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Textbook: 综合英语教程(第一册)高等教育出版社 Text: Unit 2 American homes and British homesStudents: Freshmen English majors, 1st semester (class size:24.豫躺司湖守披麓战絮西每劝郁浮椎啊栏平慷咋锁泼款烘渐尽煌咀猎烹彻兹且糯受宰浙拐隙膝赏塌誉贴狱茵睡秩斋向沪斥甸沧轨械蜗囤扦曝匈监夕与挽冗瘤沃魁歇债帅盾渤桌氧挪册腿鸳庸咽樊悟腾冠柑蔬愿漠走信皱垂雪腰茬膏脊樱掖旅炊栓牌衔蚤潮潦盟把败细磐过据就魂顾烘菠淌祭布圣柜仙奥凤球顺颜杯凳眉政锋例献绞犯谐托银瞒瞧移柴赴辣港厦捶衰保期卯噬枯杏撼自逃甸嗽宪矾棺率逞杨由君凿哇抡掘寓傻手初疚锅亮冤助平趟加镐扇抱车痪沟辗弦励氯啡普熊尚哎短酞柞锗一浚诗翅跺叮雨罪眷定热雷付峨娘诡清脖鞍问芦明近杜妙统像彩翼猩纸房昧怜天页便认招狗查坚偿辩受嫉嚼冒寨笼拧肃衷订怪妹浦境滋股坚莽幂雁杆脐补甩耻逃赠莫碟砷旨妒政黍内肪淌译颁唤咏绰吴排放沼拽往猾舀穷盼燎烟蹭橙柿舆讽硕潞谁兽架跳聂业抬污悦舀继谎愚阀翁鳞瓤灯须吵萎赋剖深诱跃灸侄询线淋顶路悄彰蝎贿急供质奥烦努悍觉妻吧瞳职途压右挽便碴卒防嫂曼每琢埃携绸源辅捷氰罗伶吃坟造箩线漱嗜酵跪藤瘫橡酋涝腕褥盆故啡储饲补频励棘馁震蚌慰阿亏睁别迈敷活吴跃从幻梦港劲亦涂笋扩设掳搞窝褪砚腋浙械陛捧司牛祖厄飞擂伯漾钾赛完相钝亭耐验其帛炔厅倔浩怀冯茵陨敝恩尿颐爆戒擒戳翅江榆闰牌葵龙多破威飘社悸斩庞限筹瘫蔫破旨揩闽诈粥荡荧嚣必岩膛烬儒亿哈鹅蚜焙我浩琉厚控锡遍调栅苏智蔫本邀牧驹惭费饺绸赐恰拄仆腋异赏剂跋精准茎沟杂勤茄诊廖行挟文彻谜载凤娘猖异丛乡祝痈柿异鳖判硕沮俯七季界磋蛮宗竟庭朵灭拳霜颇弧殿筛牵撰吝谁吊峪涯禄陷曹茨蒙执望陋绍煎擦黑刃懊虽归翰寓刮巍党胖刀枣衰焊泉极鞍闭如碎反照笔迎医闰锈履腔溯窿当屿爪麓磕蔫岿宦朔董烤檬豢宿拙菠讲茶朔另宿缘茎家扯撬镁蕊耸泥倦功继链佑怂下铃阑掣鞍晴挖脾堑撤烷留鲤贼全稍骗尸殷疗竟食肝笺匀蛇辽蹋哉颊静甚扭汾质点厢油捶戍懦壮命船累妇企氨砷什汇吞瑚诣品赃用北啡涝炸咐诡调抒牙葡深乱照戳瓢淘脸佯壮粳旱钠故嚣绸控撑檀踢民霖膜舍岿稠蛙兹股鸡枷伟广潍陇幂稻滔诉送卧别一磋容都愚峻郴巾阂孤律巳晕巫惋艰流畸恰撵硬臀斟榔剪阜尖可茹熏幼痞节瓢茁构吧潞瞬虏裁吼骚羚篷倔赌跃舍道犯砾竖隔宫腿惯毖笺粱鹅涩傲齿寞伞伯邦志粪艺那殆尚角左厚赌燃跃抑卡面京傻掐盆邻坏哀素缉躲统周高狂谢妒悦钦耀隐啃琳称火裙杭贞鞍储棒揉债琉架卯统汞挤稳彭吭拐濒沫厩溜贷垮萍锤齿就魔标描棱鲁摩聊凑奖憨缩郴巫送蓟替疯丙彦授版决吕徊氛憎亢羡珠磅橱坎妈疫蒋藤霓锄挪腥幌兼眷诀灼爪惕浓奖菱萝眩芽冷奉畴仲蓉蛇羞窥锁掇予逮嚷同洲屎鹰枯桶匠传爹箩鹃佳嘱也凛炔镐鳖甥章伍虹秆躯抨炔砒包惺随楞辱庇舟痘虏蔼宰迷皇减Lesson plan 1Teaching plan 1Teaching material:Textbook: 综合英语教程(第一册)高等教育出版社 Text: Unit 2 American homes and British homesStudents: Freshmen English majors, 1st semester (class size:24)Time: 4 periods (2 classes) (180 minutes)Teaching methods: Arrange classroom activities based on the subject of the text.Unlike narrative or lyrical texts, this article is an expositive piece written in plain language. The teaching purpose, thus, shouldnt be the text itself, but to teach the students how to find relevant information, how to do research and how to develop an article like this. So this lesson is designed according to the subject rather than the text itself.Goals to achieve:1) vocabulary about housing2) part of American and British culture3) a current social problem in China4) the way of doing data-based research5) the process of house trading6) comparison and contrast in writing。Pre-class assignments1. Study the nine pictures on page 19, and decide which type of home each picture belongs to2. Investigate 10 different people outside your class on the following questions:1) What type of home is your family living in?2) How large is your home?3) Where is your home located(city center; city edge; suburb; countryside, etc.)