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铜都双语学校20112012学年度第二学期二月份八年级英语月考试卷 (满分:120分)温馨提示:请同学们细心审题,认真书写,完成后自主检查!The more careful you are , the fewer mistakes youll make in the exam!一、单选题:(每小题1分,共20分)( ) 1. Ted wants to be a great reporter. I think his dream will _ . A. come in B. come on C. come over D. come true( ) 2. More than nine _ students are doing sports now. A. hundreds B. hundred of C. hundred D. hundreds of( ) 3.-Is Jack back?-No, but I think he _ in half an hour. A. come back B. came back C. comes back D. will come back( ) 4.-Were all here _ Lily. Wheres she?-Shes gone to the library. A. beside B. besides C.except D. of( ) 5. We didnt go home _ the old man was sent to the hospital. A. until B. when C. while D. not until( ) 6. The young boy found _ hard to finish the work on time. A. that B. it C. this D. its( ) 7. Eating breakfast is important. _ , its good for your health. _ , it helps you study well. A. Because; So B. On the one hand; On the other hand C. Although; but D. As soon as; Even though( ) 8. Sally has the same skirt _ 。 A. as I do B. as I am C. like me D. with me( ) 9. -I _ 5,000 yuan on this iPhone.-Wow, so much! I cant afford it. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took( ) 10. I dont like to do that. And my friend John doesnt, _ . A. too B. also C. either D. as well as( ) 11. Whenever you need money, you can _ some _ me. A. borrow; from B. borrow; to C. lend; from D. lend; to( ) 12.-Whats the matter, Mike?-_ . A. Ill help you B. Thats OK C. I lost my dictionary D. No problem( ) 13. I will _ the beautiful skirt tomorrow. A.wear B.put on C.in D.dress( ) 14.Eve is not _ to join the school basketball team. A. too tall B. enough tall C. enough strong D. tall enough( ) 15. I dont like the color of the T-shirt. Could you show me _ one? A. other B. the other C. another D. others( ) 16. She is very kind and helpful. She always _ her friends. A. gets on well with B. getting well with C. get up D. get along with( ) 17._ a wonderful concert on TV tonight. A. There will be B. There will have C. There are going to be D. There is going to have( ) 18. How much do I need to _ for the car? A. spend B. take C. make D. pay( ) 19. I spend _ time doing homework than my sister. A. little B. less C. few D. fewer( ) 20. -What do you think of the movie?-I have never seen _ wonderful movie before. A.so B.so a C.such a D. a such 二、完形填空(20分) AWhat will my life be like in ten years?In ten years, I think Ill be a 1 , because I like playing with children. I will 2 lots of interesting students, and Ill also be 3 to make friends with foreign teachers. I think Ill live in Beijing in ten years. But 4 a Chinese, I hope that I can 5 all the places of interest(名胜,古迹) in our country. Ill 6 a pet dog at home in ten years, although I dont have free time now. And I am sure Ill also 7 many good friends in ten years. 8 Ill learn judo(柔道), because that is one of my dreams. Ill look after my health, 9 Ill exercise more, and Ill eat 10 food every day. I will work hard from now on!( ) 1. A. doctor B. reporter C. teacher D. waiter( ) 2. A. ask B. meet C. call D. hear( ) 3. A. sad B. bad C. good D. able( ) 4. A. as B. for C. with D. like ( ) 5. A. tour B. go C. build D. predict ( ) 6. A. make B. sell C. keep D. grow ( ) 7. A. play B. have C. be D. do( ) 8. A. Badly B. Probably C. Luckily D. Usually ( ) 9. A. or B. if C. but D. so ( ) 10. A. hot B. cheap C. expensive D. healthy BDear Alice, From your letter, I know you really have some problems. 11 I dont think you need to be so unhappy. Lets 12 them together. Your problems at 13 may be facing a number of new things. Dont 14 about that you cant get along well with your classmates. It is normal(正常的) that 15 your classmates are a little cautious(谨慎的) in the first term. Maybe some classmates are not kind, but you should be 16 . In your 17 , you say you often helped others with their work, but they didnt 18 you to the Class Party. Dont be so 19 . It may take some time for them to understand you. Try to ask one classmate what the problem is, and then youll know 20 to do next. I hope you can have fun at school! Yours, Lucy( ) 11. A. Or B. And C. So D. But ( ) 12. A. finish B. ask C. discuss D. enjoy ( ) 13. A. library B. party C. home D. school ( ) 14. A. write B. know C. learn D. worry ( ) 15. A. all B. both C. either D. every ( ) 16. A. loud B. friendly C. smart D. quiet ( ) 17. A. e-mail B. message C. letter D. dream ( ) 18. A. make B. teach C. give D. invite ( ) 19. A. active B. original C. sad D. happy ( ) 20. A. when B. how C. what D. where 三、阅读理解(40分) A Dear Anna,I get on well with my cousin Kate. We are the same age and have many things in common. I think she is very nice, but she likes listening to music too much.She always plays her radio loud while (当的时候) we are doing homework. Also she always borrows my things and doesnt return them. Last Sunday she borrowed my volleyball and lost it. I was very angry and argued with her yesterday.What should I do? Could you help me? Yours, EveDear Eve, There are lots of things you could do. Firstly, you shouldnt be unhappy. You could have a talk with her. Ask her to turn down or turn off the radio when you do your homework. Secondly, you dont have to lend everything she borrows to her. Sometimes you can talk about it with your aunt, or ask your aunt to buy one for her . At last I hope you will be happy again. Yours, Anna( ) 1. We can know meets some problems. A. Anna B. Kate C. Eve D. Eves aunt( ) 2. Kate often while Eve is doing homework. A. Play CDs B. plays the radio C. watches TV D. talk loud( ) 3. Eve argued with Kate because . A. Kate lost her volleyball B. Kate played CDs too loud C. Kate borrowed her things D. Kate copied her homework ( ) 4. Anna advised Eve to . A. lend nothing to Kate B. ask her friends for help C. say sorry to her aunt D. have a talk with Kate( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Eve is much older than Kate B. Kate argued with Eve C. Kate often lends things to Eve D. Anna is Eves aunt B Life in the future will be different from life today. The population is growing fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live longer than now. