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Unit 2 This is my sister.课题Unit 2 This is my sister. 第一课时班级_姓名_学习目标1. 掌握一些表示人物关系的单词。2. 学会介绍他人,辨认人物。重点句型:Whos she?She is my sister.These are my parents.难点this, that, these, those.学习寄语Know the people around you.导入新课A picture to introduce my family.自主学习课前预习导学一、 根据音标写出本节课的生词。/m/_ /f:/_ / pernt/_/br/_/rndm/_ /rndf:/_/frend/_/rndpernt/_/sist/_/i:z/_ /uz/_ /fmili/_/hu:/_二、读写生词并熟记,看谁记得快。1.妈妈_ 2.爸爸 _ 3.父母 _ 4.奶奶,外婆 _ 5.爷爷,外公_ 6.姐;妹_7.朋友_ 8.祖父(母);外祖父(母)_ 9.兄;弟_ 10.谁_ 11.这些_12.那些_ 13.家庭_三、通过预习SectionA1a-1c之后,请快速翻译下列句子。他是我的哥哥_.她是谁?_?她是我的姐姐。_.那是我的家人。_那些是我的父母。_这些是我的兄弟们。_他是谁_?四、写出反义词1.this_ 2.those_交流展示Listening.Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a. This part is an page 7.听然后完成下列对话。A: Thats my family. Those _ my parents.B: _ she? A: _ my sister. Oh, and these _ my brothersB: Who _ they?A: They _ my grandparents.释疑点拨对比出真知,你能说出下列两组句子的区别吗?1)This is my friend. These are my friends._思考:前一句用的是is,表示的是几个人?后面一句用的是are.表示的还是一个人吗?前后在构造上有什么区别?看完书完成下列题。1)This (be)my sister.2)Those (be)my brothers.3)These are his (friend).4)Is this your sister? Yes, is.5)Those are my brothers,That _ my sister.训练检测单项选择1)选择填空:These are A.my picture B.his picture C.her pictures D.you picturesDad, my good friends,Mary and Jane.A.she is B.thats C.this is D.these are my sister,Julia.A.That B.she C.shes D.Thats is my brother,and name is Jeff Brown.A.this,his B.This,her C.she,his D.He,hisThese my parents.That my brother.A.is,are B.are,are C.are,is D.is,isIs that your father?Yes, .A.he is B.it is C.she is D.hes二、默写下列生词并写出音标。1.妈妈_ 2.爸爸 _ 3.父母 _ 4.奶奶,外婆 _ 5.爷爷,外公_ 6.姐;妹_ 7.朋友_ 8.祖父(母);外祖父(母)_ 9.兄;弟_三、写出下列词组。(短语首字母不大写)1.你的姐姐_ 2. 他的妹妹_3.我的哥哥_ 4. 她的弟弟_5.我的爸爸_ 6.他的奶奶_7.你的妈妈_ 8.她的爷爷_ 当堂反馈1. 交流检查错误订正情况。2. 回想本节内容,你学到了哪些内容,还有哪些疑问?课后反思我的收获和发现:(写出本节课自己所学到的,以前不知道的,新单词或者书上没有的句子,)_我感到困难的是:_Unit 2 This is my sister.课题Unit 2 This is my sister. 第二课时班级_姓名_学习目标1.知识目标:重点词汇:she he aunt重点句型:Is she your sister? Yes,she isNo,she isnt. Are these your parents? Yes.,they are./No, they.arent. 2.能力目标:(1)学会确认人物。(2)掌握使用含有be动词的一般疑问句来询问。 3.情感目标:了解和熟悉家人和朋友。重点句型:Whos she?Is she my sister?Are these my parents?难点一般疑问句。学习寄语Accumulation.(积累)导入新课Duty report. To introduce students with our learned words.自主学习一、词汇。他(她,它)们/ei/_嗯;好吧/ wel/_经受;经历/ hv/_一天;一日;白天/dei/_过得愉快! _1.练习使用she ,he和it, they。 1) 它是一支钢笔。_ 2)他是保罗。(Paul)_ 3) 她是安。(Ann)_ 4) 他是我弟弟。(学生容易写出I sister)_ 5)她是你妹妹。_6)他们是我的父母。交流展示听听力完成书上习题。并补全下列对话。A:Sandy, is this your _ photo?B:Yes, it is. Li Nan.A:Are these your _?B:Yes,they are. This is my_Jenny. And this is my _ Tom.A:Oh, _ she?B:Shes my _ Mary.A:Who are _?B:They are my grandparents, Linda and Bob.A:And whos he?B:He is my _ Jack.熟悉下列对话后进行Role playA: Good morning,Jane.B: Good morning,Sally.A:Oh,Jane,this is my sister Kate.Kate, this is my friend,Jane.B:Nice to meet you,Jane.A:Nice to meet you, too. Are those your parents?B: Yes, they are. A: And whos she?B: Hes my brother, Paul.A: Oh, I see. Well, have sa good day.B: Thanks. You, too. Bye.