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2015年陇县二中英语教师业务考试试卷时值:90分钟 分值:100分第一部分(新课程知识,50分)120为判断题,A表示正确,B表示错误;2140为单项选择,4150为多项选择,每小题1分。1、任务型语言教学是要达到“用语言做事情”的特定目的, 不必重视语言知识和语法的学习. A : 正确 B : 错误 2: 英语教材以及英语教材资源包括有利于发展学生综合语言运用能力的所有学习材料,是保证学生学好英语的唯一可靠的学习资源, 不得随意删减。 A : 正确 B : 错误 3: 教材和教科书的概念是一样的。 凡是有利于学习者增长知识或发展技能的材料都可以称之为教材 A : 正确 B : 错误 4: 导学案要做到“四化”;即知识问题化,问题层次化,层次梯次化,梯次渐进化。 A : 正确 B : 错误 5: 全面发展是人的基本需求和基本权利。传统的教育以抽象的人为教育教学对象,以发展一部分学生的“智育特长”, “体育特长”或“音乐特长”来取代学生的全面发展,这是对马克思主义关于人的全面发展意义的歪曲。 A : 正确 B : 错误 6: 从美国国家科学教育标准对“探究”所作的界定看,探究学习是指以探究为本的学习,它指一种积极的学习过程“学生去做的事,而不是为他们做好的事”. A : 正确 B : 错误 7: 教学中多媒体的运用经常起到“喧宾夺主”的作用, 无法突出课堂教学中学生活动的主体性;老师也因课件的设计被束缚在电脑前,无法深入到学生群体当中,与学生进行情感方面的交流。 A : 正确 B : 错误 8: 我们既不能忽视教材的积极作用,也不能盲目崇拜教材。在实际教学中,教师应善于根据教学需要,灵活地、有创造性地使用教材。 A : 正确 B : 错误 9: 教师要更新教育观念, 不断更新知识结构, 但无须改变我们习以为常的教学方式. A : 正确 B : 错误 10: 2001年4月,教育部印发普通高中“研究性学习”实施指南, 将“研究性学习作为选修课列入全日制普通高中课程计划。 A : 正确 B : 错误 11: 教师设计写作基本技能活动时,应注重语言质量的训练, 注意语言的正确性, 流畅性和自然性。 A : 正确 B : 错误 12: 课外阅读要注意猜词,遇到生词就查词典,是一种很不好的阅读习惯. A : 正确 B : 错误 13: 教师还要利用课堂教学设计一些阅读基本技能的活动,培养学生科学的阅读习惯,诸如读必出声、逐字阅读、手指引读、转动颈部、纠缠生字、不当返读等. A : 正确 B : 错误 14: 口语能力是指顺利完成口语言语活动所必需的潜在个性心理特征。口语提高的关键在于“练”,而在我们这种语言环境十分匮乏、课外有声输入几乎空白的条件下,课堂教学也很难成为学生学习口语、提高口语水平的场所. A : 正确 B : 错误 15: 听力是由具体的技能技巧构成,就听力交际而言,理解有声语言的交际过程应是一种估计、猜测、预期、推断、想象等技能积极地相互作用的过程,而不是力求达到听懂每个单词, 每句话. A : 正确 B : 错误 16: 根据2000年全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲(试验修订版),全日制高级中学英语教学目标的一级和二级仅对语言运用能力的要求不同。 A : 正确 B : 错误 17: 英语基本技能教学活动的设计与组织是一项创造性劳动,既能体现教师的的教学能力, 也体现教师的敬业精神, 但不是教师最主要、最困难的的一项工作。 A : 正确 B : 错误 18: 学分制是一种教学管理机制,它的运作只是学校与教学管理部门的事. A : 正确 B : 错误 19: 自由度较大的选课给高中英语教师带来学生选教师的压力,从而促进教师更加注重自身素质的提升并改进教学内容、教学方法等,为高中生提供优质的教学效果。 A : 正确 B : 错误 20: 标准将教师专业发展与学生全面发展和终身发展看作同等重要的理念。 A : 正确 B : 错误 21: 信息技术在教育领域的运用是导致教育领域彻底变革的_性因素,它必将导致教学内容、手段、方法、模式,教学思想、观念、理论,乃至教育体制的根本变革。 A : 必然 B : 可能 C : 决定 D : 相对 22: 人类进入21世纪以来,获取信息量最大的最直接来源就是_ A : 大量的图书 B : 国内外的资料 C : 广播电视 D : 因特网 23: 教师在听力课堂活动中的角色是:_ A : 对生词的解释 B : 对难句的分析 C : 操作录音机 D : 对学生的鼓励、引导 监控、评价 24: 任务型教学为课堂教学实践提供一个途径,强调_ A : 学会用英语交际 B : 语言功能 C : 用英语去做事 D : 用英语去思考 25: 高中新课程评价体系具有多元, 开放, 和主体性。其主体性表现在_ A : 保护学生的自尊心和自信心 B : 自我认识和自我教育 C : 关注个体的处境与需要 D : AC 26: 近年来,任务型语言教学在外语界引起广泛重视,它是_的一种发展。 A : 听说教学 B : 交际教学思想 C : 语法翻译 D : 探究学习 27: 标准明确提出:“本课程提倡任务型的教学模式”,实际上,“任务驱动”正是_的一个主要特征. A : 探究学习 B : 接受学习 C : 协作学习 D : 情景学习 28: 在奥苏贝尔看来,影响课堂学习中意义学习的重要因素是学生的_ A : 接受能力 B : 认知结构 C : 理解能力 D : 判断能力 29: 国外在7 0年代, 对当时的76种职业划分为专业化, 非专业化, 半专业化. 专业化职业有_. A : 医生 B : 律师 C : 教师 D : 哪个答案都不对 30: 布鲁诺认为,为了使学生学得好,提供信息是必要的。学习应该_。 A : 掌握所给的信息 B : 检验所给的信息 C : 超越所给的信息 D : 实践所给的信息 31: 课程标准评价体系的实施将改变_ A : 教师的教学方式 B : AC C : 学生的学习方式 D : 教师角色 32: “先学后导-问题评价”教学模式的基本含义就是实现以_为主线,以_为手段,以_为途径的有效教学。A: 问题;评价;任务驱动 B: 评价;问题;任务驱动C: 任务驱动;问题;评价 D: 任务驱动;评价;问题33: _ 曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 兴趣是学习的最好老师,也是学习的原动力。 A : 孔子 B : 老子 C : 墨子 D : 孟子 34: 现代教育技术的特点是 A : 信息量大 B : 直观性强 C : ABD D : 速度快 35: 教师在进行“听”这一部分的活动时,应注意介绍_的知识, 不要仅仅放一、两遍录音。 A : 语言方面 B : 听的技能 C : 文化背景知识方面 D : A、B、C均正确 36: 大纲的课程观:英语课程是规范性的英语教学内容,它以为_基础,强调知识的学习和技能的培养。 