英语七年级下外研版Module 6 The Olympic adventure Unit 2 English for Olympic Games教案

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课题 Module 6 The Olympic adventureUnit 2 English for Olympic Games.课型New课时教学目标1. Aims1) To grasp the main idea of the passage.2) To use the adverbs correctly.2.Key vocabulary: neighborhood, committee, arrive, late, other, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, need, quickly, well, badly, carelessly, better, young, hard, cassette, carefully, quietly, continue, untilTarget language: Its difficult to do教学重点polysyllabic comparative degree& adverbs(adv.) 多音节形容词比较级&副词教学难点To use the adverbs correctly.教学方法practice教具准备PPT, pictures 板书设计Module 6 The Olympic adventure Unit 2 English for Olympic Games. 教 学 过 程2 / 6教师活动学生活动教学设计Step .Leading in Ask the students: 1) Which country will hold the 2008 Olympic Games? 2) Whats the 2008 Olympic Mascot?3) What changes does the 2008 Olympic Games bring to Beijing?Step . Reading& Comprehension1. The Ss read the passage as quickly as they can and choose a photo for it.2. Ask the Ss to read the passage to find out the people who are learning English and how they are learning.3. Learn some language points and write the answers to the questions in Activity2.4. Find out the pair adverbs with opposite meanings and read the adverbs.Step . GrammarA +be+形容词比较级 +than+B多音节词和部分双音节词在形容词的前面加morebeautiful- more beautiful美丽的exciting- more exciting兴奋的careful- more careful仔细的popular- more popular流行的tiring- more tiring 累人的expensive- more expensive 贵的Whole-class work:Look at the pictures and Answer some questions.Whole-class work:Look at some pictures with the words, say out their opposite words .Group work: Read and discuss the conversation in groups. At last ask some groups to translate the conversation.relaxing- more relaxing 放松的Step. Practice1. Ask the Ss to try to say something about themselves using the adverbs they learned.l I get to school l The teacher speaks to us l We need to learn English l We need to speak English l I work l I check my vocabulary at home l I listen to my lessons 2. Focus the students attention: How to comparel Running is cheaper and safer than diving.l Swimming is easier than gymnastics.l Table tennis is more popular than judo.Adverbs vs. Adjectives Dont try to do something too quickly or carelessly. Running is easy, safe and good.Step . HomeworkRecite wordsDo the exercise1 on p108-1,2,3.Pairs work:Make a similar conversations 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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