释疑点拨将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。例如:He is my brother.Is he your brother?Yes, he is./ No he isnt.These are my parents.Are these your parents?Yes, they are. No, they arent. 1)It is my backpack._? _ _ 2) She is my sister. _? _ _ 3) He is my friend. _? _ _训练检测1)选择填空(1)Is Helen your friend? No, _ isnt. A. heB. sheC. HelenD. her(2)Is_ old man Mr Green? Yes, it is. A.an B. these C.this D.one (3)Li Ming is my sister, and I am her _.A. brother B. mother C. uncle D. father (4)Is he a teacher? Yes, _.A. hes B. this is C. he is D. it is (5)Is he your friend? No,_.A. I am not. B you arent C. she isnt D he isnt2) 用所给词的正确形式填空:(1)Hi, Mary. This is _(he) friend. (2 ) Is that _(she) sister?(3)Are_(this) your watches? (4 ) Those _(be) pencils. (5) My father _ (be) an English teacher.当堂反馈3. 交流检查错误订正情况。4. 回想本节内容,你学到了哪些内容,还有哪些疑问?课后反思我的收获和发现:_我感到困难的是:_Unit 2 This is my sister.课题Unit 2 This is my sister. 第三课时班级_姓名_学习目标1.知识目标: 重点词汇:son cousin daughter uncle picture photo 重点句型:This / That is These / Those are Is he / she ?2.能力目标:1)能够综合运用所学语言介绍他人和确认人物。2)能够在句子的人称和数上正确的使用一致关系。3.情感目标:加强同伴之间交流,增进友谊。重点This / That is These / Those are Is he / she ?难点this,that,these,those.学习寄语Study hard.导入新课To role play the conversation in last period.自主学习词汇积累。女儿/d:t/_堂(表)兄(弟、姊、妹)/kzn/_(外)祖父;爷爷;外公/rnp:/_(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆/rnm:/_妈妈/m:m/_ 爸爸/dd/_姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母/:nt/_舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父/kl/_交流展示听听力补全对话,熟悉后进行Role playA: This is a _ of my family. This is my _.B: Whos he?A:Hes my _.B:And is she your _?A:Yes, shes my cousin Jiang Shan. And these are her _.B: Who are they?A: They are my _ and grandpa.释疑点拨单数句和复数句。单数:只有一个,be 动词一般用is. I 后用am ,you 后用are.复数:大于一个。一般在名词词尾后加-s. be动词用are.例如:It is a pen. (单数)They are pens.(复数)He is my friend.They are my friends.This is a ruler.(变成复数句)_That is my sister. (变成复数句)_Are these your brothers?(变成单句)_训练检测一、补全单词1.s_st_ _ 2. p_r_nt 3.br_th_ _ 4.gr_ndp_r_nt 5.c_ _s_n 6. d_ _ght_ _ 7. u_ _le 8. _ _nt 9 .m_th_ _ 10 .s_n 11.th_s 12.f_th_ _ 13._h_s_ 14.p_ct_r_ 15.fr_ _nd二、句型转化:These are my cousins.(改为单数句)_Is that your sister?(作否定回答)_My friend is Guo Peng.(改为一般疑问句)_Is that your book?(作肯定回答)_This is a pen in English.(对划线部分提问) _ _ this in English?三、找出划线中的错误并改正 . () Miss Gao is I teacher. _A B C D ( ) These is my brother. _ A B C D ( ) Is those your grandfather?_ A B C D ( ) These are her cousin. _ A B C D ( ) Are this your sisters? _ A B C D 四、收集表示家庭成员之间关系的词汇并填入以下表格: Male (男) Female (女) Male or famale 当堂反馈交流检查错误订正情况。回想本节内容,你学到了哪些内容,还有哪些疑问?课后反思我的收获和发现:_我感到困难的是:_Unit 2 This is my sister.课题Unit 2 This is my sister. 第四课时班级_姓名_学习目标1.知识目标:重点词汇:here ,for ,photo ,here 重点句型:This is These are Here is .2.能力目标:1)学会写短信。2)学会用短介绍别人。3.情感目标:树立家庭意识,增强社会观念和责任。重点Here is . Here are难点Be 动词的用法。学习寄语Study hard.导入新课A picture to introduce my family.自主学习词汇积累。就这里;在这里/hi/_属于;关于/v/_照片/futu/_下一个;接下来/nekst/_照片;图画/pikt/_女孩/:l/_狗/d/_交流展示听听力补全对话,熟悉后进行朗读。