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浙江建人高复2014届高考仿真模拟试卷英 语考生须知: 1本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2答题前,在答题卷密封区内,填写学号、姓名、试场号、座位号。 3所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效。 4考试结束,只上交答题卷。第一部分:英语知识运用第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)1. _ stable China-Japan relationship is in _ interests of two countries, Asia and the world, participants in the Beijing-Tokyo Forum agreed on Sunday. A. The; /; / B. A; the, the C. A; /; the D. The; /; the2.Most people are aware that, _ , the relationship between Hong Kong and the Republic of the Philippines will become poorer. A. if not dealing with carefully B. if dealt not carefully with C. if not carefully dealt withD. if not carefully dealing with3. Discovery in a South African cave suggests that modern human behavior _ much earlier than _. ks5u A. begin, previously thoughtB. began, previously thought C. should begin, previous thinkingD. began, previous thinking4. Who do you suppose _ wants to go with to the cinema_ in the 1990s.    A. she; building         B. that she; building C. she; built               D. that she; built5. David was _ in the second half of the football match after a serious knee injury. A. scheduled B. abandoned C. reserved D. substituted6. I like the sofa weve found in the shop. In my opinion, it is a perfect _ for the furniture in our sitting room. A. match B. game C. suit D. fit7. Before the war broke out, many people in safe places possessions they could not take with them. A. threw away B. put away C. gave away D. carried away 8. Copy the expression_, please, without any change. A. as it is B. such as it is C. what it is D. so it is 9. In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped 10. _ seemed surprising to us was _   he came out first in the speaking competition. A. It; that       B. What; what C. It ; what  D. What; that11. “ Even if Sun Yang failed to kill passers-by in his car, he _ be fined and put into prison for 2 weeks according to the law.” the judge said. A. will B. should C. shall D. may12. It is a pity that we have nothing to refer to when we come across new words. I quite agree with you. There isn't any dictionary around when we need _. A. it B. that C. this D. one13. Scientists said the smaller the airborne particles, the more _ they are to cause illness. A. possible B. likely C. probable D. perhaps 14. Shall we go for a walk after school today? _. Will tomorrow be Ok? A. Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problem C. Sorry, Im not available today D. Sorry, I cant get it15. Changyu building, _ a history of more than 700 years, is well-known for its magnificent appearance the quiet and natural surroundings. A. having; in B. with; against C. with; for D. has; against16. A Chinese immigrant _ neighbours said struggled to survive in America was arrested Sunday because he used a butcher knife to kill his relatives. A. whose B. which C. whom D. who17. When travelling in America, we stayed in a quiet hotel, _. A. next to it was a thick wood B. next to which was a thick wood. C. next to it there was a thick wood D. next to which a thick wood was 18. It is only with the help of scientific research _ bring PM1 air pollution under control. A. that we will B. we will C. that we do D. do we 19. I was hoping you were able to lend me the money. _ A. Thats right! B. You can forget that! C. You are welcome. D. Never mind.20. David dislikes television heroes who smoke, _? A. do they B. dont they C. doesnt he D. does he 第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。I was in the ninth year at St Josephs High School, when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed, but felt that since Id always been a responsible girland a good student, this was just a temporary 21 .Unfortunately, that was not to be. I didnt have many friends. I could never share my 22 . A deep insecurity destroyed my self-confidence. Soon I 23 to attend classes for many days. I would shut myself in my room for hours.The examinations were approaching, 24 I simply didnt care. My parents and teachers were surprised at my bad performance.One morning, after a particularly 25 lecture from Dad, I stood depressed, in the school assembly. 26 , as the other students marched to their classroom, our principal 27 me. I made my way to Sister Sylvias office.The next 45 minutes were the most 28 moments of my life. Sister Sylvia said shed noticed a big 29 in me. She wanted to know why I was lagging in studies, so frequently 30 and unhappy. She took my hand in hers and 31 patiently as I spilled out my worries. She then 32 me as I sobbed my pent-up (压抑的)emotions out. Months of frustration and loneliness 33 in her motherly hug.No one had tried to 34 what the real problem was, but my principal had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such 35 and caring.As the examinations approached again, I studied 36 . When the results were 37 , everybody was pleased, but happiest of all was my principal.I soon made new friends and was happy 38 . But whenever I had a problem, I could always slip into Sister Sylvias office for a(n) 39 .Today Im a 40 young woman doing my MA and hoping to become a writer. Ive become an inspiration to several of my friends and cousins, thanks to a kind nun who cared. 21.A. basisB. stageC. adjustment D. solution22.A. viewpointsB. experiences C. problems D. dreams23.A. skippedB. refused C. regretted D. forgot24.A. otherwiseB. thoughC. butD. or25.A. severeB. publicC. popularD. formal26.A. AlsoB. ThereforeC. Still ks5uD. Then27. A. attractedB. accompaniedC. calledD. instructed28.A. preciousB. curiousC. anxiousD. serious29.A. qualityB. changeC. mistakeD. faith30.A. absentB. dishonestC. aggressiveD. calm31.A. lookedB. waitedC. listenedD. worked32.A. huggedB. acknowledgeC. observedD. educated33.A. passed awayB. rode awayC. drove awayD. melted away34.A. revealB. understandC. realizeD. doubt35.A. dignityB. courageC. attentionD. satisfaction36.A. hardB. aloneC. closelyD. abroad37.A. declaredB. obtainedC. appliedD. compared38.A. foreverB. againC. anyhowD. instead39.A. requestB. effectC. reasonD. chat40.A. matureB. quietC. smartD. happy第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,共50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该选项标号涂黑。