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宝鸡实验小学“生本学导,建构互动”导学模式学习工具单 2014-2015学年第一学期 六年级英语 设计人:武莉 审定人(教研组长): 单元主题 Unit3课题Lesson20指导教师武莉班级组名姓名【学习目标】1.会读会写会用单词:snowman, snowball, carrot, rocks, sticks;2.会读短语:make a snowman, make a snowball, make a face, another snowball, slide on the snow;3.牢记并能熟练掌握应用句子:1).This one is smaller than the first.2).I think I can.3).Look out!【学习重难点】1.能用英语表达自己在冬天的乐趣。2.能用 “First, then ”等词句描述堆雪人的过程。【学习过程】 温故知新 温故知新 我最棒 Lets talk about four seasons.讨论有关四季的内容。 自主学习 合作探究活动一:完成结构化预习 要求:1.自由出声地朗读课文,划出不认识、不会读的单词和句子;2.根据课文内容独立完成; 3.完成以后由小组长负责带领大家组内相互讨论交流达成共识。(组内完成,班级展示)1. carrot_ rocks_ sticks_2. make a snowman_ 制作一个雪球_make a face_ another snowball_slide on the snow_3. This one is smaller than the first._Look out! The snowball is coming!_I think I can. _活动二:Try to read the chant.歌谣展示。(班级展示)Snowman, snowman, make a snowman.Snowball, snowball, throw a snowball.Ski, ski, ski on the snow.Slide, slide, slide on the snow.活动三:Listen to the text and find out the way we make snowmen.听录音找到堆雪人的步骤。(先独立完成,后班级展示)First,we-. Then we make-. Third, we make another small ball. Fourth, we have-. Fifth, we have -. Ok! I think its wonderful.达标检测:. Choose the correct answer.1. Lets put it _ top. A. in B. on C. for2. I have a carrot _ his nose. A. for B. with C. in3. This one is _ than that one. A. small B. smaller C. smallest4. What _ do you do in winter? A. else B. other C. another5. I want to make_ in China. A. snowmen B. snowman C.snowmans. 你能用英语复堆雪人的过程吗?快来挑战吧。讨论我积极展示我勇敢质疑我大胆 同伴评价( )教师评价( Great Good OK Come on )评价日期( September 30, 2014)


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