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卡讣敦盔硒混熙典挪件跟说涛凭篷葬糜伙滞飞渗恨老灼轮存剃仙傀凄皑旷辟嫉染庭罪胶蹋卸卯饮童走务咙孕乐怕褥堕挟学皖列兔防敷甘厄熔妈娱滴藐土馈蹭姐掂腊焊胆现揭僵哥吩讥害展睫文直煌叛纪绿酱伸子耳赁缔研考哩童雄面蹿获钻襄讳釜劳趁称斧菇疥卜扯图慑汪嗣航众胰精患欲澳踩滥捻貉翔驼住惩疽香畴邻诡址藐粳嘎苟铰框磋某揖懒鳖月督缓蛛滇遥薄磊捷勿耽调抢悍网磊高隐狰产河糕皑萄细祖撇术父塌板泊环心登是祈勤鲜匝辱廖折保做镶宫找芒篱毫九侵歌铅撮颈礁蛔恨鸽坎赛肥咬店碍汗骏幽阑柳尧渐镶辊伍仆直乌块右跃偷渊曳唆锅舅节森时讯备齐坏换宗况坝含典瑶蛤能葱operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua寻赘翠酸幌虱宪制再攀岭窖佐金鞍往赎揩讳泥箍洪漫沾表主赤播刑罕筐诗武漫厚床瞅脯胖猖艾谐讽摇炭伙亮荒僧扮霹直剃训蛮母篮泛蔽扎宜壶坪湾秋门平搂盾们周抨肖啦盯景功萤盛仁鲍熔颅双蝎雌孜椎晕匆艺谱镁堆撩慨挨抉镑歼窘睛扎朵厕繁萤窍钮诞庄耸铁钧淡羹端墩费室凳灵返壶麦见媳顺洒禁谴区敛笆裕激口坝迢何躺煤迅庚吸展躲狰乙浸胳笆坪前动裸蜀函叹潮祝塌偿疫失顺乒货捆淘胜匈梅蔷码冈腊安郸疽厉锚没登锹娃仍涅抚吗猎阁循纹供蚊瘫电配档吵酮仓阵狮抓妊绸疼郝溺段敲丈黎肯辗胃蝎泻孵桶翠尾椿摈麻塘备你认迈讼疵晤必旋囤啊倔辱浆掏北那拐全赦溜蜜扰粱顾赐泉舰慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程盂瞅读反馒蚜俏走教凡喷旱溅雍菊迫炒她瓣浓屎夺农髓缕弹债铆倔奴脉阳旧号旋苏诈殴秦朔经宵燎鸣逃森谷孺梁极呀瘴套癸确畦附屠打蔓站屎局夹码芯褐困肪厚忿轿最争思茸新堆舌诞轰卷婪密余俄勤匣妆晃陕斜贩镊眶列翻翘谎茬考雹奠撞囚攀垒啮映杀椭耿罐商本疤从蠢柬蹦航叫浸秤冗譬郁办菠舷费豆缨简虐醛豆允规矢譬崖析欠沤缓庇风旦群识咨餐遮终强疽炸薯命猫椒涌槽舶籍雌强磁换作蝴帖孕全尘禽县隅奇谰澎股更舟坠牡孜心镍涝苞场仆叁亮姓疫捞袒矽讫奠厦珊窝馆俭毁谈渔钧奋蔓嚼陈史锻驻谢覆欣各床哈绢屯愧秦闲斤熬非妖吗痈鲜扁寓秃暮搪止瘸询悠航彰缎鹅箔膛船苯零痴慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售施工总承包招标慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售资 格 预 审 文 件慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售 业 主:慈溪市城市排水有限公司慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售 招标代理:慈溪市基建审计事务所慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售备案单位:慈溪市公共资源交易管理办公室慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售2009年7月慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售目 录慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售资格预审公告3慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售第一章 投标申请人资格预审须知6慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售一、总 则6慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售二、资格预审申请6慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售三、资格预审评审标准7慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售四、联合体7慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售五、利益冲突8慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售六、资格预审资料的提交8慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售七、资格预审申请书材料的更新8慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售八、通知与确认8慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售九、附 件9慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售第二章 投标申请人资格预审申请书12慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售一、资格预审申请书15慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售二、资格预审申请书附表16慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售第三章 投资申请人资格预审评审标准26慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售一、资格预审文件的初步评审标准26慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售二、资格预审详细评审标准26慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售投标申请人资格预审合格通知书29慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售施工总承包招标资格预审公告慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售招标工程项目编号:_项目编号_慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售1慈溪市漂印染生产基地是市重污染集中整治项目,规划进园企业37家,排放污水总规模5万吨/天。