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8bChapter1Edward was walking past _1_ old house in his village one evening. _2_ house had one door and two windows. As Edward walked past, he thought he saw two eyes looking out of one of _3_ windows of _4_ house. Edward stopped and looked at _5_ window carefully, but _6_ eyes had disappeared. Edward didnt really believe in _7_ ghosts (鬼), but he had heard people say that there was _8_ ghost in _9_ house. He felt frightened but he went up to _10_ window and looked inside. He could see _11_ empty room but that was all. He opened _12_ door, and stepped into _13_ room. In _14_ corner of _15_ room, there was _16_ broken mirror. Two points of _17_ light from _18_ streetlamp outside were reflected(反射) in _19_ mirror. “Now I know _20_ reason why everyone says this house is haunted,” thought Edward. 8B Chapter2Pollution FightersJudy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution. She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist, about trees.Judy:Why are you so interested in trees, Doctor Ray?Dr. Ray:Theyre the biggest and oldest living things on earth, Judy.Judy:Yes, but what good are trees? They make streets more beautiful and (D) noisy, but what else can they do?Dr Ray:Well, Theres wood in your pencil and paper in your notebook- all from trees. And while youre studying at home, do you like to eat an orange, or sip a Coke or a coffee?Judy: Of course. Dr Ray:Then you must thank trees for that, too. Trees are natural air conditioners. (A)他们吸掉空气中的废气,然后把氧气释放到空气中。 How many people are there in your class, Judy?Judy:Forty-sixDr ray:well, one and a half hectares of trees could produce enough oxygen to keep your whole class alive and healthy for a year.Judy:Thats wonderful.Dr Ray:()Trees cool the air as well as clean it. (C) Three trees can do the job of 15 air conditioners running almost all day.Judy:you certainly know a lot about trees, Doctor Ray.Dr Ray:Thank you, Judy, but I dont, really. Scientists are only now beginning to understand them. For example, did you know that when insects attack a tree, it can warn its neighbours? The trees can then protect themselves by producing a chemical that makes their leaves taste nasty. And some trees can join their roots together underground, and pass food and water around. Trees are communicating with one another, but we dont know how.Judy:Are trees in danger?Dr Ray:In great danger. We cut down and burn millions every year but we replace hardly any of them. We are destroying our best fighters against pollution.根据课文内容,回答下列问题:1. Imagine there are 60 students in Judys class. How many students could be kept alive and healthy for a year by the oxygen produced by one hectare of trees? 2. The trees are not in danger, are they? 3. How does a tree protect itself from the insects? 4. Air conditioners make us comfortable, but do you know how many air conditioners running almost all day can do the job of only on tree? 5. Do you like eating oranges? What should we do to protect the trees so that we can eat oranges at any time we want? 任务阅读:1.将A)译成英语: _2.将)部分转换成:Trees _ _cool the air _ _ clean it.3.将C)部分翻译成汉语 _4.在D)处填上一个合适的词:_5.找出文中描写树对空气作用的两个词:_ _写作练习假如你是夏雨,刚刚参加了中学生环保夏令营。你和伙伴们在对全市环境进行的调查,发现如下问题:随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾、乱涂乱画、乱贴广告、乱扔快餐饭盒、塑料袋等。为此,你写信给报社反映问题,呼吁人们保护环境。请你用80个词左右,完成这封信。 参考词汇:environmental protection 环保 a summer camp 夏令营_8B Chapter 3(A)John F Dancers troubles began as soon as he walked into the Dragons Head Hotel with his friend, Charlie. Together they went to the _1_ desk. John said, “My names Dancer. My initials are J F. Ive booked a room here. Can I have my key, please?” The clerk said, “Youre welcome to stay, sir, but we dont allow pets in this hotel.”