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20152016学年度第一学期第三次月考七年级英语第一部分 综合运用(50分).从下列各题所给的选项A、B、C、D中找出划线部分读音不同的一项。(5分)( ) 1. A. her B. driver C. sister D. father( ) 2. A. ageB. hugeC. orangeD. girl (划线部分为g)( ) 3. A. bearB. dearC. wearD. pear( ) 4. A. passB. fastC. wakeD. ask( ) 5. A. gradeB. saleC. nameD. mad.单项选择。(20分)( )1. _ is the letter from?Its from Mike, my pen pal.A. WhereB. HowC. WhoD. What( )2. Tom speaks English. _ Jane _ English, too?Yes, she does.A. Do; speaksB. Does; speakC. Do; speakD. Does; speaks( )3. Lucy and Lily_ a happy family.A. has B. doesC. doD. have( )4. Could you please _ me your name?Sure. My name is Kate.A. to sayB. sayC. to tellD. tell( )5. Does your uncle work _ a farm? No, he doesnt. He works _ a restaurant.A. on; onB. on; inC. in; inD. in; on( )6. The _ is a nurse. Those _are doctors.A. man; womanB. women; man C. men; woman D. woman; men( )7. Does Helen speak English _? Yes. Her English is very _.A. good; goodB. well; wellC. well; goodD. good; well( )8. What does your father do?_A. He is a teacher.B. He is from China.C. He is fine.D. He is 40.( )9. Help _ to some _. Kids. Thank you.A. yourself; fishB. yourselves; bananaC. yourselves; apples D. yourself; oranges( )10. May help you?Yes. Id like _.A. two glass waterB. two glass of waterC. two glasses water D. two glasses of water.情景交际。(15分)(A)从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。(5分)( )16. Could you please tell me your name? A. Good idea.( )17. What does your mother do? B. Yes, she does.( )18. What about something to drink? C. Sure. My name is Mike.( )19. Does she speak Chinese? D. On a farm.( )20. Where does he work? E. She is a teacher.(B)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(10分)A: May I take your order?B: Wait a moment(等一下), please. Do you like some apple juice?C: No, I dont like apple juice. 21 B: OK. A glass of apple juice and a glass of milk.A: 22 B: Id like some hamburgers. 23 C: Let me see. 24 A: OK. A glass of apple juice, a glass of milk, some hamburgers and some chicken. Forty yuan, please.B: 25 A: Thanks a lot.A. And something to eat?B. Id like some milk.C. Here you are.D. Oh,Id like some chicken.E. What about you?21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._.完形填空。(10分)Look at the photo. Its my family. The old man and the old 26 are my grandparents. This is my father. He is next to his brother, my 27 . This woman is my mother. She is my English teacher. You can 28 three kids in the photo. The two girls are my 29 . The girl in a red dress is Nancy 30 the girl in a yellow dress is Susan. Who is the boy, do you know? Its me. My grandparents live in the USA. I live in Beijing 31 my parents now. My father is a 32 . He works in Beijing Hospital. He often has milk 33 breakfast. And he likes to eat 34 . My mother often has some eggs and 35 . I have a big and happy family.( )26. A. boyB. girlC. womanD. man( )27. A. auntB. uncleC. sisterD. brother( )28. A. seeB. takeC. helpD. spell( )29. A. sisterB. girlsC. sistersD. kids( )30. A. andB. butC. withD. so( )31. A. fromB. ofC. forD. with( )32. A. teacherB. doctorC. farmerD. driver( )33. A. forB. toC. inD. on( )34. A. a breadB. some breadsC. many breadD. bread( )35. A. a orangeB. an orange juiceC. two glass of orange juiceD. a glass of orange juice第二部分 阅读理解(20分).阅读理解。( 20分)(A)Ann comes from Canada. She lives in Beijing with her parents now. She is a student of No. 2 High School. She can speak a little Chinese. Her father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher of English. She is a good teacher. She is very kind to her students and all the students love her. All of her family like to be in China and all of them like Chinese food very much.