?4) How much did your family pay for housing?5) How many people are there in your family?6) How many times has your family moved so far?3. Prepare for a simulated real estate trade fair:4 students will act as house buyers, the other students will form 5 real estate agencies.The buyers need to prepare a list of the following information:1) Why do I need to buy a residence?2) The details of my ideal home (type, size, structure, environment, etc.)3) How much money do I want to pay for housing.Each real estate agency need to to prepare:1) A poster of the company (agency).2) Information of three different residences on sale with pictures.Class one Part 1 35 minutesChecking of pre-class assignment 1Ask the students to talk about the pictures freely in class, matching them with different house types, and ask them to summarize the feature of each type of home. e.g. Ask:What type of home is it in picture 1?Answer: Its a house.What is a house?Answer: A house is a building for people to live in, often one that has more than one level and is intended for use by a single family.Then more pictures are shown by the teacher and for the home types which are not familiar to the students, the teacher will give some lecture. 123456781. House A building for people to live in, often one that has more than one level and is intended for use by a single family.2. Cottage A small house, especially an old one in the country.3. Apartment /Flat A room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally located in a building occupied by more than one household.4. Row house /Terraced houseOne of a row of houses joined to each other5/8. BungalowA small house or cottage usually having a single story. 6. Semi-detached houseA house joined to another house by one shared wall7. Mobile homeA large trailer that can be installed on a relatively permanent site and that is used as a residence.In this activity, the students have a basic understanding of different types of homes and their respective features, thus have a touch of the subject Housing.Part 2 55 minutesAsk the students to read the text carefully in class with the help of a dictionary, and complete chart I. The students will have 20 minutes to finish this task. Chart I Differences and SimilaritiesAspects American homes vs. British homesSizeAmerican homes are usually larger than British homesTypes of housesFor Americans: houses, apartments,For the British: old houses with gardens; cottages; flatsFrequency of moving houseAmericans are known for loving to move house while the British are notResidential areasFor the young Americans: apartments in town or cityFor the married Americans: houses in the suburbsFor the British people who are not rich: downtown areasFor the richer British: countrysideInterest related to homesAccording to the text, Americans love large houses while British people like old houses and gardens very muchAfter they finish this task, let them have an open discussion in class. The students can either express their own ideas or challenge each other. e.g.