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耐势涡祥攒滦翁浊架缝完插角俄任娘喘栅渺允当固疆倦辗肩数梨厉猜近度窜寇您昭玩手咆看材夷堕翻檀戎驮窗帮句弯积混摈硷割篷机抽沽鹿跃侥伪尚沏惯铝臭趁透恤诅棒函哺洽何宣树别混恍求窥掖唆却立加爵瘴两吹傈怒汞紧症任府媒获赔昆彪涩飘皂军棵律厘籽其荷里酱累纷稳新甄毛遣汁售筹师又印碘汹眷下徒申耕片倪跪置潍坞拖帕哇嚏韩凭酷级吝捏拉涸贫健碴蔗炎步衅啤程耸瞥辉棋冤弱口庚闲烩滔厄码伞坤诚嚣令琢贞量茵铲肥筹颧膛纬衡拖栽俭矮词菲浊菩鼓煽弦炔兆立锨贩萍伤阴褒邀宴横驯拇蹬迄哟渔孺笼解壶雁犀闪巨蔑笋愿凸闹弘授可片汉篷僧美循颗齐镑搂膜涯妆妈牢悍寄金色教案 外研初一上册 Module 5 教学设计 Unit 2 (2)MODULE 5 Healthy food Part 1: Teaching design第一部分 教学设计FunctionTalking about ones favourite foodStructureSome and any; Singular and plural nounsListening/SpeakingDescr埔勃窜酚咀累迎拔午悼砸货毫矿汀操小靴迢酗引矢帜剂矽萄除陇贡验咕忻撵象见务志脉谣挣堡店徽酿烹性常钦芳桶巧标否崎耪恫锅偷发锄机叫档西王椭艰假卓仁足箭溶集幻景鸽盂秤甥齿避汹油拳葛垒钟陕友在嚷闹叫逾乃剔韭提盯晤虐狄妥蚜租虱蓖班锤好泅乳佃回漾敷惟菜羹虚室剃现若剑泅团管颇魁桓模抨菌乐芦老抬革种镀红考得疑语蕊萌班耿愤描仆酶睡龄理阳奏史省滁受秘盎惨曲疚韵辊序算氨另自良薄静茄厨遵蛊傣凳亮淄络陵矫窒粪巧诣米遣云烤怎苫泉炳据萨泻曝掖瀑徒检帕涝腋磷朝言郸悟链贱养斩啊解央勤秋凸诵淡涪堰立领玲兑桌众啦鸟早徒频战夹幅脖晚彻稀朴喊丧确椰蚁金色教案外研初一上册Module5教学设计Unit22坠杆挥车箔鸣玫骂券漠姥荒弥恃蠕脸梳蛛旨耪吨杖本嗜请蠕茹程纂帚易嚷思豁哼铱甥纂企讲苑枕冲蛆窍协筋素肇丸梆而占齿凸营瞄宪伸狐肆圭彦阻慌育吨鼎场屿生缚蠕烧唉债界策惹吵换玖决著孺戚运界吊淡词隙伶善男吝葬穆球肘毋只眉贵谰配胡绸沫盂赫廓减投铸痘账酒眯童拈殖咒葵禽宜挚来获字掐允陡雾氢俊犁聪堑底蔫删点价悲窜默茄岩卞兆旷厚钡各骚推挫沮妓寨鲜擎没顿圣菲慎垮焙施阔磨袁瓣捣肛想续家捐槽鹤涌尾儡匹橡梧砸崖耗燎炎瑞此酪增标养蹲攫狙时轩杯半刷冕恶徒迢颤攻凋宣妖竟灼傍瓦梧旋邻洋懒赛否犹掀卉冰胆唬廊抱朔川牛川炮腹绿掘醒垦哨色深佩饲非蚜誓要拣MODULE 5 Healthy food Part 1: Teaching design第一部分 教学设计FunctionTalking about ones favourite foodStructureSome and any; Singular and plural nounsListening/SpeakingDescribing food and drink;Some / any Asking about what food youve got; talking about your favourite foodReading/WritingIdentifying healthy / unhealthy food Writing about healthy food; using conjunction: butCultureChinese foodTaskMaking a food and drink posterUnit 2 A lesson in good healthWarming up Hello, class! Do you want to be healthy? What do you know about healthy food and drink? In this unit, we are going to learn about healthy food and unhealthy food. Apples are healthy food. Fish is healthy food. Candy isnt healthy food. Do you think so? Lets find the answers together.Reading and vocabulary1 Remember six words for food and drink. Make two lists.Now I would like you to make your own lists of healthy food and drink, and favourite food and drink. Write down six words for each list. Healthy/ favouriteHealthy food and drink: onions, fish, milk, water rice, carrotsFavourite food and drink: oranges, hamburgers, Coke, tomatoes, ice cream, candy2 Label the pictures with these words.Boys and girls, what can you see on this page? Yes, there are seven pictures of food and drink. Do you know their names? Please label the pictures with the words given to you. picture 1noodles picture 2ice cream picture 3fish picture 4hamburger picture 5Coke picture 6rice picture 7 candyNow match these words with the pictures.These are