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Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.测试题听力部分(共20分)(略) 基础知识运用(共 25分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)()21. Tina has many friends and likes to talk with everybody. She is girl.A. a funnyB. an outgoingC. a quietD. an interesting()22. Bob, is that you?Yeah, it is. Oh, Mario. I you for three years.A. haven ' t seenB. didn ' t seeC. don ' t seeD. have seen()23.- Did you sleep alone when you were a child? No, I didn ' t. I slept with my mother. I was terrified of.A. used to; aloneB. use to; be aloneC. used to; being alone D. use to; being alone ()24. My new school is far away. I take the bus to school.A. mustB. am going toC. have toD. would like to()25.- Did you have anything when you were a child?-Yes, I did. I used to be afraid of the dark.A. be afraid ofB. to be afraid ofC. to be afraidD. afraid()26.- What do you think of our primary school, Cario? Oh, it a lot. It ' s more beautiful th an it.A. has changed; used to be B. changes; used to doC. changed; didD. changes; used to being()27. My father likes sleeping in order that the fresh (新鲜的)aircould come in.A. with the light onB. with the light offC. with the window openD. with the door closed()28. What do you think of your high school life, Bob?-Boring. I spend a lot of time my schoolwork every day.A. to doB. done C. did D. doing()29. Thirty years ago, there full of fish in the lake and many birds flyingover. Now there are fish or birds.A. used to be; fewB. had; a fewC. were; manyD. used to live; little()30. What are you, Paula? Do you have a problem with you?-I left my English book at home.A. worrying ofB. worrying aboutC. thinking aboutD. worried of()31. Did you like listening to music? Yes, I did. But now I ' m more sports.A. interested inB. interesting inC. hatedD. hating()32. There is no time left. I' m afraid I can finish my work.A. hardB. almost C. hardly D. mostly()33. I have decided to go there it rains tomorrow.A. even thoughB. butC. whenD. as soon as()34. Mr Wang usually goes to bed at nine and a few minutes afterwards(以后).A. fell asleepB. falls asleepC. went to sleepD. go to sleep()35. They had a lot of problems with their car. they sold it and boughtanother one.A. At the endB. In the endC. By the endD. At firstII.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、R C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。More than fifty years ago, James Smith gave away( 赠送)what he had and went off to the mountains to live in the way people used to live 100 years ago. For food he catches wild animals, fishes in the river, and 36 plants.James livesin awooden (木制的) house he made by hand, out of a 37 he cut downwith an axe (斧子).38lives within 50 miles of his house in the mountain and James hasnot been out ofthe mountain 39 those years. One day last year, Ihiked in tosee how James haslived. It was like going 40 intime. There were no roads, no stores, no noise,not even a post office.Most notably( 尤其)of all, there were no people and that is just the way James Smith wants to 41 his part of the worldwithout people. James is a learnedman. He has books and nobody knows 42 he got them. Mostly he reads about the wild world, the 43 , the plants and the mountains. He has seen planes flying above 44 doesn ' t want to know about them. James Smith is now 85 years old and has not had a 45 day in his life.()36. A. grows()37. A. grassB. makesB. treeC. hasC. earthD. getsD.stone()38. A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. EverybodyD. Nobody()39. A. forB. aboutC. duringD.between()40. A. onB. backC. out D.up()41. A. beB. haveC. keepD.get()42. A. howB. why C. whatD. whether()43. A. meatB. animalsC. peopleD. shops()44. A. andB. soC. thenD.but()45. A. worseB. healthyC.goodD.sick阅读部分(共30分)III. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面三段材料,从每小题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AHave a look at Shanghai Library! The library is open to everyone and the library card is free!BOOKS picture books fo r children novels, stories of all kinds books in 36 languages information about the worldYou can read newspapers and magazines in the reading room. You can borrow five books at most one time and keep them for three weeks.VIDEOS all kinds of videos soap operas music videos othersYou can enjoy yourself and take time to watch your favorite videos at home. You can keep a vide o for a week for $1. Also you can borrow as many video . s a time as you like.AUDIO music for everyone: rock, pop, jazz, blues, classical(古典的),country language cassettes( 磁 带): English, French, Japanese, German, RussianSpecial rooms for you to enjoy listening.CDs andcassettes can be borrowed free. You can borrow one CD or one cassette a time and keep it for one week.