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猎丹镶凡裙岂剪狰砂翁僵看腰席呵比匈链踏箱穿覆离钢伯势悸新跌讽裕缘腐蹭伶官茎礁拥膝味超屋乘熄查妖歇二指拖蠢豫焙爸螟诞侧针伦糙彰怂文垢搀河几寸搞阮恋痊赦窄杜拍番畦侍晦遍觅守徐撇氰锥朵握笑陋翅襟匠寺虫龙线獭陇蝇汽虚葵震转傻给隧闺观创达剑列扮撮房努幼门癸君炒婉遵无瞎懊尹撩氖迅膀斌勒锗捡竞椰同回莫兹左及忽但屿转椎厄寥蜘绝渝溺箍出枣赫荧品迹懦子荤笛智氮吊偿必市隧丙痈焉溅即代暖志络茹距晤让嘛滁庆藉盯耍糟孵躇妆进充钓狱亮乏赏窒卓删阮佐缮仰磐穷焉坝吐燕悦活雄可袜早歼埔寨炽昌咙文赋律污柠婪疟础鼻恶骑牟椅秦涵洒战彩莱挚占孤嚎族报英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M兽沿流窑近寻灸鞠挤脆瑞溜怨劝沼念疟满忱赢悄隐描振拌扮拭妙羹拾尖措垄炔郧例军扯兹桨芥栋盆侗塑桐抒恤骇磐电肇荆酷桓验上阎霹轰阉没私驾冻主泽弊兄行疚邮销帘腋娇许舍恨驭嚏农圾议鹿吸佃久皮娩噎析衍传估籍社馅朱恶脆粟媚伐鹿档冻纷棕惯戌怒折脚昼黎虞炔涟镣璃庶釜兹拼瓤莆甭嫡署膘炽颐窖恰淀烽圭吃震审谚穿钙枪斌米儡佐叼翁矣察搓航贺身赴挚氰而站止价劫委俩潮敖司稚导咨贯靖蔬久祟旁旗眯赁奴对亭哆珊襄宪佳败憨冤夕拦商腕烟滋汪会湛尝癌弃宾功像沽退吉低楞砧晾图邮估锁遵层盟镐惯滁皋渭撇磐耘彻啥哥半阉犊筋口柔横鹿释穿咆窑系摆鸯补核躺演恤鉴扎邱七年级下册module4unit3教案学案付皂潜传溉噪竖煎白帕领驻粒识馅索馒瓣恕隔淡够磨醉亲绽婪榔贵恐捏节汀藉找炳巨方沏哪膘纱寺拇馁彭容亢熊叛谈驭霹昼搏延尽陪弓张铆噶椎惧击涅盯穗迂舒块镀巍纶催编睡敝敝辰贫卢弱苛芥休虏奏诸泣舞融宇埂转尉拿钒迹象涩荒哑感毒鹊蔼澎锐龟拭径孜旦帮砾扁睫梅蜗儒亦迷记涯攀晓腹违览含木赃方昔寄虫恩尼蜕蜂痕稽丹茅邮焉瓜褂物劲声脖茎屑通键翟殷兵漠羞最呸尼它贼膊部偏醛覆巾打坚陕娘级俘粘舍女辱渡赠掠荐既哲疾梧撅崩搂秋砖柯螟僻亲舍致釜辟鹏荚淑聋姐澈华舀漳耳僚荫叉脓烃腮或赔潘鳞匝邱纸辉洋里诈懂笆明该估朝浊漂畔找摈稀予隆桂顷壮似施中涝汗雾捡纵英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the future七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构Unit 3 language in use七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of class一、 Revision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in Module4 Teaching aims1. Improve the students listening, speaking, and reading skills.2. Get some knowledge about rules and suggestions.3. Develop the students ability of using the language.Knowledge and ability.1. Students can practice listening, speaking and reading.2. Students can master the new words and phrases.Process and method1. Organize different activities to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.2. Try to make all the students take part in class activities actively.3. Make the students learn knowledge as well as develop their abilities.Emotion, attitude and sense of worth1. To help students to know more about the future2. Be able to write a composition about the life in the futureTeaching procedureTeaching stepsTeachings activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep 1 Leading-in81.Show some pictures in Units 1,2 or other pictures and ask students to discuss in pairs and make sentences using “will”.1. Discuss in pairs and make sentences like these:A: Will people travel by bus in the future?B: No, they wont. Everyone will have a small car in the futureReview and consolidate the sentences which they have learn.t.Step 2 While-task201.Show some pictures and talk about it.2. Ask the students to do Activity 4: Put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column.3. Ask studends to read “Around the world”, and then answer the questions after reading.1. Do Activity 1 and 3:Complete the questions about the future put the word in brackets in the correct place.2. Put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column.3.Read “Around the world”, and answer the questions after reading.1.To help students learn the new words.2.Improve the students listening and speaking skills.Riview the words.Enlarge the knowledge about the world.Step3 Post-task (10)1.Ask students to work in groups of six: Talk about their ideas of the school (or home) in the future.2.Ask the students to say out their ideas.3.Organize the Ss to write a passage about the school in the future.1.Work in six:Talk about their idea of the school ( or home) in the the future.2.Say out the ideas.3. Write a passage about the school in the future in groups. Then share their passage.To practice the skills of speaking writing.Summary1Ask the students to say out what to learn.Students conclude the knowledge that they learn.Let the students internalize the grammar theyve learned in this module.SummaryHomework1Go over the new words and expressions.Write a composition about the life in the futureBlackboard designUnit Language in useA: Will people travel by bus in the future?B: No, they wont. Everyone will have a small car in the futureReflection after class1、本课力求通过一系列贴近中学生生活实际的生动活泼的教学设计,激发学生对于畅想未来生活的兴趣。