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in school. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travelling. Travelling will be much cheaper and easier. And more people will go to other countries for holidays. There will be change in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day, and they will eat more vegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.( ) 6. In the future there will be _ . A. fewer vegetables B. fewer people C. more people D. much more meat( ) 7. Travelling will be _ then. A. less interesting B. more difficult C. more expensive D. much cheaper and easier( ) 8. Every family will have at least one_ . A. TV B. robot C. cow D. computer( ) 9. People may not eat so much _ as they do today. A. sheep B. vegetables C. meat D. fruit( ) 10. Our problem in the future is that _ . A. many people dont have to work B. people have to work fast C. robots will do all the work D. many people wont be able to find jobs C When my cousin, Jack was young, he had lots of dreams for the future. When he was five, he wished to fly without anything. But when he tried to fly out of his window, he broke his arms, then he changed his mind. When he was nine, he wanted to be a famous basketball player like Yao Ming. He spent quite a lot of money buying basketballs. And his friends in his neighborhood came to play with him every day. Three weeks later, he felt boring about the sport, so he stopped playing it. When he was ten years old, he dreamed of going to make robots, and here and there at school he said, Im going to make the robots, Ill do everything I want to do. But his friends just said, Stop talking about it. Its boring to listen to it. So finally, he had to stopped making dreams and didnt like them, either. When he grew up, he knew that he needed a plan, and he needed to make enough money to do lots of great things. So he decided to learn English well. In this way, he thought he could have a lot of companies all over the world. Then he could get rich and use his money to help poor kids all over the world go to school.( ) 11. Why did Jack change his mind at the age of 5? Because _ . A. he had lots of dreams then. B. he didnt know how to fly with something C. he didnt know what he should do then D. he broke his arms when he tried to fly out of his window.( ) 12. He hoped to be another Yao Ming, _ . A. so he bought quite a lot of basketballs B. because he predicted that he could be famous in the future C. so he practiced playing basketball with his friends every day D. because he wanted to make lots of money( ) 13. What did his friends think of his talking about making robots? A. It was pretty exciting B. It was nothing interesting C. It was pleasant D. It was possible( ) 14. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Every one of his friends believed what he said. B. His friends wouldnt like him. C. Sometimes, what he said was one thing, but to do was another. D. He always made dreams when he was young.( ) 15. He decided to learn English well _ . A. to make the robots do everything B. to teach poor kids to learn English C. to help poor kids all over the world get rich. D. to run his companies all over the world DToday people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you dont see the person you are talking with. That may change in the near future. Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With it, two people who are talking can see each other.Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person youre calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you want to buy, youll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing youre interested in right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over town and never even leave your room!( ) 16. Today people can use the phone to talk with others _ . A. in all the towns B. in some places in the world C. only in big cities D. almost anywhere on the earth( ) 17. The underlined word it in the passage means _ . A. the picture phone B. any phone C. the use D. the change( ) 18. When we use a picture phone, we want to _ . A. make the voice clear B. show the person who you are C. save some money D. make the calling together( ) 19. We can _ through the picture phone according to the passage. A. write a book B. do shopping C. play games D. have classes( ) 20. The title of the passage may be _ . A. The life in the Future B. The Telephone Call C. The Picture Phone D. How to Use a Picture Phone四补全对话(从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中两项多余,注意标点符号及大小写)(5分)A.You should tell your child to help you. B. its a good idea.C. its a bad idea. D. He is too young to do anything. E. Maybe you shouldnt do any chores at home. F. You could be outside. G. you should plan things well.A: I need more free time to read some interesting books at home.B: Well. 1 A: I dont think 2 . I have to do all the chores.B: Well, 3 A: He cant help me. 4 B: I think 5 Then you can get more free time.A: Youre right.五、根据汉语及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. Tom wants to be a famous _ (科学家) in the future.2. Here are two _ (入场券) to the new movie. Would you like to go with me?3. To our great _ (惊讶), Tom failed to pass the graduation exam.4. My computer doesnt work. Something must be _ (有毛病的).5. She didnt go to bed u_ her mother came back last night.六、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,其中有两个词组多余(10分)part-time job, come true, fall in love with, askfor, be able to, argue with, out of style1. I hope my dream will _ some day.2. I think we will _ fly to the moon for vacation.3. You should _ the policeman _ help.4. You could get a _ to make some money.5. I went to Shanghai last year and _ it.七、书面表达:(20分)某英文报刊开展征文活动,主题是“My City in 100 Years”。请你根据下面的提示信息结合课本所学内容写一篇70词左右的短文向报社投稿。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示信息:more buildings, because; fewer schools, because; fewer people, because;fewer cars, because; less pollution, because My City in 100 Years There will be many changes in my city. _


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