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乐清国际外国语学校三年级第三大周作业Homework for Grade ThreeName: _ Class: _亲爱的家长朋友,你们好!本大周您的孩子在英语方面所学的内容为:Words: happy sad hungry thirsty full tired grandfather grandmother father mother uncle aunt aunt meSentence patterns:How do you feel? Im/ Were. How does he/she feel? He/She . He/She/It can , but he/she/it cant .Sounds: sp wasp crisps st toast postman lamp posthappysadhungrythirstyfulltired(注:家长回家时听写单词,如果该单词过关,请在表格里画)笔试部分一、 Read and circle (读一读,圈出黑体部分发音不同的单词)1. A. wasp B. crisp C. spoon2. A. class B. glass C. pencil case 3. A. Peter B. pen C. leg4. A. desk B. fast C. mask5. A. toast B. post C. sad二、Read and write. (写出划线部分的同类词)1. My father is happy. My mother is _.2. I am five. She is my sister. Shes _.3. -What can your sister do? - She can dance and _.4. - How do you feel? - I am thirsty and _.5. - My mother is young. - My _ is young too.三、Think and choose. (选择填空)( ) 1. I like crisps, _ my mother doesnt like it. A. but B. and C. or( ) 2. How _ Kitty feel? A. is B. do C. does( ) 3. -_does your brother feel? - He is happy. A. What B. How C. Where( ) 4. - _ this your kite? - Yes, it _. A. Are are B. Is is C. does does( ) 5. - Whats your name? - _Linda. A. This is B. Im C. Youre( ) 6. My brother _tired. _ wants a rest(休息). A. is he B. are am C. are she ( ) 7. There _five bottles of water on the table. Aare B. is C. am( ) 8. Thats my classmate. _name is Kitty. A. My B. Her C. Shes( ) 9. -How does the banana feel? - Its _. Asmooth B. cold C. rough( ) 10. - I am hungry. - Please _. A. have some water B. have some bread C. sit down四、Choose and write (选择合适的单词填空,每空用一次) angry thirsty tired hungry tall small afraid (害怕) thin sweet cold1. It is _ in winter.2. My father is sleeping at the desk. He is very_.3. That boy is _. He is not short.4. The chocolate( 巧克力) is _. We all like it.5. There is a ladybird on the bed. Im _.6. The boy is fat, but her sister is _.7. Danny is _.Please give him some water.8. The apple is _. I want a big apple.9. Wendy is _. She wants some pizza.10. Peter is late (迟到). Miss Fang is _.五、Read and match. (读一读,把相应的句子配对)( ) 1.Alice doesnt have a new dress. A. He is hungry.( ) 2. I see a tiger under the tree. B. Im full.( ) 3. Peter wants a cake. C. Ginger is angry(生气).( ) 4. My father wants some water. D. She is sad.( ) 5. I eat some bread. E. He is happy.( ) 6. A mouse drinks Gingers milk. F. Im afraid.( ) 7. John has a new bicycle. G. He is thirsty.( ) 8. The elephant can lift(举起) a tree. H. It is strong.六、Read and draw. (读单词,画出相应的感觉) hungry thirsty full sad happy tiredRead more, get more:朗读所学课文,尤其是每单元前三部分。各位家长,本大周为孩子布置的作业就是这些,请您务必督促您的孩子认真完成。如果孩子在作业时有什么困难,请您及时反馈给我们,同时也请您多提宝贵的意见及建议,谢谢! 家长签名:5


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