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室外照明施工方案Construction plan 目 录Index1. 适用范围12. 编制依据13. 工程概况14. 主要工程量15. 施工工序26. 施工准备27. 施工方法38. 主要施工人员、机具需求计划99. 质量管理910. HSE措施1111. 施工进度计划1112. 施工记录表格111 适用范围Scope of application 2 编制依据Preparation reference 全场室外照明的施工图纸; BP-YPC项目接地系统检试验计划(待批);Inspection and test plan about the grounding system of the BP-YPC Project (to be approved ); 电气装置安装工程电气照明装置施工及验收规范GB50259-96。Lighting Construction and Acceptance Specification of Electrical Device Installation Project 城市道路照明工程施工及验收规范CJJ89-2001。Construction and Acceptance Specification of City Road Lighting Project 电气装置安装工程1kV及以下配线工程施工及验收规范GB50258-96。Wiring construction and acceptance specification of 1kV Electrical Device Installation Project and Project under 1kV 电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范GB50257-96。Electrical Device Construction and Acceptance Specification in Explosive or Fire Environment; 电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范GB50168-92。Cable line Construction and Acceptance Specification of Electrical Device Installation Project 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范GB50303-2002;Architecture Electrical Project Construction Quality Acceptance Specification 石油化工施工安全技术规程SH3505-1999;Petrochemical Construction Safety Technical Regulations 设计施工图纸06732-9000-373-001、06732-1000-373-001、06732-2000-373-001。 06732-3000-373-001、06732-4000-373-001、06732-6200-373-001。Construction drawings 3 工程概况General condition *有限公司*装置总体计划在2008年10月中旬至2008年12月中旬应完成全场室外照明的施工,本次照明施工主要分为装置区照明和道路照明两部分,装置区照明灯具类型、回路比较多施工时必须严格按照照明平面图和照明系统图进行施工,照明配管采用镀锌钢管全封闭形式。道路照明路灯基础部分由其他单位施工,目前全场地下工程尚未完全结束施工时必须注意其它专业的相互配合。The overall outdoor lifting is planned to be started from the middle of October and completed by the middle of December. The lightings are mainly for the plant area and the roads. The lamps in the plant area have more loops so that the construction must be strictly in accordance with the lighting plans and system drawings and the lighting piping shall use galvanized steel pipes with complete closure. The street lamp foundation shall be constructed by another unit. At present, because the overall underground project hasnt been finished, the construction unit must pay attention to cooperate with other disciplines. 4 主要工程量 Main work quantity (依据目前收到施工图纸计算量)The quantity is based on the received construction drawings. 序号NO.名称NAME规格、型号SPECIFICATION/TYPE单位UNIT总量ACCUMULATION1照明配电箱lighting distribution box明装式 bare 台set212灯具lamp防爆explosive proof套6053插座socket 防爆explosive proof套474照明保护管Lighting protective tube镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe米meter111005照明电缆Lighting cableZR-CLJFN-0.6/1KV米meter111006接线盒Junction box三通tee个piece600 7接线盒Junction box四通cross 个piece1208道路照明灯具Road lighting lamps1*250W*Na cos0.9套659道路照明电缆Road lighting cableZR-CLJFN22-0.6/1KV米meter25005 施工工序Construction procedure 51装置区照明 Lighting in the plant area 照明箱安装预制材料进场报验施工前期准备通电检验、密封穿缆接线器具安装配管、穿缆 Prefab .Piping/ cable installation Electrification test/seal Apparatus erection Material reviewing when delivered at sitePreparation before constructionLighting box erectionCable installation /connection52道路照明 Road lighting Material reviewing when delivered at sitePreparation before constructionFoundation construction Cable ditch excavation 接线试亮灯具安装电缆沟开挖接地线敷设材料进场报验施工前期准备基础施工电缆敷设Connection/lighting testLamp erectionCable layingGrounding cable laying 6 施工准备Construction preparation 6、1施工技术准备Construction technical preparation 6、11认真熟悉图纸,领会设计意图。Be familiar with the drawings and see the intentions of the design. 6、12了解各单元区域的防爆等级以确定相应的防爆等级下照明设备材料应采用的防爆形式。Know the explosive classes of every unit area to confirm the explosive type of lighting equipment and material. 6、13了解装置区各单元照明器具的分布情况、灯具数量、安装方式、灯具型号规格、安装标高、配线走向和照明箱位置。