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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2 How often do you exercise一、必背短语。1.去看电影go to the movies2.多久一次how often3.几乎从不hardly ever4.在周末on the weekend/on weekends5.一周一次once a week6.一周两次twice a week7.一个月三次three times a month8.使用互联网use the internet9.充满be full of10.上钢琴课have piano lessons11.不得不做某事have to do sth.12.帮助做家务help with housework13.至少at least14.至多at most15.保持健康keep healthy/keep in good health16.的结果the result of17.百分之二十twenty percent18.对有益be good for19.对有害be bad for20.垃圾食品junk food21.多少个小时how many hours22.做运动play/do sports23.在某人空闲时间in ones free time24.根本不;一点也不notat all25.询问关于askabout26.熬夜stay up late27.一个16岁的男孩a 16-year-old boy28.超过、多于more than29.少于less than30.放松的最好方式the best way to relax【教材内容解析】Section A1. What do you usually do on weekends? (P. 9)on weekends意为“在周末”,泛指每个周末,on the weekend则表示“在这个周末”,特指某个周末;在英式英语中,在周末也可以用at the weekend或者at weekends。I like going fishing on weekends.He wants to do something special on the weekend.2. help with homework (P. 9)help表示“帮助”时,常用的句型为:help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事;help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。Can you help me with my homework?He often helps his mother clean do housework.3. sometimes (P. 9)sometimes是频度副词,意为“有时”,相当于at times。I sometimes play computer games on weekends.【拓展】辨析sometimes, some times, sometime与some timesometimes有时Sometimes he had lunch at school.some times几次、几倍Ive been to the museum some times.sometime某时I will visit Daming sometime this summer vacation.some time一段时间She has lived here for some time.4. hardly ever (P. 9)hardly作副词,表示“几乎不”;hard用作副词表示“努力地、猛烈地”,作形容词表示“硬的、困难的”。He hardly works.He works hard.This is a hard work.5. How often do you watch TV? (P. 9)how often意为“多久一次”用来提问频率,常用表示频率的副词或者短语来回答,如twice a week, sometimes, every day, always等。-How often do you play sports?-Three times a week.【拓展】辨析how long, how soon和how oftenhow long“多长时间”,提问for和since引出的时间状语-How long did you stay there?-For about two weeks.how soon “多久”提问“in+一段时间”-How soon will they come back?-In two weeks.how often“多久一次”,提问动作发生的频率-How often do you go home?-Once a week.how far“多远”,提问距离的远近-How far is it from your home to school?-Three kilometres.6. use the Internet (P. 10)Internet作名词,表示“互联网、因特网”,常用的短语为:on the Internet“在互联网上”;surf the Internet“上网”。You can find much useful information on the Internet.Most of the students like surfing the Internet.7. Hi, Claire, are you free next week? (P. 10)free作形容词表示“空闲的、有空的”,be free相当于have time。I will be free next week.=I will have time next time.【拓展】free作形容词,还可以表示“免费的、自由的”,be free to do sth.“自由地做某事”。The tickets are free.You are free to come and go.8. How come? (P. 10)How come意为“为什么呢、怎么回事”,用于询问某事为什么会发生,可以单独使用也可以后接陈述句。How come you didnt wait for me for a while?9. Well, how about Tuesday? (P. 10)How about相当于what about意为“怎么样”,用来征求对方意见或者询问情况,后接名词或者动名词。Its sunny today. How/What about playing tennis?10. Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. (P. 10)have to表示“不得不、必须”,强调客观需求;must侧重主观上自己认为有必要做某事。It is getting dark. I have to go home now.We must care for our parents.11. I go to the movies maybe once a month. (P. 11)maybe作副词,表示“可能、也许”,常常放在句首,可以与may be相互转换。Maybe he is a foreigner.=He may be a foreigner.12. How often do they stay up late? (P. 11)stay up意为“熬夜”,表示“为熬夜”时,用“stay up for sth.”。It is a bad habit to stay up late.13. He plays at least twice a week. (P. 11)at least表示“至少”,反义词为at most“最多”。There are at least 10,000 students in our school.He can carry three boxes at most.Section B1. She says its good for my health. (P. 12)(1) be good for意为“对有益”,反义词是be bad for“对有害”。Doing sports is good for you.(2) health是不可数名词,意为“健康”,in good health表示“很健康”,形容词为healthy,副词是healthily。To keep healthy, you should eat healthily.2. Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. (P. 13)ask sb. about sth.意为“询问某人某事”。