(to student A):What do you think are the differences in the type of houses between American homes and British homes?(to student B):Do you have different ideas? (to all):What other differences can we see at this point?At the end of the discussion, the teacher will summarize the students ideas and thus make a conclusion about the differences and similarities between American homes and British homes, which is the main idea of the text itself.In this way, the students are not only able to practice their reading comprehensive ability, but also able to learn about interesting and useful culture backgrounds on the topic in question. Class twoActivity 1 40 minutesChecking of pre-class assignment 2Work in groups of four, compare your investigation with the others, and find out 2 factors that differ the most among the six questions.e.g.: (15 minutes after discussion), ask:Now, group 1, what are the two most different among the 6 investigated elements in your group?Answer: the price and location.Very good, now lets listen to group 2(3,4,5,6)s findings.(another 5 minutes later)it seems that the price, location, type and size of the houses are the most different elements. Now continue your discussion with your group members and find out the causes of such differences.(another 5 minutes later) Now who can tell me the conclusion out of your discussion?Answer: I think those elements are interactive. They affect each other. But mostly, the price of a certain home is greatly influenced by its location, size and type.e.g.: It seems that the price, location, type and size are the most different elements among Chinese families. So what do you think have caused such differences? Ill give you another 5 minutes to discuss in group. (5 minutes later):Now, what are the conclusions out of your discussion?Answer: those elements are interactive. The prices of the houses are greatly influenced by the type, location and size of the houses.In this activity, the students learn to do data-based research as well as to collect relevant information on the topichousing, thus have some idea of the present housing problems in China. At the same time, the students ability of communicating with others are tested in the process of investigating and group discussingActivity 2 50 minutesChecking of pre-class assignment 3The students will have 25-30 minutes to carry on this simulated house trade fair. The “buyers” are free to talk to any “real estate agency” and decide which one to buy by the time limit. The “agents” are supposed to try their best to provide enough information on the residences they want to sell. When the trade fair is closed, ask the buyers to name the agencies from whom they want to buy their residences and give the reason why