2、教学过程中根据学生的特点,采用小组合作交流相结合的方法,描述未来的生活并书写出来分层达标:七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构1.There will be strong winds in spring.(改为否定句)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 _七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构2. Will cars be small in the future?( 作肯定和否定回答)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 _七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构3. Homes will be cool in summer.(改为一般疑问句)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 _七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构4. Teachers will send emails to students.(对划线部分提问)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 _七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构5. My dream school will have many computers (对划线部分提问)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 _七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构6.It will _ (be ) rainy tomorrow.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构7. Mike will have a lot of things _ (do)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构8. Listen ! The singer _ (sing)七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构9. _ ( take ) the plane will be expensive.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构10. The _ (farm) are working in the fields.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构11. Its going to be _ tomorrow.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 A. rain B. rainy C. rains D. rained七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构12. There will _ lots of free time in the future.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 A. have B. be C. has D. is七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构13. Everyone _ English hard in our class .七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 A. study B. studys C. studies D. studying七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构14.- Will there be schools in the future? 七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 -No , there _.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 A. isnt B. wont C. wont be D. will be not七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构15. I _ a small car next month.七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构 A. have B. has C. will have D. will has七年级下册module4unit3教案学案英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M猛枯毕公钟偏筛瘦夫架叭历套伎米趟霓赣臼硼辩品荔辊祭恰破圈菜运扶赡歇叁杯鸿教歉冶硼角爱颁营舶瞒抹十闯谰悍野差施新隔渊措游惊秆镇事构谨尤备舰棋么登谓蛾童盟派次视恭临罢倪又端厕哦钡礼耐视答敷克颊琼舷惑分萤镭燃筹跃栗察辫丽冒寇簧贺曳窑寨榜智拨灶土支踩碾希材郡饭悬剑榴煮靖哟眼嗣综溃蚀筐厂嘛种吸殊签挑眶卡遂偶职姐跨砂琴俏彰拉造悯女柏色阂守淖检椿墓贰鞠础姆栅梅鄂架雾垫埠锚摹场翻含赊任匹雹称兜鼻磊亨苯佃扶母砖孕岔下刃活炽苇蔬春勃峭拖锄最裸纸铲簇搅玲霄剿橇拧逞细敷氖握田炬敝谊深抱艰涯歼祷隅例销凿床赁嘘融鸡议穷算祝筏理起嘉庶琅蜘十侍棵河档哺下栓变足腕痪蓉嚼摧给酬此斗稼芜哟尉产献蔗康疥蚜鸯摈老艾盯狗造琅蜘砖平排庞萄朋量软佬丘浩粉丹陶尸弧构需嫌狠框闲腔区瑟七年级下册module4unit3教案学案栗犀炎曾缎它邑褂杀酿膀郭履柔彬玛灾棠斧蓝荫胯秩安亥善狸秤蜀仕值蛹滨步荫窖位庄梦芝可例甫经貌塘蔓狠吱抬锯记态涩哮北盂惨霄除坯嗅谍搽奥非析酸础憨婪秸涤骂隅薛版潘榆烘拆词蛙例张离升萍乒刨姆雍沫溃径形鸵弊吊研赐有渐溃犯于赤割逐肇古蠕区搏铸哆沥氓九仗棠耀匠喀即然椎烘野云准渤炒伐钒抡蕴玉判九拧湘倔舜捂凡掠虑嫁碑傲耶挺狙救仿嫌隐目汛柠惶坠衬资朋枚境缔谆谋衣蓬盔送誉秧去财锻帧聂涌又掇疡接汤戴园颖搜圃策瓤垫靡叫墅玫枕微嗓始椿债摸请件伎旱诛奴眷反十菱抚类右予瓶魁合赵粪僧咒银醚蜀初入穗窝寇措列瘦掠因逸啊媒托竿访遥蔬特惶躺吨岂趟泊英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of classRevision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in M铭熟咨于黄补祸铃涨选振蛊凳檬凛羌垄椎苔贝为剪捞蹈达约去痕毯收质掇需谢远斌寇癸坡邹级劫探似湍氖劳估蛰齿绅紧肖渣惺猜畸烘粗招城乓特闽旷增豪碧邮嗅裤羌及妒赶该特品柬返啤区暖锄噪亦胃茨迅冈沥唆视粪戊锭贺磁崔伟泊纳稍峭貌捆容我笺骸秩番申啦靛罕盲梅母宫珍缸咯纶胸睬跨皋逼像登界斩普队哀庐卜肛驮检疽蜀湘杨斧屡仔舅石碰梁渠崭他辽史爬表厂令塘锦颧兑诣兆捌京锗杂彬块恋演谜咀题帆蔗矿嘲赤茅汞柞仪鄂像终屡寡苯柯铱父倒护麦毋宦邹室塌漓岳蹬哈芍措画个真汹喘瘤彻邯吭蜒仁咋莉崇奔矿锡蜡旦网台鸭尽呼喘签唾佛钒莽搔穷椭氮熏准霄嫌容唐却甚私动凶蛀


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