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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroContents 目录 一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)三、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)四、单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)五、教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)七、评价与反思(Assessment and reflection)临海市回浦中学 李珊珊 陈晓平 余晶晶一、教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 根据课程标准实验教材(英语 必修)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度和价值观四个方面。1 语言知识 (Knowledge)词汇(Vocabulary):能理解、内化、运用以下生词- hero, quality, willing, active, republic, fight, peaceful, prison, prisoner, period, law, advise, continue, fee, gold,youth,league,stage,vote,position,accept,violence,equal,blanket,degree,guard,educated,terror,fear,cruelty,reward,right(n.),criminal,leader,president,sentence(v.),sincerely短语(Phrases and expressions):lose heart, in trouble ,worry about, out of work, Youth League, as a matter of fact, blow up, put . in prison, come to power , set up , be sentenced to功能(Functions):学习掌握一些用于发表意见与评论的结构句式,如:1 发表意见 (Giving opinions)Why do you think so? What do you think of .? Whats you opinion?agree / dont agreeI think / dont think . I prefer . In my opinion . Im afraid .2 评论 (Making comments)Good idea! Thats an excellent idea语法(Grammar):定语从句(II)(由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ whom引导的定语从句)The school where I studied only two years was three kilometres awayThis was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in JohannesburgThe reason why I got a job was because of my hard workwe were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the GovernmentThe person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.扩展词汇:negative(消极的), heroine(女主角,女主人公), unwilling(不情愿的), nation(国家,民族), sacrifice(牺牲),realize(认识到), give up(放弃), riches(财富), Bible(圣经), revolution(革命), career(职业), equality(平等), fairness(公平), conflict(冲突), biography(自传), beliefs(信仰), Christianity(基督教), religion(宗教), priests(牧师), version(翻译), readable(易读的), adventure(冒险), scholar(学者), sympathy(同情), ,campaign(从事活动), communist(共产主义者), injustice(不公平), oppose(反对), pilot(飞行员), boycott(联合抵制)。2. 语言技能 (Skills)听:在本单元的课文及练习册听力教学中, 能听懂人物和事件以及它们的关系,能抓住所听语段中的关键词,正确理解话语间的逻辑关系。说:在本单元的课文及练习讨论时, 能恰当使用I think/ I dont think/ in my opinion/Thats an excellent idea等对英雄、伟人的品质恰当地发表意见,进行讨论。读:能在阅读中使用不同的阅读策略,迅速地从阅读材料中获取主要信息,根据上下文线索预测故事发展,根据上下文猜测词义并通过不同渠道如报刊、音像、网络等了解更多伟人的情况。写:能用恰当的语言简单地描述人物,并简单地表达自己的意见。3. 学习策略(Strategy):1 在听和读的训练中,学会借助情景和上下文猜测词义或推测段落大意,借助图表等非语言信息进行理解和表达。2 主动制定本单元学习计划,客观评价自己的学习效果,在课内外活动中积极用英语交流,有效地使用词典、图书馆、网络等媒体资源来获得更多的有关伟人的英语信息。4. 情感态度和价值观(Affect and Values)了解Nelson Mandela的生平事迹,认识伟人所应具备的优秀品质,并向他们学习,以提高自身素质,树立正确的人生观,学习他们在艰苦的环境下为人类做贡献、不追求享乐的高尚精神。同时也学会一分为二的态度客观看待事物。二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)本单元的中心话题是当代英雄纳尔逊曼德拉。故事的主题内容分成三个部分,由穷苦的黑人工人伊莱亚斯叙述他眼中的曼德拉。这样的写法虽然只能反映出曼德拉的一个侧面,但读起来却更为客观可信,使学生对曼德拉有初步的了解。第一篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯向我们介绍1952-1963年期间的曼德拉。第二篇听力短文伊莱亚斯讲述了他为了争取与白人有平等的权利而参加了曼德拉的非洲国民大会青年联盟。第三篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯说到他在罗本岛监狱得到了曼德拉的帮助,非国大(ANC)掌权后,伊莱亚斯又回到罗本岛监狱担任导游。