人教版新起点英语一下Unit 1PPT课件4

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Welcome Food Reading(1) fruit fast food snacks meat What do you like to have? vegetables potato chips Coke hamburger main food Do you think all the food is healthy? What kind of food is healthy? fruit vegetables How can we keep healthy? 1.Exercise more 2. Eat healthy food What they eat and how they live KittyKitty Daniel Their diets and their lifestyles Questions: 1.What does Kitty want to be? She wants to be a dancer. 2. How long does she dance every day? She dances for two hours. 3. What is very important for a dancer? A healthy diet. “True” or “false” exercises : 1. Kitty is 12 years old. 2. Its difficult for Kitty to get tired when she dances. 3. Kitty often eats sweet snacks between meals. 4. Kitty usually has fruit and vegetables because she wants to be thin. T F easy F seldom F healthy Fill in the blanks: Please write the food Kitty eats every day. Kitty breakfast after dinner apple meat vegetables orange banana dinner milk bread Kitty wants to be a d_, but she always gets t_, so she knows that it is important for a dancer to be h_. She s_ eats sweet s_ like cakes, sweets and C_between m_, because she thinks that they can give her too much e_. She likes to eat fruit and v_. She a_ eats an apple, some milk and b_ for breakfast, she usually eats m_ and vegetables for dinner. oke eldom egetables nacks nergy ancer ired ealthy read eat eals lways Read aloud after the tape, Read aloud after the tape, try to complete the passage:try to complete the passage: Questions: 1. How old is Daniel? 2. What does he like doing after class? 3. Does he have a healthy diet or lifestyle? He is 12 years old. He likes playing computer games and chatting with his friends. No, he doesnt. “True” or “false” exercises : 1. Daniel studies well. 2. Daniel seldom eats hamburgers for lunch. 3. Daniel is good at playing basketball. 4. The swimming pool is very far from Daniels home. T F always F not F near Choose the best answer: 1. What does Daniel do after school? A.dance B.plays computer games C.cooks healthy food 2. How often does Daniel plan to swim? A.twice a day B.every day C.twice a week 3. What does Daniel plan to have for breakfast? A.Coke and hamburgers B.juice and bread C.fish and vegetables B C B Daniel likes s_and he is a t_ student at school. He likes playing c_ games and c_with his friends o_ the Internet. But he doesnt have a healthy d_. He always eats h_. He wants to run f_ but he cant. Its time for him to c_now. He p_ to e_ every day by swimming t_ a week. He has some j_, bread, f_ and vegetables for meals. He thinks it is i_ to change his diet and l_ . tudying op omputer hatting n iet ast xercise wice uice ish hange ifestyle amburgers mportant lans Read aloud after the tape, Read aloud after the tape, try to complete the passage:try to complete the passage: Make an interview (采访采访) Hello! Im from the Get Fit Club. May I ask you some questions about your diet and lifestyle? a reporter 记者记者 What do you eat and how do you live? (You can use the following sentences) 1. What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper? 2. How often do you eat snacks? 3. How much TV do you watch every day? 4. How long do you sleep every day? 5. How often do you exercise? 6. Do you want to change your diet ? Why? 7. How do you keep fit? Make an interview(采访采访) Some suggestions for us 建议建议 1. We should seldom eat snacks. 3. We should not always have fast food for meals. 2. We should often do some exercise. 4. We should not watch TV or play computer games for hours. 5. We should sleep for more than 8 hours every day. 6. We should be happy every day.


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