Know the distribution of lighting equipments, lamp quantities, lamp types, specifications, installation elevations, wiring directions and lighting box positions of every unit in the plant area. 6、14核对配件、管材、导线的型号、规格和数量。Check up the types, specifications and quantities against the fittings, pipe materials and leads. 6、15照明箱型号、规格、开关配置、灯具和插座的回路分配、及计算负荷。The lighting boxs type and specification, the switch configuration, the lamp and socket loop distribution and the load calculation; 6、16施工措施和施工工序交底,了解质量工期要求和安全保证措施。Construction measures and procedure brief, knowing the quality requirements and safety assurance measures. 6、17提前制作工艺卡片、进行施工技术交底、施工方案报审得到批准等工作。Make process sheets, construction technical brief and plan reviewing in advance. 6、2现场准备Site preparation 6、21施工现场具备施工条件,梯子平台等劳动保护完善The construction conditions at site are OK. And the labor protections of ladders and platforms are all right; 6、22照明系统开始施工前必须由本单位工程部门组织检查、确认,与其他专业相互协调,防止错误工序造成材料、资源浪费。Prior to the lighting system construction, the engineering department of this unit shall organize for inspection and confirmation; cooperate with other disciplines to prevent wrong procedures from material and resource waste. 6、3施工机具准备Construction equipment preparation 6、31施工机具配备齐全,保养维护合格。The construction equipments are all present and the maintenance is eligible. 6、4施工材料准备Construction material preparation 6、41管材、配管支架角钢、(防爆)照明箱、照明箱固定型钢、(防爆)密封件、(防爆)灯具、(防爆)插座、开关、接线盒、电缆。Pipe materials, piping support angle steels, (explosive proof)lighting boxes; profiled steels for fixing lighting boxes, (explosive proof)seals, (explosive proof)lamps, (explosive proof)sockets, switches, junction boxes and cables; 6、42管箍、(防爆)活接头、U型卡子(带螺母)、铁线、粉线、电焊条、氧气、乙炔气、镀锡铜质压接管、橡皮包布、黑胶布。Pipe hoops,(explosive proof)unions, U clips with nuts, steel wires, plump bob strings, electrical welding rods, oxygen, acetylene gas, tinning copper compression tubes, rubber cloth and black tape; 7 施工方法Construction methods 7.1开箱检验Inspection 7、11开箱检验时,应轻拿轻放,防止损坏。When inspecting, take and put the materials lightly to prevent damage; 7、12 外观检查良好、铸件无裂纹及砂眼、玻璃罩无碎裂、密封良好。The visual inspection is OK, the forged fittings are free from crack or sand pit, glass shields are free from crack and the seal shall be all right. 7、13照明器具应符合现行的国家质量标准并具有有效的合格证件。The lightings should meet the actual national quality standards and be with valid certificates. 7、14 照明器具的型号规格、防爆等级符合设计要求。The types, specifications and explosive classes of lightings meet the design requirements. 7、15 零配件齐全完好、符合要求。Parts and fittings are all ready, complete and meet the requirements; 7.2预制Prefabrication 7、21照明支架的尺寸应根据照明配管部位各平台的具体情况确定,框架有防火层时应考虑防火层的厚度,以避免照明管、接线盒等被埋入防火层内。同一场所内使用的支架应长短一致。The sizes of lighting supports shall be based on the specific platform conditions of lighting piping. If the frame has fireproof coat, the thickness of it should be taken into account to avoid lighting tubes and junction boxes from being embedded in the fireproof coat. The lengths of supports in one area should be equal. 7、22 照明支架的钻孔直径由管径及所使用“U”型卡子的直径确定。The drilling hole diameter of lighting support shall be decided by pipe diameter and “U” clip used. 7、23 照明灯具安装前应进行组装、接线和试亮,灯头接线采用的导线规格符合设计要求,接线应采用不同颜色的导线来区分相线和零线,螺纹灯头的相线应接在中心端子上。带电池的应急灯应进行放电试验,应急灯的持续放电时间为30分钟,必须符合设计和产品说明书的要求。Prior to lighting lamp installation, make assembly, connection and lighting test; the lead specification for lamp connection should meet the design requirement; use different colors of leads for connection to differentiate the hot wire from the neutral one. The hot wire of a thread lamp should be connected to the central terminal; discharge test shall be made for emergency lamps with batteries. The lasting discharge time should be 30 minutes and must meet the design and description. 