根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Ann is in Canada with her parents now.( )37. Ann can speak Chinese, but a little.( ) 38. Anns father is an office worker.( ) 39. Anns mother is an English teacher.( )40. Anns family like Chinese food a lot. (B)In many English homes, people have four meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea(茶) and dinner. People have breakfast from 7:00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They eat eggs or(或者) bread. English people drink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch comes at about 13:00. Afternoon tea is from 16:00 to 17:00, and dinner is about 19:30. They often have soup(汤), and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables. Then they eat some bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them dont have their dinners in the evening(晚上).根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )41. Many English people have _ meals a day.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four( )42. Usually, people in English dont have _ for their breakfast.A. breadB. fishC. milkD. eggs( )43. People in English have lunch _.A. from 7:00 to 9:00B. at about 13:00C. at 19:30D. from 16:00 to 17:00( )44. Usually, people in England have _ for their dinner.A. bananas, apples or eggsB. soup, bananas or milkC. soup, chicken or fish with vegetablesD. soup, milk and vegetables( )45. Do all the English people eat in the same way(方式)?A. No, not all the English people eat in the same way.B. Yes, all the English people eat in the same way.C. No, some of them dont have lunch at all.D. Sorry, we dont know.第三部分 书面表达(30分).词汇。(15分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分)1. My Chinese is not g . Can you help me?2. Maria is a girl w small eyes and a big mouth.3. My English teacher is a good teacher. He is very k_ to me.4. I have m friends in our school.5. My aunt works in a hospital. But she isnt a doctor. She is a n .(B)根据括号里所给的汉语写出英语单词。(5分)6. Do you want to _ (参观) our school.7. My father is a doctor, he works in a _(医院).8. My mothers brother is my _(舅舅).9. Tomorrow is _(星期天),what would you like to do?10. I have a _(可爱的) cat.(C)用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分) 11. Maria _(have) many friends in her school. 12. What do they _(look)like? 13. She is Cao Ying. We all like _(she). 14. Michael likes China. He wants _(come) to Beijing. 15. Li Hua is from Shanghai. He is a _(drive).写作 (15分)家庭是温馨的港湾,家人给了我们最真挚的关怀和爱。你的家人都是做什么工作的?在哪里工作?请以My family 为题,写一篇关于你的家庭成员的文章。提示:1.语法正确,调理清晰 2. 词数50词左右 3. 包括他们的职业, 年龄和工作地点等。_听 力 材 料Unit 3 单元测试.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。1. Mingmings mother is a nurse.2. They are my parents.3. Jane helps me with my English.4. May I take your order?5. Would you like some chicken?.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。6. Why not go to the zoo this Sunday?7. Could you help me with my English?8. Would you like to have lunch with me?9. Where does she work?10. What does your father do?.听对话,根据对话内容填空。每组对话读两遍。11. W: Mike, heres a letter for you.M: Let me see. Its from Jack. He is my pen pal.12. W: Tom, would you like some hamburgers?M: No. Id like some bread.13. M: Kate, do you like jiaozi?W: No, I dont like it at all.14. W: Does Jims mother work in a hospital?M: Yes, she does. But she is not a doctor.15. M: Kate, whos that woman?W: Oh, she is my aunt, my mothers sister.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。