()46. Which of the following can only be enjoyed in the reading room?A. Newspapers.B. CDs.C. Music videos.D. Language cassettes.()47. How much should you pay if you keep two videos for two weeks?A. $2.B. $1. C. $3. D. $4.()48. How many CDs can you borrow one time?A. Five.B. One.C. Three.D. As many as you like.()49. What can you do in the library?A. Borrow the newest magazines.B. Watch your favorite videos.C. Enjoy listening in special rooms.D. Talk freely with each other.()50. Which of the following do you think is NOT true?A. You can pay nothing for the library card.B. You can borrow as many videos a time as you like.C. There are rooms for you to enjoy TV plays in the library.D. You can borrow five books at most one time and keep them for three weeks.BDo you think your schoolwork is too hard? Do you feel you have too much homework?If you answer "yes" , you are in the same boat as most US kids. However, school life for them is about to get even harder.A group of 13 states have decided to make their schools ' workload( 工作量)much heavier, especially in math and English. Most students in US high schools work very hard. But it is not like in China, where almost all students have to work from early morning till late in the evening.US students have a lot of freedom to decide how hard they should work." Moststudents put in a lot of effort(努力),but some do almost nothing, “ said Will Gordon,a teacher from North Carolina."I think stricter rules will help those studentswho aren ' t so focused ( 集中精神的).”“For the most part, it ' s good,“ said Adam Jorve, 15, a student at Gordon ' s school. "A lot of kids in public schools can hardly read when they graduate. However, for me, I wish I didn ' t have the extra work. ”()51. From the first passage we know that most US kids.A. have a pleasant school lifeB. often go boating togetherC. have hard schoolworkD. pay little attention to their schoolwork()52. Compared with Chinese students, kids in the US.A. have a much heavier workloadB. don' t have to work from morning till nightC. spend more time on math and EnglishD. have no time to relax themselves()53. What freedom do USstudents have? They have the freedom to decide .A. how hard they should workB. how long they stay at schoolC. what to do and how to do itD. how much time they should spend on their work()54. In Will Gordon' s opinion, students who almost do nothing inschool willbe helped.A. by strict teachersB. by their parentsC. through the strict managementD. through stricter rules()55. The passage tells us mainly about.A. the heavy load of Chinese studentsB. the heavy load of the US studentsC. the freedom of the US studentsD. the different school life of the US studentsCWill you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?If you do, you need to take control of feelings and stop getting angry so easily.Getting angry with people can cause you to lose friends.Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has writtenMy F e e 1 i ng s Are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can never make them better.Getting angry is not a natural way to act, the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily all you have todo is to tell yourself not to be angry.When a baby falls over, it only cries if people are watching it. Like a baby, you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.The book gives many tips(提示)to help you if you get angry easily. Here arethe top three: Keep a record every time you get angry and write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily. Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry. Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.()56. The writer wants to tell us.A. not to get angry easilyB. to help each otherC. to make your feelings betterD. to work hard at school()57. If you often get angry easily, you will.A. lose everythingB. lose your friendsC. make your friends angry D. get lost at school()58. The u nderlined word acontrol " in the passage means ":.A.降低 B.提高C.改变D.