7.3照明箱安装Lighting box installation 7、31照明箱定位应依据设计照明平面图的要求,不得随意移动位置。The lighting box positions must meet the requirements the lighting plans; dont change the position at will; 7、32照明箱安装在框架的钢柱上时应留有防火层的间隙。When lighting boxes are installed on the steel poles of frames, the clearance for fireproof coat must be reserved. 7、33 照明箱安装时中心距地面1.3米,安装的标高为符合设计要求,垂直度不应超过1.5。as for the lighting box installation, the distance from the center to the ground shall be 1.3m and the installation elevation should meet the design requirement and the perpendicularity shall be within 1.5. 7、34 照明箱安装过程中要注意保护照明箱上的开关把手。During the installation, pay attention to protect the switch handles of lighting boxes. 7.4配管Piping 7.4.1 钢管切断采用无齿锯、钢锯、割管器等工具。切断时用力均匀,切断口用锉刀或绞刀锉光(或刮光)使管口整齐光滑。Use speed cutters, hacksaws and pipe cutters to cut steel pipes; the cutting force must be equal and the cut mouth shall be filed by a fire or drift. 7.4.2 套丝长度:当与接线盒等器具螺纹口相连时不宜小于管外径的1.5倍;管与管相连时不小于管接头长度的1/2加24扣;采用手带丝套丝时宜两遍成型。Threading length: it shall be equal to or more than 1.5 times of the pipe outer diameter when connecting with the thread opens of junction boxes and so on; it shall be equal to or more than the sum of 1/2 pipe joint length and 24 buckles when a pipe is connected with another one; it should be formed two times when using a hand threading tool. 7.4.3 钢管煨弯时宜采用弯管机或弯管器,弯管器的选用不得以大代小,弯管时应多次向后移动弯管器以免管子被弯瘪,每次后移的距离不宜过大;带丝扣弯曲时为保护丝扣可将丝头带上管箍或加一块适当厚度的木板。When bending steel pipes, its better to use pipe benders. Dont replace big benders with small ones. When bending a pipe, move the bender backwards time after time to avoid pipe from being shriveled and the move distance every time should be proper; when bending the thread buckles, to protect the thread head, a pipe hoop shall be used or a board with proper thickness shall be added; 7.4.4 装置区照明配管多采用支架固定,支架安装应先安装两端的支架,再拉粉线固定中间的支架。支架的间距符合下表的要求,且间距均匀一致,整齐美观。支架与终端、弯头中点、电气器具或盒(箱)边缘的距离宜为150-500mm。The lighting piping in the plant area shall be fixed with supports. As for support erection, the supports of both ends shall be erected at first and then pull plump bob strings to erect the supports in the middle. The spacing of supports should meet the requirements of the following table and the spacing shall be consistent and in order. The distance between support and terminal, elbow center, electrical apparatus or the edge of a box shall be 150-500mm. 钢管管卡间的最大距离 The maximum distance between steel pipe clips 敷设方式Pulling type钢管种类Steel pipe sort钢管直径(mm)steel pipe diameter15-2025-3240-5065以上管卡间最大距离(m)maximum distance between clips吊架、支架或沿墙敷设Hangers, supports or pulling along the wall 厚壁钢管steel pipe with thick wall1.薄壁钢管steel pipe with thin wall1.01.52.0-7.4.5 水平或垂直敷设的明照明管,其水平或垂直安装的允许偏差为1.5mm/m,全长偏差不应大于管内径的1/2。 As for horizontally or vertically bared lighting tubes, the allowable deviation of installation is 1.5mm/m and the full length deviation shall be within 1/2 of the pipe inside diameter. 7.4.6 钢管连接时,管端螺纹长度不应小于管接头长度的1/2;连接后,其螺纹外露2-3扣,螺纹表面应光滑、无缺损;所有的螺纹连接应使用管钳拧紧;、when connecting steel pipes, the pipe thread length shall be equal to or more than 1/2 of the pipe joint length; after joined, the exposed threading should have 2-3 buckles and the thread surface is smooth free from damage; all threads should be tightened by pipe tongs. 7.4.7 爆炸和火灾性危险环境的照明配管Lighting piping in explosive and fire surroundings 在爆炸性气体环境1区和2区时,螺纹有效啮合扣数:管径为25mm及以下的钢管不应少于5扣,管径为32mm以上的钢管不应少于6扣;the effective threading joggle quantity in the 1 and 2 areas of explosive gas: for pipes whose diameter is 25mm or below, it is at least 5 buckles; for pipes whose diameter is 32mm or above, it shall be at least 6 buckles. 螺纹加工应光滑、完整、无锈蚀,在螺纹上应涂以电力复合脂或导电性防锈脂。不得在螺纹上缠麻或绝缘胶带及其它油漆,且外露丝扣不应过长。