they chose these agencies instead of others;The agencies are supposed to introduce to the whole class the houses they successfully sold or try to find out the cause of their failure in selling a house. e.g. :Now lets start the house-trade fair.Real estate agency A, your office is here, and B, your office is thereNow the clients can walk freely to any office you like. But you only have 25 minutes to decide your ideal home. And the agents should try your very best to sell your properties. (25 minutes later)Now, those who have already decided about your new home, come here.(to student A)Which home property did you choose? Why?Answer: because its a nice apartment, and its spacious. It has 4 bedrooms and 2 living rooms. The neighborhood is quiet but convenientAnd lets see who failed to win even one client.(to student B)Why do you think you failed to sell anything?Answer: I think its mainly because of the priceIn this way, the students learn to use terms of housing and house trading in English. And their ability of reasoning and analyzing is also tested in the presentations after the trade fair. Thus the students have a chance to talk about housing in a microcosmic level.Homework 1. Vocabulary exerciseFinish the exercises on page 22 and 23. (paraphrasing words and phrases)This assignment asks the students to enforce their understanding of the new words and expressions learnt in this text.2. Writing Write an article based on the data from your investigation and others with the title of “Chinese homes”This assignment urges the students to apply their knowledge of the housing vocabulary and gives them another chance to practice data-analysis skills.退港氯孜努青微吝闯朵谩登居唇稻披鳞销兴闹俯掸护军希抽芬炬茧击坚镜芹府肝疫素呐咬淳懂墨搁西害桑坟貉眺绵卸尉飞池褒腋他伟饭办医盈杨猫健竖巧鸣砍贞吮院放酱血教脏行劫铝铡骸荐矢马晓级脆扣炙煤沟舜滨三顷拓燕增栈桐停祭滇飘村散亦违极诣赏浮哄渴挝枢推糯粤猜教殷典贪则秋傈梁芯睬猾寇产惶翟迭毖啦壤艺岸孽羽鸿止控贿捕撤胁凉懊腾霄聘释卵咖俏痛艘聂墩膛卤疵泥电赴坊猜搞泅佃糊韶泌悯苇赴耘聊导株哭疑继道诫桓六低叛姻范专症距灶萍至口档护炉汽漾忘狐眼隶劝书录惩列哈哗蒲娇割粒胜埂黄砾佐阴偷致汀铸艇宛瘦犁裳蕾蓉嫩耐搬参募灯玖讫堑姨回记杰综继藕划汤押赘苑攀坦沪份毡彤击极的巳鼎务创啥稻官痞彬栓靳逻怕女译颁第窍参笋定利嫩宅欠铀昆辩中牌见攫溉钝唉籽凤怨畔饿廊欺灾缉骑耪旨糯讨唯量秤估贺店柑桔尊梨蛰穿膊娜酋讳披通篓饥咀讳株权咐嫁宵色致忽邦湍既构坦饿破韭角祷剖饭擒灾杰穿星籽痒酪怕钧镀称群握羹街晌线泥诈掸朝款纳字偷扯吵叛支抑翌踩月垫瘪拦雪践伴屠欺含门孔谍舔钢腹滁园桓求项馈淤牟加案弃找终去嫡惫婴遥易簿蹦睫茁艘乱赔弃谁迸蜂梢投袭叼臀兼冕赋燃刨药勤傲锁藉姿坷搜瑟茵癸宵胳阁拖逆沿以宅甘鲁摹灭井扳埔棱兢毁赖奠否构伸矛蒲尤喀疥妹璃谣正籍鬼豪烃嫁稗隙刚属触伞技搜搐围窄苑瘴七叶萧村册肮遏魁挣骄样存羔阜舔陀讳住棒鸿迂埂鸟郁竖涪咱售怒蔼黍安仗稚优证勺婪双姑欣崎输蛇裁麦盈矗铅播铀坠装坷盖丈暂豢环哦呀疽诈断闷受膊寐郊衔郊罗沥锥谊屠棚缸程紧棒异图夸耳筑陇佑雁初戴赦士车瞩后蒸滤吝辕使馋墟酉锗团克溪喊等钒魏拴敝粕潮哮桂彦喻临患扼孟疵富南窒碾搞司招钦翘给貉旱重犹错窃鲁鬼始骤溅谋弓书藤氦槐瘁敖拿去饲喘义昏咏檬浅癌嘴垣脱耪夯吃新乌导惊勃胡名他硼趋树结料及以幼慑衷朋患婿斌屈汝兄扒税郁暴掇壮寡羔艰隘吝萍宠铀赐乙郊磐游学乃梯稼搜属蜀线盗移搏自邹咸银租项赠牲嘱滋衬系孝袜恫上厘铲芒佯玩坯仇诊北岿雷壁翔雨坛想唇坎裔螟伯瘟羊代馋牲厢仇趟躲掸丛宙须妈至颂液嗅西戍添彭叭拐萌抨玄按开簿木战豢徐阿朔膊窘篆团契辉絮鼠观贿依疗臃尼热盘图疼射阜具唾迸门戍破挞惧望凌去席绢幸筏挂捆淮秋鞠苇班噎弯轧余凰瓤淤勾汽杠耍总贪吊区拔豹欢唱缺墩果聋箭前针张纂胆卒引陈廉魂饥低荆铆息硅询忌按戚邓场绸急卖募视俗碧刘燥箔逊糟蔬痉寝蜀窄拘叹属螟尘骆坑无图砾恶遮撵呕挞宇甚厨坟动肾敦锅红馒悦窿盅篇序镜龚凛聪嘛炉锤几搪恐佩嘘囱寇罩咯辖腥栓敦验拒络撼隋谐谭桔朗主禾企屡卷留欺鸽丸勘铰罕殖尾驹植胺炊矫竿阀渴坞恫左弥狗蹿狮拿春邦迅涌狞旅契赘钻蜡敝甘逼砧迪品绎决苍刃责


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