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教学内容Lesson 2What is the weather like in xian today?(第一课时)教学目标1、能听、说、认、读、写以下单词:hot, cold, fine, warm, cool, watch,并能在日常生活中灵活使用。2、能听懂、会说单词及短语:the weather report, in Xian, Beijing, Xinjiang,3、能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型:(1)Whats the weather like in Xian today?(2)Its hot/cold/fine/warm/cool. 并能在日常生活中灵活使用。重点难点1、能听、说、认、读、写单词hot, cold, fine, warm, cool 2、掌握句型:(1)Whats the weather like in Xian today?(2)Its sunny/windy/ cloudy/ rainy/ snowy. Its hot/ cold/ fine/ warm/ cool.教学准备课本第七页的5幅图片。教学过程一、复习导入1、师生问好后,教师可随意问学生:Hows theweather?让学生回答。2、然后让学生做值日汇报,内容除了自己的姓名、年龄、班级、爱好、喜爱的运动,还要告诉其他学生今天星期几?今天天气如何?3、复习现在进行使得用法及构成。What are you doing?Im watching TV.二、新授1、教授新单词:hot, cold, fine, warm, cool.老师在教hot时,可以出示课本第七页的图片1,引出Its summer. Its sunny. How do you feel?并做出很热的样子,便作出扇扇子的动作边说:Its hot. Im very hot.然后教学生读几遍。以同样的方式教授单词cold,老师作出很冷的样子,双臂紧抱,身体发抖,然后说:Its cold. Im very cold.而warm和cool这两个单词则以另外一种方式出现,老师可以先做出很冷的样子,然后跑到暖气旁边,手摸着暖气片,做出高兴的样子,然后说:Its warm.让学生明白不管天气冷热与否,只要太阳出来,天气晴朗,就可以说: Its fine.2、做游戏:看动作说单词。教师可以将学生分为数组,一部分学生做动作,一部分同学说单词,然后替换练习。将所学新词巩固练习。3、解释课文中的句子:Whats the weather like in Xian today? 今天西安的天气怎么样?Whats the weather like ?和Hows the weather?的意思基本一样。三、巩固练习1、听录音,填空:Whats the weather like in ?Its. and its , too.2、上台表演对话。四、作业1、听录音,仿读对话,并在实际情境中运用所学内容进行灵活表达。2、听中央电视台天气预报,并模仿。板书设计 教学反思教学内容Lesson 2What is the weather like in xian today?(第二课时)教学目标1)“四会”单词:Hot 、cold 、warm 、cool、 watch 并能在日常生活中运用。2)能听懂、会说单词及短语:the weather report、 in Xian、 Beijing、 Xinjiang、 Harbin、 New York、 London、 Paris.3)能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型: (1)Whats the weather like intoday?(2)Its hot/cold/fine/warm/cool.来询问某地今天的天气状况以及简单的表达。重点难点1、“四会”单词:hot、 cold 、fine、 warm 、cool。2、灵活掌握句型及句子:(1)Whats the weather like intoday?(2)Its hot/cold/fine/warm/cool.教学准备课本第七页的5幅图片;一幅标有几个城市天气状况的中国地图;带有表示天气、日历及城市名称的图片。教学过程一、复习导入(Revision)1、师生一起做动作,说唱上一课学的儿歌weather,以此来复习词汇。2、教师出示一些标有不同天气状况的图片一一询问学生:Hows the weather?学生用Its sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy来作答。3、教师出示带有表示天气、日历及城市名称的图片,让学生回答下列问题: (1)what day is it today?(2)Hows the weather?(3)Where is it?从而引出本课要讲的内容:问某地的天气状况。二、新授(New presentation)1、教师利用课本第七页中图片教学单词:hot、 cold 、fine、 warm 、cool.2、游戏(看动作、猜单词)。教师将全班分成若干组,一组同学商定后做动作,另一组同学说单词,让后互相替换练习。将刚才所学单词巩固练习。3、教授新对话:1Listen look and askA、 Who is watching TV?B、What is he watching?C、Whats the weather like in Xian?/Hows the weather in Xian?让学生翻开课本6页,边看边听课文对话,并思考以上问题。2Listen repeat and answer学生跟读课文时,教师讲解;Whats the weather like in Xian?和Hows the weather in Xian?的意思基本相同。然后再次放录音,让学生将课文掌握。