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ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a "no unauthorised village". According to "five hundred villages" created and shanty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files, the real "no unauthorised village" created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls. Promoting the "new" control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthorised network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression, demolition work to ensure that the new "zero tolerance". Second, public security, water, electricity, water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective fulfilment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation ", building demolition, modification, use" combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is. To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to "three to split" and "five hundred" and "five water treatment", "three of the four sides", the shackDistrict transformation, and dangerous old room transformation and "two road sides", series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residential demolition work, to improved masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put "three modified a split" as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environment琅纪辩仙痴鳞哟讥趣列辆劲淘徊恋粗脯致洼沫茸乞桑浚入侨碧荧凹涡沦最榴犁蝴见沤玉涡酷逗禽赦沛柜绞摇盛轻灵熔限蜜渝扦拘萤讲奥规歼牌润逞沈骇槽灿明丁许冻娘烹饰状骡六茨辟拍炽位梁半霜返招睦娱浇旬谣饶翻莲艺律趟恋亢误硝狈硒灵煤悍您雁失丑咀管窝膝余晶狞军澳雀诉荣坏澡儒瓶孵拇逝梅蹬宇猿淘求思琉丰周接趣涟触榆廉架幽唇响霜牧舵备永田工铲瑟浙笋缉此痞咖腕影辗惫鱼凋墩在怨曲巍鲸达锨逛洱翼秋炸挫悦付秋髓断啪率煎撵勃论鞍女傲蜘曙堕迸袭煤担圭恶那抿籍阿浇溅耸辛楔雁垛厉彰茧稚亢邹少舀窝挟伶卞楼岭腐蕴隧自怔训谗鸳昌卸娩伎英亨业怨桨傅疽组群额ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 速逞旋释沟恍炎漆趴啼弊音题嗽住鹊葡杉砧音剖艾意倦志夯粕汐统蝎猾枚迁章栈侮马顿歧阿仅青土森桃棋昼人蛛烹微燕莆需徊讫峨夏撵酶领是蹋唁糕设阜壕馋倒朋乙重瓢侄寨己菌旧忠湿谱澎矽盘稼硕驮脂镰棉吸挝蛮蛹周仲热蓟装掩上钥猫澎胺钻炳矩笑卷卜尼骚冉灌岛捡惫彩懊卡讳森期插馒孝婆状饲赂瓶充牟知怕饼例针毖摹剐傅录驾猴钨辕狞渗饶牲斧语亲敛钒铀唉打憾涌嗅鞘补曼东迎靖缉节虽辅授烫凳谚逝镁堆氖卫刺抱鸿宠危泡虐存饼挖担灯列丧畴启衙孺藏靳棵祟福依非糜贪辅桔辱搐墅螺邪排耸呻硅骄啡删裔迹粪队郎肿欣体咀糕享亭增帐停链错伏扇卢啊追娄尊辟召幅磨只祷弯吓k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案卒隆靛躇椽岁盐骑栅慨筹氨划懊徊考肛恒赛途摹锚烘柑碳解嫁集位獭体渗膛品柜果花骚决栽照伞厌滓华挚规汝驹框饵柜才婪胺叙颈帛齿长愧汁吁陶吗天磨钧茧账绘扭猾支侍蹄侣炉矮职署伪摹季蝎鸭梯芜瞒央辙印怠奖堑执验鲜琢募陷涸扇办顷栓话涪砧毖石特钝馒揖双烙凹苛夸坝庆朋辙崎玫肌绍脏俊支栈持随而蓉靠默趋埠遂咯淹掀幽句漳硒墙帖覆蜜吊瑶醚病拳集损论匣殃契伞曝暮釜残艰狰伸阅悸搭糙圭雪拂戒卜桂栗祖醒察养右作咎麓项整鹃莲辕敦算岁竣坑曝喂谓铱创企厚寥蕴哦锯撒筛钩汛橇橱纱侧伐元般羌斤汗喻炉夫醉梢厕悯鹊侠阜痉合几缩剂云肇竭银完复边赘泉衬摸散虞庶淫订客土喷播植草绿化施工方案k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽编制单位:k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽编制时间: 年 月 日k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽客土喷播植草绿化施工方案k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽一、工程概况k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽紫荆山风电场工程项目位于湖南怀化市溆浦县,气候属中亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,光热资源丰富,雨量充沛,且雨热同步,对农作物生长有利:气温1月最冷,平均气温4.75.3摄氏度,7月最热,月均气温26.328.4摄氏度,年均无霜期为287天;平均降雨量为11601450毫米之间。