“Pets!” _2_ John. “Charlie isnt a pet. Im blind and hes my eyes. He takes me (A) everywhere. Dont you, Charlie?” Charlie barked. It sounded _3_ “Yes”. “Im sorry, sir, “the clerk repeated, “but the hotel rules say ” John interrupted, “:Please call the manager.”The manager came. He agreed (B) at once that John and Charlie could both be guests. He _4_ them (C) 亲自to their room. Before _5_, John said, “Can you tell me (D)安全出口?”“Its the fifth door along from yours,” said the manager. “Thank you,” said John. “Safety first, you know.”“Youre very _6_, sir,” the manager said. He then described Johns room to him, and left. John tells us (E) 用他自己的话 _7_ next. “I was tired and went to sleep. Charlie woke me. He was pulling at my blankets and barking. I smelt smoke! A fire! But where? Just then, the fire alarm _8_. I went to the door of my room. I felt it. The surface was hot so I didnt open it. The fire must be outside. I wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door. “I tried the phone. It was _9_. I coughed. A little smoke was getting past the towels. So I lay on the floor with Charlie beside me and waited. The minutes seemed like hours. Then I heard it the sound if a fire engine. (F) It was music _10_my ears. “I opened the window, waved and shouted. Charlie barked. Moments later, I heard a voice. The fireman at the window didnt want to take Charlie. (G) “那是违反规定的,” he said. I explained about Charlie. Seconds later, we were both safe on the ground.”“So you saved Charlies life!” I said. “Yes, and he saved mine,” said John. “Didnt you, Charlie?”Charlie barked. It sounded like “Yes”.I. 完形填空:( ) 1. A. receiveB. receptionC. receivableD. receptive( ) 2. A. excusedB. explainsC. exclaimedD. examined( ) 3. A. likeB. asC. /D. for( ) 4. A. leadB. leadedC. leadingD. led( ) 5. A. come intoB. coming intoC. enterD. entering( ) 6. A. safeB. sensibleC. wisdomD. kind( ) 7. A. what was happenedB. whats happeningC. what happenedD. what had happened( ) 8. A. go outB. go overC. went offD. went away( ) 9. A. deadB. dyingC. dieD. died( ) 10. A. forB. toC. ofD. onII. 按要求完成下列各题:1. 给出与(A)处划线词意思相同的词语:_2. 给出与(B)处划线短语意思相同的词语:_3. 将(C)处划线部分译成英语:_4. 将(D)处划线部分译成英语:_5. 将(E)处划线部分译成英语:_6. 将(F)处斜体字句子译成汉语:_7. 将(G)处划线句子译成英语:_8. 在文中找出表达时间的短语:_III. 阅读短文并完成下面表格:If there is a fire outside your room:1. _ the door of your room. _ it if it is hot.2. Put wet towels _ the door _ the smoke out.3. _ and give your room number.4. _ the floor where the air is _ and _.5. When you hear the fire engine outside, _ the window, _ and _.6. Do exactly what the fireman tells you. Dont _.(B)补全对话:(在空白处填入适当的词、短语或句子)A: Be quick! The bus _1_ the other side of the road will come soon.B: _2_! Dont cross the road yet! Theres a minibus coming.A: Oh, dear. It almost hit me. Now, lets go _3_ the road. Kitty, _4_ the stepsof the bus. Theyre too high and smooth. _5_! Youre going to fall.B: My God! So many people _6_ the bus! Lets go _7_ this way.A: OK. But _8_. There are some glass vases near you. You almost kick them.B: Why does the bus more so slowly!1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ (C)A teacher in Canada once asked her students to write a composition. Its title will be “What I did during my holidays”, the teacher said. One student stood up. His name is Tom. He asked, “How long must the composition be?”“It can be any length,” said the teacher. She added that it had to describe exactly what the students did during their holidays. She told them that she would collect the compositions from them. The next day, the students gave the teacher their compositions. The teacher looked at them and then looked at Tom. She asked him to stand up.“Whats this, Tom?” She said. “Youve written nothing on your paper.”“Thats right, Miss,” said Tom. “Thats exactly what I did during my holidays.”阅读短文并判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F:( ) 1. Toms teacher is American.( ) 2. “The composition has to describe where the students go during their holidays.” said the teacher. ( ) 3. The teacher told them she would collect the compositions from them the next week.( ) 4. Tom finished his composition well.