My FamilyHi, Im Jenny. Here _ two nice photos of my _. My grandfather and my grandmother are in the _ photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the _ picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric. These _ girls are my sister: Cindy and my cousin Helen. Coco is _ my family, too.释疑点拨选词填空。brothers parents Cindy familyHi. My name is Paul. This is a photo of my _. These are my _ and these are my _, John and Bob. This is my sister_.补全对话。Bill: Heres a photo of my family.Dale: Is _ your father?Bill: No, he isnt. _ my uncle.Dale: _ is this girl?Bill: _ my cousin.Dale: _ your parents?Bill: Yes, _ are. And these _ my grandparents.训练检测1)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使句意完整。 She is my s_, Mary. Her mother is my aunt ,she is my c_. Is that a p_ of your family? She is my f_ , Emma. T_ for your letter. S_ is my sister ,Jill. Is Lucy your d_? Yes, she is. These three are your _(兄弟). Those are _ (我) parents. Is that your _ (叔叔) ?2)连词成句: father mother those his and are _ is here my the of photo family _ your letters for thanks _ her an mother teacher English is (?) _ my this brother is _3)选择填空: Here is _ your family. A.a photo B .a photo of C.a photo for D. photo of _ am Helen . _ phone number is 56699896. A. I My B.Your My C.She Her D.I You Thanks _ the photo _ your family. A. to of B.at of C. for at D.for of Tom and Jack _ brothers. A. am B. is C. are D. isnt Mike and Helen are his father and mother. Mike and Hellen are his _. A. parent B. parents C. grandparents D.son课后反思我的收获和发现:_我感到困难的是:_Unit 2 This is my sister.课题Unit 2 This is my sister. 第五课时(复习)班级_姓名_自主学习词汇积累。/m/_ /f:/_ / pernt/_/br/_/rndm/_ /rndf:/_/frend/_/rndpernt/_/sist/_/i:z/_ /uz/_ /fmili/_ /ei/_/ wel/_/ hv/_/dei/_/d:t/_/kzn/_/rnp:/_/rnm:/_/m:m/_ /dd/_/:nt/_/kl/_ /hi/_/v/_/futu/_/nekst/_/pikt/_/:l/_/d/_训练检测根据句意,用适当的代词填空。1. What color is your pen? _ is blue.2. Who is the boy? _ is Alan. 3. Whats the girls name? _ name is Cindy. 4. The girl isnt Alice. _ is Anna 5. Whats Jacks last name? _ last name is Smith. 6. Is that _ key? No, it isnt. My key is here. 7. Are _ OK? Yes, I am. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. That _ (be) my aunt. 2. _ (this) are your books. 3. Bob and Mike are my _ (friend). 4. _ (that) are my notebooks.5. They are her _ (ruler).根据括号中的汉语提示写单词。1.Frank is Johns _ (儿子). 2. Grace is my _ (表妹).3. His _ (女儿) is a good girl. 4. He is not my _ (叔叔). 5. The _ (照片) is nice. 根据括号内的提示及答语写出问句。1. _-? (that, David)Yes, it is. 2. _? (this, red)No, it isnt. 3. _? (she, nice)Yes, she is. 4. _? (he, five)No, he isnt.5. _? (that, grandfather) Yes, hes my grandfather按要求完成句子。1. She is my aunt.(改为一般疑问句)_2. Is this your grandmother?(作肯定回答)_3. Is Tony your friend?(作否定回答)_4. This is an orange. (改为复数句)_5. Those are my pens.(改为单数句)_根据汉语意思补全英文句子,每空一词。1. 那是你的姑姑吗?_ _ your aunt? 2. 我的身份证在这里。_ _ my ID card. 3. 这些是我的祖父母。_ _ my _.4. 这是我的全家福。This is a photo _ _ _.10


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