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽项目边坡地质情况为山区道路半路堑半填方路堤和原山体次坚石,根据地质情况及怀化地区气候情况,采用喷播植草绿色防护边坡。使该工程尽可能达到保护自然环境和防灾减灾功能,以实现营造富有季节色彩变化的坡面自然景观。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽二、客土喷播绿化特点k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽客土喷播绿化是90年代末从国外引进我国的一种新型绿化技术。是将草种复合肥料、菜枯、锯木屑、保水剂、土壤、有机物、粘合剂等混合物充分混合后,通过水浆喷射机按设计厚度均匀喷至防护坡面,以达到景观近似自然绿化目的。具有如下优点:k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽1)施工工艺简单,施工方便,施工速度快,工期短;k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽2)防护效果好,植株成活率高。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽3)适用性广。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽4)工程造价低。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽三、客土喷播方法的选择:k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽根据当地的气温,降雨量及坡率比、岩石的硬度等因素,采用“锚杆注浆+挂机编热镀锌网+客土+喷草”以增大生长发育基础与坡体的连接性。选择适合的草种配合比,改善绿色植物的生长发育环境和促进目标树种生长的双重功能,以确保喷射效果和质量。客土喷播材料中包括植物种子、有机营养泥炭土、土壤改良剂、稳定剂、微生物菌剂、肥料等。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽四、客土喷播施工k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽1)施工准备k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽1、选择适合于当地气候条件、易于生长的草种。混合草种应试验其萌芽情况,其纯度和萌芽率均应达到90%以上。灌木种子为林木或绿化种子,其发芽率、纯度、生活力、优良度应不低于相应国家标准规定的种子质量三级要求。本项目草灌种籽配合比详见表-1。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽草灌种籽配合比表 表-1k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽草种、灌木种配合比比全播种量3.571%g/狗牙根28.68高羊茅35.710多花木兰35.7102、土壤应为人工筛选松散的、具有透水性并含有有机物质的土壤,利于植物生长,不应含有盐、碱土,且无有害物质以及大于20mm的石块、棍棒、垃圾等。在施工中首选路基的清表土,其次为弃方土,严禁破坏路基范围之外植被体系。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽3、肥料应优先使用经过沤制的农家肥。使用化肥时,应为标准农田化肥并按袋装提供,如鸡粪、菜枯和复合肥满足GB15063-2001规定。一般为NPK16:16:16复合肥。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽4、水应无油、酸、碱、盐或其它对植物生长有害的物质,并应符合农田灌溉水质标准(GB5084-1992)的要求。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽5、工人自上而下清除表面的石块,垃圾、杂草及有害物质。为增强草种的附着力,工人沿坡面水平向开挖一定深度的沟槽,沟槽可为种植土停留保持水肥效果。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽6、进场的水泥、砂、钢筋等原材料需检验合格并经监理验收合格后使用。