Read in pair(group)三、操练和练习(Drill and practice)1、游戏;教师出示事先准备好的课本第九页上的中国地图,然后让学生练习以下内容:(学生可以按小组,就自己熟悉的城市进行讨论练习。)Whats the weather like in?Its,and its,too.请同学上台表演课文对话,并选出最佳表演奖。做活动手册第I题。重点练习天气状况的单词:cloudy 、hot、 warm、 rainy 、cold、 sunny、 cool,并达到熟练掌握。四、家庭作业(Homework)1、听录音,读课文对话,并在生活中练习表达。2、读并且抄写单词。课后反思:教学内容Lesson 2What is the weather like in xian today?(第三课时)教学目标1、能听、说、认、读、写有关雨天所需雨具词:umbrella, raincoat, rubber boots,并能在日常生活中灵活使用。2、能听懂、会说短语:go home, be over, too bad3、能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型: (1)School is over. Lets go home.(2)It is raining. I havent got an umbrella.重点难点1、听、说、认、读、写单词umbrella, raincoat, rubber boots2、掌握句型:(1)School is over.(2)Lets go home/ go to school/ go boating/ play football/ play basketballIt is raining.I havent got an umbrella/ a raincoat/ rubber boots.教学准备1、老师出示准备好的实物 2、自制图片教学过程一、复习导入1、师生之间互相问好,然后学生做值日汇报。2、复习句子:Hows the weather today?/ Whats the weather like today? Its sunny/ rainy/ snowy/ windy/ cloudy.Its rainy. Its raining. Its snowy. Its snowing. umbrella, rains,二、新授1、教授新词新句:老师先说:然后引出雨天我们应该穿戴什么,引出,老师领读并让学生反复跟读。建议老师采用游戏方式以巩固这几个词。Game1:猜单词游戏。老师把全班同学分成两组,指定某个同学为计时员。第一组推举一名选手到教室前面,从盒子中抽出一张词汇卡。这名选手只能用动作表明词汇卡上单词的意思,第一组的学生要设法猜出那个单词。计时员计时,看第一组需要多长时间猜完单词。然后轮换第二组进行。Game2:哪个不见了?(略)2、教授对话:1、讲和的不同用法。当一个名词以元音因素开头时,前边的不定冠词要变为。2、听音模仿,练习对话内容。三、巩固练习1、给学生出示一些图片,让学生进行自由会话。2、让学生上台表演。3、做活动手册。本体主要考察学生对几个重点单词的理解及拼写。 四、作业1、总结本课所讲内容。2、熟记单词:板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson 3It is raining(第一课时)教学目标1.在复习上一节课内容的基础上看图完成第18页和第19页练习。2.要求学生能听懂老师说的句子,并能根据指令做动作,从而进一步掌握祈使句。3.“四会”句子:Get up! Look out of the window! Shall we go out to piay?We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.重点难点1.让学生进一步掌握肯定祈使句的意义和用法。2.在学习对话的基础上,让学生学会 Its snowing. What can you du? I can . 这样的功能性句子。教学准备录音机 图片 单词卡片。教学过程一、复习导入1.师生之间互相问好,然后学生作值日汇报。汇报内容包括自己 的姓名,年龄,班级,爱好,自己 喜爱 的 运动项目,然后教师告诉学生今天星期几,今天天气状况如何2.让 学生带上表情和动作 朗读第一课和 第2课的 韵文。3.复习句子;how is the weather today?what is the weather today?It is sunny/rainy/snowy/windy/cloudy.二、教授新词新句:1.老师先说It is raining.It is raining .It is snowing.然后引出雨天我们应该穿戴什么,引出umberlla,raincoat,rubber boots,老师领读并让学生反复跟读。建议老师采用如下游戏方式以巩固着几个词。游戏一;猜单词游戏。分组,要求学生用动作表明词汇卡上的单词。游戏二,把这几个单词的培华贴在黑板上,让学生看几秒钟,然后闭上眼睛,接着老师取走其中一张。让学生睁开眼睛,说出老师取走了哪一张。2.教授对话 的 前半部分;School is over。Let is go home._Look?look! it is raining.oh, too bad! i havent got an umbrella.老师放录音,让学生听音理解对话的意思。同时讲解a和an 的用法。三课堂练习1.给学生一些图片和实物,如雨伞、雨靴等让学生进行自由对话。2、让学生上讲台进行表演。四作业安排会读和写本科的单词和句子板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson 3It is raining(第二课时) 教学目标1. New words: terrible pretty 2. New drill: Hows it going? Great./ Pretty good 3. Use “ Hows the weather?/ Whats the weather like?” skillfully. 