A : 知识性 B : 理论性 C : 工具性 D : 技能性 37: 全日制普通高级中学英语教材要全面培养听说读写英语的四种技能,并侧重培养_能力。 A : 听力 B : 口语 C : 写作 D : 阅读 38: 标准强调评价的目的是_。 A :为了扭转教学听从考试“指挥”的倾向 B :激励学生认识自我,建立自信,促进发展 C : 考查学生为交际综合运用语言知识的能力” D:总结和鉴定教学效果 39: 高中英语新课程目标的现实意义是_。 A : 有利于教学内容的更新 B : 有利于教学方法的改进 C : 有利于学生的可持续发展和教师角色的转变 D : 有利于高端英语人才的培养 40: 2003年,教育部颁布了新课程方案和课程标准,规定将在高中阶段实行学分制,修满_学分方可毕业。 A : 144 B : 134 C : 124 D : 114 41: “头脑风暴”(BrainsTorm)的活动, 其目的是_ A : 鼓励学生自由讨论 B : 鼓励学生大胆思考 C : 激活学生已有的背景知识 D : 补充必要的、新的背景知识 E : 启发学生对有关话题的思考 42:标准提出了英语基本技能教学活动设计原则,包括_等 A : 教师要不断提高专业化水平,与新课程同步发展 B : 面向全体学生,为学生终身发展奠定共同基础 C : 关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围 D : 树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式 E : 利用现代教育技术,拓宽学习和运用英语的渠道 43:标准对高中英语新课程教学活动类型进行了分类, 他们是: _ A : 角色扮演 B : 调查研究 C : 发表见解 D : 合作学习 E : 表达观点44:标准提出的阅读教学目标要求较高,而且提出了阅读技能上的要求:_ A : 查字典 B : 猜词 C : 推理 D : 判断 E : 收集信息 45: 有效教学是个大概念,它包括_,_,_,和_。A: 有效学习 B: 有效备课 C: 有效上课 D: 有效拓展E;有效评价46: 建议那些具有额外能力的学生修学本年级的为优等生开设的高级课程的学分。除了所要求的英语课程外,学生可以选修英语部提供的下列哪些选修课,但不能算作英语学分。 A : 电视写作 B : 影评 C : 新闻学 D : 创造性写作 E : ESL47: 根据高中英语课标,学生综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能,语言知识_,_,_等素养整合发展的基础之上。A: 情感态度 B: 学习策略 C: 文华意识 D: 人文素养 48: 一般来说,基本技能教学活动的设计应包括_等基本要素. A : Purpose 目标 B : Skills 技能 C : Level 层次 D : MaTerials 教具 E : Procedure 过程 49: 随着素质教育的深入,人们对素质教育又提出了许多新的内容,包括_等,并且提出科学的素质教育目标体系. A : 思想道德素质教育 B : 身体素质教育 C : 文化科学素质教育 D : 心理素质教育 E : 审美素质教育 50: 探究学习实施的原则是_等。 A : 应面向全体学生,并关照个别差异 B : 探究中要辩证地处理学生自主与教师指导 C : 探究中教师首先要充分地倾听学生 D : 珍视探究中学生独特的感受、体验和理解 E : 在探究过程中体验挫折与成功 第二部分(英语专业知识,50分)I. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从51-65各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。   The house parent was chasing the beautiful butterflies. He caught these beautiful 51 , one after the other, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins 52their heads and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard. How 53 it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head and hands.      When the 54rang, the house parent laid the cardboard down and went 55 to answer it. I walked up and looked at one butterfly pinned to the cardboard. It was still moving about so I 56 out gently and touched it on the wing 57one of the pins to fall out. It tried to 58 away but it was still pinned by one wing with the other pin. Finally 59 wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the 60 and just quivered. I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. But the wing would not 61 on it. The house parent came back and started shouting at me. I told him that I did nothing but he did not believe me. He 62 up the cardboard and started hitting me on the top of the head. There were all kinds of butterfly 63 everywhere. Every year whenever the butterflies would return to the 64 and try to land on me, I would 65 them away because they did not know that the orphanage was a bad place to live and a very bad place to die.51. A. livesB. newcomersC. residentsD. creatures52 .A. onB. fromC. throughD. across53. A. crazyB. cruel C. naughtyD. impolite54. A. telephone B. bell C. hornD. microphone 55 A. forwardsB. outsideC. backwards D. inside56. A. reached B. stoodC. droppedD. went 57. A. noticingB. controllingC. causing D. helping58. A. blow B. die C. take D. get 59. A. thisB. itsC. thatD. his60. A. ground B. cardboard C. tableD. step61. A. lean B. existC. flee D. stay62. A. took B. made C. picked D. kept 63. A. headsB. piecesC. wingsD. ashes64. A. bushes B. forestsC. gorgesD. hills 65. A. sendB. castC. putD. driveII. 