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初三英语 一 词汇 (共30小题,每题2分,共60分)A) 根据空格后的中文提示,英文示意或句意,写出句中所缺单词。1. There arent any _(蔬菜) at home. Lets buy some carrots and potatoes.2. Simon _(花费) fifty yuan for the football.3. They are from different _(国家).4. There are many _(现代的) clothes in this clothes shop.5. It wont go on _(later than) midnight.6. You must keep _(not noisy) in the reading room.7. Our _(someone who lives very near you) are friendly and we are happy here.8. He is a _(best) student in our class. He has set a good example to us.9. Im_. Would you give me some hamburgers to eat?10. The flats in this area are too _ for people to afford.11. This channel is very _. Lets choose another one for a change.12. After a long journey , we finally _ the capital around midnight.13. _? I didnt hear you because of the noise outside just now.14. I saw a few familiar faces _(in the middle of) the crowd.B) 根据句意从方框中选用合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。lead success hold go wait collect 1.The charity show _ in ten days. You have enough time to prepare for it.2.We all think good _ should be confident and imaginative.3.He put on his coat and _ out. 4.Hurry up.Andy with his friends _for us at the bus stop.5.Look, He _ so many stamps so far.6.Bill Gates is one of _ persons in the world. C) 根据句意从方框中选用合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。 be do influence return feel finish come sit begin wear1. Our parents hope I _ a teacher in the future.2. He would not mind _extra work for the StudentsUnion.3. I dont think good what I say _ their decision. They have their own ideas. 4. Look, Here _ the bus. Lets get ready. 5.- Who _by the window after lunch? Mr Smith does.6. I _home until I tell him the news for myself.7. Its eight oclock now. Its time _ our class.8.- _you _ reading the magazine ,Lucy? -Not yet, Mum.9.I dont know what _ today. 10.The next day, he _ even worse and had to go to the doctor. D.) 一,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Ihearthisdictionaryisvery_(help)forusstudents. 2.The_(good)waytolearnEnglishistouseit. 3.Weshouldpractice_(speak)Englishaloudeverymorning. 4.Whatabout_(go)thereonSunday? 5.Shespoketoo_(quick),Icouldnthearyouclearly. 二,根据句意,填入适当的词,使句子完整通顺。 1.Doyouknowhowto_thisnewword? 2.Heisdoinga_abouthowtolearnEnglishwell. 3.Iwanttoknowhowyouaregoingto_yourEnglishthisyear. 4.WhatdidyoustudyEnglish_? 5.Someofusdontliketostudygrammar.Becauseitistoo_. 6.The_ideaofthispassageisveryinteresting. 7.Tosomeyoungpeople,havingthelatestphoneis_. 8.Thiskindofmobilephones_isveryfashionable.Manypeoplelikeit. 9.Shespoketoo_andIcantfollowhim. 10.Doingmorelistening_everydayisveryimportant. 二)单项选择 1.-HisEnglishmarkisveryhigh. -Oh,really?HowdoesLinTaolearn_atest? A.withB.toC.forD.from 2.-HowdoyoulearnEnglish? -Welearnnewwords_readingpapersandmagazines. A.byB.throughC.fromD.with 3.Itsbest_Englishlikethis. A.learningB.tolearnC.learnsD.learned 4.-Doyoureallyunderstandtheanswer? -No,Idont_understandtheanswer. A.quiteB.veryC.soD.too 5.-HowdoyoulearnEnglish? -_.A.IlearnEnglishforthepeople.B.IlearnEnglishbyworkingwith somestudents C.IdontlikeEnglishD.IalsolikeEnglish 6.Hedidntknowthematter.Ididntknowit,_. A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.neither 7.Thedifficultproblemsmakehim_. A.studyinghardB.studyhardC.tostudyhardD.studieshard 8.DoyouhaveapartnertospeakEnglish_? A.forB.toC.onD.with 9.Isntshe_youtoday? A.withB.forC.ofD.on 10.Shesaidthathegot_Ainthistest. A.aB.anC.theD./


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