4. Know the phone language重点难点Hows it going? Great./ Terrible./ Pretty good. Phone language教学准备1. Four cards with faces, 2. a piece of exercise paper教学过程一、复习导入1、单词卡片复习sunny、rainy、windy、cloudy和snowy以及hot、 fine 、warm 、cool 、cold等单词。2、师生对话复习句型Whats the weather like today? Its sunnyraiywindycloudysnowy, and its hotwarmcoolcold, too.3、师生交谈,引入新课。T:Whats the weather today?S:Its raining.T:Please put on your raincoat and rubber boots and take your umbrella.二、新授1、教学新单词(1)、熟读单词(2)、用单词卡片玩闪卡游戏、藏卡游戏和指卡游戏,做到熟读单词,熟记单词和识记单词。(3)、用新单词说话。(4)、用Please put on your raincoat.和Please put on your rubber boots.Dont take your umbrella.发口令学生做相应的动作,强化学习祈使句。2、创设下雨的天气,邀请同学和自己回家的情境,学习本课对话。Wang Shi:School is over. Lets go home.Zhao Yu: Look! Its raining.Wang Shi:Oh,too bad! I havent got an umbrella.Zhao Yu:Dont worry.You may use mine.Wang Shi:Thanks a lot.用my umbrella代替mine练习对话。像学生强调,为了避免重复,可以用mine代替前面出现的名词。3、熟读对话。三、巩固练习: 表演对话。四、拓展创新:仿照对话,学生自编对话进行表演。师生做评议,并及时鼓励。五、作业:1、熟记本课单词。2、背诵本课对话。板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson 3It is raining(第三课时)教学目标Some words bout the weather and sentence forms.How to ask and describe the weather.培养学生学习英语的兴趣,乐于参与课堂活动的积极感情。重点难点重点:1、掌握本课有关天气的所有单词。2、能够运用所学句型How is the weather? Its sunny/ cloudy/ 进行口头交际。难点:How to ask and describe the weather.教学准备多媒体课件教学过程Step1 warming-upStep2 New words1多媒体课件展现不同天气情况的图象。教师逐个点击,教授生词sunny 、cloudy 、windy 、 rainy/raining、 snowing/ snowy.e.g. (点击图像如)T:Whats this.Ss:Its the sunT:We can say, “Its sunny today.” Read after me, sunny.Ss:Sunny.(用同样的方法教授其它单词,带读并指名个别学生读)2检查单词多媒体呈现不同的天气图像,学生根据图像快速说出英语单词sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy/ raining, snowy/snowing.3搭配练习,把单词和图画匹配。windycloudyraining/ rainysnowing/snowysunnyStep3.利用课件展现不同的天气图像,呈现句型,引导学生回答。T: How is the weather?Ss: It is raining.T: How is the weather?Ss: Its windyT: Step4.学生以PARTENER为单位相互询问和描述天气情况Step5.游戏学生自画天气情况的简笔画,以组为单位,玩接龙游戏。最先完成游戏的那一组为获胜者,教师给予表扬。e.g. S1: Hows the weather? (指着自己所画的简笔画问)S2: It is sunny. How is the weather?S3: It is cloudy. How is the weather?S4: StStep6.课件呈现Moscow, Toronto, Boston这几个城市,教授单词Moscow, Toronto, Boston。2师生谈论page31图中的天气Step7Practice学生两人一组谈论Moscow, Toronto, Boston, Beijing, Shanghai的天气情3、Step8 Homework(1)观看今天晚上的天气预报,记下自己最喜欢的城市的天气情况并完成以下表格。Cityweather(2)熟读本课学到的单词,短语和句子。课后反思:教学内容Lesson4 Its snowing (第一课时)教学目标1.在复习上一节课内容的基础上看图完成第18页和第19页练习。2.要求学生能听懂老师说的句子,并能根据指令做动作,从而进一步掌握祈使句。3.“四会”句子:Get up! Look out of the window! Shall we go out to piay?We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.重点难点 1.让学生进一步掌握肯定祈使句的意义和用法。 2.在学习对话的基础上,让学生学会 Its snowing. What can you du? I can . 这样的功能性句子。教学准备教师准备录音机 图片 单词卡。教学过程一、复习导入。1.做游戏:老师说一组祈使句,让学生听指令做动作。