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PMP试题(435道)1. Communications is best described as:A. an exchange of information.B. providing written or oral directions.C. consists of senders and receiversD. effective listening.E. All of the aboveANS: E2. Fixed Price contracts place more risk on the:A. ownerB. buyerC. sellerD. contractorE. C or DANS: E3. Life cycle costing is the total cost to the customer for the acquisition and ownership over its full life. Life cycle costing categories include the costof _, _, and _.A. R & D, maintainability, operation and support.B. R & D, production, operation and support.C. Acquisition, operations, maintenance.D. Production, operations, maintenance.E. None of the aboveANS: B4. Management By Objectives assumes that the team:A. is receptive to an unstructured environment.B. does not require close supervision.C. possesses a self directed philosophyD. identifies with project objectives.E. All of the above.ANS: E5. Quality may be defined as:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement of products and servicesD. appeal to the customerE. All of the above except BANS: E6. Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to:A. cover all project risks by buying appropriate insuranceB. ignore the risks, since nothing can be done about them and move forward with the project in an expeditious manner.C. avoid projects with clear and present risksD. eliminate all known risks prior to the execution phase of the projectE. identify various risks and implement actions to mitigate their potential impactANS: E7. The process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve the project objectives is part of:A. The scope baseline.B. Scope authorizationC. Scope definitionD. Scope planning.E. All of the above.ANS: D8. Time management is the allocation of time in a projects life cycle through the process of:A. PlanningB. Estimating.C. Scheduling.D. ControllingE. All of the above.ANS: E9. A comprehensive definition of scope management would be:A. Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.B. Approval of the scope baseline.C. Approval of the detailed project charter.D. Configuration control.E. Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation, linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.ANS: A10. Cost Plus Percentage of Cost contracts are more desirable for the:A. ownerB. buyerC. sellerD. contractorE. C or DANS: E11. Management styles associated with production environments, such as assembly lines commonly include:A. a directing style of leadership.B. a lack of confidence in their workersC. assumption that workers lack ambition and dislike responsibilityD. a Theory X style of leadershipE. All of the above.ANS: E12. Quality management:A. is another name for careful inspections.B. is inversely related to productivity.C. is primarily the responsiblity of management.D. is primarily the responsibility of the workers.E. is essentially a motivational technique.ANS: C13. Risk management allows the project manager and the project team to:A. eliminate most risks during the planning phase of the projectB. identify project risksC. identify impacts of various risksD. plan suitable responsesE. B, C and D onlyANS: E14. Scheduling is the process by which decisions are made concerning:A. Tasks to be accomplished.B. Personnel/organization that will be assigned to accomplish the task.C. Time when the tasks are to be completed.D. All of the above.E. A and C only.ANS: E15. The basic elements of communication include:A. Listening, talking and sign language.B. Communicator, encoding, message, medium, decoding, receiver, and feedbackC. Clarity of speech and good listening habitsD. Reading, writing and listeningE. All of the aboveANS: B16. Which of the following would most likely increase the accuracy of estimating the project cost?A. Pricing out the work at lower levels in the work breakdown structure.B. Using historical data.C. Talking to people who have worked on similar projects.D. All of the above.E. A and C only.ANS: D17. A variance envelope has been established on a project. The envelope goes from +-30% in R&D to +-5% during manufacturing. The reason forthe change in thickness of the envelope is because:A. The management reserve has been used up.B. The accuracy of the estimates in manufacturing are worse than the estimates in R & D.C. Tighter controls are always needed as a project begins to wind down.D. Of the personal desires of the project sponsor.E. Of none of the aboveANS: E18. Cost of quality is:A. associated with non-conformance to specifications and requirements.B. primarily caused by poor workmanship of workers who are building or manufacturing the product.C. used to determine whether a quality management program is suitable for a given project.D. negligible for most large projects.E. A and BANS: A19. Management plans include all of the following except:A. Organization of project.B. Job decriptions.C. Policies and procedures.D. Linear responsibility charts.E. Scope baseline.ANS: E20. The Japanese resource management model exhibits:A. a cooperative spirit of goal setting.B. non-specialized career pathsC. frequent changes in team assignmentsD. a Theory Z style of managementE. All of the above.ANS: E21. The highest degrees of project risk and uncertainty are associated with the following phase of the project:A. conceptualB. executionC. cut-overD. post project evaluationE. A and D onlyANS: A22. The most common types of schedules are Gantt charts, milestone charts, line of balance, and:A. Networks.B. Time phased events.C. Calendar integrated activities.D. A and C only.E. B and C only.ANS: A23. Which of the following is often overlooked in achieving effective communication?A. speaking clearlyB. listeningC. interpretingD. maintaining eye contactE. manipulating the conversationANS: B24. Which type of contract requires that the buyer keep the tightest labor/material cost control?A. Cost Plus Incentive FeeB. Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC. Cost Plus Fixed FeeD. Firm Fixed PriceE. Firm Fixed Price Plus IncentiveANS: B25. A task-oriented family tree of activities is a:A. Detailed plan.B. Linear responsibility chart.C. Work breakdown structure.D. Cost account coding system.E. Work package decription.ANS: C26. Adding 5 people to a 4 person team increases the communication channels by a factor of:A. 2 timesB. 