AMore than a hundred reporters from around the world thronged and bustled in the Stock Exchange Building in Stockholm's Old Town for about an hour before the doors to the Swedish Academy swung open. Notably, there were many Japanese reporters present, hoping to break the news that Haruki Murakami had won the prize. Finally, the Swedish Academy's Permanent Secretary Peter Englund stepped out from the doors and said Canadian short story writer Alice Munro has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.The following is a truncated Q&A with reporters and Englund. (The questions have been simplified and clarified.) Why did Alice Munro win? We gave her the Nobel Prize in Literature because she is a master of the contemporary short story.Which book to begin with? One of the amazing things about her is that she has no weak works in her writing. She has always worked to the best of her ability; she has always cultivated the short story to perfection. And she has never really written a weak or bad book. So you can take your pick. 'The Moons of Jupiter' was the first book I read by her and you can see both her different themes in that book and also her very special narrative mode, you can find it there. She tells her stories a bit like nobody else. She has a very economical language and sparse style. You can find that in 'The Moons of Jupiter.' You can take your pick. The latest one is obviously very interesting, 'Dear Life,' which contains a number of autobiographical sketches at the end that gives a key to the entire authorship of Alice Munro.How was she informed?Well, I left a message on her answering machine. I couldn't reach her and it was of course pretty early in the morning. But she will be notified by courier, by email to her both agents, by standard mail and so on.What kind of message did you leave?Basically, congratulations! You've won the Nobel Prize in literature.What's the Importance of a woman winning?Don't ask me. We picked her for excellence, nothing else. Of course it matters when you start doing the headcount. But she is no representative. She has received this prize just because of what she has done. Nothing else.So the sexual balance doesn't count?We don't have these kinds of quotas; thank god . We don't have any quotas. We could, if we wanted to, award this prize four times in a row to a children's book writer working in the United States. If we wanted to. We can do as we please. We don't have to fill any quotes in any direction. We just give it to authors who show an extraordinary literary quality. One of these is Mrs. Alice Munro.41. Why were there so many Japanese reporters in the Stock Exchange Building in Stockholm's Old Town?A. They were waiting there to report who would win the 2013 Nobel Prize in 2013.B. They had expected that Haruki Murakami would win the prize.C. They just wanted to be the first to report the 2013 Noble Prize winner. D. They were waiting in the stock market to give the world a big surprise. 42. Alice Munro would most probably be informed of her winning by _?A. picking up her answering machine B. email from both of her agentsC. standard mail D. The passage doesnt clarify it. 43. According to the passage, Alice Munro was awarded the 2013 Noble Prize in Literature mainly for _.A. she has an obvious advantage over Haruki MurakamiB. it is rare for a woman to have written so many perfect storiesC. she is a master of the contemporary short storyD. she deserves a prize for her hard work for so many years44. Alice Munro is best known for her work _.A. “Dear Life”, which contains a number of autobiographical sketches that gives a key to her entire authorshipB. “The Moons of Jupiter”, which represented both her different themes and also her very special narrative modeC. “Dance of the Happy Shades”, which helped her win the first Governor Generals AwardD. no specific work, but the uniqueness and perfection reflected in all her worksBChinese International SchoolApplication Form Before an applicant can be invited to take part in an assessment, an application form should be returned to the Admissions Office, and the application fee of HK$1,000 cannot be returned. For overseas applicants wishing to pay in currencies other than HK dollars, the fee is US$145. Checks are also good for payment to “Chinese International School”. The application should include: Applicant academic report from the last school year. A recent passport-sized photo (attached to the application form). A copy of the applicants Hong Kong ID card or a passport showing a valid Hong Kong visa. Only for applicants applying under a Corporate Nomination(提名) Right: A company letter confirming the nomination. ks5uPlease note that the application fee is non-refundable. Applicants who would like to re-apply for another academic year are asked to submit a new application and application fee. Acceptance Applicants will be informed of their acceptance status in writing by postal mail. Initial (最初的) offers for Reception will be sent out from late March once all assessments have been completed. Some applicants who have been assessed may be held on a reserve list. Acceptances may also be made on a conditional basis among the applicants on the reserve list. Applicants who have been assessed but who have not been admitted are welcome to reapply for the next academic year. Please note that such applicants will be asked to submit a new application and application fee. Confirmation of Acceptance and Enrollment (录取)Once an applicant has been admitted, the applicant family will be asked to confirm acceptance and hold the students place with immediate payment of the required fees for the Nomination Right (HK$ 500), plus the sum of HK$ 7,500 as the first tuition (学费) payment.In addition, enrollment will not be considered complete until the following have been received, normally one month before the start of the new school year:· Physical examination results · Tuition (first month) 45. According to the passage, if the applicants reapply for an academic year, _. A. the application fee can be reduced to a half B. applicants on a reserve list