Someone is asking Lucy about the wonderful building.3. Here are the results. (P. 13)here和there置于句首,谓语动词是be动词或者come, go等不及物动词时,主语为名词时,用倒装结构,即主谓调换位置,若主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。Here comes the bus.There he goes.4. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. (P. 13)percent表示“百分之”,常用“基数词+percent+of+名词”,“percent of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词的单复数。Seventy percent of the boys like playing computer games.Ninety of the work is finished.5. And twenty percent do not exercise at all!(P. 13)not.at all意为“一点儿也不、根本不”;not at all表示“没关系、不用谢”。I dont know about it at all.-Thank you very much.-Not at all.6. We all know that many students often go online.(P. 13)此处online用作副词,表示“在线、联网”,也可以用作形容词,意为“在线的、联网的”。Many people like buying things online.The online games are popular with children.7. The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. (P. 13)名词answer后常跟介词to,表示“的答案”,类似的名词还有key,solution,ticket。Your answer to the question is right.8. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular. (P. 13)although用作连词,表示“虽然、即使”,相当于though,用来引导让步状语从句。在英语中,although/though和but不能同时出现。Although it rained heavily, the boys played outside.=It rained heavily, but the boys played outside.9. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. (P. 13)(1) by可以用来表示方式,意为“通过”,后接名词或者动名词短语。He usually goes to work by bus.The man makes a living by selling newspapers.(2) way表示“方法”时,后常接动词不定式或者of doing作定语。Can you think out a way to open the door/of opening the door?10. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. (P. 13) (1) such as一般用于列举同一类人或物中的一个例子,但必须数量少于前面所提及的总数,只能放在所列举的名词前;for example一般用于列举一个例子,后面经常加上一个句子,位置很灵活,可位于句首、句中,于被列举的事例之间用逗号隔开。I like fruit; for example, I often eat bananas in the evening.He knows several languages, such as English and Chinese.(2) sb. spend+时间/金钱+on sth. “在某事上花费多长时间或者多少钱”; sb. spend+时间+(in) doing sth.“花费多长时间做某事”The man spent the whole day on his speech.The family spent 10,000 dollars on their trip.The boy has spent two hours playing the computer games.【拓展】辨析spend, pay, take和costspend主语是人spend.on sth./spend.(in) doing sth.pay主语是人pay for sth./pay +金钱. for sth.take 主语是itIt takes sb.+时间+to do sth.cost主语是物sth. costs sb.+金钱11. Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. (P. 15) 16-year-old意为“16岁的”,其中的名词用单数形式,在句中作定语,16 years old表示“16岁”,在句中作表语。Li Bo is a seven-year old boy.=Li Bo is seven years old.12. However, she has some bad habits, too. (P. 15) (1) however作副词,表示“但是、然而”,常位于句首,后面常常跟有逗号隔开。The boy eats much every meal. However, he is very thin.(2) also, too, as well与either都可以表示“也”,但是用法不同。also放在句中行为动词前,be动词、助动词和情态动词之后。He also wants to go.too用于肯定句中,放在句尾,前面用逗号隔开。He wants to go, either.as well用于肯定句中,放在句尾,前面不用逗号隔开。He wants to go as well.either用于否定句句末。He doesnt want to go either13. She says she is afraid. (P. 15) be afraid of意为“害怕、不敢”,后接名词、代词或者动名词。She is afraid of snakes.I was afraid of going through the woods.拓展1. be afraid to do sth. 意为“胆小不敢做某事”。He was afraid to go out at night.2. be afraid that.意为“担心、害怕”。He was afraid that he would lose.3. Im afraid表示“恐怕”。-Can we go there on time?-I am afraid not.14. None (P. 16) none表示“没有一个(人或物)”,是all“所有的人或物”的反义词,后常接介词of;另外,none强调某一类人或物数量的多少,常用来回答how many/much的提问;nobody(no one)/nothing强调个体,常用来回答what或者who的提问。None of us agreed to his plan.-How many students are there in the classroom?-None.-Who is knocking at the door?-No one.-Mum, I am a little hungry. Id like some bread.-Oh, there is none left in the bridge.【重点短语和句型归纳】【语法讲解】频度副词一、频度副词的含义英语中常见的频度副词有usually, sometimes, always, often, seldom, never等,它们用来表示动作发生的频率,但是在程度上有所区别,频率由高到低依次是:always>usually>often>sometimes>seldom>never。频度副词放在be动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前,对频率的提问用how often。Hes always busy.I never play a trick on others.Sometimes I go to school by bus.二、频度副词在句中的位置频度副词一般放在实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词和助动词之后。Lucy is sometimes busy.I can hardly say a word.They often have coffee at night.


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