3 timesC. 4 timesD. 5 timesE. 6 timesANS: E27. Cost management includes:A. Cost estimating/forecasting.B. Cost budgeting/cost control.C. Cost applications.D. All of the above.E. A and B only.ANS: D28. Participative Management:A. involves the solicitation of information from all team members.B. assumes that members avoid work and responsibility.C. suggests the sharing of power and decision making.D. employs a Theory X style of leadership.E. A and CANS: E29. The auditing function that provides feedback about the quality of output is referred to as:A. quality control.B. quality planning.C. quality assurance.D. quality improvementE. All of the above.ANS: C30. The lowest dollar amount at stake is associated with the following phase of the project:A. conceptualB. executionC. cut-overD. post project evaluationE. A and D onlyANS: A31. The major disadvantage of a bar chart is:A. Lack of time-phasing.B. Cannot be related to calendar dates.C. does not show activity interrelationships.D. Cannot be related to manpower planning.E. Cannot be related to cost estimates.ANS: C32. Which contract type consists of - target costs & profit, ceiling prices and shared ratio of risk?A. Cost Plus Incentive FeeB. Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC. Cost Plus Fixed FeeD. Firm Fixed PriceE. Firm Fixed Price Plus IncentiveANS: E33. Methods and techniques used to examine cost and technical data are called feasibility studies. The economic aspects of a feasibility studyinclude interest rates, present worth factors, operating costs, depreciation and _.A. Capitalization costs.B. Technical skill requirements.C. Technology forecasting.D. Strategic marketing intelligence.E. All of the above.ANS: A34. Standard of purchased material:A. Simplifies inventory controlB. reduces the risk of obsolescenceC. reduces cost of purchasing and storageD. All of the above.E. A and C only.ANS: E35. The control points in the work breakdown structure used for isolated assignments to work centers are referred to as:A. Work packages.B. Subtasks.C. Tasks.D. Code of accounts.E. Integration points.ANS: C36. The utility of network-based schedules:A. Reveals interdependencies.B. Facilitates what if exercises.C. Highlights critical activities.D. Provides information on resource requirements, time requirements and tradeoffs.E. All of the above.ANS: E37. The way a project manager sends and receives information depends upon:A. How others relate to the project managerB. The project managers level in the organizational hierarchyC. the size and nature of the projectD. the project managers salary and ageE. the number of projects going on at one time in the companyANS: A38. Uncertainty refers to a situation where:A. the outcomes are known but their probabilities are highB. the outcomes and their probabilities are knownC. neither the outcomes nor their probabilities are knownD. states of nature can change at any timeE. probabilities of various states of nature can change at any timeANS: C39. Which of the following is closet to Demings definition of Quality:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement of products and services.D. customer focus.E. All of the above.ANS: C40. It is useful to conduct project risk assessment according to the projectsA. charterB. statement of workC. Work Breakdown structureD. networkE. budgetANS: C41. Management decision-making includes:A. Analysis of alternatives.B. Revisions/replanning.C. Resource allocation.D. Modification or updating of goals and objectives.E. All of the above.ANS: E42. The basic terminology for networks includes:A. Activities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B. Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skill levels.C. Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D. Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, and activities.E. Time estimates, slack time, report writing, life cycle phases, and crashing times.ANS: C43. The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people.The project managers communication dilemma is one of:A. encodingB. decodingC. choice of a mediumD. one-way communicationE. All of the above.ANS: E44. The technique most commonly used to determine the profitability of a project includes _ methods.A. Net present value (NPV).B. Return on investment (ROI).C. Discounted cash flow (DCF)D. Payout time and risk sensitivity analysis.E. All of the above.ANS: E45. Which of the following are part of the purchasing cycle:A. define needB. prepare and issue purchase orderC. inspect incoming goodsD. All of the above.E. A and B onlyANS: E46. Which of the following is closest to Jurans definition of Quality:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement.D. customer focus.E. All of the above.ANS: B47. A project element which lies between two events is called:A. An activity.B. A critical path method.C. A slack milestone.D. A timing slot.E. A calendar completion point.ANS: A48. Employee unions would most likely satisfy which level in Maslows hierarchy of needs?A. BelongingB. Self-actualizationC. EsteemD. SafetyE. EmpowermentANS: A49. Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank and file. This is an example of:A. Upward communicationB. Downward communicationC. One-way communicationD. Two-way communicationE. None of the above.ANS: C50. Project management/project planning is most closely aligned with:A. Long range/strategic planning (5 years or more).B. Intermediate range planning (1 to 5 years)C. Short range/tactical planning (1 year or less).D. All of the above.E. B and C.ANS: E51. The profitability and technical data studies are provided in report format to owners and funders for acceptance. This type of report, used tosolicit funding, is referred to as a(n) _.A. Project feasibility study.B. Economic evaluation analysis.C. Risk management manual.D. Prospectus.E. None of the aboveANS: D52. Which of the following constitute Jurans quality trilogy:A. planning, inspection, control.B. planning, improvement, control.C. planning, organization, control.D. product, price, customer.E. design, build, deliver.ANS: B53. Which of the following is most closely associated with business risk:A. profit and lossB. personnel turnoverC. workmens compensationD. liability insuranceE. All of the above.ANS: A54. Which of the following types of contracts is equivalent to a cost plus contract:A. Fixed firm priceB. Cost reimbursableC. Fixed price plus incentive feeD. progress paymentsE. All of the above.ANS: B55. A project manager recently rewarded an individual with a promotion that carried with it a very small salary increase but substantially moreresponsibility. The project manager appears to be appealing to the employees _ need.A. MonetaryB. PhysiologicalC. EsteemD. Self-actualizationE. Team-buildingANS: C56. Most project (and non-project) managers prefer _ communications.A. OralB. WrittenC. UpwardD. DownwardE. LateralANS: A57. On a precedence diagram, the arrow between two boxes is called:A. An activity.B. A constraint.C. An event.D. The critical path.E. None of above.ANS: B58. Quality control charts show a characteristic of the product or service against:A. the specification limits.B. customer requirements.C. control limits based on three standard deviations in each direction.D. control limits based on six standard deviations in each direction.E. A and D onlyANS: C59. The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives areindentified in the _ phase of the project but first documented in the project _.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan.ANS: A60. The work breakdown structure, the work packages, and the companys accounting system are tied together through the:A. Code of accounts.B. Overhead rates.C. Budgeting system.D. Capital budgeting process.E. All of the above.ANS: A61. Which of the following is an element of procurement management:A. inspectionB. purchasingC. estimatingD. expeditingE. A, B and D onlyANS: E62. Which of the following is most closely associated with pure risk:A. profit and lossB. personnel turnoverC. insuranceD. market fluctuationsE. A and D onlyANS: C63. Assignable cause or special variation is:A. is indicated when a point falls outside the control limits.B. is indicated when a point falls outside the specification limits.C. is indicated when a run of seven or more points fall above the center line of a standard control chart.D. is indicated when a run of seven or more points fall below the center line of a standard control chart.E. A, C, and D.ANS: E64. In the arrow diagramming method (ADM), _ do not consume time or resources.A. Events.B. ActivitiesC. Slack elements.D. B and C only.E. All of the above.ANS: A65. Management reserve is generally intended to be used to:A. implement additional unbudgeted scopeB. compensate for inaccurate estimatesC. cover major unforeseen catastrophesD. cover unforeseen problems in the projectE. All of the above.ANS: D66. Project management has been proven to be successful because employees get to see the entire effort, from beginning to end, rather than justsmall pieces. This could be considered an example of:A. Behavioral modificationB. Linking performance to payC. Positive job reinforcementD. Job enrichmentE. All of the aboveANS: D67. Project managers that are available to answer questions, provide guidance when need, and generally do not interfere with day-to-day activitieshave a(n) _ managerial style.A. AutocraticB. ConciliatoryC. EthicalD. FacilitativeE. JudicialANS: D68. The scope baseline once established and approved, is used:A. as the basis for making future decisions.B. to accomplish verification measures.C. to evaluate potential changes.D. All of the above.E. A and C only.ANS: D69. The three most common types of project cost estimates are:A. Order of magnitude, parametric, and budget.B. Parametric, definitive and top down.C. Order of magnitude, definitive and bottom up.D. Order of magnitude, budget and definitive.E. Analogy, parametric and top down.ANS: D70. To calculate the expected value of an outcome:A. divide the value of each outcome by its probability, then add the results.B. divide the value of the desired outcome by the value all possible outcomesC. multiply the value of each outcome by its probability, then add the resultsD. use linear regression to assess the expected value of the outcomeE. B and D onlyANS: C71. Activities with zero time duration are referred to as:A. Critical path activites.B. Noncritical path activities.C. Slack time activities.D. DummiesE. None of above.ANS: D72. For a given characteristic in a construction process, the standard deviation associated with production variation is 0.8, and the standarddeviation associated with measurement variation is 0.6. The total standard deviation for this characteristic is:A. 1.4B. 1.2.C. 1.0D. 0.8E. 0.2ANS: C73. Project cash reserves are often used for adjustment in escalation factors which may be beyond the control of the project manager. Other thanpossibly financing (interest) costs and taxes, the three most common escalation factors involve changes in:A. Overhead rates, labor rates and material costs.B. Overhead rates, schedule slippages, and rework.C. Rework, cost-of-living adjustments, and overtime.D. Material costs, shipping cost, and scope changes.E. Labor rates, material costs, and cost reporting.ANS: A74. Selective perception is _ of new conflicting information that may result, in a breakdown in communication.A. EncodingB. Blocking outC. TransmissionD. AcceptanceE. DecodingANS: B75. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is an excellent tool for objective control and evaluation. Which of the following is generally NOTvalidated through the WBS?A. Time, schedule and cost.B. Management coordination and organization structuring.C. Work methods and accountability.D. Quality of work.E. Risk and impact decision-making.ANS: D76. When working in an environment that uses learning curves, the most effective plan for creating the perception that pay is related toperformance is to provide the team members with an individual salary plus bonus based up


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