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七年级英语下册第五单元Why do you like pandas试题一翻译默写下列短语4.砍倒_5.由-制成的_6.南非_7.先看熊猫_8.my favorite animals_9.用两条腿走路_10.kind of boring _11.整天睡觉_12.黑白相间_13.拯救大象_14.好运的象征_二用所给词的适当形式填空1.Why do you like _(panda)? Because they_(be)very cute.2.Why do you want _(see) them ? Because they are very _(interest).3.He can _(walk) on two legs. He can _(dance) ,too.4.Lets _(see) the koalas first.5.Elephants can _(walk) for a long time and never _(get) lost.6.Remembering places with food and water _(help) them _(live).7.People cut down many trees so elephants _(lose) their homes.8.We must _(save) the trees and _(not buy ) things _(make) of ivory.9.Where _(be) they from ? They _(be) Africa.三翻译下列句子1.让我们先看狮子吧,因为他们很有趣。_ _the lions _. _ they are _ _.2.大象有点儿有趣The _ _ _ _ _3.他会用两条腿走路He can _ _ _ _.4.我们的第一面国旗上就有一头白象。Our _ _ had_ _ _ _ _;5.人们说“大象从不忘记”。People say that “_ _ _ _”.6.大象能够长时间行走而且从不迷路。Elephants _ _ _ a long time and _ _ _.7.但是大象面临巨大的危险。But elephants _ _ _ _.8.我们必须拯救树木,拒绝买象牙制品。We _ _ _ _and _ _ things _ _ things.9.这个动物来自哪儿?他来自中国。_ is the animal _? Its _ _.10.我喜欢狗因为他们是友好的聪明的。I like _ because theyre _ _ _.四单项选择( )1.Pandas are _ favorite animals. A. me B. my C. I D. mine( )2._do you want to see them? _ theyre interesting.A. Why , so B. Why, Because C. Because, So D. So, Why( )3.She sleeps _.A. all the day B. all day C. all the days D. a day ( )4.Thats a good name _ her.A. to B. in C. for D. at( )5.I like pandas _.A. a B. a lot C. also D. either( )6.People also kill elephants _ their ivory. A.for B.to C. in D. at( )7.This is a symbol _ good luck. A.for B. in C. of D. at( )8.They can also remember places _ food and water. A. in B. for C. at D. with( )9.Today there _ only about 3,000 elephants. A. is B. has C. are D. have( )10.Walking after dinner can help us _ heathy A. keep B. keeps C. to keep D.keeping ( )11What _ subjects does Tom like? Aother BothersCthe other Dthe others( )12_ these tigers _ from? AWhere,are BWhat,are CWhere,come DWhere are,( )13I like koalas because they are _ friendly Aa kind ofBkind ofCkinds of Da kind( )14Why do you want to _ the dolphins first? Alook Bhave a lookCsee Dlook at( )15She likes to play _ her friend Afor Bto C/ Dwith( )16Why _ come and join us? Ado Bnot Cdoes Ddoesnt( )17_ a koala _ during the day? Yes,it does ADoes,sleep BIs,sleeping CDo,sleep DIs,sleep( )18Linda with her parents often _ to the zoo to see the animals Ago Bgos Cgoes Dgoing( )19Do you know about David? Yes,I know _ very well Ahe Bhimself Chim Dhis( )20A koala usually gets up and eats _ at night Aleaf Bleaves Cleafs Dleavs( )21People often eat _ the day and sleep _ night Ain,in Bat,inCat,at Dduring,at( )22We know dogs are very _ animalsMany people like them Afriend Bfriends Cfriendly Dugly( )23My brother likes tigers,_ my sister doesnt Aand Bbut Cfor Dso( )24Thats _ interesting elephant Aa Ban Cthe D/( )25We are in the libraryPlease _ quiet Ais Bbe Cdo Dare五短文填空,根据首字母补全单词 There is a zoo near my houseI like to go thereIn the zoo we can see many a 1 Look! Theres a k 2 in the treeHes eating leavesIsnt he cute? Under the tree,theres a g 3 Her neck(脖子)is so long(长)Shes a c 4 girlWheres the p 5 ? Shes there eating the bamboo(竹子)Shes k 6 of shyBut the e 7 is interestingHes playing with kids with his long nose(鼻子)Theyre v 8 funLook! In the pool(池子),there are two d 9 Theyre f 10 to peopleThey are playing with their ballsHow happy they are!1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_六阅读理解根据下列图示及叙述,完成下列各题。 zebra panda kangaroo penguin giraffeIt lives in AustraliaIt has very strong legs(腿)It is grey(灰色)It can jump high(跳高)It is very good at looking after her babyA mother has a pouch in frontThere,the babies are warm(暖和)and safe(安全)It is a _ It is from AfricaIt can run fifty kilometers(公里)an hourIt has a very long neck(脖子)and long legsIt can reach(够着)the leaves on a very tall treeIt is a _ It lives on the AntarcticIt is always very cold(冷)thereIt is black and whiteIt can walk on the ice and swim in the sea(海)Its a big bird,but it cant fly(飞)It eats fishIt has very short legsIt looks very lovelyChildren like it a lotIt is a _ It is also from AfricaIt is black and white,tooIt has a long tail(尾巴)It can run very fastWe can see it in zoos and picturesIt is a _ It is very lovelyIt is not from AfricaIt is from China,and it is also white and blackIt likes bamboosThere are not many of them in China nowEveryone loves it very muchIt is a _ 1在文中填写适当的单词。( )2The black and white animal from Africa has _ Aa long tailBa long neckCa grey body Da pouch in front( )3_ is good at(擅长)swimming in the sea AA zebra BA pandaCA penguin DA giraffe( )4There are _ animals from other countries but China A5 B4 C3 D1( )5In this reading,the word“pouch”means (意思是) _A口袋 B育儿袋 C爪子 D婴儿七看图中动物并对它进行简单的描述Name:ElizabethSex:FemaleAge:3Nationality:ChinesePersonality:shy,quietFood:bamboo_


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