控制()59. The writer ofMy Feelings Are Just Like WildAnimals is.A. a studentB. a head teacherC. a high school teacherD. an artist()60. From the passage we know given by the book.A. some advice to make friendsB. the first three tips to make friendsC. the top three tips not to get angry easilyD. the top three tips to help your friends语言综合运用(共25分)IV.根据句意和首字母提示写单词,补全句子。(每小题1分,共5分)61. Many children like eating c. It is bad for their teeth.-62. Sometimes students make the teacher pay attention to them by c trouble.63. At that time, his father was not rich enough to a to buy a car.64. It ' s n for us to keep our classroom clean every day.65. Our English teacher is very p. No matter what questions we ask her, she will tell us the answers carefully and clearly until we fully understand them.V.从方框中选句子补全对话,有两项多余。(每小题1分,共5分)A: Hello. Is that Martin speaking?B: Yeah. Hello, Mom.A: Are you getting on well there?B: Yes, Mom.A: But (66)B: Well, but.A: Listen, Martin. , Take care of yourself. Don ' t let me worry about you any more.B: OK, I see.A: Remember, it ' s not easy for me to pay for your education. (67)B: Sure, Mom. But I feel alone here and I miss you much.A: Me too, child. (68)B: That will be nice.A: Your father is no longer with us. (69)B: I ' ll always remember what you have said. (70)A. I'm getting on very well.B. I hear that you ' re causing problems again.C. Believe in me, Mom.D. But you can make friends there and I ' ll call you every weekend.E. Don ' t make trouble and focus on your study.F. I ' ll go and buy something for you.G. But I believe he is watching you and he will always take pride in everything good you do.V I .用所给词的适当形式填空,补全段落。(每小题0.5分,共5分)My father and I used to misunderstand( 误解)each other. He was too strict with me.At times, I even thought he didn ' t love me.One day, I took part in a contest and also had an English class later. I didn ' t want to be late, so I asked my father (71)(take) me there and he agreed.However, the contest finished late, and I (72) (can' t) get in touch with my father!I had to take a taxi."He may have (73) (go) out to play cards with hisfriends, “ I thought to myself."That' s a habit of his. ”On my way to school, I (74)(keep) thinking about whether he loved me or not. When I got home, I saw my father (75)(wait) for me with lots of food!He had been waiting there for over three hours. He said, “You are still so young.I know you regard my concern ( 担忧)as a burden (负担).But I do love you. I just(76)(not know) how to show it. ”I (77) (move) to tears (眼泪)by these words. "Father, I love you,“ I cried out.Every father (78)(love) his child. Sometimes we don' t get along well because we misunderstand them, and they are not good at (79)(express) their love.So remember: Always respect( 尊敬)your father. Tell him you love him. It is important to express the (80)(true) in your heart.VII.书面表达。(共10分)小茜小时候常害怕黑暗及一个人在家,下面是她的一段经历,请你用第一人称写出这段经历。要点提示:1 . 一个晚上,我在读图画书,妈妈在做家务,爸爸不在家;2 .对门的阿姨请妈妈去辅导她儿子的数学;3 .我害怕一个人在家,用听音乐缓解;4 .妈妈一会儿回来了,我打开门看到妈妈的黑影仍然吓了一跳;5 .虽然现在有了点变化,但一个人在家时,总把所有的灯打开。 要求:1 .词数:80词左右,不包括已给出的开头和结尾。2 .不要逐句翻译。3 .正确使用时态和连接词。When I was a child I used to be afraid of the dark and being alone.Now I have changed a little, but I will have all the lights on when I am alone at home.(特别提示:参考答案见下期)九年级Unit 2 单元测试题参考答案及解析 笔试部分I. 21-25 BADCB 26-30 ACDAB 31-35 ACABBII. 36-40 ABDCB 41-45 CABDDIII. 46-50 ADBCC 51-55 CBADD 56-60 ABDCCIV. One possible version:61. candy 62. causing 63. afford 64. necessary 65. patientV. 66-70 BEDGCVI. One possible version:71. to take 72. couldn ' t 73. gone 74. kept 75. waiting 76. don' t know 77. was moved 78. loves 79. expressing 80. truthVII. One possible version:When I was a child I used to be afraid of the dark and being alone.One night, my father was out. I was reading a picture book and Mother was doing housework. Just then, the aunt of the opposite door came and asked my mother to help her son with his math.Mother left. I was afraid of being alone, so I listened to music to calm down.A few minutes later, Mother came back. I rushed to the door and opened it. But still I was scared to see my mother ' s figure in the dark.Now I have changed a little, but I will have all the lights on when I am alone at home.解析21. B。语境题。“Tina有许多朋友并且喜欢和每个人交谈”,说明她性格外向而不是其他。22. A。考查时态。“三年没有见面”,用现在完成时。24. C。根据题干的意义进行判断,have to表示“不得不”,符合题意。29. A。used to表示“过去常常”,根据句意可知是“今昔对比”,因此第二空应选“ few”。33. A even though "即使,尽管",根据句意“即使明天下雨,我已决定去那儿”,故选A


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