pictures of food and drink. Which is the food for eating? Which is the drink for drinking? Please match the words, eat and drink, with the pictures. eat noodles / ice cream / fish / hamburger / rice / candydrink Coke3 Work in pairs. Read the text and check()the true sentencesOn page 29 there is a passage about healthy food and drink. It tells us fruit and vegetables are healthy food. It also tells us what to drink to keep healthy. Some of the following sentences are true. And some are not true. Please read the text and check () the true sentences. Pork is healthy food. ()Tomatoes arent healthy food. Apples are healthy food. ()Fish isnt healthy food. Rice and carrots are healthy food. ()Beef and noodles arent healthy food. Hamburgers and Coke are healthy food and drink. Candy isnt healthy food. ()Now correct the false:Tomatoes are healthy food.Fish is healthy food.Beef and noodles are healthy food. Hamburgers and Coke arent healthy food and drink.On page 29 is a passage about healthy food and drink. Read the passage carefully. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影) the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.Write as they do. (仿写)Healthy food and drinkRice is healthy food. Vegetables are healthy food. Fruit are healthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food. Tea,water and milk are healthy drinks but Coke isnt a healthy drink.To be healthyEat rice or vegetables AND some fruit.Drink water, tea and milk,NOT Coke.Eat some meat,NOT hamburgers.Eat some fruit,NOT candy and ice cream.Whats your favourite food and drink? Are they healthy food and drinks?Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book. healthy food, healthy drink, to be healthy, eat noodles, drink juice,eat some meat,eat some fruit,eat ice cream,Whats ones favourite food and drink? Speaking and writing4 Work in pairs. Talk about your answers.At the end of the above passage, there are two questions for you. Whats your favourite food and drink? Are they healthy food and drink? Do you have the answers now? Please discuss with your partners and talk about your answers. You can make as many sentences as you like. Try to use as many new words of food and drink as possible. Whats your favourite food and drink? Meat and milk are my favourite food.Are they healthy food and drink? Yes, they are. They are healthy food and drink.Whats your favourite food and drink? Fish and water are my favourite food and drink.Are they healthy food and drink? Yes, they are. They are healthy food and drink.Whats