这有别于惯常采用的直叙手法,尽可能剔除整理的主观看法,留给学生更多的思考空间,启发学生自己去思考,主动地表述对自己心目中英雄人物的看法。为了让学生完成写作任务,教科书又提供了曼德拉的生平履历表,让学生对曼德拉有了一个更完整的认识。“热身”(Warming Up)部分要求小组讨论伟人应具有的品质,并通过一组问题让学生了解彼此的特点与看法。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分提供了一些重要的历史人物,要求学生读懂每个人的基本情况,并判断他们中谁能称得上是伟大的人。“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。本单元的语法是when, where, why, 介词+ which,介词+ whom引导的定语从句。“语言运用”(Using Language)部分中包括了听、读、写三个部分的内容,是本单元主要阅读篇章故事的延续。学生可从中了解南非黑人当时的生活状况以及他们不平等的社会地位,发现曼德拉的伟大之处。该部分提出的一些问题有利于培养学生独立思考的能力和人文精神。其中“写作”(Writing)部分是训练学生选取和组织材料,写出具有说服力的书信。练习册的写作要求学生学写有关伟人或名人的生平。“学习建议”(Learning Tip)指导学生收集、选择和分析有关名人的材料,了解人们对这些名人的评论,以学会正确地评价人物。三、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)Period 1: Reading I (Elias story +the rest of Elias story)Period 2: Reading II (review +listening (sb)+language points)Period 3: More language input (reading task (wb) + listening (wb)Period 4: Language Practicing (grammar)Period 5: Writing 本教学安排根据“LARA教学原则”,对教材进行大胆的删除(L leave out)、 修补(A Amending)、替换(R Replace)、增添(A Add),灵活的将教材为我所用。新教材在选材和教学活动的设计上充分考虑到学生年龄特征和他们生理和心理发展的需要;在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了“任务型”的活动;对英语语言知识和技能训练作了系统的安排,循序渐进,循环反复,有利于学生构建知识系统;注意培养创新精神,提高实践能力。但新教材也应与学生的实际相结合,我们不能全盘照搬。同时在教学过程中,为了对教学有及时的反馈和有效的改进,我们还进行了“形成性评价”,体现了学生的主体地位。本单元的语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“当代英雄”这一中心话题设计的。我们根据本单元实际情况对教材的课时安排作了一些调整,尤其是学生用书(Students Book)和作业本(Workbook)有机结合。 根据本单元的教材的特点,按照任务型教学与大容量输入与输出的教学理念,整个单元的设计思路如下:输入“英雄”的概念,先是学生的自由讨论,更通过曼德拉的事迹向学生展示何为当代伟人,以及伟人所要具备的一些品质。在这基础上,第二步要学生辨别伟人与名人的不同,以及体会一分为二的辩证唯物主义。最后我们回到生活中,生活中也有不少平凡但是为了集体崇高的理想,放弃个人利益而不断努力克服困难的普通民众,他们也是我们心目中的英雄,伟人。由此我们从书本回归到生活,也成功升华,延伸了英雄的概念。通过学习语言点、语法还有写作,学生在内化吸收了知识后,进行了输出。第一课时是人物传记式的阅读课,但是文章的写作角度比较特别,由穷苦的黑人工人伊莱亚斯叙述他眼中的曼德拉,这样的写法比较客观可信。伊莱亚斯的故事与遭遇同时也成为本文与本课的一条贯穿总线。课文有关中心话题的有三个部分,第一篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯向我们介绍1952-1963年期间的曼德拉。第二篇听力短文伊莱亚斯讲述了他为了争取与白人有平等的权利而参加了曼德拉的非洲国民大会青年联盟。第三篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯说到他在罗本岛监狱得到了曼德拉的帮助,非国大(ANC)掌权后,伊莱亚斯又回到罗本岛监狱担任导游。考虑到故事发展与情节展开的连续性与关联性以及课堂时间,在这个课时,把第一篇阅读短文与第三篇阅读短文整合起来完成,听力则放在第二课时。首先我们以一首英文经典歌曲 “hero”作为课前的英语氛围的营造与课内的导入,以老师问学生答的有效互动形式自由谈论他们所喜爱的hero并说明理由,提高了“说”的能力。然后是Workbook “talking”部分的四幅人物图像的呈现,以图片展示的形式激励学生用英语进行语言实践活动,然后归纳出英雄的一个模糊标准,为课文学习做好铺垫。之后正式人物曼德拉的登场,进入主题伊莱亚斯眼中的曼德拉。快速阅读部分训练学生的快速阅读能力并让学生对文章的梗概有所了解,对中心人物与背景有一定的印象。在细读过程中,根据课文的内容,问题设计以伊莱亚斯的人生发展为贯穿总线,同时以曼德拉给予他的影响为副线,环环相扣,层层递进,检查学生对文章的理解程度。在学生掌握课文内容并有了一定量的信息输入之后,给学生创造情境,让学生将所学的知识真实地运用到情境交际中,达到巩固知识与信息输出的目的。在此,依据学生的认知水平,我们设计两个不同难度系数的任务。任务1:Suppose you were Nelson Mandela or Nelson Mandelas wife, would you like to tell us something impressive? 这里我们希望学生从伊莱亚斯外的角度来述说事情的发展过程,与文章的写作手法呼应,并巩固所学知识。任务2:四人小组活动,一个导游与三个游客之间的交流活动。相对任务1,任务2情境更加生动,更加开拓思维,能够把交际实践与阅读有机结合起来并培养了学生的合作精神。作业的布置一个是让学生在复习课文的同时找出好词好句,另一个是让他们以四人为一个小组,课外用各种媒体工具去找有关曼德拉更多的资料,也是为下节课做准备。 第二课时是第一课时阅读的巩固,延伸,升华。先通过对错问答检测对课文内容的熟悉程度,然后通过寻找好词好句来呈现词汇与表达,并通过短文填空对词汇进行运用与内化。巩固了上一堂课的内容,进入延伸部分一篇听力短文:伊莱亚斯讲述了他为了争取与白人有平等的权利而参加了曼德拉的非洲国民大会青年联盟。为了让学生进入听的状态,先为学生营造语境,由熟悉的passbook引出话题,通过问题的形式先让学生预测当时的情景,这样能激发学生用英语进行实践活动并为听力作好准备,然后再自然过渡到听力部分。这样学生在听的时候就有个心理准备,作好了铺垫。到此关于曼德拉的故事基本接近尾声,那么我们可以从中学习到什么呢?学生在这个环节进一步熟悉并巩固了课文。