neednt be assessed C. the initial application form should be returned to the Admissions Office D. a new application and application fee are to be required 46. Which of the following is true? A. Once applicants are refused, they cant apply for it again. B. Applicants held on a reserve list will not be admitted. C. The applicants should show either a Hong Kong visa or a Hong Kong ID card. D. Applicants dont have to get a company letter to confirm their application.47. How will the applicants possibly be informed of the acceptance status? A. By fax. B. By e-mail. C. By regular mail D. By telephone.48. According to the Application Process, the first tuition payment is _. A. HK$ 500 B. HK$7, 500 C. HK$1, 000 D. US$ 14549. If an applicant has been admitted, the applicant family _. A. will be asked to submit a new application B. will receive physical Examination results C. will be asked to only pay the first month fee D. will be asked to confirm acceptance and pay the feesCBeing young is great. Most of the parts of your body still work great, you have a full head of hair, youre energetic, and you have a world of opportunity in front of you. However, theres going to come a time when you start to get older. And as you get older, youll have new responsibilities, complete independence, and perhaps most importantly, less time to recover from mistakes.    You see, we all make mistakes in life. Maybe you spent more money than you should have on a car, you passed up on a great job opportunity, or you didnt try as hard as you could have in school. Its a part of life and we learn from it. But there are certain mistakes that are much better made while youre still young and have plenty of time to recover.     Im definitely not telling you that you should purposely go out and make these mistakes (because theyre a pain to recover from). But these are all mistakes that are much better made when youre younger so that you can learn from them and not have them ruin your entire life.Starting the wrong career     Wouldnt you hate to be 45 years old and discover that you absolutely hate what you do for a living? Its a reality that a lot of people face and it can be difficult to fix. You see, when youre 23 and find out you dont like the career path youve chosen, you can easily explore new career options.     We no longer live in an age when people are expected to stay with one company until they retire. You can bounce around a little bit and find out what you want to do. When you get older, just switching careers whenever you want isnt as simple.     You have to consider your family, retirement, the difficulties you might run into with starting from the bottom in a new industry, and plenty of other issues that someone in their early 20s just doesnt have to deal with.Dating the wrong person     The divorce rate in the U.S is extremely high. Other parts of the world arent doing too much better either. While everyone gets divorced for their own reasons, I think we can all agree that its better to find out that the person youre with is wrong for you sooner rather than later.     Hopefully you find out whether or not the person youre with is right for you before you tie the knot, because around 50% of first marriages end in divorce.Messing up your credit     Ruining your credit is never a good idea. Even if you ruin it while youre young, it could affect you in the future. The upside of having bad credit while youre young instead of older is that you have time to build it back up.     It can take 7-10 years to rebuild your credit if you have a history of late payments, loan defaults, foreclosures, or bankruptcy. During those 7-10 years, youll have a hard time financing anything unless you have a cosigner or put down a substantial down payment.     Most people tend to make most of the bigger purchases in life when they get older such as a house or their dream car. If you have bad credit, you can kiss all of that goodbye.     Making bad investments     If youre investing money for your retirement, making bad decisions can mean youll be working your entire life. Whether you choose to pay someone to do the investing for you or handle it all yourself, its a lot better to take risks when youre younger.     If you invest in stock or even real estate while youre young and the market takes a hit, youre not ruined. Investing is a long-term venture, so the younger you start, the more fluctuation you can withstand and still come out with a positive return.      Blowing your money     What would you do if you went broke at 60 years old? You would be working your behind off when you really should be relaxing and getting ready to retire soon.     But if youre 25 and broke, you still have plenty of time to earn more money. Also, nobody will judge you because its not unusual for people in their 20s to not have money these days. You might have blown your money on a nice car or have an obsession with all the newest gadgets.      When you get older, youll be able to look back and realize how dumb you were for spending $20,000 on a brand new car when you were only 20 years old. But when youre older and waste your money, youll REALLY have nothing to show for it.50. The following are all the advantages of being young EXCEPT _. A. you have more time to recover from mistakes B. most of the parts of your body still work great C. you have many responsibilities and complete independence D. you have a world of opportunity in front of you51. You can bounce around a little bit and find out what you want to do. “Bounce” in this sentence is most similar in meaning to _. A. My father would burst into the kitchen bouncing a football. B. The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees.C. I was an army brat, I always bounced a lot when I was youngD. The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club.52. What does the author really mean by saying “its a lot better to take risks when youre younger”? A. You should purposely go out and make these mistakes so that you can learn from them and not have them ruin your entire life. B. There are certain mistakes that are much better made while youre still you


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