( ) 5. He wrote nothing in his composition.(D)Yesterday, there was a fire at the Dragons Head Hotel. A blind man was staying at the hotel.When the firemen got there, he was standing at the window. His dog was with him. He shouted and waved to the firemen. The dog barked loudly. One fireman quickly climbed up the ladder and reached the window. First, the fireman did not want to take the dog because it was against the rules. However, the blind man insisted and said that the dog was his eyes and his best friend. So at last, the fireman helped both of them down the ladder to the ground. The blind man thanked him again and again. And the dog barked happily with its tail wagging.阅读短文回答下列问题:1. Where did the fire happen?_2. Did the dog keep quiet when the firemen arrived? What did it do?_3. How did the man think of his dog?_4. According to the rules, could the firemen save the dog?_5. In which way did the firemen get into the room?_(E)书面表达:假设你和朋友在度假。你住在the Golden Hotel中,给你的父母写一封信,清晰地描述一下你住的旅馆房间。要求:1 至少包括8样家具。2 注意书写格式。3 提示介词:o the left / right, opposite, next to, above, in front of, behind, beside4 不少于80词。_8B Chapter 4A dangerous servant综合填空在短文空白处填词One evening, Daisy said, Im going to the shop to buy a packet of sweets. (A) Does anyone want anything?Benny, Daisys brother, said, Yes, Can you get me a packet of electricity, please?Daisy said, Right, and went out. Benny laughed, Ha! Ha! Ive tricked Daisy She doesnt know what electricity is. She thinks you can buy in packets, like sweets! Shes really foolish.Mum said,()你知道电是什么吗?Benny said, Yes. Electricity flows through a wire. A meter measures the you use,() and you get a bill for it monthly. Its like water()in a way.Thats not a bad , said Dad, ()although electricity is much more dangerous than water. Electricity is a good servant, but a dangerous one. You must always be careful with it. Can you tell me what it looks like?Benny scratched his head. Dad said, Nobodys ever seen electricity.() Its invisible. But we can change it forms of energy that we can see, hear or feel. Can you think of an example?Benny said. Light! The light in a light bulb.Mum said, Thats right. Do you know where electricity comes from?Benny said, Well, it comes into our flat through thin wires, and these are to thick wires that are buried under the street.We call the thick wires cables, said Dad. What are they connected to? A reservoir? asked Benny. No. Youre of water, said Dad. They are connected to a power station. Thats we make electricity.Daisy came back. Benny said May I have my packet of electricity? There was a grin his face.Yes, you may, said Daisy. Here it is. Benny said. But these are !Daisy said, Thats right. But but, said Benny.Daisys right, said Dad. They are packets that electricity. The chemicals inside electricity. Daisy said, Didnt you know that, Benny? Mum said, Whos looking foolish now, Benny?综合阅读1. 将()画线部分译成汉语2. 将()画线部分译成英语3. 将()画线部分改写成and you get a bill for it4. 将()画线部分译成汉语5. 将()画线部分改写成6. 将()画线部分改写成It综合填空在短文空白处填词Almost everyone today uses electricity in one way or _. It is hard to imagine what life in our towns would be like it. Electricity_ the streets and buildings, and _ people and animals. It _ food in cookers or _ it in refrigerators. It _ trains and trams and _ the traffic lights, lifts and the machines in factories making all kinds of . And the everyday wonders of radio and television use electricity to _entertainment and to millions of families.In villages and on farms, electrical machines _ the cows andtheir food. They also cool the milk and the butter. Indeed, electricity as much work to do in the country it does in the towns.8B Chapter Never a dull moment综合填空在短文空白处填词If you like to keep ,If you hate bored,Just come down to our houseAnd knock the door.Its the noisiest houseIn the whole of our town,Theres doors slamming And things falling down.Theres my dad, who keeps ,And my mum, who breaks things,The baby (wholl bite you!)And our dog running .Theres my sister the screamerAnd my brother who roars,And a grandpa whos deaf(Hes the one who slams doors).So come down to out house,You dont need the ,Youll hear it ten miles awayAnd the outsides a .You wont the racket,Youll just love the din-For theres never a dull moment In the house we live !8B Chapter 6Water talk Daisy was in the bathroom of her flat. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was 1_. Water was pouring into the sink and vanishing down the grain. Turn that tap off, a voice said 2_. Daisy froze. She looked round, but 3_ no one. Turn that tap off. Youre wasting water. The voice 4_ impatient. This time Daisy obeyed. Who who are you? Daisys voice was faint. Im water. Its not easy for me to get here. Do you know where Im 5_? From the tap, I suppose. Said Daisy. Yes, yes, but before that? the voice said. 24 days ago, I was floating 6_ in a cloud in Jiangxi, 7_ the view. Then the cloud 8_ me into a stream and I 9_ down the mountain into the Yangtze River. You know 10_ that is, I hope. Daisy nodded. Well, the Yangtze River 11_ me to a reservoir. I 12_ there for a few days, and then I 13_ a long way and 14_ into the Huangpu River. Then it was time to get 15_ up. Cleaned up? Daisy sounded puzzled. Yes. I was dirty after journey so they took me to a water treatment works. They gave me a through 16_ and added a few chemicals to me. Then I travelled in the pipes under the streets. 17我在那儿一直等着你叫我, and here I am.Daisy said, So this is the end of your journey.No. When youve finished 18_ me, Ill go to a sewage plant. Then theyll pump me into the river and 19Ill be back in the sea again Again? Yes. Thats where I came from in the first place. Remember not to waste me or pollute me. Im precious, like liquid gold. See you.Wait a minute. 20What do you mean by liquid gold? But there was no reply. The water had gone.Daisy came out of the bathroom. Her brother said, “ I thought I heard voice there. Who were you talking to?”“ To the water,” Daisy said, “I was talking to the water.”Benny shook his head. “Sometimes youre weird, Daisy.” He said, “really weird.”I. 1-10完形填空( )1A. run B. on C. off D. running( )2. A. . loudly B. aloud C. big D. noise( )3. A. see B. saw C. look D. watched( )4. A. were B. looked C. sounded D. tasted( )5. A. in B. come C. from D. here( )6. A. comfortable B. comfortably C. free D. relaxed( )7. A. enjoyed B. enjoying C. enjoy D. to enjoy( )8. A. fell B. throw C. droped D. dropped( )9. A. speeding B. sped C. to speed D. speeded( )10. A. where B. what C. how D. placeII. 11-16 填入适当的词或词语11. _ 12._ 13. _14. _ 15. _ 16. _III. 17译成英语_. 18填入一恰当的词语_.19 译成汉语_ 20 改写句子_.判断对错 ()1.People can brush teeth with the tap on.()2.People cant get water easily.()Water goes down the drain and then into the river.()We can save water by taking a shower instead of a bath.()Benny always believes Daisy. 回答问题1. Why did the water say it was like liquid gold?2. What do people do with water in the water treatment works?3. People can hardly waste water, can they? 4. Whats the main idea of this passage?5. Which word in the passage means “very strange” and which one means “ very valuable”?. 绘制一幅流程图说明水是怎样来到Daisy的家中的.8B Chapter 7A new newspaperA阅读短文, 回答问题。 Soon after the term started, some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School wanted to publish a newspaper. They held a meeting. Later, Arthur wrote this report about their meeting for the principal. We held a meeting after school. Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Millie and I were at the meeting. First, we decided to 1._ (vote, elect) the chief editor. Tony suggested that we should choose Joyce, because she has 2._ (experiences, experience). She was editor of her class newspaper last year. Then we all voted 3._ her. We elected Joyce to be the chief editor. Then Joyce 4.took charge of the meeting.


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