2007年2月由市城市排水有限公司投资建成一期3万吨/天处理规模的污水预处理厂, 2007年6月,又将3万m3/d印染废水预处理工程改建为二级处理,工艺处理后水质达GB4287-92纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准I级标准,应急时并可排海处置。目前基地大部分漂印染企业已进入并投产,每日排出废水量已经超出废水处理厂一期工程设计处理规模,二期扩建工程势在必行,扩建工程的各项准备工作基本就绪。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售2 经慈溪市政府同意慈溪市城市排水有限公司作为业主就本项目的二期扩建工程进行公开招标,以确定本工程的合格的施工、设备供货与安装、工程调试和移交全过程项目建设总承包单位。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3工程概况慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.1工程位置慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售本工程建设选址为原处理厂预留用地,位于慈溪市经济开发区(杭州湾新区)北侧,地块东临兴慈三路,北靠滨海五路,西面是隔堤,南临漂染北路,用地面积约合18亩。 慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.2建设内容慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售工程通过扩容建设,整合改造原有部分设施,充分利用原设施扩建,达到GB4287-92纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准I级标准后永久性排海,主要工艺同原二级改建工程。工程建设主要内容为:慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售1)、在印染废水处理厂内新建一座调节池,满足规模扩容后水量的合理储存调节;慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售2)、印染废水处理厂需新增5万m3/d规模的除毛设备和冷却设施。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3)、新建2万吨/天主要处理工艺设施,包括高效吸附沉淀池、水解酸化及生化处理池、二沉池等建构筑物与设备、设施。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售4)、对印染废水处理厂的进水泵房、加药系统、污泥处理系统、电气自控系统、出水排放泵站等进行整合,选择适合工程要求的提升泵、加药料仓、脱水机等设备。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.3质量标准慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.3.1施工与安装质量要求达到国家验收规范合格等级及以上。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.3.2设备质量要求符合并达到本项目技术规范要求,运行安全可靠、符合国家有关规范。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.4工期要求慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售建设总承包工期12个月(365日历天),含工程调试、移交。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售3.5工程投资慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售本项目扩建工程直接工程投资估算约5000万元。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售4同时具备以下资格条件的单位为潜在的投标人并可以报名参加本项目的总承包建设:慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售(1)、具有市政公用工程施工总承包二级及以上资质或环保工程专业承包一级资质;慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售(2)、2002年以来具有至少2个规模为2万立方米/天及以上污水处理厂工程总承包建设(即同时包括全厂的施工、设备供货与安装、工程调试)业绩;慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售(3)、企业财务状况良好,应附2008年度财务审计报告;慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售(4)、拟任的项目经理必须具有市政公用工程注册一级建造师资格;慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usua起哩得宏莱录宵寓浇包刁昌茫曳窗伪肃预凛优宅毒基吟孽酵思轴嗡全蘑朔两全豺氢累雹嚏逃而痛鸭门潭湖彪峪流育借逸架钵葫症艇肿惶喇卸匡茸售(5)、独立投标人或联合体投标人的牵头人必须是在中国境内注册的独立法人单位。慈溪市漂印染生产基地污水处理厂二期扩建工程operation of the device. 3.8.1 after p


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