上册Unit 4 单元测试卷-人教PEP版五年级英语第4单元

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Unit 4What can you do?满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,将下列图片排序。(10分)二、听录音,补全句子。 (10分)1. They cant .2. Can she?3. Lingling cant .4. Mike can.5. I can for the party.三、听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。 (10分)()1. Mike can play basketball.()2. Ms White can wash the clothes.()3. John can make a kite.()4. Amy can cook. ()5. Wu Yifan can speak English.笔试部分四、选择正确的答案。(10分)()1. can Amy do?A.WhatB.Whats C.Who()2. Can you do kung fu?A.some B.any C.a()3. I play the pipa.A.was B.am C.cant()4. We have a party next week.A.are B.do C.will()5. Please send an email Sarah.A.from B.to C.for五、选词填空。(10分)problemcanspeakanynext 1. Yes, I sing English songs.2. I cant do kung fu.3. No !I can help you.4. Theyll learn English week.5. Lets English.六、给下列图片选择相应的句子。(10分)1.2. 3.4.5.()()()()()A.My brother can draw pictures.B.They can play football.C.I can read books.D.The children can sing Chinese songs.E.Mike can fly a kite.七、按要求改写句子。(15分)1. John can speak Chinese. (对画线部分提问)2. I cant make a robot. (改为肯定句)3. Li Lin can sings and dances. (改错)4. They can read some books. (改错)5. ChineseandWeEnglishcanspeak(.)(连词成句)八、根据图片写出问句或答语。(10分)1. Can he fly a kite? 2. What can he do? 3. Can she play the pipa? 4. What does he want to do? 九、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 (15分)Zhang Peng: What can you do, Bob?Bob: I can speak English.Zhang Peng: Can you sing?Bob: Yes, I can. But I cant dance.Zhang Peng: Can you play football?Bob: Yes, I can. But I cant play ping-pong.Zhang Peng: Can you clean the room?Bob: Yes, I can. But I cant wash my clothes.Zhang Peng: Can you read books?Bob: Yes, I can. Zhang Peng: Can you do Chinese kung fu?Bob: No, I cant. And I cant swim. ()1. Bob can speak English.()2. Bob can sing and dance.()3. Bob cant play ping-pong. ()4. Bob can clean the room, but he cant wash his clothes.()5. Bob can do Chinese kung fu. 参 考 答 案听力部分一、听力材料1.They can play ping-pong.2.She can sing and dance.3.They cant swim.4.My mother can cook.5.The boy can make a puppet.答案:24135二、听力材料1.They cant draw cartoons.2.Can she do any kung fu? 3.Lingling cant swim.4.Mike can play football.5.I can dance for the party.答案:1.draw cartoons2.do any kung fu3.swim4.play football5.dance三、听力材料1.A: What can you do, Mike? B: I can play basketball.2.A: Can you wash the clothes, Ms White? B: Yes, I can.3.A: Can you make a kite, John? B: No, I cant.4.A: I can cook. How about you, Amy? B: Sorry, I cant.5.A: Can you speak English, Wu Yifan? B: Yes, I can.答案:1.T2.T3.F4.F5.T笔试部分四、1.A2.B3.C4.C5.B五、1.can2.any3.problem4.next5.speak六、AEDBC七、1.What can John do? 2.I can make a robot.3.Li Lin can sing and dance.4.They cant read any books.5.We can speak English and Chinese./We can speak Chinese and English.八、1.Yes, he can.2.He can do kung fu.3.Yes, she can.4.He wants to play ping-pong.九、1.T2.F3.T4.T5.F


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