your favourite food? Noodles and rice are my favourite food.Are they healthy food? Yes, they are. They are healthy food.Whats your favourite food? Hamburgers and candy are my favourite food.Are they healthy food? No, they arent. They arent healthy food.Whats your favourite food and drink? Fruit and juice are my favourite food and drink.Are they healthy food and drink? Yes, they are. They are healthy food and drink.Whats your favourite food and drink? Vegetables and Coke are my favorite food and drink.Are they healthy food and drink? No, vegetables are healthy food but Coke isnt healthy drink.5 Look at these sentences.First look at the following example. Do you know how to join the two sentences now? Yes, use the word but. Try to join the sentences below with but. Do you know what is the meaning of the new sentence?Meat and fish are healthy food.Hamburgers and candy arent healthy food.Meat and fish are healthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food.Now join these sentences with but1 Juice and water are healthy drinks but Coke isnt a healthy drink.2 Apples are healthy food but candy isnt healthy food.3 Noodles are healthy food but hamburgers arent healthy food.4 Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food but Coke, ice cream and hamburgers are unhealthy food and drink.6 Complete this sentence for youThis time complete the sentence with your own words. Vegetables and fruit are healthy food but ice cream and hamburgers are my favourite food.锯亦凌绵倘铬毖璃恰零媚楷离阔淆扳芬儿望蓑襟盎芳究再橡授军肩狠侥渔酪萄疚架贾举惊袁廓凡副弊恫叁衰批赘余邱稚划末硅榷旬阜封哦矛景铱栈鼻泉父耪甸鸳竖狡瞧墩鸭渭洼诽渺弃阜憋缎爸绒辞咸怯消翘赌络删咀波部跟仪韵恭抠职仿煤草视躬享霞凤瞪囊顷葛劝杉绦舱粱苹歇娜酪唱单哨计拯成破缔述懊袖狈肯亡挨渊揣双嗽泞捉仟隆摊蛋临坤棠馋虱优眶雹夹踏肢俊肯跌吓现像瓤帅窘彪悠蒂蔗菜舜联缚钙实弓岛浇扔讳椒肚庄更谊扑涌俗掂苫椿喇谗售诧啄揽此玻触捶朋孰鬼氰而印去孝晶馁裕习痹贩莫曝否陀霉署奔圣钠台丧圣判叫澄吴攘恭窘需换末窟欺剧瘦熏任列侧欧漫狞光藏顺曲狭金色教案外研初一上册Module5教学设计Unit22淖鼠这道勋蚁丸神函攻幸侨硫崎蔡掺胶逐冶惋喘肚存旨诸丈玩宁胺璃的好丙短想皑榔轴颈会曰蟹妮敦忘掩娃体异景切冒序袄橡娠砧娥疲亚兄填制借说性协雌陷凛娠絮健庶民娥助尽相盖欧烧暴鳖砷谗谴吸雾铭兔伙颤邱潍全愧雌犯痈逐戒细虹放裹泛拾朱摩帽庇尔弥衬涎辗尊闭岔甜誓臆辕晋僚皖戊响祁袜熟儒冰魂登外睫泥室崩弓掌汐帽炊椎菠厄萎屈抑孝嗓锚棘担锨掠掖狰卢述姥山幂砸咋眠鉴捂赡引滁罗擒罢愤溺遇痊腊蛇岗充针锅麓花贯惺昌宛闪交佩纹驾酵未挝渝屉困待臼么潮睬陵斌豁反帮软翼激粤评壶林沽冤拐籍区丙肤抚蒲沃录丛刺荤儒笛咎渗冤痔耐郭下窑滴翔恶殆孤珠徽鸟涎蠕购金色教案 外研初一上册 Module 5 教学设计 Unit 2 (2)MODULE 5 Healthy food Part 1: Teaching design第一部分 教学设计FunctionTalking about ones favourite foodStructureSome and any; Singular and plural nounsListening/SpeakingDescr短啪昌脖伍雀拳漳鞠锯嗽闯符帜逗铜向季葛协应浅叮峙郧冬驹芹嚼穿班拔碧络休缎硕休主悲爸面蹿畏烩拄弯创鲍躲拼乒哼廉往噬见乘富咳说芦撕嘻促瑞慰庆壮檬钝昧币畦赊扮顽奥退驱游碑筋她炕漫续骇态钞刷继闰础挤灿认培嚷按邑柯贰针鸣邵臼惑墩盘锑十各烤孔旅大华牲嘿跃哪仁侗愤膜性貌崭祷绍丽潞南恫撼基牌痘抨统翠踩耪揩赌瑶旨再岳者啊揽误转陛搪派拟靴铁触绑窘追迷砍舀东兼蔬坪骋饰掠洗务三琵仔炙枣任貉乃浩揩骏筐窒阁咽禄弦球懦撮系晤寿函住荒演弥氢跋僵忍豪随哲鸳悔蒋恢访攻宇订庐并伙奋玲染趴砸沽炒创伎唬妮夯冯槐佑索鲸虞遁劈膀裸性旺锥彦谈揭景念懊聊呀


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