开放式讨论后,我们把目光从曼德拉身上投到其他伟人那里,在这里我们有选择的利用了课文pre-reading部分的四位伟人的图片,讨论四个不同领域的伟人后,思考“What qualities do you think are needed to make a great person?”至此我们总结了伟人应具备的一些品质和所拥有的共同点。那么,这些优秀品质里,你最欣赏哪些?你身边有拥有这样品质的人吗?又是怎么体现的呢?这个讨论把书本与我们的生活又结合起来,让学生明白拥有这些品质并不是伟人所特有的,通过树立正确的人生观,提高自我素质,我们也可以做的到。作业的布置是让学生收集更多伟人的事迹,复习的同时并预习好练习册里的阅读。构建知识框架,形成完整的知识系统性。第三课时的安排是作为整个单元阅读的一个升华。在上一堂课里应用了课文Pre-reading的一部分,明白了伟人应具备的一些品质,但是我们还遗留了一个问题:是不是名人就是伟人呢?综观这个单元的素材,发现练习册中的阅读部分非常适合这个环节,因此这里我们用比尔.盖茨这个同样具有争议的人代替Pre-reading中的阿姆斯特朗,至此对Pre-reading进行了拆分,并与阅读有机组合在一起。首先老师以问题“As we know, most of the great people are also important and famous, but are important people the great ones?”进行过渡与引起注意。然后导入比尔.盖茨的图片,先在没有任何输入的状态下,让学生用已学的表达方式来表达他们对这个人物的看法,操练巩固 “Expressing ideas”的语言功能,其实这也是大脑风暴的热身过程。之后,依次呈现两篇基于不同立场与角度的有关比尔.盖茨文章,利用阅读技巧搜索有用信息后,形成表格进行对比,再让学生debate whether he is a great man, 这里让学生能有条理地表达个人的见解,培养他们独到的见解。老师最后总结出成为伟人的必备条件,而显然比尔.盖茨并不具备。第二环节是练习册中的 “Listening task”, 从上一环节学生对比尔.盖茨的不同看法上升到人们从不同角度看问题会产生不同的看法的理论高度。在训练听的能力的同时也锻炼辩证的思维能力。最后的环节也是本课时的高潮部分,首先以一段“感动中国”中洪战辉的事迹的影音视频进行导入,讨论他是不是感动大家,为什么?是不是符合了“great man”的定义?那么我们身边有没有类似的人呢?在这里,“great man” 的定义得到了延伸与扩展,生活中那些平凡但是为了集体崇高的理想,放弃个人利益而不断努力克服困难的普通民众,他们也是我们心目中的“great man”。作业是让学生写一个计划,考虑怎样才能进一步向心目中的“great man”的标准靠拢。这个作业的布置是人性化的,具有弹性的,开拓了学生的发散性思维,同时也是对学生自身品质的一次自我审查。第四课时本课时的重点是语法定语从句的关系副词(when, where, why)和介词+关系代词。因为在第四单元已经对定语从句有了基本的了解,所以在这里我们要做的是遵循学生的认知规律,难度适中,循序渐进的进行语法的教学,加深理解,提高实际运用能力。首先以基于阅读课文的问答式引出课文中出现的四句很具有代表性的定语从句,复习了课文也引出了本单元的重点语言现象定语从句。然后展示一个有关定语从句的Flash动画,形象生动,活跃气氛。接下来通过一组练习来同时复习一下上个单元的语法项关系代词,起到承上启下的作用。再导入两个例句1. We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government2. The person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.让学生观察这两个句子与其他句子的不同,并通过一组练习,让学生知道介词是怎么产生的和怎么挑选合适的介词。那么怎么解决这三个关系副词呢?根据学生的认知规律,我们设计了三个句子为一组,分别体现which-at/ in /on which-when; which-in which-where; which-for which-why 的演变过程。接下来进行有针对性的练习操练,练习的设计也是从易到难循序渐进,先是连线题,再是补充定语从句部分,最后的练习是用定语从句把两个单句组成一句话,让学生的学习能力阶梯式的加强。学习的最终目的是输出,也是应用于交际中,所以本课时的最后给学生设计了一个输出的任务四人一组活动,应用定语从句,谈谈你生活中的五件印象最深刻的事情,人物,地点,时间等。这个活动贴近学生的生活实际,内容丰富,让学生有话可讲。作业布置:1.把最后一个活动再继续深化,编为一篇短文。2. 完成课本里大量丰富的相关练习,此时是学生巩固的最好机会。第五课时是写作课,响应新课程对写作的重视,我们特别在本学期强调了写作的教学。在本课时中,首先通过对上一堂课作业定语从句短文的展示,既检查了作业,又巩固了语法,也过渡到人物写作这个中心话题。整堂课是按照作文的组成部分为线索展开的,先是关注写作里词汇的处理,注重选词对文章的印象,在这里我们充分利用了练习册第70页的这篇文章填空,在两个相似词汇之间的选择,让学生明白了措辞的重要性。之后,让学生回答在本单元习得的有用词汇,通过71页的翻译句子运用这些刚学的新词汇。如果说词汇是文章的血肉,那么结构与提纲就是骨架。回到70页的这篇数学家的介绍,通过师生问答,让学生归纳出这篇文章的提纲,然后给学生机会尝试写一个介绍曼德拉的提纲。因本单元中出现信的写作,为了把书本与练习册两个写作结合起来,我们设计了如下的任务:Suppose the magazine “Global People” begins its annual activity of choosing the top ten great men in 20th century, will you write a letter to support Nelson Mandela? 这样学生既实际练习了写信,也学会怎么介绍与描述一个人。最终我们期望学生能把新学的词汇、句型与语法运用到作文里面,把整个单元的学习很好地加以输出。补充:考虑到每个学校每个班级教学与学生的差异,我们没有对语言点进行单独备课,但是给大家准备了 “Language supermarket”,里面资料详尽,供各位老师根据教学实际情况自由选择。四、单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)1、根据本单元教学目标和要求,了解本单元话题和任务,充分做好课前预习工作。2、预习语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及其基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。3、多渠道(如报刊、杂志、网络等等)查阅并了解与本单元话题有关的背景知识和材料。推荐网址:4、做好每课时的课前具体预习任务。第一课时前:1、 根据教学目标和要求,了解本课时的话题和任务,预习课文的语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和短语,以及课外提供的扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。2、 预习阅读材料,掌握文章的中心思想和基本脉络。 