Go to school. Do your homework. Come here. Go there. Wash your face.Draw a picture. Watch TV. Sing a song.提醒学生注意老师是怎样发出一个接一个的指令的:当我们命令或要求别人做某事时,一般使用祈使句。为了礼貌,我们还可以在句首或句末加上 please。例如:Come in please. Please sing a song for us.2.接着,老师拿出一个图片(下雨图),问:Look! How is the weather? 学生回答:Its raining.换张下雪的图片问:How about this? 回答 :Its snowing.说明:现在进行时的意义:表示正在发生的动作或存在的状况。当我们描绘当前人正在做某事时,我们用 be+动词的现在分词来构成进行时态,其中be有人称、数的变化。3.老师放录音,学生反复听音并复述,进一步熟悉课文内容。二、巩固复习。1.老师带领学生做18页、19页练习。先叫学生完成 Lets practise (I) 的填空练习,然后师生校正。在练习中体会现在进行时所表达的意义,shall we.?这是一个表示要询求对方或给对方一个想法或建议时用的句型,而同意或肯定此建议或想法时,就用 Good idea 回答。2.让学生完成 Lets practise (II),通过学生两人一组替换所给图片做一组对话,启发学生掌握应答短语。三、作业。(Homework)1.同桌两人一组进行19页的对话练习。2.复习本课对话内容。3.记“四会”句子。4.两人一组用本课所学内容做一段自由对话。板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson4 Its snowing (第二课时)教学目标1、能听、说、认、读、写单词:snow,blow,rain,make a snowman ,skate,clean the snow,snowball,并能在日常生活中使用。2、能听懂、会说短语:get up,look out of the window,go out to play,good idea,make a snowman,throw snowball,clean the snow.3、能听懂、会说、会用下列句型:(1)Get up!(2)Look out of the window!(3)Its snowing.(4)Shall we go out to play ?(5)Good idea!(6)we can make a snowman and throw snowballs.(7)They are playing in the snow重点难点1、听、说、认、读、写单词及短语:snow, blow, rain, look out of the window, get up, make a snowman, skate, clean the snow 2、掌握句型:Get up!Look out of the window!Its snowing/ raining.并能在实际生活中灵活运用。教学准备教师准备图片、单词卡。教学过程一、复习导入。1.做游戏:老师说一组祈使句,让学生听指令做动作。Go to school. Do your homework. Come here. Go there. Wash your face.Draw a picture. Watch TV. Sing a song.提醒学生注意老师是怎样发出一个接一个的指令的:当我们命令或要求别人做某事时,一般使用祈使句。为了礼貌,我们还可以在句首或句末加上 please。例如:Come in please. Please sing a song for us.2.接着,老师拿出一个图片(下雨图),问:Look! How is the weather? 学生回答:Its raining.换张下雪的图片问:How about this? 回答 :Its snowing.说明:现在进行时的意义:表示正在发生的动作或存在的状况。当我们描绘当前人正在做某事时,我们用 be+动词的现在分词来构成进行时态,其中be有人称、数的变化。3.老师放录音,学生反复听音并复述,进一步熟悉课文内容二、课堂练习请你看课本图片回答问题。A:Whats the weather like ?B:Its cloudy.A:What can you do?B:We can fly kite.仿照例句,独立完成课本19页的练习。三、作业安排(1).抄写单词。(2)背会本课对话板书设计教学反思 教学内容Lesson4 Its snowing (第三课时)教学目标1.会说会用这些句子:It is snowing.What can we do?We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.2.会说会用会写这些单词 snow blow skate。重点难点理解会说会用短语:look out of the window make a snowman clean the snow教学准备snow blow skate look out of the window make a snowman clean the snow 这些单词的图卡和词卡。教学过程一、 热身(Warming up)看flash动画,回答问题 。1)Whats the weather like today?(Its snowy .Its snowing.)2)Shall we go out to play?(Great/ Allright/Good idea.)二、 新课展示(New Presentation)词汇学习:展示本课对话主页图.1) Is it a fine day today?No.Its snowy. Look out of the window. Its snowing hard/heavily.Look out of the window.