The threads should be smooth and complete without rust and be painted with electrical complex grease or electric antirust grease. Dont wrap the threads with hemp or insulative tapes or other paint and the exposed buckle should not be too long. 电气管路之间不得采用倒扣连接;当连接有困难时,应采用防爆活接头,其接合面应密封。Dont use inverse buckles to connect electrical pipelines; if theres something wrong with the connection, use explosive unions and the joint faces should be sealed. 隔离密封件的内壁,应无锈蚀、灰尘、油渍。Inside walls of isolated seals should be free from rust, dust or oil dirt. 导线在密封件内不得有接头,且导线之间及与密封件壁之间的距离应均匀。Leads in seals should be without joints and the distances between leads or between leads and seal walls should be equal. 管路通过墙、楼板或地面时,密封件与墙面、楼板或地面的距离不应超过300mm,且此段管路中不得有接头,并应将孔洞堵塞严密。When pipelines are going through walls, floors or the ground, the distances between seals and walls, floors or ground should be within 300mm and this section of pipelines should be free from joints and holes should be tightly blocked.管路穿过不同等级的爆炸和火灾危险环境应装设隔离密封件。Pipelines should have isolation seals as going through explosive or fire surroundings of different classes. 7.5照明器具安装Lighting installation 7.5.1 灯具安装时安装高度按设计标高进行安装,防爆插座安装高度为底边距地面0.8米。The lighting installation elevation must be according to the design and the bottom edge of explosive proof sockets shall be 0.8m clear off the ground. 7.5.2 灯具安装要符合下列要求:the lighting installation must meet the following requirements; 同一场所成排安装的灯具,其中心线偏差不大于5mm。As for lamps installed by row in one place, the centerline deviation shall be within 5mm. 灯具要固定牢固。固定方式参考图5.5.2.2-1至图5.5.2.2-2。Lamps should be firmly fixed and the fixture method shall see the diagrams from to 钢管栏杆Steel baluster 图5.5.2.2-1 图灯具;2-镇流器;3-接线盒;4.5.6-角钢 1-灯具;2-镇流器;3-接线盒 7-槽钢;8.9.10-镀锌钢管 6.7.8.-U型螺栓11.型螺栓17-防爆活接头。 1-lamp; 2-ballast; 3-junction box; 4.5.6-angle steel 1-lamp; 2- ballast; 3-junction box; 7-channel steel; 8.9.10-galvanized steel pipe 6.7.8.-U bolt bolt17-explosive proof union 应急灯要有明显标志,应急灯和事故照明灯持续放电时间符合产品说明书和设计要求。Emergency lamps should have obvious markings and the lasting discharge time of emergency lamps and accident lighting lamps should meet the description and design. 灯具的种类、型号、功率符合设计要求。The types, kinds and powers must meet the design. 检查防爆灯具的类型、防爆等级、组别、环境条件及特殊标志等符合设计要求。The types, explosive proof classes, groups, surroundings and special markings of explosive proof lamps must meet the design. 螺旋式灯泡要拧紧,接触良好不得松动。Screw bulbs must be tightened with good contact and locked. 灯具外罩齐全,螺栓应紧固。The outer covers for lamps are all ready and bolts should be locked. 防爆灯具、防爆插座与电缆和导线要可靠地接线和密封;防爆分线盒的多余进线孔其弹性密封垫要齐全,并将压紧螺母拧紧使进线孔密封,金属垫片厚度不小于2mm。Explosive proof lamps, sockets, cables and leads should have secured grounding and seals; the elastic seal gaskets of redundant incoming holes of explosive proof junction boxes should be all present; tighten the compaction nuts to seal the incoming holes and the thickness of metal gaskets shall be equal to or above 2mm. 7.5.3 防爆插座安装的方式参考图5.5.3。the installation method of explosive socket see the diagram 5.5.3. 图 5.5.3说明:1 图中所示为钢管电缆进线。2 进线制作要求满足防爆或防水的有关规定。Note; 1 It is the cable incoming of steel pipe above. 2 Incoming fabrication should meet the relevant regulations of explosive proof or water proof. 7.6 穿缆、接线 Cable installation and connection 7.6.1 照明主回路和分支回路的电缆线截面规格符合设计要求。The cable sections of lighting main and branch loops should meet the design. 7.6.2 照明器具应按设计给定的回路编号进行穿线、接线,尽可能保证三相平衡。The lighting cable installation and connection should be according to the loop numbers from the design to keep three phases in a state of balance. 7.6.3 照明接线宜采用不同的颜色区分各照明回路、相线、零线等。Use different colors for lighting connection to distinguish every lighting loop, phase wire and neutral wire; 7.6.4 带接地孔的插座配接地专用线。Equip grounding leased lines for sockets with grounding holes. 