16. W: What would you like to eat, Mike?M: Some rice and chicken.Q: What would Mike like to eat?17. M: Does your mother work in a hospital?W: No, she doesnt. She works in an office.Q: What does the girls mother do?18. W: Whos the letter from?M: My friend, an English girl. She wants to visit Beijing.Q: Where does the girl want to visit?19. W: Do the girls like chicken?M: Yes, they do. But they dont like fish at all.Q: Do the girls like fish?20. M: Whos that woman in blue? Is she your mother?W: No, she isnt. She is my mothers sister.Q: Who is the woman in blue?.听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。短文读三遍。(W:)My name is Lucy. Im eleven years old. Im from England. Im a student. This is my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school. I have a happy family.参考答案及解析Unit 3 单元测试第一部分 听力.1. B 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. D.6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B.11. pen pal 12. bread 13. doesnt; at all 14. hospital 15. aunt.16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A.21. Eleven/11 22. England 23. Three/3 24. A doctor 25. A teacher第二部分 基础知识运用.1. C 由答语可知上句是问谁写的信, 故选C。2. B 在疑问句中,实义动词作谓语时,动词用原形,前面用助动词构成疑问句,主语是第三人称单数, 助动词应用does,故选B。3. A 由in the morning可知是烹饪早饭,故选A。4. D Could you please?表示有礼貌地请求,后接动词原形;say着重强调说话的内容;tell表示 “告诉”,常用于tell sb. sth.或tell sth. to sb.结构,故选D。5. B on a farm表示“在农场”;in a restaurant表示“在餐馆”,故选B。6. A 前一空做主语,应填人称代词主格he;后一空作动词love的宾语,应填he的宾格him,故选A。7. C well为副词,表示“好”,修饰前面的动词;good为形容词,表示“好的”,在句中做表语或定语,故选C。8. A 上句是询问职业状况,故选。9. D a photo of your family表示“你的全家福照片”,与your family photo同义,故选D。10. B be kind to sb.为固定短语,表示“对某人友好”,故选B。 11. C 空格后的动词为原形,而“Why not + 动词原形+其他?”表示建议做某事,故选C。12. A “in+颜色”表示“穿颜色的衣服,”颜色前不用冠词,故选A。13. D orange juice是不可数名词,排除A、B;而C的glass应用复数形式, 故选D。14. D Help yourself / yourselves to sth.用于招待别人吃(喝)某物;由Tom and Jim可知反身代词应用复数形式,故选D。15. B 由答语“一些鸡肉和一杯苹果汁”可知此处顾客在点餐,问句应为“可以点餐吗?”,故选B。.(A) 16. C 17. E 18. A 19. B 20. D(B) 21. C 22. A 23. G 24. F 25. E.26. C 由后面的grandparents可知,此处是指作者的祖母一位老太太(old woman),故选C。27. B 本句中his brother是指作者的fathers brother,即他的叔伯,故选B。28. A 本句表示“你能看见”, 故选A。29. C 由文中可知此处是作者的姐妹, 是两个人, 应用复数,故选C。30. A 前后两个分句是并列关系, 故选A。31. D live with sb. 表示“和某人一起住”,故选D。32. B 由后面的“He works in Beijing Hospital.”可知他的爸爸是一位医生,故选B。33. A “早/中/晚餐吃”常用“have . for .” 来表示,故选A。34. D bread是不可数名词, 没有复数形式, 其前不用a, many, 故选D。35. D orange是以元音音素开头的单词, 前面的冠词不用a, 排除A;orange juice是不可数名词, 前面不用an, 排除B;C中的glass前面是two, 应用复数形式, 故选D。 .(A)36.F 由第二句“She lives in Beijing with her parents now.”可知Ann及其父母现在不在加拿大,故本题错误。37.T 由第四句“She can speak a little Chinese.”可知Ann会说一点汉语,故本题正确。38. F 由第五、六句“Her father works in a hospital. He is a doctor.”可知她父亲不是办公室职员,故本题错误。39. T 由第七句“Her mother is a teacher of English.”可知她母亲是位英语老师,故本题正确。40.T 由最后一句“ and all of them like Chinese food very much.”可知她家都喜欢中国食物,故本题正确。(B)41. D 由文中第一句“In many English homes, people have four meals a day.”可知许多英国人每天吃四顿饭,故选D。42. B 由第二段第二、三句“They eat eggs or bread. English people drink tea or milk for breakfast, too.”可知英国人早餐不吃鱼肉,故选B。43. B 第二段第四句“Lunch comes at about 13:00.”可知英国人大约在下午一点时吃午饭,故选B。44. C 由第二段第六句“They often have soup, and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables.”可知他们晚饭常喝汤,吃带蔬菜的鸡肉或鱼肉,故选C。45. A 由本文倒数第二句“But not all English people have meals like that.”可知并非所有英国人都那样吃,故选A。(C)46. Americans47. thirteen48. teacher49. same50. two第三部分 写作.(A) 1. live2. little3. kind4. usually5. nurse(B) 6. drink7. works8. Could9. glasses10. yourselves.11. No problem 12. plays with 13. at all 14. to be 15. helps; with.参考范文My name is Bill. I come from England. Now I live in Beijing with my parents. My parents work in Beijing. I study Chinese here. I have many friends here. They are kind to me. I often have dinner with them. Chinese food is very nice. I like many kinds of Chinese food. I like China. I like Chinese, too.


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