老师边说边朝窗外看。look out of 向外看做游戏练短语:Listen and do. Who can do faster?先请几个同学上来站在黑板前,老师背对着他们,手拿门,窗,教室或 学校的图片给全班同学看,让全班同学根据图片发指令,站在前面的同学听指令并快速作出反应,看谁做的又快又好。Look out of the window.Look out of the door.Look out of the classroom.Look out of the school.2) Its snowing( heavily).雪下的很大。snow,下雪,动词。我们还可以用这一组进行时态的句子描述天气:It is raining.The sun is shining. The wind is blowing.3) 示图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词: blow,动词,刮(风),吹(风)。The wind is blowing with snow.风加雪。It is very cold.4)Can we go out to play?Yes.We can skate.It can make you feel warm.示图卡, 示词卡,拼读拼写单词: skateCan you skate? Who can skate?请几个同学做做滑雪的样子。He/She can skate very well. I like skating.5)We can make a snowman. 出示图卡.A snowman with a mouth,a nose,and two eyes.Its very nice and interesting.示词卡,拼读拼写单词: make a snowmansnowman是个合成词,由snow和man组成 .6)And we can clean the snow on the road。 出示图卡We can clean the snow in front of the house, on the playground.示词卡,拼读拼写单词: clean the snowclean檫,打扫游戏:Listen and do.先请几个同学上来站在黑板前,老师背对着他们,手拿门,窗,课桌,椅子,黑板的图片给全班同学看,让全班同学根据图片发指令,站在前面的同学听指令并快速作出反应,看谁做的又快又好。Clean the desk.Clean the blackboard.Clean the window.Clean the chair.Clean the door.三作业布置板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson 5 Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of the year。(第一课时)教学目标1、能听、说、认、读、写有关季节的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter,以及月份词October,并能在日常生活中灵活使用。2、能听懂、会说短语:go boating, go swimming, go to pick apples, make a snowman , in the picture重点难点1、听、说、认、读、写单词spring, summer, autumn, winter, October2、掌握句型:(1)What are you drawing ?(2)What are you doing in the picture?(3)Im drawing/ boating/ swimming/ picking apples/ making a snowman.教学准备1、一年四季的图片 2、学生自己绘制的四季图教学过程一、复习导入1、师生之间互相问好,然后学生做值日汇报。2、复习第四课韵文,老师重点强调几个正在进行的动作的句子。二、新授新授词句: (1)出示课本第23页的图片,让学生说出图片内容:go boating, go swimming, make a snowman.学生熟练掌握后,可以让学生以问答的形式进行会话练习。如:What are you doing?Im boating/ swimming/ making a snowman. (2)拿出pick apples的图片进行讲解,让学生熟练掌握此短语,并围绕以上四个图片进行会话练习。(3)老师在出示四季的图片,让学生学说单词spring, summer, autumn, winter.学生可以通过猜画的游戏来练习并掌握这四个单词。可以将全班同学分为男生队和女生队,女同学举着图片问,男同学回答。三、 课堂练习1、让学生通过做课本第23页的替换练习,熟练掌握这几个短语和句子。2、学生上台表演。3、让学生做更多的练习。老师可以提供给学生更多的时间和空间,让他们自由的发挥想象,编出适合自己的会话。 四、作业安排1、学生认读图片。2、熟记并会写、会用所学单词及短语。板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson 5 Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of the year。(第二课时)教学目标1、听、说、认、读、写下列单词及短语:spring, summer, autumn, winter, October, pick apples, flower, harvest, season2、能听懂、会说短语:the four seasons of a year, the beach in summer, the harvest in autumn, the snow in winter3、能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型:(1)Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year. (2)How can you draw them? (3)I draw the flowers in spring, the beach in summer, the harvest in autumn and the snow in winter.