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小升初考试英语模拟试题一、单项选择 1.选出画线部分发音不同的一项( ) A.drinkB.singC.think2.选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项( ) A.peopleB.tableC.light3.找出画线部分读音不同的一项( ) A.faceB.JackC.hand4.clean A.classB.chairC.clock5.选出画线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项( ) A.timeB.visitC.bike6.How many _ will you go to? A.countrysB.countryC.countries7.We must _ for him at home.A.waitB.waitingC.to wait8.A.sevenB.six9.I go shopping with my mother on Sundays. A.sometimeB.sometimesC.some time10. How many ? Two.A.bagsB.bagC.egg11.Show me your _. A.bagB.book12.Whats that?Its_ elephant.A.AB.an C./13.walk A.by taxiB.on footC.by plane 14.Does he live in Sydney?_A.Yes, he doesnt. B.No, he doesnt. C.No, he does.15.classroom is big and clean. A.OurB.WeC.Us16.这是一个橙色的橘子。 A.This is a orange orange.B.This is an orange orange.二、单词拼写(词汇运用)17.读一读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式。she(物主代词)_ dress(复数形式) _what(同类词) _ his(主格) _big(反义词) _ teacher(同类词) _18. Please o_the window. OK, Mum. 19.C_is on 25th December. 20.Ben has a busy day on Friday. After school he is very t_. 21.pup_l _ 三、选词填空(词汇运用)22.Who_(is/are)you?I_(am/is)Mary. 23.选词填空。to on with for in(1)My mothers birthday is _ April. (2)Chinas National Day is _ October 1st. (3)Happy birthday _ you. (4)My mother makes a birthday cake _ me. (5)Ill go to the Great Wall _ my family next week. 四、排序题24.排列顺序 _Is this your grandma? _Who is the boy? _Yes, she is. And this is my grandpa. _He is my father. This is my mother. _He is my brother. _Who is he? _Look at my family.五、句型转换25.Were they happy?(做肯定回答)_ 26.There is an apple on the table.(变反义疑问句) There is an apple on the table, _?27.I can have some sweets. (改为否定句) 28.She lives in a small town near New York.(对划线部分提问)_ 29.This egg is for you. (改为一般疑问句)_ 六、补全对话30.选择方框中适当的句子将对话补充完整 A. He also likes collecting stamps.B. What is your hobby?C. Lets go together.D. Of course he can!E. I like collecting stamps, too.Tom: _Ben: I like collecting stamps. What about you?Tom: _ There is a stamp show on Sunday. _Ben: Great! And I have a good friend. His name is David. _ Can he come with me?Tom: _ See you tomorrow.Ben: See you.七、连词成句31.show, can, the, I, book, you, English(. )_ 32.to lets the go beach (.) (连词成句) 33.I breakfast have ten at (.) (连词成句) 34.what, weekend, do, does, your, at, the, sister(?)(连词成句) 35.are, you, old, how(?)(连词成句) 八、完形填空36.从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 A dog has a piece of meat in his mouth.As he is 1 on a small bridge,he looks down and 2 himself in water.He thinks it is another dog.That dog also has a piece of meat in his mouth.He says to 3 , I want to get his meat.Then I call have two pieces of meat.He opens his mouth to bark and his 4 goes down into the water.At last,he has nothing.He is 5 . 1. A. walkB. walkingC. walked2. A. seesB. sawC. see3. A. himselfB. myselfC. yourself4. A. mouthB. meatC. feet5. A. happyB. powerfulC. unhappy九、阅读理解37.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Im a primary school student. My name is Zhao Lei. I think most animals are very lovely. We often see dogs, cats, ducks, and geese in our life. We can see many other animals at the zoo. I often go to the zoo to see animals with my family. I like tigers and giraffes. I like giraffes neck very much. It is very long. My father and mother like lions and monkeys. My little brother likes snakes. I dont like it. Snakes are very scary. I am very afraid of them. But my brother isnt afraid of snakes. He can catch a snake. Animals are our friends. We should love animals.(1)Is Zhao Lei a student?A.Yes, he isnt. B.Yes,he is. C.No, he is.(2)Does Zhao Lei often go to the zoo?A.Yes, he is. B.Yes, he does. C.No, he doesnt.(3)What animals does Zhao Lei like?A.Tigers and giraffes. B.Monkeys and snakes. C.Lions and snakes.(4)Is Zhao Lei afraid of snakes?A.Yes, he isnt.B.No, he is.C.Yes, he is.(5)Who can catch a snake?A.Zhao Lei. B.Zhao Leis father. C.Zhao Leis brother.38.阅读短文,判断正误。 Hello! Im Zhang Peng. Id like to introduce my village to you. My village is in the mountain. There are many small houses and a river. There is a bridge over the river. The water is clean. There are many fish in it. There is a road near the river. There are many flowers beside the road. My village is really beautiful. You can see green grass, many trees and a lake. Welcome to my village. Youll love it, too.(1)Zhang Pengs village is in the mountain. (2)There isnt a bridge over the river. (3)There are many tall buildings in the village. (4)There is a road near the river. (5)There are no flowers beside the road. 参考答案 一、单项选择1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5.B 6. C 7. A 8.A 9.B 10. A 11. A 12.B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. B 二、单词拼写(词汇运用)17. her;dresses;how;he;small;doctor 18. open 19. Christmas 20.tired 21.i;三、选词填空(词汇运用)22.are;am 23.(1)in(2)on(3)to(4)for(5)with 四、排序题24. 2;6;3;5;7;4;1 五、句型转换25.Yes,they were. 26. isnt;there 27.I cant have some sweets. 28.Where does she live near New York? 29.Is this egg for you? 六、补全对话30. B;E;C;A;D 七、连词成句31.I can show you the English book. 32. Lets go to the beach. 33. I have breakfast at ten. 34.What does your sister do at the weekend? 35.How old are you? 八、完形填空36.(1)B;(2)A;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C; 九、阅读理解37. (1)B(2)B(3)A(4)C(5)C 38.(1)正确(2)错误(3)错误(4)正确(5)错误


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