阅读理解:(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AViolent ocean storms in the northern part of the world usually develop in late summer or autumn near the equator. When they happen over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, the storms are called typhoons. And, in the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes. South of the equator, the winds flow in the same direction as the hands on a clock. North of the equator, they flow counter-clockwise. Storms can result when the air temperature in one area is different from that of another. Warmer air rises and cooler air falls. These movements create a difference in the pressure of the atmosphere. If the pressure changes over a large area, winds start to blow in a huge circle. High-pressure air is pulled into a low-pressure center. Storms can get stronger and stronger as they move over warm ocean waters. Up to 50 centimeters of rain can fall. Some storms have produced more than150 centimeters of rain.The scale is divided into 5 categories. A category one storm has winds of about 120 to 150 kilometers an hour. It can damage trees and lightweight structures. Wind speeds in a category two hurricane can reach close to 180 kilometers an hour. These storms are often powerful enough to break windows or blow the roof off a house. Winds between about 180 and 250 kilometers an hour represent categories three and four. Anything even more powerful is a category five hurricane. The researchers say that about 35% of all hurricanes in the past ten years were category four or five.Weather scientists call hurricanes by names to make clear just which storm they are talking about, especially when two or more take place at the same time. They say using short names is especially important when exchanging storm information among weather stations and ships at sea. Weather scientists used the names of their girlfriends or wives for storms during World War Two. The United States weather service started officially using womens names for storms in 1953. In 1978, realizing the sex prejudice of such names, it began including mens names as well. 66. The first paragraph mainly _.A. tells us the areas where hurricanes come about B. confirms the position of typhoonsC. gives clear definitions of violent ocean storms D. explains the different changes near the equator67. Storms move over warm ocean waters, making _lower and the storms get stronger.A. air pressureB. ocean water C. cool air D. warm air68If it makes some of the houses of a coast village fall down, the hurricane is _ at least. A. category 