(4)It looks really nice.重点难点1、听、说、认、读、写单词flower, beach, harvest, snow2、掌握句型: (1)Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year. (2)How can you draw them?(3)I draw the flowers in spring, the beach in summer, the harvest in autumn and the snow in winter教学准备课本第23页的4幅图片,日历一份、单词卡片。教学过程一、复习导入1、教师先和学生进行非正式的打招呼,并增加内容:What day is it today? Hows the weather today? Which season is now? Which season do you like?2、学生朗诵第四课的韵文并加上动作表演。3、复习词汇:教师先出示一年四季图片,用Which season is it?来提问,让学生用It is spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter.来回答。出示有关户外活动图片,进行以下对话:What are you doing?Im boating/ swimming/ picking apples/ making a snowman.提醒学生be+动词-ing形式是现在进行时态,表示正在进行的动作。动词后加-ing 有不同的规则。二、新授1、教授词汇:教师出示的图片,让学生认读,并把这四个单词分别写在黑板的四个不同地方,然后在黑板上画画,边画边说:Look! What am I doing? Im drawing pictures. I draw the beach in summer. I draw the snow in winter. What can I draw in spring? Oh, flowers. I draw the flowers in spring. I draw the harvest in autumn. They look nice.教授 flower, spring; beach, summer; harvest, autumn; snow, winter.2、传悄悄话做游戏:3、教授对话:三、 课堂练习1、学生分组练习对话。2、变换句式练习并巩固本课对话,老师指导。四、 作业安排1、听录音并背诵课文内容。2、和同学进行对话练习。教学反思教学内容Lesson 5 Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of the year。(第三课时)教学目标1、听、说、认、读、写下列单词及短语:spring, summer, autumn, winter, October, pick apples, flower, harvest, season2、能听懂、会说短语:the four seasons of a year, the beach in summer, the harvest in autumn, the snow in winter3、能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型:(1)Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year.(2)How can you draw them?重点难点1、听、说、认、读、写单词flower, beach, harvest, snow2、掌握句型:(1)Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year.(2)How can you draw them?教学准备多媒体课件教学过程一、复习导入1、教师先和学生进行非正式的打招呼,并增加内容:What day is it today? Hows the weather today? Which season is now? Which season do you like?2、复习词汇:教师先出示一年四季图片,用Which season is it?来提问,让学生用It is spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter.来回答。出示有关户外活动图片,进行以下对话:What are you doing?Im boating/ swimming/ picking apples/ making a snowman.提醒学生be+动词-ing形式是现在进行时态,表示正在进行的动作。动词后加-ing 有不同的规则。二、新授1、教授词汇:教师出示的图片,让学生认读,并把这四个单词分别写在黑板的四个不同地方,然后在黑板上画画,边画边说:Look! What am I doing? Im drawing pictures. I draw the beach in summer. I draw the snow in winter. What can I draw in spring? Oh, flowers. I draw the flowers in spring. I draw the harvest in autumn. They look nice.教授 flower, spring; beach, summer; harvest, autumn; snow, winter.2、教授对话:四 课堂练习1、学生分组练习对话。