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师雪清文库整理20112012学年第一学期高一期末英语试题姓名: 学号: 班级: 成绩: Multiple choices (每题1分,共20分)6. The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.Atravels Btraveled Chad traveled D. is traveling 7. He is good at his job but he seems to confidence. A. recognize B. announce C. absorb D. lack8. Although he _ an invitation to work as chairman of the company, as I knew, he refused to _ it.A. received; accept B. accepted; receive C. received; receive D. accepted; accept 9. The poor man _ lost his money just now is called john.A. what B. which C. who D. whom10. Have you _ where to go for your honeymoon?A made up your minds B changed your minds C kept in mind D fixed your minds11. The countries have been _ for more than a century.A. at rest B. at war C. at table D. at school12. The students competed _ the honor of winning _ each other _ the school sports meet. A. for, against, in B. in, with, against C. against, for, at D. about, in, with13. I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real_.A. exchange B. bargain C. trade D. business14. John _, for he went swimming yesterday without permission.A. would punished B. had punished C. punished D. was punished15. Do you know the thief _ by the police? A. has caught B. has been catching C. was caught D. has been caught16. Look! Everything here is under construction. Whats the pretty small house that _for? A. is being built B. having been built C. is built D. is building17. If we dont take steps. The Tibetan antelopes and pandas will _ some day just as dinosaurs.A. die down B. die out C. die away D. die off 18 It will be _ wonderful world if all nations live in _ peace with each other. A. a;a B. the;the C. a;the D. a ;/ 19. Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?_.A.It doesnt matter B.Thats nothing C.Good idea! D.Youre welcome20. Hua Lian Department Store will _ some people as its workers.A. employ B. demand C. reserve D. inspect21. It is not rare in _ that people in _ fifties are going to university for further education.A. 1990s , the B. the 1990s ; / C. 1990s ; their D. the 1990s ; their22. - Didnt you have a good time at the party?- Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly.A. go by B. go away C. go out D. go over23. Her mother _ having read the letter. A. thought B. considered C. admitted D. advised24. I go to see a film _. A. every two weeks B. every third weeks C. every three week D. each third weeks25. My grandpa was in the Red Army, and he _ the Long March. A. joined B. took part in C. attended D. joinII. Cloze ((每题1分,共20分)We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and lions live in big forest and they are called 26 animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are 27 by men and they are called domestic(驯养) animals. These animals are very different from one another, but we can 28 them into big groups: those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the 29 belong to the first group. Animals like cows, elephants and horses belong to the second group. Animals are 30 great use to human beings. Men 31 wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are 22 more important to men. Without them, life will be 33 . People make use of animals in many 34 .Cows and pigs are useful to mens 35 . They give 80% of the 36 men eat every year. Skin of some animals can be 37 into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and comfortable and 38 a long time. They are very welcome in 39 countries. Wool, which is now one of the most important material for textile(纺织) 40 , comes from a special kind of 41 . From cows, we get milk. And we shouldnt 42 that some domestic animals are kept for transport. Many people 43 ride horses. Arabs ride on camels which travel in deserts for days without 44 . In some places animals are still used to plough field. 45 is clear that men just cant live without these animals.26. A. wildB. seriousC. terribleD. fighting27. A. trappedB. treated C. sold D. kept28. A. separateB. divide C. sell D. keep29. A. chickenB. tiger C. fish D. goat20. A. withB. to C. forD. of31. A. huntB. discoverC. raise D.care for32. A. quiteB. every C. even D. some33. A. smoothB. difficultC. easy D. perfect34. A. waysB. groups C. placesD. kinds35. A. life B. work C. family D. food36. A. mealB. meat C. dinner D. animals37. A. put B. turned C. made D. changed38. A. last B. cost C. takeD. dress39. A. coolB. cold C. warmD. foreign40. A. business B. workersC. industryD. factory41. A. sheepB. dogs C. cows D. pigs42. A. forgetB. rememberC. realize D. notice43. A. alwaysB. hardly C. still D. just44. A. restingB. drinkingC. sleepingD. stopping45. A. ThatB. This C. It D. SoIII. Reading comprehension (每题2分,共10分)A The computers and the InternetThe computer is one of the most important inventions of today. Ever since it was invented, it has changed our lives a lot.People can do a lot of things with the computer. For example, some software can be used too help people finish their work. If one cant finish it at once, the computer can save it so that one can find it quickly the next time.When you talk about computer, you must mention the Internet. The Internet is a huge worldwide collection of computer networks. A network is a small group of computers working together. You can find information about almost any topic in the world from this network. For example, you can use the Internet instead of a library to find information about current issues for your homework. You can also find information about your favorite pop or film stars, talk to your friends or even do some shopping. As well as words, most pages include pictures, sounds, and even videos.Email is a fast and cheap way to keep in touch with friends and family. Its much cheaper and quicker than sending a letter.Quick, easy and fun-that is the Internet. However, it also has its shortcomings(缺点).If you always use the computer, you could become lazy and lonely. There is also a lot of bad information on the Internet. Some of it is bad for our ideologies(观念). Many parents dont allow their children to use the Internet because they think that the Internet is useless and they only about its disadvantages.In my opinion, the computer and the Internet are good for us if we can adopt a correct attitude towards them. They are several reasons. Firstly, they can store a very, very large amount of 1. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. One day the computer will completely replace humans.B. In modern times, the computer is the only most important invention.C. With the computer used in our daily lives, we can do some things easier than before.D. In the future, we can use the computer to do everything.2. The underlined word “operate” in the passage means _. A. 作手术 B 操作 C 打开 D 浏览3. Whats the authors attitude towards the Internet?A. If the Internet is used in the right way, it is good for us. B. All the information on the Internet is bad for children.C. We can only use the Internet at home. D. The Internet should always used by adults.4. With the help of the internet,_.A. You can find information about almost any topic in the world from this network.B. You neednt to go to the library to find information about current issues for your homework.C. You can talk to your friends or even do some shopping.D. You can also find information about your favorite pop or film stars5. What does the passage mainly tell us about?A. The Internet is more popular than computer today. B. The Internet has its shortcomings.C. The Internet are good for us if we can adopt a correct attitude towards them.D. The computer is one of the most important inventions of today.BHow to keep viruses out of your computerDo you find that when you are busy with your studying on the Internet, the speed of your computer slows down suddenly sometimes? It is probably because your computer gets infected by virus, which can make it more difficult for you to study. How to keep viruses out of your computer is a problem now. But in fact, nothing can ensure(保证) the security of your computer 100percent. There are, somehow some things you can do to improve your computers security and decrease(降低) the possibility of an infection(感染). You can keep your system up to date have the currant anti-virus software, and using the following methods.Steps to help avoid viruses:1. Protect your computer with the latest updates. If you use Microsoft Windows XP, turn on automatic updates.2. Use an Internet firewall.(防火墙) 3. Download industry standard anti-virus software and make sure it is the latest.4. Never open an e-mail attachment(附件)from someone you dont know.5. Avoid opening an e-mail attachment from someone you know, unless you know exactly what the attachment is. The sender may not know that it has a virus.6. If you use Microsoft Office applications (应用附件), its a good idea to keep them updated too.Tips: Because no security method is perfect, its important to copy important files somewhere before you get a virus or have other problems.根据文章的内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的用 A;错误的用B。6. Some programs can make sure of the security of your computer 100 percent. 7 Keeping your system up to date is the only way to decrease the possibility of infection.8. This article is mainly about how to avoid viruses.9. It is probably that your computer has got infected by a virus when you find the speed of your computer slows down suddenly. 10. Its important to copy important files somewhere when you find your computer gets infected by a virus or has other problems. IV. Words spelling (每题1分,共10分)1. China is getting more and more p_ (强大) in the world.2. It is not allowed to h_(打猎) wild animals in this area.3. The climate a_ (影响) the amount of the rainfall last year.4. As soon as the students of geology arrived on the island, they were eager to e_(探索).5. You should s_(简化) the procedureits too complex (复杂的). 6. Music is the u_ (通用的) language of human beings.7. He set a g_ (目标)for himself of exercising at least three times a week.7. Having failed many times, the man was l_ (渴望) for success.8. With the help of his friends, he finally s_(解决) the problem.9. what an e (经历)!10. What must be done if w (野生动物) protection is to succeed?.V. Correction (每题1分,共10分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线 ()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear May, I have story to tell you. Last Friday, I went home by bus. I see an old woman with a basket full of egg when I got on the bus. I learned from his conversation with the conductor that she didnt have enough money for a ticket. I quick gave one yuan to the conductor to pay for an old woman. The woman thanked me a lot, but even wanted to giving me some eggs. I refused her because of I thought it was my pleasure help someone in trouble. Dont you think so ?VI Writing (共15分) 随着科技的发展,网络进入我们的日常生活,网上购物越来越普遍。21世纪报就网上购物进行讨论,请你根据以下内容为其投稿。 注意:1. 词数不少于100。 2. 短文的开头,中间及结尾已给出。作文写在答题卡上2010 2011学年第一学期高一英语期终答案I. Multiple Choice (25%)A)Choose the one whose underlined part has the same pronunciation as the one given(5%)ABACDII. Multiple Choice (20%)AAACA BABDD ABDCA DACABII. Cloze (20%)ADBBD ACBAD BCABC AACBCVI. Writing (15%)With the development of science, the Internet comes into our everyday life. It helps us in many ways. Shopping is a good example. We can buy the things we want on the Internet without leaving our house. We dont need to hunt for them shop by shop. Shopping on the Internet can save us a lot of time. Whats more, the goods may be even cheaper than those in shops. All we have to do is to search for the goods we want and click, and then just wait. Though it is convenient and fast to shop on the Internet, there is still something for us to worry about. Quality is a big problem. We cant see the real goods on the Internet. After all, we cant choose them ourselves. Besides, lots of advertisements on the Internet are not reliable. So sometimes we are easily cheated. Therefore we should be careful while were enjoying the convenience of high technology.第 7 页 共 7 页


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