear Jack,My name is Wang Lin. I am a boy. I want to join your band. I like music very much. And I can do a lot of things. I can sing many English songs. I like dancing very much. Playing the guitar is my favorite. I can play the drums and the piano, too. I really want to be one of you. Wang Lin专心-专注-专业


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