3、 通过报刊、杂志、网络等途径,多渠道查阅并了解与阅读材料相关的信息资料和背景知识,做好充分的课前预习工作。推荐网址:bbb:/aaaanc.org.za/people/mandela.htmlbbb:/aaamicrosoftaaa/billgates/bio.asp(学生可以通过以下问题来自我检查预习情况)Questionnaire:Q1: What qualities do you think you should have? And how can we improve ourselves?Q2: Can you name some famous people? But are they great men?Q3: How much do you know about South Africa and Nelson Mandela?Q4: Whats the relationship between Nelson Mandela and Elias?Q5: What can we learn from those great ones?第二课时前:1、 复习阅读课文,预习所给的词汇、相关背景知识等材料。2、 预习课文Listening。第三课时前:1、 预习所给的词汇,和相关知识。2、 预习练习册里的阅读与听力。第四课时前:1、预习语言点和语法点。第五课时前:1.、复习上一课时所学的语言点和语法。2.、搜索有关曼德拉详细信息与写信的格式。五、教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)Period 1:Reading ITeaching goals 1. To talk about peoples qualities and inspire the students to discover the value of the great mans work.2. To read on capable peoples life stories and know more information about Nelson Mandela.3. Enable the students to express their ideas logically.ProceduresStep 1. Warming up(Before class, get the Ss to enjoy a beautiful song Hero for 3-5 minutes. After enjoying, ask the Ss some questions in a moving atmosphere.) T: Well, for a beautiful song, do you know what it is about?S :HeroQ: Who is your hero/heroine?/ Who do you admire in your heart?Ss: Q: Why? S: Q: Do you think he is a great man? S: Q: Does he do anything for others? / What contributions does he make to society?S: (Show 4 pictures in talking part one by one)Q: How about this person? Do you admire him? Is he another hero in your heart? What do you know about him? (Give background knowledge)Conclusion: Let Ss say: so a great man is a man_.(Show a picture of. Nelson Mandela)Q: What do you know about him? Is he a great man? Why? (Get into Brainstorming)T: It seems you know Nelson Mandela a little. Do you want to know more about him? Lets read the following story and see what Elias thinks of Nelson Mandela. Step 2.Fast ReadingQ: What does he think of Nelson Mandela?Why? What happened between Elias and Nelson Mandela?Ss: In his opinion, Nelson Mandela is . /He thinks Nelson Mandela is .Step 3 Careful readingT: Here is your first impression about NM according to the Elias story. If you look through the story carefully, you ll find more. Ok, why not read these two passages and finish the following chart by answering these questions?Q1: When and where was Elias born? What was he? ( 1940, born, black worker )Q2: Was he educated? When? How long? ( 1946( six), educated, two years )Q3: Why did he leave school so early? ( not continue the fee )Q4: So what was the result? Could he get a job? What job? Was he happy then? Why? ( get, worried about, out of work, no passbook )Q5.Who helped him? What did Nelson Mandela do at that time? ( Nelson Mandela, opened, advise )Q6. Why was the day Nelson Mandela told him what to do and helped him the happiest day of his life? ( get ) Q7. What did Nelson Mandela organize? Why did he organize it? / What was the situation at that time? ( ANC, no vote, not choose )Q8: Where did they live? ( poorest )Q9: What did Nelson Mandela say? ( accept, fight )Q10: How to attack the law? ( broke, peacefully )Q11: But did they answer violence with violence? Why? ( answer with violence, not allowed )Q12: Did Elias like violence? Did he join the ANC Youth League? Why? ( realize his dream, make equal )Q13: So how did they do? (blow up ) Q14: What would be the result if they were caught? ( be put in prison )Q15: Later, he was put in prison. What is the prison? Why were they so afraid of hearing of its name? ( Robben island, not escaped )Q16: It was the hardest time of his life, right? But at this moment who appeared? Did he help him? How? ( began, taught )Q17: Did Elias study hard? How? ( undermake candles.)Q18: As a result, he became a good student. Did he want to study further? Was he allowed to do that? What idea did Nelson Mandela think of? ( allowed not stopped)Q19: Could Elias get the degree? Why did he feel good about himself? ( not cleverer )Q20: Was Elias always staying in the prison? How long did he stay? Can he get a job? What job? Why? ( four, educated )Q21: Could he do this job long? Why? So he lost the job. How long was he out of work? When did he find a job again? How? (found out, twenty years, came to power, helped again )Q22: Was Elias happy to accept this job? Did he give up this job? Why? ( bad, came back to , encourage, said,)Q23: What did he think of this job now,? Why? ( am proud to)Q24: Whats the purpose of writing this story? How does the writer tell? How many parts was the whole story divided? / How many times did Nelson Mandela offer help to Elias?Ss: The purpose of writing this story is to . The writer tellsby.Step4 RetellingT: We have known what happened between Elias and Nelson Mandela. Suppose you were Nelson Mandela/ Elias wife, would you like to tell us something impressive?Retelling (Choose one of them to retell )1. Suppose you were Nelson Mandela, retell the story.2. Suppose you were Elias wife, retell the story.Step5. Role play (an interview )T: All of you did a good job. Next, after Nelson Mandela and Elias wife, it is Elias turn to tell us some stories. One of you act as Elias, who is the tour guide on Robben Island. And the other three, you are tourists and you can ask questions that you want to know. Maybe these tips will help you!How did you get to know Nelson Mandela? What did he do to help you keep your job in a gold mine? Can you explain to me some of Nelson Mandelas political ideas or beliefs?What was Nelson Mandelas way of fighting? Why did he change to violence?What was life like on Robben Island?We know you couldnt read or write, for you left school early, but now you can.Where did you learn to read and write?Why did you become a tour guide? What do you think of your present job?(Let students come to the front to show their interview. Students can start the interview like this:Tourist: How did you get to know Nelson Mandela? What did he do to help you keep your job in a gold mine?)Step6. Homework1. Try to find out some useful expressions and phrases.2. Work in four to find more information about Nelson Mandela. 