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PEP六下Unit3 Where did you go? Part B Lets talk【教学目标】a.知识、技能目标1. 100%的学生能够听、说、认读三会单词和短语:beach、sound、took lots of pictures、went swimming、bought gifts、ate fresh food.2. 95%以上的学生能够熟练的使用目标语句Where did you go over the holidays? How did you go there? What did you do there?3. 95%以上的学生能够借助教材准确的朗读Lets talk.部分的对话。4. 90%以上的学生能够使用一般过去时态简单、准确的描述自己的旅游经历。b.情感目标1激发并进一步强化学生学习英语的兴趣。2树立学习英语的自信心,大胆自信的用英语实行交流。3培养学生合理的安排自己的假期生活。【教材重难点】1.听、说并认读动词eat, buy, go, take的过去式。2.理解Lets talk部分的对话内容。3.灵活的使用目标语句来询问别人的旅游经历以及使用一般过去时态描述自己的旅游经历。【教学步骤】Step 1. Warmer1.Greetings. Good morning ,children, How are you today?2.Show yuntu Boys and girls, what can you see?(设计意图:让学生说说自己理解的单词,一方面是为了活跃气氛,激发学习兴趣,使学生很自然地进入良好的学习状态,另一方面是想激活学生已有的知识储备,为下面的教学环节作铺垫。)3. Free talks.(1)- Who is she?- She is - Where did she go last winter holiday?- She went to (课件表现)(2)-Where did you go last winter holiday?-I went to(设计意图:了解学生的寒假,在和学生自由对话的同时,一方面检测学生的语言基础,回顾一般过去时态的意义。同时也能拉近与学生的距离,创设一种轻松的和谐的师生关系。在这个环节根据学生回答情况进一步提出问题如What did you do there? Did you have fun?)Step 2. Lead in1.Present the topic. Today ,lets go on learning Unit3.Where did you go?并表现本节课的教学任务:学习如何谈论自己的旅游经历。2.Lead in. Do you want to know about Amys winter holiday? Where did she go over the winter holiday? Now, Lets enjoy a dialogue.(设计意图:激发学生的问题意识,通过问题检测学生对整个对话的理解水平,当然,这个问题比较简单,能够激发学生回答问题的欲望以及学习英语的信心。)Step3 Presentation1. Listen and answer.学生带着问题听录音。Where did Amy go over the winter holiday?引导学生找出答案:She went to Sanya.(板书)课件表现一段相关三亚的视频。Do you want to go to Sanya? Ok, lets know more about Sanya. Here are some pictures.课件表现三亚的照片,引导学生用英语描述三亚。What do you think of Sanya?Its warm.Its beautiful.Its famous for travelling.(通过视频以及图片的方式呈现三亚,一方面可以呈现一种轻松的学习氛围,同时加深对三亚的印象,通过描述三亚这一语言活动,培养了学生组织语言的能力。)课件呈现中国地图:Look, children, Amy is in Beijing. Where is Sanya? Its far from Beijing. We are in Binzhou. Binzhou is far from Hainan.(课件呈现中国地图,并标示出北京和三亚的距离,进而学习far from这一短语,同时为呈现How did Amy go there?做语言铺垫。)2.Look and choose.So, guess please. How did she go there?课件呈现汽车和飞机图片。Ask the children to choose the answer.板书:She went there by plane.3.Read and fill.Hainan is so beautiful. What did Amy do there? Ask the children read the dialogue and fill in the words.课件呈现。并出示单词卡片took 和went.分组朗读。(板书)4.Jigsaw Puzzle. Did Amy do anything else in Hainan?课件呈现拼图游戏,引导学生猜出Amy在海南还会做什么?从而引出ate fresh food 和bought gifts.新授并板书.(通过拼图游戏,一方面激发学习兴趣,另一方面在学习新的动词的过去式之前激发学生对已学的动词的过去式的回忆。同时也培养了学生的想象力和思维力。)5.Listen and imitate .This is Amys winter holiday. What do you think about it?Now, lets listen and imitate.6.Read in roles.Ask the children to read the dialogue in roles. Then read it out.(指导朗读,关注语音语调。)Step4、practice1. Fill in the words.Do you know about Amys winter holiday? Ask the children to fill in the words. Last winter holiday I _to Hainan. Hainan was very_ _here.So I went there by_. Then I went to the _.I _pictures and went swimming there. I _fresh food and _gifts there.(通过设计这一活动,一是检测学生对文本的理解力,二是进一步巩固几个动词eat, but, take的过去式的不规则变化。)2. Retell Amys winter holiday.Ask the children to retell Amys holiday in groups.(通过借助图片复述文本,进一步检测学生对文本的掌握程度,以及运用语言的能力。)3.Do you want to know my winter holiday? Let the children try to ask me some questions about my winter holiday.(想不想了解一下老师的寒假呢?让学生试着提问问题,如Where did you go? What did you do?培养学生的问题意识,为描述自己的寒假做铺垫。) 4.Present my winter holiday.Ask the children to read my winter holiday, and talk about it in groups.(呈现自己的寒假旅游经历,进一步巩固并梳理如何用一般过去时描述自己的旅游经历)5. Show time.Let students write their winter holidays.(在学习Amy的寒假旅游经历,了解我的寒假旅游基础上,通过学习方法的指导进而让学生借助范文描述一下自己的旅游经历,从而达到运用语言的能力。)Step5、Homework Talk about your winter holiday in groups.


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