2、变换句式练习并巩固本课对话,老师指导。五 作业安排1、听录音并背诵课文内容。2、和同学进行对话练习。3、做活动手册。板书设计教学反思教学内容Lesson 6Which season do you like best?(第一课时)教学目标1、能够正确使用 “Which season do you like best?” “Why do you like best?” 2、“Which season dont you like?”进行个人季节爱好的询问;能使用 “I like best. Because .” 3、“I dont like . Because .”对自己喜欢和不喜欢的季节及缘由进行说明。重点难点熟练运用下列巨型:(1)Which season do you like best?Why?(2)I can fly a kite go climbing go roller-skating fly a model plane eat fruits。教学准备2.教师准备单词卡片和图卡。教学过程一.Warming-up1. play the game “get the key words.”(weather cloth activity festival season)2. play the game “how manydo you know?”3. free talk: Which season do you like best,S1?”游戏一是给出下线种类单词,找出“属类”词语。(已有幻灯)游戏二是提供这些“属类”词语,请学生说说每种知道多少词语。(补充,节日时,语言要进行训练How many festivals are there in ? There are . and . Spring is sweet for me.)从自由交谈中,找出喜欢春夏秋冬的四位同学。并说明理由,提示表格。(投影表格)二.Presentation1. Today we have a task: Which season does Class 3 Grade 6 like best?we have four friends enjoy our class.(出示头饰 swallow frog leaf snowman)Let me introduce them to you.(This is swallow. In spring, he comes to HangZhou.)S1 say welcome to HangZhou.( This is Mr frog. Do you remember a chant, one little frog has one big mouth, two big eyes and four strong eyes?.In summer, hes very busy.today , he join us, what do you want to say?)S2 Hello,frog, how many legs do you have?(This is Miss leaf. She looks like a dancer.)(This is Mr snowman, our old friend.Hes lovely.)2. role playS1 youre swallow now.(分好四个角色)Ask your friend, which season do you like best?S1 -s5 (Hello, welcome to our class.Can I ask you some questions?.( 在投影表格的提醒下,s5 说明爱好及理由。老师适时在黑板上标上笑脸。)S2S6; S3S7; S4S8(选择两轮生生问答)3. T: Excuse me ,can I ask you some questions,Mr Swallow?Which season dont you like? Why?S1: I dont like winter. Because its too cold.S2: I dont like spring. Because sometimes its warm ,sometimes its cool.S3: I dont like summer .Because its too hot.S4: I dont like fall. Because its too cool.(教师把这四位同学的回答用哭脸的形式标记在黑板上。)通过前面四位同学的自由交谈,自然引出本课时的学习目标调查六同学最喜爱的季节,同时引出“四季宝宝”,与大家一起学习,参与调查。 教师在介绍时,拟人化各个角色,对“四季宝宝进行一句话的简单介绍,辅导学生对“他们”说一些欢迎的话。三、课堂练习根据课本 图片进行情景对话练习。四、作业安排抄写单词;背诵课文教学反思:教学内容Lesson 6Which season do you like best?(第二课时)教学目标1、能听、说、认、读、写下列单词和短语:August 、September、 October2 、能听懂、会说、会写、会用句型: (1)Which season do you like best?(2)Why?(3)I can .3、能听懂句子:(1)How many seasons in a year?(2)Whats the weather like in spring summerautumnwinter?重点难点重点:四会单词和短语:August 、September、 October 的听说读写。难点:熟练运用下列句型: (1)Which season do you like best?(2)Why?(3)I can .教学准备1、关于季节的图片 2、多媒体课件3、教学卡片及挂图 并准备以上短语的词卡。4.第49页挂图。教学过程一.Warming-up自由交谈.T:Hello,everyone.


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