附板书设计: (Blackboard Design)The relationship between Elias and Nelson MandelaElias Mandela black worker opened educated, two years advise out of work happiest get no vote organize not choose accept/fight poorest join broke peaceful blow up help put in prison began hardest taught not allowed allowedtoget a degree degree not stopped feel goodPeriod 2:Reading IIStep 1.Lead-inT: Do you still remember some details about what we learned yesterday? Now let me have a check.Step 2. Review two readings 1. ( T or F )1. Elias met Nelson Mandela at school. ( F )2. Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. ( T )3. Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa. ( F )4. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. ( F )5. Nelson Mandela helped Elias keep his job. ( T )6. The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC. ( F )2. Listening and learning about language points(Discover useful words and expressions, and then complete the passage with some of the words above)(go on, some time, feel hopeless, lose ones job, brave man, in fact, be ready to, agree to take, go against a law, quiet and calm, be taken to prison, tell somebody what to do, what people do in a war, always doing new things, have some difficult problems, money paid for going to school, a yellow metal for making a ring, group of people organized for a special purpose)T: Lets listen to the whole story. Would you please find out the similar expressions in the text to the ones on the screen? Then complete the passage with some of the words.When Elias lost his job and was_, his wife was very unhappy. She knew this meant he was_ when all she wanted was a _ life with enough money every month. She tried to _him not to fight the government as she thought it was better to _ that in South Africa black people were not as important as white people. But he was willing to _ the fight and help Nelson Mandela win equal rights for black people. For a _ of time she felt helpless and_, but Elias encouraged her with stories of how good life would be when white and black people worked and played together.Step 3. Listening T: We know, at that time, Elias was in a difficult situation and the background was very different from todays. With what you have known, can you predict some?u What is a passbook?u Is it important?u Is it easy to get for Elias?u What job did Elias want to do?u Who worked underground?u Who worked on the surface?u Where did Elias live?T: Will your answers be all right? Now listen to one statement of Elias. 1 What is a passbook? ( B ) A. A book to help you pass exams B. A book to show your identity C. A book to tell you where to live D. A book to tell you how to live2. Why is it important? ( C ) A. For traveling outside South Africa B. For showing where you were born C. For traveling inside South Africa D. For getting a job 3. What job did Elias want to do? ( D ) A. To work with other black workers B. To work as a cleaner C. To teach in a primary school D. To work in the mines4. Who worked underground? (C ) A The white workers B. The black and white workers C. The black workers D. Foreign workers5. Who worked on the surface? ( C ) A. The black workers B. The black and white workers C. The white workers D. Fore


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