2B. category 5 C. category 4 D. category 369. Hurricanes began to be given mens names in 1978 because _.A. more women scientists studied hurricanes B. people wanted to show respect for womenC. womens names were used too frequently D. men were jealous70. Where is this passage most probably taken from?A. A popular science book. B. A dictionary.C. A university physics book. D. An advertisement. B “We leave at dawn and head out overland by jeep towards Base One. We will get as far as we can before proceeding on foot,” Mark explained. The others sat and listened. Sarah, particularly, as a “casualty of events”, wouldnt have known what to say or even if shed been asked. But Harry had a lot to say.“Well never make it,” he protested. “Well still be crossing the desert when they catch up with us. Theyll know where were heading for and they seem to know every move we make or are going to make.” Mark said nothing, but spread his hands out as if to say “Well, what do we do then?” “We wouldnt be in a mess now,” Harry went on, almost ignoring Marks gesture, “If we hadnt stopped to rescue Sarah.” (He glanced at her briefly) “But since we did, we must get on but not across the desert. There is the sand, and deep ravines which are almost invisible until youre right on them and then the heat. You have to be used to going out there, and none of us is. This is no morning at leisure on some pleasant holiday, you know! If we went north instead and made for the river”He broke off and looked around at the others, feeling somehow that his argument was pointless. No one said anything.“Good,” said Mark, looked around with authority, and returned to checking their stores. A beautiful sunrise was about to burst over the horizon as the jeep headed out towards Base One.71. It seemed clear from the passage that the group of people were_.A. being trained B. being hunted C. exploring D. practicing72. Marks plan was that they should _.A. drive across the desert B. make for the river on footC. set off before dawn and leave SarahD. drive as fast as possible, and then walk73. Harry felt certain that _.A. they would escape B. they had a traitorC. their situation was all Sarahs faultD. they could hide in the desert74. Why did Harry think that they should make for the river?A. The desert heat would kill them. B. A river trip would be much safer.C. The journey would be more pleasant.D. He knew the road leading north.75. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. none of them liked HarryB. Mark was the leader in the actionC. they wanted to see the sunriseD. they had no other choice but to waitIII、书面表达(15分)假如你叫李华,是南开中学的一名学生。最近你校在为一批来自加拿大的学生征寻住宿家庭,你有意申请。请根据下表提供的信息用英语给校长写封信,说明你申请的理由。申请理由住房条件宽敞,整洁,环境优美语言优势擅长英语,父母也懂英语,不会有交流困难接待经验上个月刚刚接待过两名美国学生参观游览父亲可驾车陪同参观附近的名胜其他(内容由考生自己添加)注意:1. 文章必须包括所有要点。2. 字数:100字左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear sir, Im writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families for the Canadian students.4


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