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五年级英语上册单词拼写综合练习人教新起点班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全单词。1. bo_ght 2. A_stralia 3. Spa_n 4. p_stman5. hist_ry 6. an_ther 7. T-sh_rt 8. sh_king9. pa_s 10. twen_y 11. .A_t 12. Sc_nce13. p_pil 14. m_ths 15. langu_ge 16.dr_ver17.da_cer 18. ca_e 19. for_ign 20. t_ught21. l_arnt 22. pi_ce 23. sw_m 24. hi_h25. c_t 26. nob_dy 27. dr_w2. 根据图片提示填写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ 3. 根据要求写单词。child复数_ make(加ing) _ stand对应词_cant完整形式_ help(加ing)_ have第三人称单数_4. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. Look! That is my aunt. She is y_and beautiful.2. Will Mr Black be o_Chinese teacher?3. Im short but my brother Tony is t_.4. My grandpa often tells f_stories(故事) to me.5. My grandmotheris very_(慈祥的).5. 看图,填入所缺字母补全单词或短语。1Wed_sday 2ph_t_3br_dg_ 4r_d books5m_ntains6. 按要求写单词。1twelfth(简写形式)2twenty-third(基数词)3thirty-one(简写形式)4twenty-two(序数词)5twenty(序数词)7. 根据图片提示,补全句子。(1)I often _ _ on Saturdays.(2)- Whats your math teacher like ?- Hes _ and _.(3)Today is _.We have _,math and art.(4)What would you like for lunch ?- Id like rice, _ and _.(5)_ are my favourite _.8. 根据图片,补全句子。 1. Look! It willbe_tomorrow. 2. She is _. 3. Today is _. 4. Happy _!9. 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整。A:Welcomeb_toschool,Ben.B:Nicetom_you,MrGreen.A:Thereisan_subjectthist_,doyouknow?B:Yes.ItsS_S_.A:Doyoul_it?B:Yes,itsani_s_.A:Whattimedoyouh_thislesson?OnM_?B:No.ItsonF_.10. 单词拼写。1I give some gifts to Mr Wang on T_Day.2N_Day is on October 1st.3C_is coming soon.4M_Day is in May.11. 看图写出英文单词。_ _ _ _ _12. 按要求写出单词的正确形式。1sheep(复数)_ 2strawberries(单数)_3small(近义词)_ 4one(序数词)_5sun(同音词)_ 6twentieth(基数词)_7tall(反义词)_ 8t (同音单词) _9cant(完整形式) _ 10They are(缩写形式)_13. 尽可能多的写出含有th的单词。1th /_2th /_14. 根据首字母提示填空。There are t_pandas in the zoo. T_names are Huanhuan and Beibei. They look l_bears, but they are not bears. They live i_China. They have small t_and f_bodies. They are b_and white. They are very clumsy(笨拙的). Look! The baby panda is b_the mother panda, and they are sleeping. Oh! H_cute they are! Pandas are favourite animals.15. 根据中文完成句子。1She_(没有)a television_(和)radio.2The farmers often work_(在田里).3I_(希望)you are well.4I want to buy a_(收音机).5I_(想念)my grandma.5 / 5


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