7.6.5 单相两孔插销,面对插销,右孔或上孔与相线相连接,左孔或下孔与零线相连接;单相三孔插销,面对插销,右孔与相线相连接,左孔与零线相连接,上孔与地线相连接。三相四孔插销中间孔为零线。Single phase plugs with double holes: facing the plug, the right or upper hole shall be connected with the phase while the left or down hole shall be connected with the neutral wire; single phase plugs with three holes: facing the plug, the right hole shall be joined with the phase wire, the left one shall be for the neutral wire and the upper hole for the grounding wire. The central hole of three phase plug with four holes shall be for the neutral wire. 7.6.6 插座的接地端子不能与零线端子直接连接。Dont directly connect the ground terminal of a socket with the neutral terminal. 7.6.7 同一场所的三相插座其接线相位必须一致。The connection phase positions of three phase socket in one place must be consistent. 7.6.8 照明回路的相线要经开关控制。Phase wires of lighting loops must be controlled by switches. 7.6.9 照明接线宜采用压接管或挂锡法接线,压接管直径应与导线的截面、根数配合,压接牢固不松动。Use compression tube or tin method to connect lighting cables. The diameters of compression tubes shall assort with the lead sections and quantity. Firm crimp without loose; 7.6.10 照明线接头绝缘包缠不低于原导线的绝缘强度,用黑胶布、橡皮包布等包好。The strength of insulative wrapping for the lighting joints shall not be lower than the insulative strength of the lead; use black tape and rubber wrap to wrap the joints well. 7.7 通电检验Electrification test 7.7.1 通电前经过绝缘检查,绝缘电阻合格。Prior to electrification, the insulation resistance has passed the inspection. 7.7.2 灯具回路、照明箱应分别进行检查绝缘。Inspect the insulations separately of lamp loops and lighting boxes. 7.7.3 核对灯具位号是否与设计符合。Check up the lamp tag number against the design. 7.7.4 通电检验应保证所有灯具正常,开关控制正确,插销应进行验电和断电检查。Prior to electrification, all lamps and switches should be all right and the plugs should have charge and discharge inspection. 7.7.5 送电时先给现场全部照明配电箱进行送电,然后对每个配电箱各个回路进行送电检查。 When charging, all lighting distribution boxes shall be charged first and then every loop. 7.7.6 所有灯具亮后,照明箱电源的三相电流应平衡。After all lamps are light, three-phase currents of the lighting box shall be equal basically.7.8 密封Seal 7.8.1 密封件内在电缆或导线敷设后必须填充水凝性粉剂密封填料。After cable or lead laying finished, the seal insides must be filled with powder seal packing. 7.8.2 粉剂密封填料的包装必须密封。密封填料的配制应符合产品的技术规定,浇灌时间严禁超过其初凝时间,并应一次灌足。凝固后其表面应无龟裂。排水式隔离密封件填充后的表面应光滑,并可自行排水。The package for powder seal packing must be sealed. The preparation of it should meet the technical regulations of this product. And the pouring time cant exceed the initial condensation time and the packing shall fill the seal inside once. After condensation, the surface should be free from crack. And the surface of drainage isolation seal after packed shall be smooth and can drain by itself. 7.9道路照明电缆敷设 Cable laying for road lighting 7.9.1 道路照明基础由其它单位施工。 The road lighting foundation shall be applied by another unit. 7.9.2 电缆沟开挖、接地线敷设具体见全场接地施工方案。The cable ditch excavation and grounding wire laying shall see the overall grounding construction plan. 7.9.4 采用的电缆及附件,均应符合国家现行技术标准的规定,并应有合格证件。Cables and accessories should meet the present national technical regulations and be with eligible certificates. 7.9.5 检查电缆型号、规格、电压等级符合设计要求。The cable types, specifications and voltage class must meet the design requirements. 7.9.6 电缆外观无损伤、盘上电缆端头密封良好。The cable appearance shall be free from damage and the seals of cable terminals are all right. 7.9.7检查电缆的线间的绝缘电阻,检查结果应进行记录。Inspect the insulation resistance between cables and record the inspection results. 7.9.8 测量绝缘电阻时,采用1000V兆欧表。Use 1000V megohmmeter to measure the insulation resistance. 7.9.9 电缆敷设时,电缆应从盘上端引出,防止电缆在支架及地面摩擦拖拉;防止受到机械损伤。As for cable laying, the cable should come from the top of the recoiler to avoid dragging on the support or ground; prevent mechanical damage. 7.9.10 道路明电缆采用直埋敷设,直埋电缆在直线段每隔50m处、电缆接头处、转弯处等,


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