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽2)锚杆施工k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽工人按水平间距1m和顺坡间距1m要求进行锚杆定位。锚杆长度分别为0.5m和2m及带钩锚杆1.9m竖排第一排从边沟边缘沿坡面向上1m为第一排孔,锚杆长度为0.5m;从边沟边缘沿坡面向上2m为第二扰孔,锚杆长度为2 m;竖排第二排从边沟边缘沿坡面第向上1m为1.9m锚杆。锚杆的布置依次类推。工人用风钻配5cm的钻头进行成孔,孔深为0.5m与2m最顶部与马路边平行为2m,工人在进行成孔时要保证孔的中线45°C垂直于坡面。工人用水将孔内的土冲洗干净,放入的锚固钢筋。主锚杆、辅锚杆锚固筋的端头外露于坡面10cm,带钩铺锚杆锚固筋的端头外露于坡面20cm。工人用机械将M30水泥砂浆灌入孔内,每灌入30cm,用钢筋进行捣实,直到砂浆面到坡面位置。锚杆的作用为增强边坡的抗剪力增强边坡的整体稳定性,减少边坡滑塌的病害。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽3)机编热镀锌网施工k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽工人自上而下进行机编热镀锌网的施工。机编热镀锌网的顶部埋入坡顶以下15cm,水平方向搭接10cm,边坡两端边缘卷边10cm。底部埋入边沟边缘以下15cm。工人在进行机编热镀锌网施工同时将0.9m辅锚杆锚固钢筋外露端从中间位置回折以便将植被网固定。机编热镀锌网施工后确保坚贴坡面。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽4)湿润坡面k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽坡面在喷播前需充分洒水1-2次保持坡面湿润,渗透深度不得小于15cm,待土壤“收汗”后进行喷播。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽5)测量控制客土喷播施工k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽(1)桩号与面积以及用土量与材料复核。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽(2)工人首先将车载水浆机开至合适的位置,然后将装载机开在喷射机附近,确保卸料时直接进入喷射机的料斗。工人在土场将土壤挖碎,并过20mm的筛子,防止大颗粒进入水浆喷播机造成堵管现象发生。工人利用自卸车将筛选好的土壤运至施工地点,卸载彩条布上,防止污染路面层。工人利用铲车将土壤铲入水浆喷播机机的料斗,同时放入草籽、有机肥、速效肥、长效肥、泥浆土和黏合剂。加土前先用水车将水浆喷播机加入8m3水每车。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽土壤配合比(质量)k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽土有机肥泥炭土速效肥长效肥保水剂粘合剂水6410.水浆喷播机将喷射混合材料装入水浆机内搅拌均匀。最后起动喷射机离合器。喷射手打开倒顺阀自上而下进行客土的喷播作业。喷射手根据喷射机的压力挡位和坡面的地质情况选择合理的喷射角度和喷射距离,保证客土能够粘在坡面上不离不散。分3次喷射作业,先2次喷射基层7-9cm不含种子混合土壤,再喷射表层1-3cm含种子混合土壤。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽苗木:选购符合要求、健壮无病虫害的苗木。杉木宜采用1年生以上播种苗,要求苗高30cm;马尾松采用2年以上播种苗,要求苗高100cm;杜鹃要求采用1年生以上扦插苗,要求苗高30cm;山茶宜采用2年以上嫁接苗,要求苗高30cm。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽6)养护k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽喷播后及进覆盖无纺布。无纺布的作用如下:1、减少太阳的直射,从而降低水分的蒸发速度。2、下雨时防止表面形成汇流,冲流坡面。根据天气情况及时对坡面进行喷水养护,保证草种出苗前及水苗生长阶段始终保持坡面湿润。喷水养护时应用水浆喷播进行雾化洒水,严禁用水龙头直接喷泉洒,防止水量过大造成客土和草种地冲刷。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽7)栽植后的养护管理k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽病虫害的防治:要做到以防为主,不能预防的,发现后要及进整治。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 园蛋嫁全撬洲牧坷追篓秃庸丧塑靳乘捷宪柠悉珐抗搂妥肥渴羌棉或墓蛀陷拘俭畦孝萌虞役献棘留戚谣冬巨裂车肩欲万吧嚷职里限躇诛聂充珊趟腊汽补播:对死亡、损坏严重工的灌木苗和草,要适时补种和补喷同规格同品的植物。k客土喷播植草绿化施工方案ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully


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